The War We Are In – Ultimate Truth and the National Socialist Party

Editor: In a new installment of Joseph D. Leatherwood’s “The War We Are In,” he proves that truth and the National Socialist Party are mortal enemies. Even worse, he shows how its psychopathic members have redefined truth to fit into whatever power play they decide to impose on their victims.

Ultimate Truth and the National Socialist Party

The National Socialist Party (NSP), what you insist on calling the Democrat Party, is without equivocation the greatest threat to this nation and its people. The NSP is a conglomeration of socialist factions ranging from communists to fascists to soft-peddling Fabians (Welfare Statists). The NSP’s overriding objective is the acquisition, maintenance, consolidation, and extension of their political power.  Monopoly, one-party State rule is what they seek.

To achieve this, they are agnostic to means.  They are dedicated to seizing absolute control of the mechanisms and instrumentalities of government to exercise power as they deem appropriate, e.g., confiscation of guns. This has been their objective since the days of the KKK, and that philosophical strain continues, e.g., embodied in identity politics, eugenics (abortion), State control, and societal and cultural (moral) fragmentation. NSP tactics and strategies have evolved, integrating differing philosophical strains, namely, Syndicalism, Fascism, Communism, and Fabianism. It persists in operating under the banner of “progressivism;” do not be fooled, “progressivism” does not mean progress.  In fact, it generally signals a retrogression of virtues, e.g., the French Revolution was considered “progressive.” But Progressivism is the philosophy of reactionary statism and embodies extremism. Reactionary statism is always peddled to the masses as the solution to all of society’s problems.

Socialist Politics – The War Against Truth

The NSP believes politics is war by other means, and their brash stealing of the 2020 Presidential election demonstrates how far they are willing to go to seize power.  That is why their rote slogans include “by any means necessary” and “never let a crisis go to waste.” Their characteristics? Deceivers, Liars, Dividers, Discriminators, Bigots, Imposers, Unrelenting, Destroyers, Nihilistic, Authoritarian, In-tolerant, Totalitarian, Reactionary, Pseudo-intellectual, Anointed. Socialism is the religion of the Statist Reactionary.

The rise of socialism in the USA and around the world coincides with two long-term developments.  The first is their unrelenting disinformation (propaganda and indoctrination) campaigns (institutional war against) carried out through various societal institutions, e.g., the universities, trade unions, media, etc.  These institutional campaigns are designed to disseminate their lies, recruit followers, and prepare the way for taking power.  Today we call it cultural Marxism; it operates under the euphemism of “critical theory” because it is critical of everything with the purposes of (1) destroying values, traditions, beliefs, and culture and (2) turning people against each other and the nation.

The second trend is socialism’s violent destruction (systemic war against) of Christianity, Judaism, and other religions that stand in their way.  This is well documented and embodied in their wars against humanity to impose their utopianism, e.g., Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Castro Cuba, and the list is endless.  Through propagation and terror, the rise of socialism not so coincidentally coincides with the growing Christian and Jewish apostasy.

Socialist Replacement of Truth with Dogma

The one sure way of identifying how un-American and corrupt the National Socialist Party is is understanding their notion of truth. For socialists, truth has already been discovered and known. When socialists claim they are “following the science” or “following the law,” they really mean they are following socialist dogma. Accordingly, they need not search for truth, as is Western Civilization’s tradition; to the socialists, the way forward has already been laid down by some anointed thinker, e.g., Marx, Lenin or Alinsky, and we need only follow their path.  No matter the issue, the way to “build, back, better” or move “Forward” can be found in socialist ideology. Amongst socialists, “truth” is perfect and fully developed and any deviation will not and cannot be tolerated. It is why everything, e.g., science, law, media, religion, entertainment, economics, management, et al., has been politicized in society.

