The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution?

Radicals Ignore Wisdom of John Lennon by Advocating Revolution and Resorting to Violence and Destruction

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out

Beatles – Written by John Lennon

Conservative Warrior: In the fourth installment of “The War We Are In.” Joseph D. Leatherwood exposes the consequences of a revolution with his analysis of historical events that led to death, violence and destruction.

The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution?

Bibles were burned, and Churches converted into Temples of Reason during the French Revolution.  The Jacobins stifled dissent, ideas, and freedom by publicly beheading clergy, members of the bourgeoisie, and even their own (Robespierre).  They killed anyone deemed to be the enemy (not authentic enough) of the revolution.  The death total from this revolutionary war cannot be calculated because its reign of terror extended from border-to-border, keeping guillotines busy as lawless mobs fed it enemy-upon-enemy in the name of the people and the revolution.

The Bolshevik Revolution

Similarly, Bibles and Churches were burned and destroyed in Bolshevik Russia.  Intellectuals, clergy, capitalists, journalists and the law-abiding (bourgeoisie) were summarily executed or banished to the gulags after they were identified and “convicted” by revolutionary state committees.  All czarist art and statutes across Russia were ordered to be torn down by the Bolsheviks. The death total from the Bolshevik revolution and resulting civil war is estimated to be in the millions as it raged from the Ukraine to Siberia to Vladivostok back to Moscow.  This “revolution” brought with it a reign of terror that gripped Russia for decades, killing untold numbers through its police state and global imperialism, which, of course, it constantly railed against.

Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazism)

Synagogues and the Torah were burned and destroyed across Germany.  Brownshirt revolutionaries confiscated all Jewish property while the owners were herded into ghettos or ordered killed.  Jews became the target, the enemy; they were systemically isolated, castigated, polarized and executed.  Plagiarizing Lenin’s gulag concentration camps, Hitler added a systemic means of exterminating millions.  Beyond targeting Jews, the National Socialist German Workers Party carried out a systemic surveillance of those they identified as enemies of the state; these included: Christians, Jehovah Witnesses, Free Masons, Gypsies and other groups.  The National Socialist reign of terror spread throughout Europe with the same mission and results of their “revolution.” The death total from the Nazi reign of terror is estimated in the millions, which included a total war of imperialism.

China’s Communist Revolution

Across China, Mao Zedong led a revolution against the people of China, finally winning absolute power in 1949 with his victory over Chiang Kai-shek.  He chased the nationalist government off the mainland to Taiwan.  Under this gangster’s totalitarian rule, China annihilated millions through waves-after-waves of cultural revolutions to enforce new industrial policies, five-year plans to purge enemies and purify the revolution.  Zedong commanded his Red Army to murder millions of Chinese who dissented or sought to liberate their nation.  He ordered his government and its People’s Liberation Army to burn Bibles, destroy churches, tear down Buddhist monasteries, enslave Tibet, persecute minorities, establish concentration camps, run a system of re-education camps, and repress political dissent that continues to this day.  The death total from the Maoist reign of terror is estimated in the millions, and his legacy lives on through Xi Jinping.

Nazi Jihadism in the Middle East

Across the Middle East, Jews, Christians and other religious groups are ravaged with death, imprisonment and outright slavery.  Bibles, churches, synagogues, the Torah and all places of worship are burned and destroyed.  The property of Christians, Jews and other religious minorities is confiscated by the State and redistributed to those deemed more righteous.  Centuries’ old statues are pummeled by Islamic extremists in the name of their revolution.  ISIS, Al-Qaeda, PLO, Islamic Revolutionary Guard, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other groups are all the lineage of the Nazi Jihadist movement.  They have destroyed country after country across the Middle East in the name of “Islamic revolution.”  All have established or imposed totalitarian regimes throughout the region imposing their various versions of Islam from Afghanistan to Libya.  The death toll from this reactionary movement of Nazi Jihadism knows no calculations, having lost count.

Marxist – Leninist Vision of Moral Nihilism

And now you and I sit in our living rooms sipping Topo Chico, munching popcorn, and watching the revolution televised live as the media covers its own demise.  We are staring straight into the eyes of a fire-breathing multi-headed hydra; while we are dazed and confused, shaken and surprised, they tell us exactly what they intend to do.  As we try and shake off the blows to our body and psyche, staggering, we listen as these thugs espouse chaos, destruction and, if their demands are not met, burn the system down.  They are telling us exactly what they want.  Do you think it is justice for George Floyd? Please, who was that?  You think they are doing all this because black lives matter?  Slogans aside, these thugs seek to replace the system with some Marxist – Leninist vision of moral nihilism.

