The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To

Propaganda and the Wuhan China Virus 

Mainstream Media Spreads Fear and Hysteria 

Conservative Warrior: Joseph D. Leatherwood is on a campaign to expose the lies of the Mainstream Media and the political establishment, as evidenced in his 5th installment of “The War We Are in.” We are pleased to present “The Virus: You’re Being Lied To.”

The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To

As everyone sits around content to live their lives yoked to the twin tyrannies of (1) manipulative “experts” and (2) doom and gloom misinterpretations, I am here to tell you – reality is far different than what you are hearing and believing.  For those willing to throw off the twin tyrannies, I invite you to read and study the good news concerning the nation’s fight against the Wuhan-China virus.

Let us begin by stating two obvious developments. First, the horse (the virus) has broken out of the barn, i.e., it has not only broken out of the barn but jumped the fence and is on the run.  Second, because of this breakout, we are relentlessly propagandized with the hyperventilation of the Reich Ministry of Propaganda, i.e., the media, about the surge in positive cases.  According to these wizards of smart, they tell us it will destroy us all.  Fully invested in the politics of fear, these good Alinskyites will use any means – the virus and fear – to spread doom and gloom, panic, and fear among the people.  By weaponizing the virus, they seek to drive people back into their homes through fear or shame; convince politicians to capitulate to their hysteria; cause a lockdown of the economy; keep schools shut down, and their ultimate goal is to defeat Donald J. Trump in November.

The reality is, we have a faction within this nation more concerned about the politics of the Wuhan-China virus than the clinical necessities required to deal with the virus.  Therefore, hysteria and the spread of community fear rather than clinical rationality is driving “policy” up and down the federal system.

The Behavior of the Virus

Those studying the virus, its behavior, and data patterns assumed that there would be more cases when social mingling renewed.  Since the openings, flamed by the rioting and thuggery, the nation has experienced a lot of social mingling and contact.  Bureaucrats and Reich Ministry members faining surprise by this escalation is simply too ignorant to be believed about anything anymore.

A second factor fueling the surge in positive cases is widespread testing.  Through the 4th of July, more than 34,000,000 people have been tested for the virus.  The more people you test and the wider the sampling, the greater the number of positive cases.  It only stands to reason, but reason has never been the forte of totalitarians, bureaucrats, and propagandists.  This too, is not a surprise to anyone who has studied the virus and its spread.

The current wave of testing merely confirms what many have argued since March and April.  Based on several reputable serology studies, it was shown then that the virus was far more widespread in the general population than bureaucrats like Fauci and politicians would admit to.

At the time, this writer, using several studies, aggregated them and estimated the virus spread to be 8.27 percent of the U.S. population.  Then on 25 June, the head of the CDC finally admitted the spread in the population could be as high as 10 times greater than what is being reported, meaning there could be between 20 and 30 million individuals positive for the virus.[1]  So, the number of new positive cases will, in all likelihood, continue to surge.

The Mortality Rates

Wuhan Virus Chart

The Chart at the top of this page shows a comparison of mortality rates (vertical axis) versus the possible spread (instances) of the virus in the general population (horizontal axis).  As of 4 July 2020, using the data being reported, the mortality rate is estimated to be 4.63% of all those testing positive for COVID-19.  This estimate produces a spread in the general population of only 0.85% (less than 1 percent).

However, taking the CDC’s estimate of 10 times as many people positive with the virus (27,943,210), the estimated mortality rate drops precipitously to 0.46% (less than 1 percent) and the rate of spread amongst the population to be 8.45%.  This estimate of spread fell within the confidence intervals for the earlier serology studies and the most recent statistics based on testing and confirmed new positive COVID cases (8.01%).

Based on the entire period covering March thru July, the actual rate of spread based on testing data indicates the spread may be as high as 16.267% (20 times higher or as many as 55,886,420 positive cases), suggesting the mortality rate is 0.23% (less than 1 percent).  The chart tells us the greater the rate of virus spread (instances) in the general population, the lower the mortality rate, and the current trend supports this.  I reiterate, the number of new positive cases will, in all likelihood, continue to surge, adding that the number of deaths, mortality rate should decline.