For national socialists, truth comes from the barrel of a gun, meaning they will use the coercive powers of the State to enforce their will. Through the acquisition, maintenance, consolidation, and extension of political power come the triumph of the will over reason. Socialism is about economics only in the sense that it is about imposing social control over the populous, which extends to controlling the means of production. Its central aim is to impose and enforce conformity and compliance. As we sit here today, the State administrators call for the silencing of any opposition to their vision of order.  To enforce that, they are retaining the instrumentalities of the State to enforce a systemic abrogation of Constitutional rights. Under the NSP, the State is transforming into a source of terror to coerce, compel, threaten, and intimidate citizens through fear – to enforce will over reason.

Totalitarian Political Force

The totalitarian believes he or she is the only one capable of righteously applying political force (power) “to make things right” or “for the good of all.” It is why totalitarians are always moral narcissists. Be they communists, fascists, or Fabians. Ultimate truth means absolute control of the mechanisms and instrumentalities of the State. Such a condition offers the ability (“right” in their minds) to use power and force in the most constructive means necessary based on their truth (party line). Power and its application are ultimate truth. That is why will is always hegemonic to reason under socialism.

For example, look at how National Socialists employed the pandemic and militant savagery to empower themselves over the past year across the USA.

The COVID-19 Relief Bill should have been named the Comprehensive Intragovernmental Money Laundering Scheme to Reward National Socialists and National Socialism. Why? A national pacification program was carried out using bureaucratic directives accepted as a determinant truth. The pacification program has been little more than a mechanism of State control. Its entire purpose was to convince large numbers of people such directives would stop the spread. The truth is these direct actions against citizens elongated the curve, thus, prolonging the spread of the CCP-V and extending the suffering of millions of Americans. These actions were not based on any science but ideology. Under such actions, the State has tried to replace God.

Under the directives, the truth became whatever the State and the Party said it was. The test of reality, common sense or the scientific method, was rejected and myths became “Truth.” Coercion, compulsion, threats, hysteria, and intimidation became a means to an end.

Socialist Myths and Myth-Making

This level and type of corruption can only survive on myths and myth-making. The State and its auxiliary, the Reich Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda, are engaged in an institutional and systemic effort to embargo and control information. The embargo consists of creating fake news and controlling its dissemination. Control is accomplished through the different platforms propagating the flow of information to stop We the People from seeing, hearing, or reading alternatives (truth). Alternatives to their “truth” are instantly discredited as lies, conspiracy theories, or propaganda. Alternatives are immediately tagged as controversial, hate-filled to create confusion and uncertainty as a means of refraction. Those espousing alternatives are denounced, smeared, and greeted with howls to investigate non-conformist views.  This is their attempt to establish an “Iron Curtain” around their “truth” to suppress alternatives, thus, destroying free speech.  Mythmaking and perpetual propaganda are the hallmarks of all totalitarian societies. They demand acceptance of their myths (false gods) as “truth” and their’ governance as legitimate. For this reason alone, it is why they cannot allow anyone to cross (penetrate) their border wall of “truth” to explode their myths.

Socialists embargo information because if the truth is known, their “truths” explode. They cannot be truthful about themselves, their history, their policies, or their purposes. They need an “Iron Curtain” to fence in and cover up their systemic lying (deception). The very purpose of State propaganda is to target, smear, confuse, and discredit any opposition or alternative to their policies and views.  Therefore, Alinsky is among their most celebrated and anointed thinkers.

Consider, we are being told nothing had been done by the Trump Administration to develop and deliver a vaccine; it was only after installing a demented old fool and his minions and socialist policies that anything was accomplished.  Really?

Socialist Machine Rooted in Corruption

The Reich Ministry is now telling us daily how perfect the world is. Nirvana has arrived because a demented old fool (sock puppet) and his minions are in charge. As an example of this propaganda, the socialist-of-the-chair and comrades are being celebrated for their willingness to print (create debt) $6,000 for every man, woman and child in the USA; so, they can return $1,400?  What about the other $4,600? Simple, it goes directly to bailing out corrupt, criminal socialists, their families, and their cronies (supporters). If it is nothing else, socialism is a perpetual printing press, debt creation machine rooted in corruption.