These people are despicable; those fomenting insurrection are using race, the black community, and the rich legacy of the Civil Rights Movement as a means to reach an end – revolution.[1]  As Bob Woodson argues, these insurrectionists have hijacked the moral authority of the Civil Rights Movement, “…for immoral purposes, using the tools of violence to promote insurrection and instability in our nation.  We are in a fight for the soul of this nation.”[2]

Let’s Destroy Amerika Agenda

Let us examine their Let’s Destroy Amerika Agenda.

We view this unfolding reactionary temper tantrum and its latest atrocity carried out against some innocent, law-abiding citizen, society, or history.  We wonder aloud, why aren’t the police stopping this?  But then we know the answer, those elected to govern our communities have (1) betrayed us (the community) and their constitutional oaths (2) thrown in with the thugs (3) directed our thin blue line of defense against chaos, destruction and criminality to stand down.

Within a well-organized and devised attack, these traitors have placed socialist ideology and hatred, fear and intimidation, above community and defending the rule of law.  To ensure, chaos reigns, destruction is not opposed, theft goes unpunished, murder is sanctioned, and mob rule governs, these traitors have moved to abandon the first responsibility of civil government – to protect and defend its citizens – by defunding, reorienting, and/or abolishing police forces across the nation.

This abandonment of their first responsibility as officeholders confirms the corruption, degradation, debasement and undermining of America’s civic institutions, e.g., extending from the DOJ down to local district attorneys.  These actions in these cities and counties across the nation place society in a precarious state of affairs. If politicians are no longer willing to defend their communities and Soros-bought district attorneys will not prosecute crimes, then citizens will be forced to defend themselves against the mobs (the “revolution”).  However, if the law-abiding defend themselves, their family, property, business or community, local district attorneys are preparing to prosecute the law-abiding for protecting and defending while smearing you to the Reich Ministry.

The Revolution (Insurrection) is Being Waged Against Innocent Americans

This development shows how this revolutionary war (insurrection) is being waged against you, your family, community, and society.  The insurrectionists believe and have successfully demonized the police as the enemy. We are discovering local politicians and district attorneys are refusing to prosecute crimes resulting from the insurrection because they believe the criminal justice system is the problem.

In their world, conservatives, anyone who believes in liberty-based systems, e.g., free-markets, religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition your government, unlawful searches and seizures, e.g., the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, will be deemed an enemy of the people – of the revolution.  Radical thugs will declare the Conservative worldview “unconstitutional” and a thought crime.

These reactionaries will attempt to drive all conservatives (anyone who disagrees with them and their ideas) from office whether they sit on a city council, in a state legislature, serve in congress, or in some executive position (mayor, county judge, governor, president), e.g., they seek to immediately depose the President of the United States, before the election.

Sanction of the Victim – Corporate America Grovels  

For all you, corporate types, despite your groveling, capitulation and appeasement of this mob to date, they are coming for you as well: corporate officers, board members and managers deemed conservatives and certainly not anti-racists enough will be driven from their jobs, of course, provided the corporation is still viable.

Businessmen and women? In their world, you are simply petite bourgeoisie debris to be swept away no matter your political leanings.  Free enterprise means profits, private property (money, plant and equipment and inventory) and independence all are an anathema to the revolution.  If businesses are allowed, petite totalitarians will boycott all white-owned businesses or shutdown, and any new enterprises will only be allowed to be operated by people of color.

Conservatives will not be allowed to hold any position other than the most menial jobs; they will not be allowed to teach, hold office, practice law, be a doctor or nurse, work as a police officer, etc.  They will not be allowed to attend schools, except reeducation camps.  This worldview will be outlawed and declared a mental disorder (deranged judgment).  Conservatives will be targeted, isolated, categorized, polarized, and, if need be, exterminated.  If you survive, you will not be allowed to join society until you conform to the revolution’s vision of order.  Conservatism will be categorized as de facto white supremacy, and this “crime” will serve as the underlying predicate for all actions deemed necessary by the revolution.

