The War We Are In – Propaganda – False Teachings: The Collapse of Disinformation

Leftist Propaganda Threatens Our Individual Rights

Protect Yourself from False Teachings Before it’s Too Late

Conservative Warrior: Your personal liberty, economic freedom and Constitutional rights stand in the way of progressives who desire to force a socialist system down your throat. That’s why they efficiently practice Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” Right now, their attack on the first two Amendments of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech, and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is gaining momentum. They will use every crisis possible to further their evil agenda, hoping to eventually topple the “Bill of Rights,” as demonstrated by the Black Lives Matter protests and riots. As first-class hypocrites…these radicals and subversives resort to propaganda in an attempt to deprive you of personal liberty and economic freedom.

Note: Notice how these oppressors of individual rights use freedom of speech in an attempt to deny your right to free speech?

In the newest installment of “The War We Are In,” Joseph D. Leatherwood exposes communists/fascists (state-based, man-centered mentalities) and their egregious propaganda tactics.

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in the sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

 Matthew 7:15

The War We Are In – Propaganda – False Teachings: The Collapse of Disinformation

Propaganda is a means to an end.[1]   Propaganda is not concerned with conveying truth, nor is it concerned with the welfare of its target; it is most concerned with manipulation (the means) to achieve an end.  The art of propaganda shapes the attitudes of the target to the interest of the propagandist; by design, it is tendentious.  Propaganda is purposeful deception, false teachings used to manipulate the perceptions and beliefs of a target.  Propaganda is a “…schizophrenic sort of subterfuge necessary because while a new ethic is being…” propagated, “the old one has not yet been rejected.”[2]  Propaganda is pernicious heresies brought into a population (target) to undermine the truth and bring about an apostasy, e.g., falsely teaching students their nation was founded on racism and slavery and, therefore, they should hate it.

While we generally associate apostasy with a falling away from religious dogma, it can also occur among a targeted population where they are taught to hate their culture (Christian), political system (Republicanism) and economic order (free enterprise).  In the United States, this apostasy has been achieved because ‘We the People’ have allowed Marxist propagandists, parading as professors and experts, to systemically infiltrate, takeover, and corrupt the nation’s institutions.  This process has facilitated and established institutional propaganda (indoctrination) rather than education, a pursuit of the truth, and community service.  This process demonstrates something else; a broad-based institutional failure facilitated because we have allowed this take over.

Propaganda –  First Basic Element

The discipline of propaganda requires basic elements.

First, there is ‘the who,’ namely, the propagandist whose job is to “…attain the end by means…”[3]  In the United States, the most notable example of a propagandist is the overly-manicured, perfectly groomed, three-piece suited, leftist-teleprompter reading news anchor; although his/her influence has diminished considerably over the years because of their obvious role as a propagandist. Historically, the most-vile propagandist is Joseph Goebbels.  But this role extends to most teachers (professors) in our universities (and school systems) and other institutions (government at all levels) who propagate socialist solutions, empowering the state at every opportunity.  A visible example of institutional propaganda is the United States Census Bureau’s daily campaign, across several platforms, “informing” citizens to fill-out their census form and return it so their community will benefit; clearly, welfare statism was and is not the purpose of the census.  This shows the propagandist may be either an individual or an organization, e.g., CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, New York Times, government, etc.

Second Basic Element

Second, there is ‘the what,’ that is, the message. Propaganda is about messaging; it is the communications broadcast to the targeted population.  It is the art of the discipline. It is rooted in both the end sought by the propagandist, no matter the entity, and the most efficacious means for manipulating the targeted population.  Messaging campaigns include outright disinformation, misinformation, and even balanced information.