We are quickly devolving into a Servile State, where its institutions are working feverously to dissolve the roots tethering government to the Constitution, federalism, separation of powers, consent of the governed, the rule of law, and equal protection under the law. Governmental institutions are not servants of the people but have chosen sides – State (bureaucratic) self-interest has become paramount.

To cover this up, State propaganda must propagate lies. Daily, they pronounce to the world they are following the constitution, the will of the People, and fulfilling our desires (our consent). Unceasingly, they spread the myth that peace, prosperity, and morality have returned.  All is well because they are the ones brandishing State power “to make things right.” All their failures are the fault of others. These people are Gnostics, i.e., purveyors of a false religion built on worshipping the State (god).  AS “experts,” only they possess “truth” and the special understanding of how to bring utopia (socialism).  They seek enough apostates, the new pagans, to place them in power so they can apply their “truth” and special knowledge to fundamentally, i.e., destroy society.

Welcome to the Police State

The essential element for the totalitarian (servile) State is the police state. This development gives them the mechanisms for disseminating information as well as all the coercive powers to suppress any alternatives. The police state is employed to “protect” (propagandize) citizens against receiving real knowledge or truth. It is why the administrators can take both sides of any issue. By any means necessary means, they will oppose and suppress protest by one group (patriots) branding them as insurrectionists; but accept and endorse protests by another (Antifa-BLM), branding them as liberationists. The former are opponents; the latter are allies.

So, it is time for conservative commentators and analysts to stop complaining about obvious “double standards” and hypocrisy dominating policy discussions and related propaganda. Certainly, these actions are taking place, but constantly complaining is a waste of time, particularly if commentators think they are somehow shaming socialists or changing behavior. It will not. Since the installation of this illegitimate government, commentators have regurgitated these apparent dichotomies, that is, socialists (a) demanding every citizen take the vaccine and mandate they carry an id (CCP passport) to prove inoculation; all the while, (b) allowing anyone to register and vote (H.R. 1) without providing any id. What commentators do not realize; this behavior is perfectly consistent under socialism. Means are agnostic; ends are all that matters. Mandating citizens to carry CCP-V passports as proof and allowing anyone to vote without id supports the ultimate truth of communists. Both give them power and the means to apply that power.

This action represents what is called proximate truth.  That is, to advance their cause, socialists will often end up on both sides on an issue based on the situation and circumstances most beneficial to the party, e.g., the militant savagery of the past year.  Pragmatism is at the heart of this tactic to confuse opponents, expose weakness, and create disappointment. Understand, ultimate truth is all that matters; proximate truth must always be in support. This allows totalitarians to say or do anything at any moment in time so long as it is in support of Ultimate Truth. Lying (deception) is a necessary tactic for this corrupt world view. A kind of socialist taqiyya (the Shia name). After all, those of us who believe in God, liberty and liberty-based systems are considered non-believers, so lying to us is permissible based on the situation and circumstance to defeat us.

We the People Must Discover the Truth

We the People must discern (judge) the philosophy of the NSP rather than its attitudes as expressed in their false rhetoric and emotions. The NSP is the party of extremism and is in the pursuit of tyranny.

The world, humanity, and civilization are in crisis – that is TRUTH.  We have been brought to this state of affairs because of socialists, Gnostics, believing they can control us and the world.  They believe they can perfect mankind into some godless image of themselves.  They get away with this because we focus on the visible, but what we observe are only symptoms. The menace stalking the world, humanity, and civilization is invisible. While flesh and blood are certainly involved, we need look no further than the current “leadership” of the US government to understand; it is the princes and principalities of darkness directing this crisis. They rule the world system and are attempting to systematically purge Christian principles through a revolution of moral nihilism resulting in a growing apostasy, moral disintegration, and societal fragmentation. The world has gone mad. Believers are attacked, threatened, hunted down, and pushed out of the culture and political influence. Attacks come from both within the “church” and the world system. The worldly system is openly hostile to Christianity, stripping away its influence from the public square to minimize Christianity’s significance. As the rate of apostasy accelerates, so too the erosion of civilization and humanity.

