The War We Are In – Triumph of the Will – Principles and Indicators

Editor: Our Founding Fathers built the American Republic on the principles of liberty, freedom and individual rights. Unfortunately, leading indicators present us with evidence that enemies of our great nation have undermined the beautiful and sublime principles that supplied us with our highest values. Fortunately, Joseph D. Leatherwood supplies us with information that could lead to a revival of the authentic American Way of Life.

Triumph of the Will – Principles and Indicators

“… since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.”  Romans 1:28

The American Republic was rooted in the fundamental concept that government (and its administrators) derived its consent from the governed (a well-informed citizenry).  At our founding, the Declaration of Independence and Constitution clearly defined this concept of self-government or limited government.

The Declaration of Independence gave us five principles underlying the concept of limited government, while the Constitution gave us the operating system.[1]  The Declaration emphatically (1) acknowledged the existence of God as the Creator (Ordainer) of human government.[2]

Within this acknowledgment, they specified (2) God endowed mankind with certain unalienable rights, that among them are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  The Constitution, through the Bill of Rights, expanded on those unalienable rights.[3]

The third principle enunciated in the Declaration is that (3) human government exists to protect those unalienable rights.  Within these principles is the implicit negation of government to be the arbiter of these rights; that is, these rights are gifted to every living human being. No government has a right to interfere or intervene.

The fourth principle found in the Declaration is the fact (4) God gifted mankind with a fixed moral law.  These laws grow out of the Ten Commandments and God’s covenant with mankind.

The final principle put forth by the Declaration was with respect to the social compact, (5) the majority would prevail in the conduct and business of government.  That God ordained human government, he also ordained rulers to protect those rights and reward good works and punish the bad.[4]  In addition, the Constitution provided mechanisms protecting the minority and the operations of the government from nefarious actors.

The Five Principles Made America Exceptional

These five principals made the American experience exceptional, novus ordo seclorum, from the beginning, namely, the founder’s rejection of the ways of the old order, namely, “Royalty” monarchism, secular dictatorship, authoritarianism, statist mercantilism, feudalism, tribalism, and totalitarian impositions embracing representation (Republicanism) through the consent of the governed.  As embodied in these seminal documents, up to this place and time, no government had ever embraced these principles in toto.

These principles define the purposes of the founders, the American Revolution, the American Republic, and the American experience. That is, the founders believed the colonists (the people) should live under a government ordained by God that they possessed certain unalienable rights, that government should protect those rights, the Creator fixed the moral law, and the citizens should live by those laws, and that they should rule themselves through a representative system (Republic).  As a corollary, the founders believed those who governed within the Republic were to be subjects of the citizenry.  These documents bestowed upon the citizenry positive rights protecting them from the government (State power) and allowed them to tell the government and government officials (administrators) who, what, when, where, and how it can take action.

This concept of self-government clearly limited (negated) the rights of the State (government) concerning the citizen.  Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were anti-totalitarian documents; they stood against tyrannical imposition, having experienced the British Imposition. Their purpose was to institute a governmental experiment (Constitutional system) that would forever restrain such annoyances.

They were so concerned about this possibility they devised means within the Constitution itself (Article 5 and the Bill of Rights) to stand against those unrighteous individuals and factions from within the Republic who they knew, based on man’s sinfulness, selfishness, man-centeredness, and unrighteousness, would, one day, if a determined faction obtained enough political power, they would seek to impose tyranny on the citizens.

The Great Experiment

To launch this experiment, the founders designed a covenant of negative rights with respect to government power, i.e., the Constitution.  As part of that effort to limit government power, mechanisms (safeguards) were written into the Constitution, e.g., separation of powers, checks and balances, equal protection under the law, etc. to provide the means of protection against the schemers and scoundrels who they knew would emerge with time.  However, a recounting of those mechanisms herein is not our purpose.

We are about to identify the many leading indicators demonstrating the abandonment of the principle of self-government and the annihilation of the positive rights doctrine underlying our founding.  As such, the nation is in the midst of an unfolding abomination unimagined by our founders and our ancestors, and each invites the judgment of God on the nation because of its betrayal of principle and embracement of these great sins.  Such indicators reveal why the nation is experiencing a breakdown of civil order, a widespread apostasy, and the collapse of the culture.

Before outlining these leading indicators, let us first examine the characteristics of these indicators signaling the breakdown of the Republic and inviting the judgment of God.

