The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government

Socialists, Extremists and the Criminally Corrupt Government Attack “We the People”

We are pleased to present another installment in Joseph D Leatherwood’s “The War We Are In.” His article “Criminally Corrupt Government” exposes the socialists who have taken over government at all levels and their supporters (extremists) who are attempting to destroy America’s liberty-based system.

The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government

Every attack on the United States President has been and is currently gamed to overthrow him and his government.  That is, there has been a systematic and institutional undertaking to bring the necessary resources to bear in overthrowing this President, his government, and his political movement.

While the President and his government are the targets, it is really America, its ideals, and ‘We the People’ they are coming for.  These destroyers in our midst seek to overthrow, burn down America’s liberty-based system replacing it with a totalitarian system of collective slavery.  As the President has said repeatedly, “They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you.”

The president is right; the extremists in the streets (bottom-up) and the halls of government at all levels (top-down) are coming after anyone who opposes their reactionary, Statist agenda.  Currently, their campaign is pointed toward sowing the seeds of discontent, discord, and destruction.  The objectives are to (1) create fear, panic, chaos, confusion, and intimidation amongst ‘We the People;’ and, of course, (2) defeat the President via the electoral process.  With respect to the latter, their aim since his election has been to depose him and his presidency.

Evil Objectives

The first of these objectives is paramount because it is designed to systemically abrogate your liberties and rights.  By using physical violence, the black-clad militia units of the National Socialists “democrat” Party demonstrate just how far they are willing to go in seizing power or overthrowing the government of the United States.

Their display of hatred and viciousness plant a seed, in the minds of every American, that their direct action can and will be turned on them if they do not adhere to their directions.  Such actions against citizens and property are a means of suppression and oppression; this is particularly true when local elected officials and law enforcement refuse to enforce the rule of law.   These actions are not new or innovative; they come from the same playbook of all tyrannical movements.  Consider the Ku Klux Klan, another militia that employed these same tactics in support of the National Socialist Party for years.

These direct actions are made worse because of the unwillingness of those in the halls of government (at all levels) to condemn this violence and destruction, and, in fact, they defend, support, and join in these attacks. It should be noted no socialist (Democrat) in the congress, no blue state-socialist governor, no blue county socialist county executive or blue city mayor has condemned any of the violence carried out by Antifa/BLM militia units across the United States.  Even when pressed in hearings or press conferences, they refuse to condemn black bloc thugs, quickly turning their criticism on President Trump, federal law enforcement, or law-abiding citizens defending their lives, families, and property.

Government Officials Neglect Their Constitutional Responsibilities

This solidarity with lawless militia units, instead of standing with the law-abiding, demonstrates the willingness of elected officials, up and down the federal system, to reject their constitutional oaths, abdicate their responsibilities (security and safety of their citizens) and join in a lawless insurrection.  The actions of these petite totalitarians are in the same lineage as their political ancestors – the vile, racist, authoritarian democrats who brought one-party rule to the South for well over a century.  This is what they seek to revive, except writ large upon the canvass of America, wrapped up in another version of utopianism – Ameritopia.[1]

Turning John Lewis’ funeral into a political rally, the national socialist B.H. Obama stated there were no Bull Connors or George Wallaces anymore, but he is wrong.  B. H. Obama and his minions are the very personifications of present-day Bull Connors with their bullhorns directing attacks in the streets against the United States of America.  It is B.H. Obama and his minions standing in the hallways of government employing identity politics to divide communities to destroy this nation.  The current actions called for by B. H. Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and other minions harken back to the days of segregationist and Jim Crow.

This is the visceral choice facing the American people in November.

Henchmen for the National Socialist Party

This direct-action campaign and the solidarity between the black-clad night riders, e.g., Antifa/BLM neo-fascist militias, and those in office demonstrate what contempt they have for America, its ideals and ‘We the People.’   They should be answering for what they are doing to this nation, its people, and our society.  What is unfolding is a disgrace to every American citizen and to all those who came before us.  These people are the henchmen for the National Socialist Party, i.e., the “Democrat” Party, and their drive to establish one-party rule.

National socialists’ claims that President Donald J. Trump and his administration are a threat to our Republic and our Constitution is instinctively ridiculous and little more than a tactical deflection.   Deploying federal law-enforcement to defend federal property and assist local police in restoring law and order is not unconstitutional.  Nor are federal marshals and law-enforcement stormtroopers, Gestapo members, tyrants, or Trump’s secret police.  They are federal law-enforcement paid to serve us, protect us, and stand between the villains and civilization. Note the one elected official most strongly and vocally standing up for law and order, thank God, there are others, is universally attacked by national socialists.