Socialist Calamities

The world wants you and I to focus on the calamities gripping the world, calamities created by corrupt, incompetent governments around the world, including our own. The visible things we observe are not the real crisis.  The growing menace ravaging the earth, humanity, and civilization is a corrupt, incompetent government bent on collective enslavement guided by the Satanic Gnosticism of Marxist Socialism.

The National Socialist Party (“democrat”) has taken on the role of god, and that corruption has spread throughout government. The NSP seeks to redefine the State and its relationship to society, culture, and the individual. It has turned agencies into little more than intragovernmental money-laundering mechanisms, paying off public-sector unions, bureaucracies, and the corrupt criminal socialists “administering” them.  In those cases where the elected official opposes this corruption, bureaus go around them and straight to those paid off. The NSP has no problem employing government institutions against political opponents, e.g., the IRS, FBI, DOJ, ATF, military, EPA, et al. These agencies are police state mechanisms applying Alinskyite tactics (political ideology) to target, threaten, investigate, smear, intimidate, isolate, and destroy opponents, all operating under the imprimatur of law. Promising liberty, they are servants of corruption.  These totalitarians feel they have the right to carry out their notions without your consent.

The Republic has been overthrown, the Constitution is being trampled, the Declaration of Independence has been shredded, and extremists have seized power. Under this extremism, lies are deemed truth. A thing judged to be “true” based on the party line, how strongly and how far #Fakenews will push “truth,” and the level of conformity within society to “truth.” Extremists are incapable of reason or adhering to it. They are paranoiacs operating under a strong delusion, usually one based on exaggerated self-importance, sophistication, and “intellectualism.” They are moral narcissists obsessed with the delusion they know better than anyone else how individuals should live their lives and how society should be ordered and managed. Extremists are impervious to logic and opposing ideas. Opponents are dismissed, attacked, slandered, persecuted, and destroyed. “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”

Biden – Socialist-of-the-Chair

The socialist-of-the-chair (Biden) is still illegitimate, as is this government.  Government at all levels, including legislative bodies, executive offices, bureaucracies, and the courts failed to protect and defend the Constitution and electoral system. This failure sanctioned a treasonous overthrow of our republic, certified that attack, and then allowed the installation of a demented, decrepit crook and his culprits as rulers. Under this extremism, elements felt justified in their deposition of the Trump Administration and the MAGA movement. One man, one vote, one time was the reality these traitors sought and got. The truth has and is being institutionally and systematically suppressed, criticized, persecuted, ignored, confused, portrayed as a lie, and smeared as a conspiracy theory. The extremists ensconced in power refuse to acknowledge this truth; therefore, it does not exist. Most telling, they refuse even to test these things by facts.

The Life and Death Struggle

We the People are in a life and death struggle. All of Christendom is in crisis because the USA is locked into a deep political crisis. We have abandoned the Truth of God and fallen for the satanic poetry of Karl Marx and his disciples. Make no mistake, this administration’s “brain trust” and many in the congress (and government) are Marxist revolutionaries (theoreticians) dedicated to the fundamental transformation (destruction) of this nation. Evil stalks this nation in the form of this menacing ideology. It is in the pursuit of destroying goodness, reason, and the reality rooted in law and order. Many among us continue as if life has not changed, believing it will continue as in the past. This is exactly what the revolutionary class wants you to believe as they work their mischief. Complicating this crisis is the fact too many apostates have joined the other side. These forces of darkness have prevailed, seizing political power, and are now imposing their WILL.