Disinformation is simply lying or creating fake (false teachings) news, e.g., Russian collusion.  A disinformation campaign can be easily measured by sampling the targeted population to evaluate how much disinformation is believed among the targeted population.  So effective was the National Security State and the Reich Ministry’s disinformation campaign under Crossfire Hurricane that a large segment of the American people, about half to this day, believe President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election.[4]

The collusion between national security apparatchiks, agents of the Reich Ministry (and its echo chamber), and other elements of the establishment ruling class was a conscious, deliberate, and devious campaign to suppress alternatives attempting to generate the conditions for overthrowing (deposing) a duly elected president of the United States.

Propaganda and Suppressing Alternatives

This practice of suppressing alternatives requires monopoly control by the propagandist over the sourcing, flow, and interpretation of information and communications.  The success of information suppression depends on the level of coordination among the individuals and institutions involved; in the case of Crossfire Hurricane and later Crossfire Razor, there was a conspiracy between intelligence agencies, the justice department, media, and the executive branch (Obama-Biden).

That nearly a half of the voting population still believe Trump colluded with Russia speaks to the true believer’s choice of information sources, namely, the government-media cabal (propagandist).  The cabal’s obsession with their mercenary goal – degrading and overthrowing DJT – was initially unrelenting.  It gained credence so long as they held monopolistic control over the sourcing, flow, and interpretation of information and communications.

However, as soon as alternatives surfaced, their disinformation campaign disintegrated under the weight of their unethical behavior, lawless actions, and outright lies.  The cabal’s recklessness, unreliability and irresponsible ethics were exposed by the congress’s investigations (House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) and ethical journalists (John Solomon, Greg Jarrett, and Sara Carter, to name only three).  When criminal indictments are brought against the Crossfire conspirators, that indictment should include the Reich Ministry.

Influencing the Targeted Population

While this example of disinformation, as a means, was ultimately exposed and discredited, it is only one example of the continuing effort by socialists and globalists to influence their targeted population – ‘We the People.’

The reader need only consider the Reich Ministry’s shameful suppression of the violent rioting that has divided this nation and destroyed its cities.  They refused to show scenes on TV, comment on them, or even write about them.  They claimed in their broadcast or articles, such assertions by others was irresponsible and pure right-wing propaganda.  The rotund communist Jerry Nadler went so far as to tell reporters, Antifa and the violent insurgency were myths created by right-wingers.

Yet, their audience, the targeted population, experienced and observed this rioting and violence in their own communities; many were suffering from this militant savagery.  The targeted population saw through their lying once again.  Ratings plummeted and complaints skyrocketed; but, even then, it was not until the poll numbers turned against the corrupt stooge Biden that they changed the narrative, trying their best to blame the violence on right-wing groups and President Trump.  But it has not worked; their unethical behavior, lawless actions, and outright lies have caught up with them after five years of lie after lie.  It has caught up with their notion they continue to have a monopoly over the sourcing, flow, and interpretation of information – their disinformation monopoly is gone forever.

They continued this charade about the rioting, thinking they could control the story.  Because they were obsessed with deposing DJT and their own arrogance and pride, they thought they could maintain control over the flow of information and communications.  Because of this obsession and arrogance, they have missed the most important news stories in American history:

Authentic News Stories

  • Treasonous collusion (conspiracy) committed by the Obama-Biden administration to undermine and overthrow a duly elected President of the United States.
  • The refusal of the National Socialist Party of the United States, a.k.a., the democrat party, to accept the election results and participate in a peaceful transfer of power.
  • Socialists and globalists (establishmentarian ruling class) conspiring to purposely undermine and refusing to cooperate with the Trump Administration to stymie the American First agenda.
  • Funding an illegitimate special counsel investigation based on a fake (Clinton) dossier, to the sum of $40 million, and covering two-and-a-half years leading to nothing, which the lead investigator (Mueller) knew from the start.
  • Illegal conspiracy and actions seeking to overwhelm the southern border with caravans of “asylum-seekers” to collapse border security and infrastructure with the intent of undermining the central plank of the America First agenda.
  • Concocting whistleblower/bureaucrat conspiracies to bring frivolous and unwarranted impeachment charges against President Trump.

