The War We Are In – America’s Reich Ministry – Extremism in the Defense of Tyranny

Mainstream Media Devolves into the Reich Ministry 

America’s Reich Ministry: Extremist Element of Revolutionary Socialism 

The Conservative Warrior: Unless you’re completely brain dead, you already know about the Mainstream Media’s corruption. However, it’s worse than that. Its “journalists” thrive as card-carrying members of America’s Reich Ministry – the revolutionary socialist movement’s informational warfare arm.

In a new installment of “The War We Are In,” Joseph D. Leatherwood exposes their lawless corruption…and their agenda to transform our beloved country into a totalitarian dictatorship.

As you read on, remember you have a choice. You can choose the marvelous ideas of our Founding Fathers who blessed us with personal liberty and economic freedom…or succumb to the evil life-negating philosophy of revolutionary socialism.

The Reich Ministry – Extremism in the Defense of Tyranny

The Reich Ministry is the informational warfare arm for the revolutionary socialist movement.  Their end is to establish one-party rule in the United States of America with corrupt, criminal socialists in totalitarian control.  The Reich Ministry has become reckless, lawless, irresponsible, and unbecoming in its conduct.  Their subversion knows no end as they seek to impose authoritarianism on the American people through informational warfare.

They have abandoned any defense of the system (Constitutionalism) or of liberty-based systems joining in with those political (socialist and corporatist) elements in an open and purposeful abuse of authority to “bring down” the system.  Over the past five years, starting with DJT’s descent down the escalator, the Reich Ministry has accelerated their attacks on him and his movement integrating themselves into the “permanent coup” being gamed out against the American people.[1]  We are amid a revolution to topple Donald J. Trump and the conservative movement.  Elements of the revolutionary socialist movement are implementing regime change mechanisms through direct action, which includes the Reich Ministry’s active measures of carrying out disinformation and misinformation campaigns to suppress alternatives to their narrative.

Reich Ministry Rejects the System

It is the Reich Ministry’s break with the defense of the system that most distinguishes it and its behavior.  There is nothing mainstream about the “Mainstream Media” (corporatist media), for it rejects the system and has embraced totalitarianism (one-party rule).  There is a great fissure in American society, and this fracture is being driven ever wider by corrupt, criminal socialists and the Reich Ministry.

The Reich Ministry is an extremist element at home in the socialist movement (color revolution).  They are fully reflective of

(1) the ideology they defend (revolutionary socialism, Marxism);

(2) the sources and methods they employ (extremists and Alinskyite tactics); and

(3) the causes they embrace and propagate (institutional and systemic racism).

To better understand their extremism, let us walk through the criteria cited above.  I limit the walk-through to only one event in the color revolution – the current insurrection – though other events could be substituted to highlight their extremism.

The Socialist Ideology

IDEOLOGY: It is the stated objective of BLM, RefuseFascism, Antifa, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the Communist Party of the United States, and other revolutionary socialist groups to overthrow the United States government and impose socialism.[2]   This totalitarian system of government would enforce revolutionary socialist principles and enforce a highly regimented society.  Once in power, there will be no opposition tolerated to their revolutionary goals.  They believe in abolishing private property, destroying the family unit, banning Christianity (and all religions), organizing education around revolutionary means and ends, collectivizing all production, deeming all children state property, forcing citizens into reeducation camps, resegregating society, and it gets worse.  Consider,

“… my name is Lily Sinclair I am an Afro indigenous non-binary local organizer here in Portland organizing not only for the abolition of the militarized police state but the United States as we know it.”[3]

The Reich Ministry has failed to present this extremist, reactionary ideology to their audiences; they have not even offered a criticism.  However, they have championed the ideas of a Lily Sinclair, a member of BLM, Antifa and others as “progressive.”  This is an example of concealing the truth, i.e., outright censorship, about the ideology of those organizing this insurrection, those rioting in the streets, and their enablers holding public office.  In their “reporting,” the Reich Ministry characterized rioting and rioters as “progressive” to fit their myth-making.