Overcoming Virus Propaganda

Despite the Reich Ministry’s hyperventilation mode, this trend is fantastic news. The trend is showing a proliferation of cases combined with declining deaths.  We can only pray this trend continues.  The current situation shows we are (1) doing a much better job at protecting the most vulnerable and (2) the virus is spreading among younger, low-risk populations.  The current testing shows most new positive cases are among younger, healthier populations with no significant problems and, most important, they do not die from the virus.   The average age of those testing positive for the virus has been cut in half from 70+ years of age to the mid-30s.[2]

This testing confirms the virus is widespread and demonstrates it is running its natural course through the population.  Dr. Scott Atlas, senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute, stated,

“We like the fact that there are a lot of cases in a low-risk population because that is exactly how we are going to get (achieve) herd or population immunity.  When low risk people with no significant problems in handling this virus, which is 99% of all people, get this, they become immune, and they block the pathway of connectivity to contagiousness of older sicker people.”[3]

Virus Propaganda, Corruption and the Irrationals

With this positive development and trend, one would think politicians, bureaucrats and their’ media allies might be more optimistic and understand hitting the replay button on the same old playbook (mandates and impositions) – will not stop this virus.  But if you thought corrupt, criminal socialists and their allies would have a change of heart; you would be wrong.

Across the nation, these irrationals continue to embrace the same reactionary policies attempting to stop something they have no control over.  Whether locked down or open, study-after-study demonstrates shutting down and locking down citizens alters nothing in terms of the virus’ spread[4] and in the long-run creates consequences that will be far worse than anything we are presently dealing with.[5]  The virus will run its course, and it must be dealt with clinically, not politically, as is now the case.  Clamoring to shut-down the economy and schools, lockdown citizens in their homes, and suspend constitutional rights as a “policy” has no place in fighting this virus and, obviously, has not worked and is completely illogical.

The Swine Flu versus the Wuhan China Virus

Let us consider a recent pandemic as an example.  Eleven years ago, this nation went through the swine (H1N1) flu pandemic.  Like the Wuhan China virus, it originated outside the United States but quickly spread.  The first cases were identified in April 2009; by May, it had spread to all fifty states with thousands of confirmed cases; and by June 2009, millions of cases had been identified.  Like all previous pandemics dating back to 1918, there was no shutdown of the economy, no lockdown of citizens, no suspension of constitutional rights, and no mandates that children do not attend school.[6]

Thousands of Americans roamed far and wide throughout the nation, millions were infected and millions more didn’t know.   They ate out at restaurants, drank beer at their local pub, flew across the nation, went to work, played with their children at the park, and thousands of people died.  “From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.”[7]  Although, like all viruses, the swine flu virus ran its course, a remnant continues to be in the mix every flu season.

In that pandemic, there was no hysteria, no panic, and no fear spread by the media or petite totalitarians; after all, Obama was president. The Reich Ministry would not criticize the policy decisions of their dear leader.  Like every flu season, the people mitigated without the instructions of a Tony Fauci or some local potentate.  The people self-quarantined; wore masks, if they wanted; there was no shuttering of businesses; no lockdowns, no impositions of martial law, no social distancing, no testing, except through your own initiative, and no shortages.

Wuhan China Hysteria

The current Wuhan China hysteria is nothing more than a political attack on America employing the virus as a means to (1) create fear and confusion among the American people; (2) empower corrupt criminal socialists up-and-down the federal system, and (3) undermine the efforts of Donald J. Trump to win re-election.  The recommendation to shut down the economy was based on the fraudulent data, i.e., forecast, of a defunct epidemiologist.  Based on this fraudulent data, moral narcissists recommended the economy be shut down. That closure was to be managed through a process of allowing local potentates to define the rules of the road up-and-down the federal system.

This decision empowered petite totalitarians who set about executing the most irrational, reactionary public policy in the nation’s history.  Readers will note how quickly and ubiquitous these policies were devised, imposed and implemented.  Instead of responding to this virus rationally and clinically, they slapped the American people across the face implementing ham-handed political decisions and mandates, giving themselves unheard of arbitrary and dictatorial powers.