Characteristics of the Leading Indicators

First, these leading indicators signal the abandonment of the central tenant of why human governments are even formed, namely, to prevent, stand against, and restrain evil.  Governments are ordained by God and instituted to deal with evil internally (criminal activity) and externally (attacks by foreign governments).  “Government ought to protect the individuals within the country against the violent and fraudulent attacks of gangsters, and it should defend the country against foreign enemies.  These are the functions of government …” within a liberty-based, righteous system.[5]  The first responsibility of government is the protection of its citizens from evil.

Second, such indicators clearly undermine the second tenant of why human governments are instituted – to protect and guarantee equal justice and protection under the law for all its citizens.  As ordained by God, the government’s central responsibility is the protection, e.g., equal protection under the law, of the unalienable rights endowed to every citizen.  Consider, in reality and actuality, these same rights have been endowed to every human on the face of the earth but institutionally and systemically denied by man-centered governments (based on the philosophies of men and women) dominating the world system since the beginning of time.  While mankind has been endowed with these unalienable rights, man-centered governments bent on social control have denied those rights and enslaved humankind to these worldly systems.

Now understand that is not the assumption or thinking outside of the United States and, even within the US, we have a determined faction seeking the abandonment of that assumption.  Quite the contrary, historically, most governments are man-centered systems built on the philosophies of men and women who believe they know better than the citizen and God how humankind should live.  In theory, the government is to be an unbiased arbiter, an umpire, to deal with civil and criminal matters by providing the mechanism, a judicial system, to reward good and punish the bad (evil).  The truth is the government has increasingly become a force for evil.

Elitists Use the Indicators Against the People

Third, these indicators are little more than the bauble of elitists; playthings used to impose their vision of order upon others. Having abandoned the central tenant of government – the restraint of evil – this third characteristic is designed to undermine the second – government’s charge to protect the unalienable rights of its citizens.  That is, the ruling class using these playthings place their will (preference) ahead of and above reason, truth, principle, the rule of law, the consent of the governed, and God.  In fact, God has no role in their system at all except as an object of exploitation (see Machiavelli), mockery, criticism, and ridicule.  These elites constantly market themselves as debonair, sophisticated, educated, intellectual, articulate, and, above all else, “working for the common good”; but do not be deceived; they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

These imposters are ideologues – they are extremists – dressed up but dedicated to imposition, not self-government.  They are extremists in the pursuit of tyranny; they are the determined faction the founders warned us about at the dawning of the American Experience.  It is this determined faction for whom the Declaration of Independence, Article 5, and the Bill of Rights were written, namely, to counter them and drive them from power.  This determined faction believes themselves gods defining the world and the things in it in open defiance of the laws of nature and nature’s God.[6]

Fourth, these indicators are employed to confuse the citizenry about the role of government (the State) and its administrators. Having abandoned the first and second reasons for human government based on God’s ordinances, the elites lead the State into the act of embracing evil.  The citizens experience these embracements, based not on the legislative process or the consent of the governed, but through judicial fiat or bureaucratic rulings or findings (the will of the elites) and left wondering ‘how such things are possible’ or ‘how can this happen?’

Beyond witnessing the schemers and scoundrels embracing evil, they see the State, calling evil good.  Under these administrators, the State abandons any pretense of being an unbiased arbiter or umpire; instead, the State embraces, advocates, protects and imposes evil in the form of policies.  That is, the State and its ruling elites, instead of restraining evil, embrace evil, becoming evil.  Such is the current state of affairs worldwide, where secular socialist governments have embraced evil and employed State power against their citizens in open violation of God’s ordained purposes of human government, e.g., restrain evil and protect the unalienable rights of every human being.  In the US, we see this same process unfolding right in front of our eyes, where socialist reactionaries have seized control of government and major societal and cultural institutions and are now in the process of turning them into an enabler of evil.

Indicators Define the Elitist’s Agenda

And fifth, the indicators define the agenda of the elites, the ruling class, who have set themselves up as “god” willing to arbitrarily define (redefine) things that were once the province of the governed (citizens), natural law, and nature’s God.  The agenda of these New Hegelians (totalitarians) is to reorder society and culture, ignoring the consent of the governed, bypassing the citizenry, and abandoning the history and traditions of Christendom.  Along with our major societal and cultural institutions, the State has been infiltrated, taken over by these New Hegelians, bringing with them a barbarian Gnosticism build upon the reactionary, statist ideas of Hegel, Marx, Lenin, Gramsci,  It is the ideology that holds totalitarian rule is simpler and in line with their will and preferences.