The Reich Ministry Indulges in Myth-Making

Mythmaking requires an embargo of sourcing, information flow, and interpretation by the Reich Ministry to create and substantiate their’ narrative; that is why you will not hear stories about the murders in Seattle at the CHAZ or assassination of Trump supporters across the nation or the outbreak of violence against peaceful, assembled groups honoring the police on “mainstream media outlets or publications.”  They seek to embargo their narrative into a “bubble,’ telling one story from one side amplified through their megaphone at an extremely high decimal to flood out alternatives.

The term “progressive” is an overt attempt at softening the appeal of an otherwise reactionary, violent, Statist ideology to make it a more palatable dogma.  The Reich Ministry is conducting active measures, namely, suppressing alternatives to what the American people can hear, see, or read.  It is in this area where social media platforms have become major players. They have become practitioners of the Chinese Communist Party’s suppression methods in the United States, having pioneered them for the CCP.

Their concealment and covering up of this extremist ideology indicate an implicit endorsement of collective slavery and totalitarian governance.  Members of the Reich Ministry are Alinskyites believing their misinformation campaign should be employed to “…push a negative [narrative] hard enough,” [and eventually] “it will break through and become a positive.”[4] And by extension, they follow the Hitlerian dictum of telling the big lie, tell it over and over again, and long enough, and it will be believed.

Sources and Methods of the Reich Ministry

SOURCES AND METHODS: Not only does the Reich Ministry endorse this vile, corrupt ideology, but it also supports its actions to create chaos, destruction, violence, and intimidation.  For weeks now, starting on Memorial Day 2020, they have systemically covered up the militant savagery destroying property and people.  They have refused to (a) comment on the savagery, (b) show its destruction and violence, (c) hold local petite totalitarians responsible, and (d) allow criticism of the savagery.

Indeed, they have presented (framed) the rioting and violence as “mostly peaceful protests,” “street plays,” and “summer of love” events, all the while, critics of the savagery, including the President, have been shut off or told their comments and observations were simply right-wing extremist conspiracy theories or hate speech, even racist.  The rotund Jerry Nadler claimed Antifa was a myth perpetuated by right-wing conspirators.   In almost every instance, the Reich Ministry has tried to turn the argument against the critics, positing the notion that (1) the rioting and destruction were actually their fault and (2) the rioting and destruction were actually being carried out by right-wing, white supremacist groups.

To counter the critics of this savagery, the Reich Ministry offer up socialist mayors, council members, county executives and governors as authoritative sources.  All these riotous cities are controlled by petite totalitarians (municipal socialists) who (try to) control the messaging, and the Reich Ministry goes along with it.  In addition to mindless presentations of petite totalitarians as authoritative sources, they interview “protestors” and “experts,” generally during the day, to show audiences these people are just like the rest of us, really?

Purposeful Deception

This is purposeful deception; ofttimes staged, because after the bourgeois journalist returns to his or her plush hotel room, the black-clad Antifa/BLM stormtroopers engage in chaos, destruction, violence, and intimidation.  We have had examples now of Antifa conducting Luciferian gnostic worship services on the streets, symbolically eating President Trump’s heart.  This is where the true journalists are making their names by documenting this insurrection.

These deceptive tactics are called muzzling, suppression of alternatives, framing, accreditation of a universal dogma to all, and name-calling; each is tactics employed by paramilitary groups in an attempt to abrogate your liberties and rights. To demonstrate this hypocrisy, we discover the myth makers propagandizing themselves as a “trusted authority” on these “mostly peaceful protests,” their causes, and the movement (ideology) behind them.

Revolutionary Socialist Propaganda

We find that revolutionary socialist propaganda is allowed to stay up on Facebook or Twitter or transmitted via Google docs, no matter how vile and corrupt, while any alternative is deemed offensive by the digital warlords.   As an example, as I write this, Facebook, Twitter and Google have engaged in active measures to (1) suppress the smoking gun emails tying Joe Biden’s overt criminality[5] directly to Hunter Biden and (2) the articles transmitting this information.[6]  This is corruption on a grand scale; institutional and systemic suppression of alternatives to protect a narrative and a corrupt candidate for the presidency.

They profess to broadcast a full and judicious account of “mostly peaceful protesting,” yet, when we peer behind their rhetorical facade, we find the Reich Ministry engaged in a willful manipulation of the American people presenting only one side of one story (narrative).  This demonstrates their role as the information arm of revolutionary socialism and their attempt at creating a separate reality – a pseudo-event or narrative (myth-making) – to cover up the truth of this insurrection.