Radical Crimes Against Christians

Christianity will be outlawed.  The collective will order the systemic destruction of all statues and icons (stained glass) of Jesus, his mother Mary and all Saints, branding such statues and icons as gross forms of white (European) supremacy.  To accuse, divide, and categorize the classes, the revolution has already stated that such depictions serve the bourgeoisie (ruling class) as tools of oppressive, racist propaganda. Needless to say, it will become a crime to raise a child in a Christian home, church or school.  Bibles, churches, and schools will be burned, destroyed or repurposed based on the dictates of local revolutionary committees.  Children living with Christians and falling under their influence will be taken from their families.  Children educated by such parents and families or in such institutions or holding such views will be taken by the state and reeducated in collective youth camps.  Christians, like conservatives, will be targeted, isolated, categorized, polarized, and, if need be, exterminated.

The nuclear family will be declared a vestige of the white, conservative Christian worldview and outlawed.  It will be dismantled and extinguished.  All children will be taken from their parents, raised, and educated by the collective – the State.  The State will confer “legal” parenthood.

Enemies of Your Liberty and Freedom Exposed

The central organizers, financiers, and leaders of this revolutionary movement are in the same lineage as Jacobins, Bolsheviks, Nazis, Maoists, and Jihadists.  Barrack Obama, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers, Shaun King, and others are the “leaders” of this Let’s Destroy Amerika Agenda.  They are just as ignorant, vile. and disgusting as Robespierre, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Bin Laden.

It is as if we have woken up living in some dystopian nightmare where the Ku Klux Klan prevailed in their revolutionary war movement.  These present-day reactionaries sound just like the KKK, as they voice the same hate-filled and racist rhetoric against white people.  Is there anything more disgusting than watching some patronizing ignorant, skinny white person running around branding black police officers as black Judas, tearing down or defacing statues they know nothing about to curry favor, and pretending to speak for black folks?   The black hoods and attire of BLM, Antifa, and other assorted reactionaries rioting in the streets is no different than the white hoods and attire of the Klan.  Both are revolting and anti-American.

If you are not paying attention, I suggest you start. If you don’t understand what is going on, I suggest you start studying so you can recognize this movement – revolutionary war – for the threat it is; if not, your nation will be lost.

The Objective of a Socialist Revolution

The primary objective of all socialists is the acquisition, maintenance, consolidation, accumulation, and extension of political power.  Everything they do strategically or tactically is pointed toward organizing for power, identifying any means (the how) to (1) acquire and accumulate power and (2) deploy that power as a “constructive use of force” to transform the nation, society, culture, economy and history into a socialist society.  To these socialists, all of life is partisan and political and politics is war by other means.  They embrace both the Alinskyite dictum of “political relativism,” that is, using any means necessary, and the Leninist dictum of “…getting power through the ballot but…” the reconsideration “… after they got the guns.”  Within this objective is the goal of establishing one-party rule.

All of these “revolutions” were totalitarian, socialist and reactionary in nature. All were carried out through terrorism (an act of war) and/or police state powers used against their populations.

The Current Revolutionary Movement of Destruction

Consider we have a “revolutionary” movement engaging in riotous behavior across this nation.  In the name of “their cause,” they tear down historical statues, deface and destroy works of art, spray paint, seize and occupy property, kill and maim people, break in and steal property, disrespect, kill and maim police officers all in the name of black lives matters?

In the name of their cause, they seek to destroy and burn down the system and replace it with their vision of order.  Just what is that vision?  It is totalitarian socialism, that is, totalism, as defined by two white Europeans (Karl Marx and Frederick Engels).  While these people rage on about the past sin of slavery and racism, they nonetheless embrace both.  They are a movement at war with itself, its own internal contradictions; for, on the one hand, they claim America is a racist nation because of its past sin of slavery; but with power, they would institute the enslavement of every citizen to the State, regardless of color, except those elites in charge, of course.

We fought a bloody Civil War to free slaves from plantation socialism, but today we would fight another bloody revolution with the prospect of the winning side re-imposing socialism under the guise of reactionary Marxist Leninism as some kind of redemptive solution?  Really?

Joseph D. Leatherwood

[1]               David Horowitz, Barrack Obama’s Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model, (Sherman Oaks, California: David Horowitz’s Freedom Center, 2009), location 63.
[2]               Bob Woodson Interview, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Channel 211, Fox Business Network, Wednesday, 1 July 2020, 4:00 P.M., location 44:17.

You can access his other three articles in this series.

  1. The War We Are In: Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables

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Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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