The Dreadful State of Affairs

Given these characteristics, is it any wonder why our world is in such a dreadful state of affairs?  Why so many people suffer, seem confused, and uninformed?  Why the nation, indeed the world, is filled with skyrocketing crime and death?  Why the nation seems to be willingly abandoning its history and traditions?  Why the foundational principles of the nation are being attacked and jettison without debate or votes involving the consent of the governed.

These characteristics define the depraved mind underlying our current state of affairs and the unfolding abomination.  Each ties right back to the abandonment of the principle of self-government and the annihilation of the positive rights doctrine underlying our founding.  Each reveals why the nation is experiencing a great fragmentation, growing disunity, a breakdown of civil order, a widespread apostasy, and the collapse of the culture.

These characteristics point to the revolution of moral nihilism sweeping across this nation and the determined faction seeking a triumph of the will over principle, tradition, and God.  They reject God or His Knowledge, seeking imposition of their will over mankind instead.

Joseph D. Leatherwood

[1]               David Barton and Rick Green, “Foundations of Freedom: American Exceptionalism,” Wallbuilders, Channel 560 Trinity Broadcasting Network, Friday, 9 July 2021, 10:30 pm, 32 minutes, location 2538.

[2]               Romans 13:1

[3]               The rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness were supplemented with the rights to freedom of worship, the free exercise of religion, free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to file grievances and petitions, freedom of self-protection and defense, security in person (personal liberty) and property, right to due process, right to counsel, right to trial, protection from cruel and unusual punishment, retention of all unalienable rights, and the rights of States to act.

[4]               Romans 13:3.

[5]               Ludwig Von Mises, Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow, (South Bend, Indiana: Regnery/Gateway, Inc., 1979), page 37.

[6]               Paul Kengor quoted from A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing II: The Gender Agenda, Eternal Word Network, Channel 562, 7 October 2020, 9:00 pm.  2 hours and 3 minutes.  Arcadia Files Production, written by Richard Payne, Producers: Richard Payne and Stephen Payne, Directed by Stephen Payne.

The War We Are In Series

When you access the previous 24 hard-hitting articles of “The War We Are In,” you capture the facts behind the radical takeover of America.

  1. The War We Are In – The Totalitarians
  2. The War We Are In – Bottom Up-Top Down
  3. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  4. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  5. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  6. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  7. The War We Are In – Wake Up America
  8. The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights
  9. The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government
  10. The War We Are In – National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
  11. The War We Are In – Failure of Our Institutions
  12. The War We Are In – Propaganda – False Teachings: The Collapse of Disinformation
  13. The War We Are In – Informational Warfare – The Myth Makers
  14. The War We Are In – America’s Reich Ministry – Extremism in the Defense of Tyranny
  15. The War We Are In – Purposeful Actions Destroying Our Republic
  16. The War We Are In – Equal Protection Under Election Law
  17. The War We Are In – America’s Unfolding Color Revolution – Part 1
  18. The War We Are In – America’s Unfolding Color Revolution – Part 2
  19. The War We Are In – The Sunshine Patriots of the Swamp
  20. The War We Are In – The Continuing Crisis
  21. The War We Are In – The End of the Republic
  22. The War We Are In – Quid Dicitis (What Say You) America?
  23. The War We Are In – Tyranny of the Anointed Class
  24. The War We Are In – Ultimate Truth and the National Socialist Party

The Conservative Party USA

It’s time for an Authentic Conservative Party to take decisive actions to save our Republic from the psychopaths who consider themselves members of the National Socialist Party (NSP). Fortunately, one does exist, the Conservative Party USA. Our mission is to protect your individual rights, which means we fervently defend your personal liberty and economic freedom. The day arrives when Conservatives realize that the Republican Party has been taken over by the Deep State, as witnessed by some of their establishment politicians supporting President Trump’s impeachment. Also, many of them secretly want to abandon Trump and America.

To preserve their God-given rights, enlightened men and women will join the Conservative Party USA in droves.

The time to join us is now…because your mission is our mission. Would you please donate whatever you can to help us restore the America we love and cherish?

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. The Conservative Warrior soars as a man or woman who fights for and defends our Constitutional Rights, which means Supporting the Conservative Party USA is a good start. Let’s restore the America we love and cherish!

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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