Reich Ministry Fails to Offer Rational Justification for the Insurrection

CAUSES: So, bought-in are the myth-makers they refuse to question the “causes” employed to justify this insurrection; that is, they have joined in with the “revolutionaries” arguing America is inherently, institutionally and systemically racist.  This is rule by propaganda. In fact, the entire insurrection is based not on truth but myth.  The myth-makers have deemed a thing to be the truth despite the facts and reality.  Does truth belong only to those shouting the loudest, broadcasting only one narrative, causing the most destruction, about one subject, and on every outlet?  Does the mob now rule?

Has it become axiomatic any police shooting (or incident) involving a black person is unjustified no matter what happened?  How does George Floyd even fit into this kind of myth?  As tragic as his death, how did we get to this point where almost every American agreed he should not have suffered and died as he did and supported actions against the perpetrators?  We have an estimated $3 billion worth of damage from that incident, hundreds dead and injured, repeated physical attacks on the police, and calls for defunding their jobs, but we are still left to ask, where is George Floyd in all that?  Was George Floyd some revolutionary leader?  No.  As it turns out, he was exploited by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (Communists), who used his death to instigate a national mobilization attacking the system.  George Floyd was their means, but they were looking for an excuse to incite insurrection, whether it was George Floyd or another incident.

Breonna Taylor’s Death

As part of this narrative, we had an incident in Louisville, Kentucky, that explodes the myth makers and their narrative built around pseudo-events.  The Reich Ministry, in collusion with community organizers (socialists), presented a one-sided sympathetic account of Breonna Taylor’s death.  They told us her death resulted because (1) there was a no-knock warrant issued for her drug-dealing boyfriend, (2) police busted into her apartment without knocking or announcing their presents, (3) the police purposely carried out gun violence at 1 a.m., (4) Taylor was shot in her bed, in cold blood, and (5) she was innocent.

It turns out none of that was true.  Certainly, her death was tragic, but she was not innocent in this entire affair.  As it turns out, her apartment was a drop house for her drug-dealing boyfriend (who incidentally was not the boyfriend present at the time).  Taylor was named as part of the warrant.  The warrant was NOT a no-knock warrant.  Witnesses confirm the police officers knocked on the door and identified themselves.  Soon after announcing themselves at the door, Taylor’s non-drug-dealing boyfriend shot through the door, wounding one of the police officers.  The police officers returned fire and entered the apartment.  In the ensuing gunfight, Taylor was tragically killed.  The officers had no malicious intent to target her and kill her; they were there to arrest her drug-dealing boyfriend.  The escalation was brought on by their refusing to answer the door and the non-drug-dealing boyfriend shooting one of the police officers through the door.  Why didn’t they simply answer the door?  The police were serving a warrant to apprehend an indicted suspect, and they had evidence Taylor’s apartment was a drop-off for money and drugs.

The Facts of Reality

Based on the facts, the reality, the evidence, a grand jury returned a bill of NO indictments against the police officers for the incident.  The reaction?  Riots, looting and violence.  We were told by “community organizers” such a decision is not justified, and the police were at fault.  They told us Kentucky AG Cameron was a traitor to his race.

For years now, this incident has played out, where the Reich Ministry has become mythmakers rather than truth-seekers.  They have fanned the flames of hatred rooted in lies rather than truth.  This episode is one of many that has unfolded across the nation, Michael Brown, Trevon Martin, and others where truth has been abandoned, replaced, and twisted by the Reich Ministry in open collusion with “community organizers” (socialist organizations) to foment division and hatred.  The media take these isolated events and exploit them, taking them completely out of context to create a pseudo-event as a way of scaring and manipulating people.

It is simply a myth to say America is inherently, institutionally, and systemically racist.  For the Reich Ministry to simply accept these causes as truth demonstrates their commitment to extremism, to sources and methods designed to purposely mislead and manipulate the American people.  By any measure, this nation has provided the means and mechanisms for dealing with such.  The very idea that because you are white, black, brown, yellow, or red, you are not safe.  But that is what the Reich Ministry propagates.  They repeat the notions of lunatics that you are not safe in America; you live in a system built on oppression, you cannot escape oppression, you are a victim imprisoned in your own country, you haven’t a fighting chance at the American dream.  All of this is non-sense.