When WILL supplants REASON in a society, deliberation and civility walk out the door, dictatorship and tyranny walk in. In the USA, reason has died to the will of the revolutionary class, and tyranny is in the process of slaughtering republicanism. This class rejects God, unalienable rights, liberty-based systems, the consent of the governed, and self-determination.  Like Sartre, they believe themselves to be gods able to redefine the essence of all that exists. Ultimate Truth (party line) is all that matters, i.e., their possession, control, and application of political power. So ardent is their belief it gives them great strength and passion for imposing their will upon others. They are the sons of perdition and by their fruits we will know them. They remind us the world system is rooted in man-centered philosophies orchestrated by the destroyer in our midst – Satan.  Our choice: embrace the brotherhood of Christ or die in the collective slavery of the antichrist spirit.

Resist the Socialist Destroyer

Those of us who believe in God and the living waters flowing from Him, namely, His Son Yeshua, Truth, creation, life, and fruits of the spirit; well, we have a bullseye on our backs. The destroyer in our midst walks about the earth using his worldly system with all its terror and force to destroy. The destroyer marvels at his destruction of civilizations, societies, cultures, families, and individuals. His demoniacs shout with great aggression about how they are spreading “truth” of their new world, redefining all that is good and wholesome, rejecting all that is decent and meaningful. We are ruled by fools believing they possess truth. In our timidity, we look about the ruins and wonder, while possessing the Truth of God, we wonder does Truth exist anymore? The demoniacs roam the countryside propagating lies as truth, confident in their words and their power to impose. Truth exists. With confidence and boldness, we must declare the Truth of God!

Look around the USA and observe.  The administrators of government, at every level, couldn’t run a Dairy Queen. At the same time, pagans revel in the creation, worship, and veneration of their myths (false gods), the world around them burns.  Like the Roman Civil War, Rome’s capital was militarized, governmental institutions chose sides, patriots were hunted down, citizens spied on, and worship of false gods became mandatory. The USA is devolving into this same Paganism because our institutions have chosen sides, and the side they have chosen is the State and its false gods and its Ultimate Truth as defined by the Satanic Gnosticism of Marx and his disciples.

Joseph D. Leatherwood

The War We Are In Series

When you access the previous 23 hard-hitting articles of “The War We Are In,” you capture the facts behind the radical takeover of America.

  1. The War We Are In – The Totalitarians
  2. The War We Are In – Bottom Up-Top Down
  3. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  4. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  5. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  6. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  7. The War We Are In – Wake Up America
  8. The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights
  9. The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government
  10. The War We Are In – National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
  11. The War We Are In – Failure of Our Institutions
  12. The War We Are In – Propaganda – False Teachings: The Collapse of Disinformation
  13. The War We Are In – Informational Warfare – The Myth Makers
  14. The War We Are In – America’s Reich Ministry – Extremism in the Defense of Tyranny
  15. The War We Are In – Purposeful Actions Destroying Our Republic
  16. The War We Are In – Equal Protection Under Election Law
  17. The War We Are In – America’s Unfolding Color Revolution – Part 1
  18. The War We Are In – America’s Unfolding Color Revolution – Part 2
  19. The War We Are In – The Sunshine Patriots of the Swamp
  20. The War We Are In – The Continuing Crisis
  21. The War We Are In – The End of the Republic
  22. The War We Are In – Quid Dicitis (What Say You) America?
  23. The War We Are In – Tyranny of the Anointed Class

The Conservative Party USA

It’s time for an Authentic Conservative Party to take decisive actions to save our Republic from the psychopaths who consider themselves members of the National Socialist Party (NSP). Fortunately, one does exist, the Conservative Party USA. Our mission is to protect your individual rights, which means we fervently defend your personal liberty and economic freedom. The day arrives when Conservatives realize that the Republican Party has been taken over by the Deep State, as witnessed by some of their establishment politicians supporting President Trump’s impeachment. Also, many of them secretly want to abandon Trump and America.

To preserve their God-given rights, enlightened men and women will join the Conservative Party USA in droves.

The time to join us is now…because your mission is our mission. Please donate whatever you can to help us restore the America we love and cherish.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. The Conservative Warrior soars as a man or woman who fights for and defends our Constitutional Rights, which means Supporting the Conservative Party USA is a good start. Let’s restore the America we love and cherish!


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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