The War We Are In – The Inconceivables

The Inconceivables – “Experts” Like Dr. Fauci or the American People?

We are pleased to present the third installment of Joseph D. Leatherwood’s series “The War We Are In.” He exposes the credibility of the so-called medical expert Dr. Anthony Fauci in this superb article, “The Inconceivables.”

Fauci applies the term inconceivable to the American people, which obviously insults their intelligence. Since he is a collectivist, he may be transferring his own mental state onto innocent men and women…as if they are just one big blob of silly putty to be molded to his delusions of grandeur.

We need to ask the following question. Is it possible that his thinking, reasoning and conclusions are inconceivable? Let’s find out.

The War We Are In – The Inconceivables

Last week, Anthony Fauci claimed “… the American people have an inconceivable distrust of authority.”  Although the Reich Ministry of Propaganda did not cover Fauci’s statement, his statement was in many ways reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s condescending characterization of Trump supporters as “deplorables” and “irredeemables.”

Both Fauci’s and Clinton’s statements insinuated the American people, those who question them, are the problem.  Fauci continued saying Americans have a deep-seated “anti-science bias,” which he claimed not to understand, concluding Americans simply do not believe in science or authority and went on to say they make up an “…alarmingly large percentage…” of the population.  Fauci told us when the experts at the White House briefings talk about science and the pandemic; he believes there are those out there (mostly conservative critics) who don’t believe them.  He concluded, “That is unfortunate; you know science is truth.”

Yes. Science is truth, and it is truth for a reason, it follows the scientific method of inquiry, which means a healthy skepticism about conclusions made, pronouncements articulated, and the need to test those conclusions and pronouncements.

So, let us recount the ways “Mr. Fauci and the experts have used science and the data” during this season of discontent.

Dr. Fauci  and the Inconceivables

Epidemiologists told us the virus would kill 2+ million Americans.  They told us the reproduction of the virus (rate of reproduction within the population) would not be slowed to less than one unless we implemented draconian government-mandated shutdowns.  They told us the lockdown was temporary so that we could flatten the curve, and the nation could gear up for the anticipated run on hospitals.

They dismissed several reputable serology studies early on, indicating the spread was more widespread; that is, there was early on a herd or community spread, which Fauci and the “experts” simply dismissed.  Based on this dismissal, they also dismissed the concept of herd immunity, which the serology studies strongly suggested should happen.

While dismissing these studies out of hand, they estimated the fatality (mortality) rate would be many times greater than influenza, about 3.4 percent.  They knew early on the most vulnerable populations were the elderly and those with other serious medical complications.  They told us children were at risk and could be super-spreaders; therefore, schools had to be shut down.  They had no idea about asymtomatics or whether this population could transmit the disease.

Inconceivable Miscalculations

Based on their estimates, they miscalculated the need for hospital beds, ventilators, and other medical resources.  They were wrong about the transmission of the virus with respect to the use of masks, locations, populations, and contacts.  Following the 15 days to slow the spread, they, e.g., local totalitarians, health officials, etc., started moving the goalposts or changing the rules of the road to suit their own desires.

At almost every juncture in their’ “management of the crisis,’ these experts disseminated fake information, e.g., “science and data,” that created hysteria and fear among the American people. Such rhetoric led to runs on grocery, sports, and gun stores nation-wide.  Fauci admitted as much concerning his early statements about the use of masks. He simply lied in his attempt to suppress the public’s use of masks, so they would be available to medical professionals.

The only useful advice presented by these experts was the mitigation steps of washing your hands, practicing good hygiene, distance, wearing a mask, and staying home if you are sick.  These are the same mitigation steps we practice every flu season.

But with their pronouncements, they ignored past pandemics, e.g., the swine flu being the most recent, and how we dealt with them, instead embarking on implementing a Chinese Communist Model as the way to deal with this pandemic (based on their guesswork).  That is, a political solution, never used in the history of this nation, was employed to deal with a medical problem (crisis).  The practical effect was to empower petite totalitarians across the nation and up and down the federal system to implement policies they deemed appropriate.  Rather than responding to best serve their communities and populations, they began exercising what seemed to be magical powers manifest out of thin air.

Federalism: Tyranny or Freedom?

Of course, federalism is our system of government, based on the principle that the best and most responsive government is that government closest to the people.  However, federalism has always been regulated by the constitution and through our representative – republican system of doing things.  Such was not the case with this pandemic.

What transpired is we witnessed a new brand of federalism where petite totalitarians suddenly had the powers of a tyrant. They proceeded to shut-down the American economy, suspended constitutional rights, locked down the American people, and deemed who was essential and non-essential.  Where did this power come from?

The experts’ articulations resulted in the single greatest misallocation of resources in the history of the world, e.g., with respect to the medical industry alone, they shut down hospitals and clinics and furloughed thousands of medical professionals.  This example, based on the dictates of these potentates, played out across the economy and every industry as millions lost their jobs and capital was forced to lay fallow (destroyed).

So, given this record, why should the American people defer to the authority of “experts” or believe the bureaucrat Anthony Fauci?

The American people believe in science and authority; we have built the greatest nation and economy on those factors.  However, more often than not, what we have been told has not been science, it has been guesswork, and much of what is occurring presently is not based on rationalism or science but politics and even more guesswork.