Problem with the Reich Ministry

This demonstrates the great problem with the Reich Ministry; they propagate a “truth” which they have determined in their own minds without searching for the truth rooted-in-reality.  Their truth is rooted in ideology – revolutionary socialism (progressivism) – and is, therefore, “discovered” some scientific construct within some non-sensical Marxist-based critical theory, e.g., race, gender, class, economic, etc.  They seek to manipulate people using identity politics like Marx, the KKK, Hitler and the National Socialist Party, which is not surprising since most are members of both.  If there is an institution, a party and a membership needing to renounce their racist past and current racism in our society, it is the National Socialist Party (Democrat) and the Reich Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda.

Their “truth” is really a myth requiring elaborate measures of protection and obfuscation.  It requires they protect that “ultimate truth” at all costs, which explains their frantic, often panicked behavior when their “truth” is attacked.  Rather than seek truth, they choose to embargo their narrative from any alternatives, even changing their tactics to defend attacks on their “ultimate truth,” devising elaborate proximate truths (pseudo-events) to substantiate their ultimate truth, or simply refusing to entertain alternatives or engage in debate about their “truth.”  This is typically seen on CNN or MSNBC (and even Fox), where guests (critics) are routinely cut-off and taken off the air, their criticisms deemed verboten.  This is dogmatism, and in the case of the Reich Ministry, it has deteriorated into a defense of tyranny.

The Mainstream Myth

So, I ask readers: What is mainstream about any of this? What we have for years called the “mainstream media” are really extremist actors supported by corporatists; they advocate for the imposition of tyranny, and rather than defend the system (constitutionalism), they have become defenders of totalitarianism and its imposition.  It is extremism in defense of tyranny.

That members of the Reich Ministry have mastered their rhetorical, linguistic and countenance techniques to mask their extremism, that they cloak their evil intentions behind a smokescreen of sophistication and intellect does not mean they aren’t out to enslave you.  That they wear a three-piece suit, are perfectly groomed, and present themselves as some kind of expert doesn’t mean they do not seek to manipulate you into believing what they tell you, telling you what to do, telling you how to do it, and telling you to do as I say.

It is clear, the media are not your friends, nor do they have your best interest at heart.  They have abandoned the system, offer no defense of our system, and busy themselves in appeasing and sponsoring extremism.

Turn them off…

Joseph D. Leatherwood

Parler: @Leatherwoodhs

[1]               Lee Smith, The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President, (Nashville, Tennessee: Hackette Book Group, 2020), page 4 and 8 (passim).  I should note this revolution has been underway for many years, but has intensified under President Trump because he fights against the corrupt-interest of the socialists ensconced in Washington and he is an avoid capitalist.

[2]               Terry D. Turchi and Donagh Bracken, In Their Own Words: The Democrat Party’s Push Towards a Communist America, (Palisades, New York: History Publishing Company, LLC, 2020), location 1810 or 6594.

[3]               The Ingraham Angle, Channel 210, Fox News Channel, Thursday, 23 July 2020, 1:09 am, location 2606 .  Interview with guests Mollie Hemingway and Lara Logan on the role of the media in concealing the movement, actions and issues.

[4]               Terry D. Turchi and Donagh Bracken, In Their Own Words: The Democrat Party’s Push Towards a Communist America, (Palisades, New York: History Publishing Company, LLC, 2020), location 1810 or 6594.

[5]               Emma-Jo Morris and Gabriella Fonrouge, “Smoking-gun Email Reveals How Hunter Biden Introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP Dad,” New York Post, 14 October 2020, 5:00 am EST.

[6]               “Facebook Censors NY Post Story Exposing Hunter Biden,” Citizen Free Press, 14 October 2020, 1:58 pm, EST.  Post cites Andy Stone stating Facebook “…will not link to the New York Post article.”

Assess the previous 12 hard-hitting articles of “The War We Are In.”

  1. The War We Are In Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  4. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  5. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  6. The War We Are In – Wake Up America
  7. The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights
  8. The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government
  9. The War We Are In – National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
  10. The War We Are In – Failure of Our Institutions
  11. The War We Are In – Propaganda – False Teachings: The Collapse of Disinformation
  12. The War We Are In – Informational Warfare – The Myth Makers

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Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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