The War We Are In – Failure of Our Institutions

Cultural Marxists Attack Our Institutions

American Institutions Fail “We The People” 

Conservative Warrior: We are definitely in a war against Cultural Marxists who viciously attack our traditional institutions resulting in their failure to serve “We The People.” In another installment of “The War We Are In,” Joseph D. Leatherwood exposes Marxist strategies and supplies a wake-up call to all Americans.

Yes! It’s time we…

  • Stand up
  • Reassert ourselves
  • Take control of our institutions and…
  • Reclaim our personal liberty and economic freedom.

“…whenever a civilization begins to die morally or spiritually,

then there begins to appear vultures.  Communism is a scavenger of

decaying civilizations.  It makes its way into a country and into

a culture only when that culture begins rot from the inside.”

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

The War We Are In – Failure of Our Institutions

We can differentiate institutions into two broad categories.

One of these would be categorized as organized patterns of behavior or ways of life.   Broadly defined, this category would include faith, family, marriage, parentage, patriotism, social distinctions, etc.  These are cultural institutions projecting the mores (1) reflecting fixed morally binding customs, (2) working to preserve or promote commonly acceptable forms of behavior, and (3) defining order within the group (society), e.g., the family.  These institutions have been the inherited traditions and prime conservators of the values essential for cultural cohesion and the foundations for Western Civilization.[1]  But under the incessant attacks by Cultural Marxists, institutions have been effectively destroyed or so disrupted and distorted by “Marxist critical theory,” their traditional functions have less and less authority and meaning.

Second Category of Institutions

The second category of institutions would be organizations and establishments promoting an objective.  Roughly defined, these would include education, entertainment, free-enterprise, finance (capital), foundations, government, law, media, medicine, political parties, property ownership, religion, labor unions, etc.  These are physical or material institutions projecting the notions of individuals and society that provide (1) mechanisms designed to facilitate societal purposes and (2) help in defining the rules for governing behavior, e.g., free exchange.

Both cultural and physical institutions approximate the society from which they spring, providing a structure to the society.  For example, we have always presupposed American institutions, which define the existing order, were rooted in a common philosophy, history, and culture emanating from within our liberty-based system.  I use the verb ‘were’ sadly because there are those among us who no longer believe in our shared ideals and more on that below  I say that because of three developments: (1) the insurrection now plaguing this nation, (2) the politization of everything in American life, and (3) the polarization of society.  The first of these, the insurrection, is simply the logical outgrowth of the latter two.

At War with Ourselves

Americans have less and less in common; in fact, we are a nation at war – with ourselves.  In many ways, this would seem unfathomable given the nation’s prosperity, freedoms, rights, and tolerance.  These attributes speak to America’s aspirations of equality, freedom, and opportunity for each of its citizens.  They embody our founding documents and ‘We the People,’  indeed, of our common philosophy, history, and culture, which has allowed the nation to operate and deal with its problems within our constitutional framework.[2]  Our commonalities, our unity, lit the nation’s pathway, illuminated its problems, exposed how to deal with them, and, with each success, allowed us to build a brighter future for the nation and all its people.  The greater the unity, the brighter the light.  But the bright lights of our commonalities have begun to dim; some are flickering on and off, others are flashing a dire warning of growing disunity across the land and among its people.

What has led to this state-of-affairs?

In short, ‘We the People’ are reaping the bitter fruits from the fraudulent seed stock sown over many years in our institutions, be they material (physical) or cultural.  For example, preying upon the goodwill of the American people, upon their tolerance for competing ideas, and the American concept of fair play, Cultural Marxists took full advantage.

Cultural Marxists Target Our Institutions

First, they set about targeting the institutional structure of the United States.

Cultural Marxists understood societies do not follow the mindless pseudo-science of historical materialism.  They knew societies did not believe in Marx’s application of the Hegelian synthesis (violent revolution).  They knew full well that the world’s peoples would not willingly embrace impositions of “scientific socialism” (totalitarianism).  Concepts of State power, dictatorship, socialism, collectivism, the proletariat, State-run labor unions, and social control were completely antithetical to the American Way.  America was a full-throated, gun-toting, liberty-based system where individualism and innovation dominated the landscape, not the mindless drivel of totalitarians parading around as “intellectuals.”  The entirety of the communist manifesto is an attack on the historic institutions underlying Western Civilization, from capital to labor to faith to private ownership.  The Fabian socialists first applied their strategies of Institutional Imperialism in England and then transplanted those same strategies and tactics to the United States, spawning the “Institutionalist” movement. They were quickly followed by the Frankfurt (Leninists) and Gramscian socialists who reinforced the Fabians and their invasion of America’s institutions.