During his campaign and tenure in office, national socialists using government institutions and instrumentalities have carried out systemic attacks against him and his administration.  With each, they thought they would be successful enough to bring his presidency down.  However, what emerged was a common theme, a common bias, if you will.  Each attack has exposed how criminally corrupt these people are and, by extension, our government, i.e., the swamp is not fictional. Like any criminal enterprise, it has its ardent defenders.

Nefarious Schemes

Readers will note that the national socialists are not seeking accountability for government malfeasance, i.e., holding government bureaucrats accountable in the case of the Deep State.  They have engaged in nefarious schemes to character assassinate the president, his family, his administration, and his supporters in every case.  This demonstrates a classic tactical deflection, accusing the person, e.g., the President and his government, seeking to hold those responsible for government malfeasance accountable for being corrupt.   That is, they accuse the President of the crimes they are committing. Their actions demonstrate the reality that there are two systems of justice, one for the criminally corrupt who are never prosecuted and held accountable and another for the rest of us.

We know this because these criminal corrupt socialists are demanding the President and his administration stop trying to hold them and their allies accountable.  They are spitting mad because he will not allow their lawlessness to continue.  They want to be allowed to continue their dishonesty, which is why they are attacking this president and his administration.

National Socialists, Government and the Surveillance State

The national socialists are behind the greatest, most lawless action in the history of this nation.  What they engaged in was treason at the highest levels of government.  They employed the full power of the intelligence agencies and Justice, Treasury and State departments to spy on Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump.  The purpose of their counterintelligence operation was to undermine DJT’s ability to secure the nomination. This operation was organized and led by the Obama – Biden Administration to interfere in the 2016 election on behalf of the Alinskyite Hillary Rodham Clinton.

This surveillance was in the same spirit as their attacks, using the IRS, against the American people in 2012 to suppress voting and fundraising by conservative (tea party) groups opposed to the Socialist-of-the-chair.  And in the same way, as we are now finding out, they spied on members of congress from 2008 until the end of the Obama – Biden regime.

Having failed in stopping DJT’s ascend to the nomination and his Deplorables Movement, they set about to destroy him and his presidency by going after those around him as a means of overthrowing his presidency and government.  The counterintelligence operation code-named Operation Crossfire Hurricane, using the fraudulent Clinton – DNC – Steele Dossier, morphed from undermining the candidate to undermining the President.  Eventually, it became the equally corrupt Mueller investigation.  But it did not stop there.

Corrupt Criminal Socialists

Corrupt criminal socialists (Steyer, Soros, etc.) financed a systematic invasion by caravans of Central Americans trying to overwhelm the southern border and undermine the president’s immigration policy.  They worked to shut down legislative cooperation in the congress, and many dupe Republicans, led by Paul Ryan, joined in. Through the actions of the incompetent Ryan, Republicans lost control of the House, paving the way for re-organizing the House under the Marxist Pelosi.

Meanwhile, partisan socialist bureaucrats engaged in a disinformation campaign of leaks throughout the government.  Under reactionary neo-Marxist – Fascists, national socialists attacked the presidency through a partisan impeachment.  Even the pandemic became a political means – weapon – almost the perfect weapon – to attack and undermine the President and the nation by shutting down the economy, locking down people in their homes (martial law), shutting down schools, and allowing petite totalitarians to exert lawlessness across the land.  The mechanisms employed by most of these petite totalitarians up and down the federal system to “fight” the virus come straight out of how the Chinese totalitarian model dealt with the virus – martial law.

All of this is in furtherance of the Alinskyite goals for overthrowing and burning down the system – keeping the pressure on and never letting up.  After all, “[t]he major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”[2]  National socialists are well versed in Alinsky’s rules.  They understand if they can bring continuous stress on the system, it will result in responses from the enemy essential for the success of their insurgency.

National Socialists Attack “We the People”

All of this corruption – power in the hands of national socialists – has brought this nation to this place in time.  It is national socialists who are responsible for the continuing attacks upon this president and ‘We the People;’ It is they who are responsible for the insurrection, the disunity in government, and the polarization of America.