The Inconceivables – Fauci and the “Experts”

Early on, Mr. Fauci and the experts coordinated with petite totalitarians, assassinated science and truth, and left them bleeding out on the streets.  What has resulted from their decisions is doom and gloom, hysteria, and fear.  They are more like gleeful drummers peddling their latest elixir to intoxicate their clients with the elixir of lies.

We have lived through misinformation, mismanagement, and the subjective opinions of people, most of whom do not have the capabilities of reason or sound decision making.  If these people want their authority respected, want the American people to trust their actions, and believe in them, they must first understand their limitations and secondly abandon their ideological bias.  In their condescension, they dismiss the American people and their attitudes and thinking as “inconceivable,” including our president.  We know their pontifications are mostly nonsense; yet, they continue to double down on their lack of knowledge and understanding, seeking to present themselves as something they are not and impose their views rather than admit their shortcomings.

If Fauci and these elitists wish to be taken seriously, they must first be credible people.  Fauci has bought into the mass hysteria himself because he peddles it at every opportunity. Outside of the leftists who echo his thoughts, he is not a trusted source and has become less relevant.

Totalitarian Biases

As an example of their bias, consider that a month ago, if you went out of your house to get a haircut, you were suddenly subject to arrest, fines and other penalties.  If you did not shut down your business, the local totalitarian would shut off your electricity, water and other necessities. Those who protested the country’s lockdowns were summarily accused of being white supremacists and, if they refused to wear a mask, equated to being mass murderers.  All of these protests were peaceful and, despite another of the Reich Ministry’s false narratives, most of the participants wore masks.

But as if the waters suddenly parted, another form of protest and rioting broke out across America and, well, we did not hear a peep from Fauci.  We still haven’t.  However, a group of his fellow travelers (1300 epidemiologists) signed a letter pronouncing from on high that protesting. Lawless rioting by BLM, Antifa, World Worker’s Party, National Socialist “Democrat” Party, and other assorted communists and socialists calling for the overthrow of the American government and the immediate deposing of President Trump was miraculously okay because “injustice and racism” kills more people than the virus.  Really?

This past weekend, New York City’s Socialist-of-the-Chair, comrade de Blasio and fellow travelers led a massive pride march through the city. Most, including de Blasio, were not wearing masks and there was certainly no social distancing practiced as the marchers marched shoulder-to-shoulder.  The response by the Reich Ministry and socialists, like Fauci?  They could have cared less; after all, there was a lot of smearing and discrediting to do – Texas, Arizona and Florida must be shamed.

Hypocrisy of the Inconceivables

One last example of the hypocrisy of these “experts.”  Shutterstock Lincoln County, Oregon has mandated that all of its citizens must wear masks.  The only exception is that people of color are exempt.

These examples clearly demonstrate the subjective (political) opinions being espoused up and down the statist echo chamber (federalism) rather than science or truth.  If the American people have a diminished view of science and authorities (experts), it is because of this kind of nonsense and hypocrisy.  We must ask ourselves, are these people serious people?  Sadly, they are serious for no other reason than the dictatorial powers they have assumed unto themselves for use against their citizens.

They mislead the American people about the science and the data, employing guesswork to shut down and lock down the economy, and, in some cases, they purposely misinformed (lied to) the entire nation to manipulate us, but they expect us to respect them and adhere to their every whim?

These socialist elites think we are ignorant, backward, incompetent plebs needing to be herded along, guided by their “knowledge;’ they seem to not understand we are perfectly able to read a scientific journal and draw our own conclusions.  That we can use spreadsheets and statistical models to analyze the data ourselves.  Americans are capable of thinking for themselves.

Fauci’s attitude is that of ruling class elitists (socialists) who have ruined this nation and expect us to follow their every word and dictate.  Anthony Fauci’s name has never appeared on a ballot to this writer’s knowledge, which begs the question, from whence does this bureaucrat think he derives his authority?  President Trump was gracious enough to defer to him early on, but that deferment has worn thin with each pronouncement.

Reflection of the Inconceivable

The American people are smart, and we can think for ourselves.  Why can’t we question officials up and down the statist echo chamber?  Are these elitists sacrosanct and above criticism, skepticism, and questioning?  We should be insulted by these elites and their condescending attitudes.  When Fauci used the term “inconceivable,” he meant some Americans are simply too ignorant to understand the science and the truth articulated by the authorities.

We should question every official involved in this crisis and their actions.  It is our right to bring grievances forward and petition our government and its actions.  Why shouldn’t we know the reasoning behind what they are doing, like locking down the economy or closing the schools?  Are they really basing their policies on science and the data rather than their ideological biases?

One does not have to agree with authorities simply because they claim authority.  Respect for authority is earned through forthrightness and truth-telling; it is not conferred because of some title.

Fauci should know the very idea of questioning authority and science is part of the scientific method.  Apparently, he has forgotten science never accepts a finished truth, particularly in an area like this.  He is not the final truth on anything, nor is science.

During this season of discontent, skepticism is healthy because it means more debate, discussion, and testing of the authorities and their actions. It is human nature to be skeptical, question, probe and test the limits of science and, particularly, those who wield it as some new religion.  Science is not a religion and authorities should never be worshipped.


Fauci is a socialist who has reacted accordingly.  When a large segment of the population disagrees with his diagnoses and recommendations, his science concludes their thinking, reasoning, skepticism, and questioning are inconceivable.

By Joseph D. Leatherwood

You can access his other two articles in this series.

  1. The War We Are In: Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society

You have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. The Conservative Warrior didn’t return as expected. He has extended his investigation into the social and economic issues that continue to plague us.

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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