Second, a strategy of institutional imperialism was devised and implemented.

Marxists Infiltrate Strategic Institutions

One of the first and most strategic institutions targeted was the universities.  Within this strategy, agents infiltrated targeted institutions (obtained employment), penetrated the culture (working environment), established themselves as respectable, sophisticated members of the faculty (community), and propagandized themselves as the smartest man/woman in any room they walked into with the goal of taking the institution over.  I should note, “take over” does not mean the individual agent would take over the university or labor union but work to establish Marxism or “revolutionary socialism” as the dominant ideology of the institution or group.  In the case of professors, their goal was to establish a dominant ideology (monopoly control) over a department, e.g., economics, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, literature, etc.  Some of the first academic agents were the Fabians, who fanned out from the London School of Economics.  They were later reinforced by agents from the Institute for Social Research (Frankfurt University) into the United States (and the world) to take professorships and researcher, lecturer and instructor positions at some of the nation’s leading universities: Columbia, Harvard, University of Chicago, University of Wisconsin, and others.

Third, once these apostles of revolutionary socialism were established, they and their disciples set about teaching Marxist orthodoxy through their respective disciplines.

The Apostles of Marxist Orthodoxy

These apostles cloaked their orthodoxy within the garb of intellectual freedom, free speech, and the free exchange of ideas – that was one of their great deceptions. In the universities, intellectual freedom was and has been betrayed, if not destroyed; free speech has become politically correct speech codes guided by Orwellian Newspeak. The free exchange of ideas long ago disappeared along with the marketplace of ideas.

They turned the classroom (and University) and the minds of countless students into a battlefield.  On this battlefield, they set about re-defining those things uniting us as a people turning them into enemies, and applying critical theory to each: God, truth, faith, family, liberty, patriotism, capitalism, the enemies of socialism, marriage, etc.  Their objectives were to recruit students to their cause by destroying their ties to their commonly shared beliefs with their fellow Americans.  Their strategy was (and is) to change the minds of their students, revolutionize their’ thinking, and use them to bring down the Nation by criticizing it, convincing converts to hate their own country.

For example, the Weather Underground, Students for a Democratic Society, the Black Panthers, etc., are disciples of this long march through the universities.  While they created revolutionary socialists, like a Bill Ayers, they aimed to spread the ideas of socialism beyond the true believer to other students who might sympathize with their efforts on a humanitarian basis, what they labeled as latent socialists.  These revolutionary socialists sought to create a faction of the population, turning them against our common philosophy, history, and culture.   From their activities in and their study of Europe, these revolutionary socialists clearly understood that a nation that does not share a common philosophy, history, and culture could not survive.

Forcing the Rules, Laws and Institutions Against ‘We The People”

Over the years, they and their disciples learned how to use the rules, laws, and institutions against the system, forcing conformity – forcing acceptance of ideas and behaviors opposed by a great majority of the American people.  Over the past 100 years, they quietly transformed American society and culture incrementally and gradually by overthrowing its moral and spiritual foundations (commonalities) from within.  They have been successful, for they have created a revolutionary socialist movement presently threatening our liberty-based system.  It is their revolutionary disciples who are now in the process of carrying out systemic political violence against the United States, not in the name of racial or social justice, as they want you to believe, but in the name of revolutionary socialism.

Fourth, the Cultural Marxists established bridges to international socialists romanticizing their revolutionary regimes and cult of personality.  They brought them in as a show of global cooperation to stimulate intellectual curiosity and convince American politicians they needed to know and understand these tyrants.  In short, they sought to “normalize” these revolutionary socialists to their converts and the nation.  Such actions served to propagandize the ideas of revolutionary socialism via some moral narcissist, like Mao Se Tung, romanticizing his murderous behavior as somehow adventurous when he was a sociopath bent on collective slavery of his fellowman.  Over the years, these regimes came to finance and subsidize institutes in the United States to further propagandize their repressive totalitarian systems.