This corruption is the direct result of power being entrusted to incompetent ideologues bent on overthrowing the system from within, i.e., fundamentally transforming the system.  Operation Crossfire Hurricane is a perfect exemplar of how a concentration of power corrupts absolutely.[3]   The origins of this campaign (insurgency) to overthrow President Trump and his pro-American movement start and end with B. H. Obama and his minions.  He pressured (ordered) the intelligence agencies and the Departments of Justice, Treasury and State to unmask and surveil political opponents to interfere in the 2016 election on behalf of H. R. Clinton.

Lies of Hillary Clinton and the DNC

The corrupt scheme was predicated on a lie, a dossier, concocted in the pay of H. R. Clinton and the Democrat National Committee (DNC).  The dossier was originally schemed as opposition research for contesting the 2016 election if H.R.C. lost, but it morphed into much more.  The Steele dossier came about when Bruce Ohr (an Associate Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice) shared Steele’s “intelligence reports” with his wife, Nellie Ohr.  She was and is a socialist and Obama acolyte, then working for Fusion GPS, and the person who pulled the report together.

It served as the central document asserting Russian interference in the 2016 election and collusion with President Trump.  It was put into the national conversation because B. H. Obama pressured Jim Comey and the FBI to get it into the national threat assessment.  This act gave credibility to a report they knew was fraudulent.  The document was employed to give themselves and the investigation legitimacy, and, immediately, they began leaking parts of it to the Reich Ministry of Propaganda before the election.  They sought to imply Presidential Candidate Trump was under serious investigation and might be little more than a puppet to the Kremlin.

Failing to derail DJT, they employed the dossier to obstruct the duly elected President of the United States.  They lied to the FISA court and misrepresented the “intelligence” to agencies and Justice Department to surveil and wiretap the Trump transition team and administration.  They repeatedly claimed the information came from highly placed Kremlin sources.  But as we have since discovered, most of the information was made-up by a defunct British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele. Other information was simply made-up by a part-time Russian analyst at the Brookings Institute.

Obama and the Most Powerful Agencies of Government

This report was leaked in January 2017 by James Clapper as truthful. It gave cover to Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and others to go on TV and propagandize Donald John Trump’s treasonous behavior.  It served as the basis for much of the corrupt Mueller investigation.  The intelligence agencies knew this document to be unvetted and untruthful, but they represented it as something highly credible when it was not.  Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Rice, Jarrett, and others who went on TV to accuse the President of treasonous behavior demonstrated just how far these people are willing to go in maintaining their power.  They engaged in the act of open deception of (lying to) the American people, deflecting their own criminal activities on to the President and his administration.

While the treasonous behavior of B. H. Obama and his minions are bad enough, the great crime lies in the fact national socialists show absolutely no inclination to hold these criminals accountable.  As noted earlier, these corrupt criminal socialists want the President and Attorney General Barr to stop holding them and their allies accountable.  Are we left to surmise they seek to institutionalize this behavior by B. H. Obama and the most powerful agencies of our government?

Instead of holding these individuals accountable, they have joined in the deception to cover-up B. H. Obama and Joe Biden’s complicity in using the instrumentalities and mechanisms of the State to interfere in the 2016 election.  This cabal used the most powerful and terrifying powers of the State to spy on Americans, attack their privacy, coerce their families, destroy their livelihood, compel confessions, and rob individuals of their liberty.

The Deep State and the National Socialist Party

Remember, the Deep State activities down to the current insurrection emanate from one source – the national socialist party; their actions undertaken for political purposes to be used against political enemies.  If this crime is allowed to stand and there is no accountability, this nation is headed to a post-constitutional banana republic.

If this trend continues, then the abrogation of our liberties, our rights, will become a distant dream, destroyed and our children will be doomed to live under a collective slavery.  The rattling, clanking sounds of the chains of enslavement are echoing in our ears.  Are you as committed to the defense of this nation and our liberty-based system as the national socialists are to destroying it?

Joseph D. Leatherwood

[1]               Mark Levin, Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America, (New York, New York: Threshold Editions, 2012), passim.

[2]               Terry D. Turchie and Donagh Bracken, In their Own Words: The Democratic Party’s Push Towards a Communist America, (Palisades, New York: History Publishing Company, LLC, 2020), Kindle edition, location 1809 of 6593.

[3]               Hat tip to Lord Acton.

Assess the previous 7 articles of ‘The War We Are In.

  1. The War We Are In: Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  4. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  5. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  6. The War We Are In – Wake Up America
  7. The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights

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Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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