More Authentic News Stories

  • Politicizing the SARS-2 pandemic by using federalism as a mechanism to implement authoritarian controls by petite totalitarians over the people and the economy resulting in the single greatest policy disaster in American history, shutting down the American economy and society based on fraudulent science.
  • The execution of a top-down, bottom-up Marxist strategy to try and overthrow President Trump, his administration, and our’ constitutional government. This insurgency has been keyed and enabled by corporatist billionaires, the corrupt, criminal ruling class, Marxist communists, fascist democrats (at all levels of government), and their willing dupes.
  • All of this has been a continuing “counter-revolution” since Donald J. Trump walked down the escalator at the Trump Tower. In totality and reality, it is a continuation of the colour revolution that started in July 2015.  It comes straight out of the policy manuals of America’s intelligence agencies and applied by the establishmentarian ruling class against their own nation with the treasonous purpose of overthrowing the President of the United States.  Make no mistake about it; this is a coup attempt that includes the National Socialists Party of the United States, Corporatist Billionaires, high tech oligarchs, the Chinese Communist Party, assorted communists/fascists groups, and all the willing dupes supporting this conspiracy – all seeking to impose their authoritarian will upon the American people.  They are the Marxist – Hitlerian seeking control.

Connecting the Dots

Each of these stories connects the dots exposing a wide and deep institutional failure.  An institutional failure resulting from allowing socialists to take them over and turn them against ‘We the People.’  They reveal just how incompetent and corrupt our government has become at all levels.  Our government is a swamp of corruption and criminality.  These stories uncover the ineptitude of elected officials from school board members to judges to congressional members to the bureaucracy, each failing to live up to their constitutional oaths.  Each more interested in their own selfishness and power than being servants of the people.  The stories expose a complicit media (Reich ministry) who have thrown in with the authoritarians, advocating for these power-hungry politicians rather than defending our system and liberty.  They have become little more than the mouthpiece, propagandists, for tyranny.

The Collapsing Propaganda – Disinformation Monopoly

The disinformation monopoly has collapsed, but that is only the start; the reality is the great institutional failure plaguing our nation remains intact, that is, their takeover by communists/fascists (state-based, man-centered mentalities).  If they remain intact, the failed institutions will continue to exert undue power over our lives.  This collapse is only the beginning of what must be a great awakening among ‘We the People’ to overthrow this tyranny of the institutionalists, we must infiltrate the institutions, we must retake our institutions, we must elect liberty-based politicians with the heart of a servant and turn our institutions into positive, liberty-based, God-centered institutions promoting America and it’s greatness.

Sadly, too many among us still believe the false teachings of the authoritarians.  That is because we have failed to govern our institutions; we have allowed institutions to propagandize and govern without our consent.  We have allowed them to monopolize the sourcing, flow, and interpretation of information for too long. We must resolve to retake our institutions and direct their governance, based not on the consent of some moral narcissist, but based on the consent of the governed – ‘We the People.’  We must transform our institutions into centers of influence and authority, liberty-based centers of patriotism!

Joseph D. Leatherwood

Assess the previous 10 hard-hitting articles of “The War We Are In.”

  1. The War We Are In Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  4. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  5. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  6. The War We Are In – Wake Up America
  7. The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights
  8. The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government
  9. The War We Are In – National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
  10. The War We Are In – Failure of Our Institutions

 [1]               Richard M. Weaver, In Defense of Tradition, (Indianapolis, Indiana: Liberty Fund, 2000), page 300.

[2]               Interview with Dr. William Brennan, “The Linguistic of Death.” Interview conducted by Johnnette Benkovic, The Abundant Life, Eternal Word Television Network, 15 January 2010, location 4 of 60.

[3]               Ibidem, Weaver, In Defense of Tradition, page 300.

[4]               Lee Smith, The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President, (Nashville, Tennessee: Hackette Book Group, 2020), page 9.

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Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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