The True Believers

Fifth, these true believers went into the world and made disciples of other men and women, convincing them that State-based systems (revolutionary socialism) were superior to Liberty-based systems and that the former has an obligation to destroy the latter because of forces of “scientific historicism.”  These converts to revolutionary socialism include many “latent socialists.”  The Leninists, Fabians, Fascists, and Gramscians (Marxist apostles) designed a strategy to capture the minds of a great many of our fellow citizens through various means, e.g., identity politics, false equivalencies, political correctness, disinformation, direct actions, etc.  They mobilized a fifth column that has marched through our institutions bringing with them revolutionary socialism and destruction.  Through their fraudulent seeds (teachings), they have sown discontent, discord, and distrust among the American people, and the nation is now reaping the bitter fruits of those teachings.

So effective has been their invasion of the universities (academy) across the fruited plains that today we find entire departments and staffs schooled in Marxist orthodoxy.  So thorough has been their invasion that entire academic departments, e.g., economics, sociology, philosophy, psychology, and others, have no one tenured that holds an opposing view.  In those institutions outside the academy, many have succumbed to the invasion of Cultural Marxism, having learned to use the resources of their respective institutions to further the goals of revolutionary socialism and apply, what Alinsky called, the “constructive use of power.”  This movement’s impact on American society cannot be overstated; it is why this nation is experiencing a systemic failure of our institutions at every level and across the board.

The Marxist-Leninist Insurgency

To understand, we need to look no further than the current insurgency.  We have an ISIS-type organization, Antifa, moving from city-to-city as an armed and trained militia attacking our cities, law-enforcement, businesses, and citizens with impunity.  We have a Marxist-Leninist group, BLM, doing the same but with the distinct purpose of serving as a means to “justify” these attacks based on racial or social justice.  Combined with these two militia units are several other extremist groups and affiliated socialist parties, e.g., RefuseFascism (itself a fascist organization).  Their political violence has already resulted in the abrogation of many of our civil liberties and rights and a demonstrated level of violence and hatred not seen since the Civil War.

This militia effort is being organized and financed by America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic.  Insurgencies require logistical support, i.e., organizational structure, training, planning, travel, maps, communications, housing, food, and weapons.  This insurgency is being recruited, trained, and financed by latent bourgeois socialists who wish to stay above the fray but hope to pick up the pieces after their minions burn down the system.

Political Establishment Sells Out America

This insurgency is successful for another reason. They have been able to operate openly and without restrictions because petite totalitarians have ordered law-enforcement and district attorneys to stand down during their attacks and assaults on our cities and citizens.  In some cases, district attorneys and state attorney generals have backed off from prosecuting these criminals citing prosecutorial privilege; yet, they have charged the law-abiding for protecting their property and their own lives. In others, the chiefs of police or county sheriffs have ordered their forces to stand down, allowing extremists to attack law-abiding groups of citizens, denying the latter their constitutional rights.  This is open collusion by elected officials (petite totalitarians) in these cities, counties and states with the extremist militias resulting in disaster, e.g., Kenosha, Wisconsin.[3]  These petite totalitarians are no better than the extremist in the streets; in fact, they are worse.

This complicity brings together the necessary ingredients for revolutionary socialism, that is, merging a militant, violent militia force with the instrumentalities (institutions) of government to be employed against the citizenry.  It is these extremist politicians, e.g., the mayors, district attorneys, chiefs of police, sheriffs, county judges, governors, congressmen/women, judges, and bureaucrats, across the nation who are perverting the institution of federalism and destroying the institution of law-and-order.  They have failed in their first duty under the constitution – support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic … bear true faith and allegiance to the same – and their actions are clearly treasonous, calculating in their minds they are working to overthrow this President and this nation.  They are revolutionary socialists, militant savages, joining in solidarity with a militant revolutionary militia and its financiers to destroy their own cities, counties, states, and nations.    These reactionary socialists have betrayed their oaths and the trust we placed in them as elected officials.