In no previous pandemic, not even the Civil War, has this nation ever shut down the economy, locked down citizens, placed its citizens under martial law, declared who and who cannot work, and barred its children from going to school.  This imposition is reminiscent of the British Imposition proceeding the American Revolution.  If there was any question about whether your mayor, county judge or governor was a socialist, this episode has clearly exposed them for what they are.

Reich Ministry of Propaganda

These local potentates have been aided and abetted by the Reich Ministry of Propaganda at all levels.  The media are fully invested in serving these “democrats” as a force multiplier in this political attack on the American people and our way of life.  They are little more than the public information officers for these local totalitarians giving them a free pass on their failed impositions, fully supportive of establishing and maintaining one-party rule. Presently, they are purposely failing to articulate the positive trend developing about the Wuhan China virus as highlighted above.  They do not want good news disseminated, just like they still refuse to tell the truth about collusion between Russia and corrupt, criminal socialists in the “democrat” party and the bureaucracy.

The first rule of propaganda is to suppress any alternative to your narrative.[8]  We are witnessing the media executing that rule propagandizing their negative, e.g., an “out of control” surge in positive cases, hospitalizations, and ICU capacity, ignoring the truth.  “Journalists” are little more than the literary agents for and advocates of the National Socialist “democrat” Party.  They are dedicated Alinskyites and follow his rules for radicals as much as their totalitarian allies.

Following their masters – Hitler, Goebbels and Alinsky, they are pushing a negative, a big lie, knowing if they push it long enough and hard enough, they can convince enough people to believe the lie converting it into a positive to win a portion of the public to their side (cause).

Coordinated Attack on the American Way of Life

We are witnessing a coordinated attack (operation) to build pressure upon the American people and our way of life.   As Saul Alinsky instructed his disciples, the purpose is to bring unceasing pressure on the enemy to incite reactions, e.g., fear, panic, violence, intimidation, and confusion.  Such a tactic is essential for the success of the campaign (the war we are in).  Readers need only consider the 99% negative coverage as an example of this unceasing pressure on DJT.  This tactic buttresses the tactic of “keep the pressure on. Never let up.”  This alliance has been and will continue to try new things attempting to keep the American people off-balance and confused. When we successfully adapt to one area of attack, they will attempt to outflank us with another.

The socialists, through their allies, are using the Wuhan China virus as a means to carry out attacks (pressures) against this nation and our way of life.  Just like they are using racism as a means of attacking the nation, our history and our culture.  Make no mistake; we are fighting a multi-pronged war being waged against our system from the riotous streets (bottom-up) to the plush, taxpayer-subsidized offices (top-down) of those socialist mayors, county judges and governors seeking to incite fear, chaos, panic, intimidation and confusion to hold power and bring down this President and his political movement.  These people are the domestic (internal) pincer while the internationalists, e.g., Chinese Communist Party, are the external pincer attacking us.

By Joseph D. Leatherwood

[1]               Alice Park, “CDC Head Estimates U.S. Coronavirus Cases Might be 10 times Higher Than Data Show,”, 25 June 2020, 3:17 p.m. EDT.

[2]               Scott Morefield, “Stanford’s Dr. Scott Atlas Offers Explanation For Rise In Younger Person COVID Hospitalizations In Texas,”, 22 June 2020.

[3]               “Dr. Scott Atlas Interview,” Interview conducted by Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, 29 June 2020, Fox News, channel 210 (SA), location 125/407.

[4]               Amanda Prestigiacomo, “Israeli Study Suggest Lockdown Has No Effect On Coronavirus Timeline, Says Israeli Space Agency Chair,”, 13 April 2020,

[5]               Dr. Scott Atlas, “COVID-19: How New Information Should Drive Policy,:, 6 May 2020,

[6]               Readers should know that in some areas of the nation, during these pandemics, there were shutdowns, but they were voluntary – companies, schools, churches, etc., decided on their own to shut down.

[7]               “The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A New Flu Virus Emerges,,

[8]               Richard M. Weaver, In Defense of Tradition, (Indianapolis, Indiana: Liberty Fund, Inc, 2000), page 306-307.

You can access his other four articles in this series.

  1. The War We Are In: Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  4. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution?

You have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery run by liars and psychopaths. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism…the individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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