The Takeover of Our Universities

These reactionaries have all been educated in our universities and are today reflective of the corrupt mission undertaken many years ago by the Fabian, Leninist, Fascist and Gramscian socialists who first invaded our’ universities.   Our universities have failed us, perhaps more than any other institution.  Too many have become little more than lackeys for revolutionary socialism; they are completely out of touch with the American people and the American Way of Life. They have turned their backs on our common philosophy, history, and culture.  While the university is supposed to promote diversity, seeking unity of diversity, its primary purpose is the pursuit of truth – revolutionary socialism is not truth, and it is not diversity.  In fact, revolutionary socialism seeks a collective slavery over the individual and his/her mind.  It seeks mass over individualism and diversity of thought.  The universities should not promote the destruction of the society, the culture, the civilization making it possible.  It should serve as one of the sentinels protecting it from destruction.  The universities fell for the satanic poetry of Marx and his disciples, allowing and even fostering a hostile takeover by his reactionary, destructive ideology of revolutionary socialism (Marxism).

Marxism – The Road to a Hell on Earth

Marxism is a corrupt system reflecting the most perverse of man-centered ideologies.  He and Hitler must walk through Hell, marveling godlike at the ruinous destruction they brought to mankind and earth.  Revolutionary socialism seeks totalism – total power over economics, society, and culture.  Seeking total power, it seeks to create division, to separate citizens from their commonalities of philosophy, history, and culture.  Sowing division offers nothing but conflict through the politization and polarization of everything in life.   Stoking the embers of conflict, this sinister ideology creates the very unrest and disparities it claims to be fighting against.[4]  Such is the state-of-affairs we presently find ourselves for through its mechanism of deceit (Reich Ministry of Propaganda), revolutionary socialists have created the very unrest and disparities it claims to be fighting against.  These reactionaries propagate our nation was founded in evil and bigotry.  They hold our philosophy as a lie, our history is nothing but a long trail of bigotry and racism, and that our culture is designed so we can exploit each other, particularly minorities, and we are captives of capitalist cruelty.[5]

However, the great failure is – ‘We the People’ – have allowed this institutional failure.  The invasion of our institutions began with the academy at the turn of the 19th century, and their strategy of gradualism continues to this very day.  The Marxists have taken over major institutions incrementally over a long march, and we are reaping the bitter harvest of their mischief and our neglect.  As a people, we allowed them to sow the seeds of destruction, discord, and discontent, even nourishing the germination of those seeds through taxpayer dollars and awarding tenure.

Stand Up America! Take Back Your Institutions!

Every American should stand up and reassert ourselves and control over our institutions by reclaiming our commonalities and celebrating them.  We share a deep and rich philosophy rooted in the Judeo-Christian ethic, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  We share an illustrative history understanding “…America has always been great even though we haven’t always lived up to our founding ideals. The United States is a constant attempt to live up to those ideals. Striving toward a more perfect union.”  We have a culture rooted in entrepreneurship, a value for every life, tolerance for other people’s rights and a love for our institutions.[6]

Stand up, America! Take back your institutions!

Joseph D. Leatherwood

[1]               Richard M. Weaver, Language is Sermonic, (Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1970), page 4.

[2]               “Interview of Ben Shapiro,” Watter’s World, Channel 1210, Fox News Channel – HD, Sunday, 26 July 2020, 1 AM, one hour and three minutes, location 1124 – 1555.

[3]               It is not only open collusion between petite totalitarian socialists and the street militias, it has also gotten the blessing of those in the congress of the United States and throughout the National Socialist (Democrat) Party.

[4]               Saul Alinsky, A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, An EWTN Documentary, TV-14, 1 hour and 25 minutes, 21 September 2016, Director Stephen Payne, Writer, Richard Payne, Script transcribed by the author: Joseph D. Leatherwood.

[5]              “Interview of Ben Shapiro,” Watter’s World, Channel 1210, Fox News Channel – HD, Sunday, 26 July 2020, 1 AM, one hour and three minutes, location 1124 – 1555.

[6]              “Interview of Ben Shapiro,” Watter’s World, Channel 1210, Fox News Channel – HD, Sunday, 26 July 2020, 1 AM, one hour and three minutes, location 1124 – 1555.

Assess the previous 9 hard-hitting articles of ‘The War We Are In.”

  1. The War We Are In: Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  4. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  5. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  6. The War We Are In – Wake Up America
  7. The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights
  8. The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government
  9. The War We Are In – National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

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Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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