The War We Are In – Wake Up America

Will Americans Wake Up and Defend Western Civilization?

Conservative Warrior: As we witness the implosion of America…will its citizens wake up in time to save the country we love and cherish?

In the 6th installment of “The War We Are In,” Joseph D. Leatherwood explains that “The reality is Americans must wake up from dreamland.   If we do not wake up and get politically involved, we might well wake up one morning, and the America we grew up in, with its freedoms and rights, will be no more.” Read on and receive the necessary wakeup call that allows us to snatch back our personal liberty and economic freedom from the evil agenda of the National Socialist “Democrat” Party, Open Societies (Soros), Onward Together (Clintons), Organizing for America (Obama), RefuseFascism, Inc., and others.”

The War We Are In – Wake Up America

America must wake up from dreamland.

Raymond Kraft wrote about this state of mind in 2006 when he pointed out America’s obsession with our niceness, compassion, decency, goodness, desire for peace, and drive to be liked by everyone worldwide.[1]   At the time, he was addressing the Islamic Resistance Movement (IRM) and how they had learned to weaponize these traits (virtues) against us.  He wrote, “It [IRM] has recognized that our goodness is no match for its savagery and will continue to exploit that fact….”  At the time, Kraft believed Americans “… would rather die than kill.  We are willing to martyr ourselves and our children and their children and our country to the conceit of our own goodness.”  The IRM understood this all too well and sought to “…foment endless incidents of terrorism and theaters of seemingly inexhaustible savagery in many places all over the world, year after year, decade after decade until the Americans … no longer have the political will to keep trying to defend Western Civilization…”[2]

Kraft was afraid America would not wake up in time to recognize this strategy and then have the political will to save ourselves.  While the War on Terror lingered and the Nazi Jihad continues even today, we finally elected a president who recognized and enunciated the problem,  mobilized a majority of the American people to stand with him, and displayed and applied the necessary political will (military force) to defeat Islamic fascism or at least quell its threat making it understand, through our use of force, we have figured out their strategy and will smash it if it attacks American (World) interests.

Wake Up and Face Our Mortal Enemy

While we must continue to keep a watchful eye on Iran and its surrogates in the Middle East, a far more formidable threat has emerged.  The Chinese communists have always been a threat, but our “leaders” reasoned that if we opened up trade and engaged them with our goodness, we could contain them and even show them the benefits of free markets and democratic institutions.  After forty-eight years of what has been essentially détente, we have finally realized nothing could be further from the truth.

The Chinese communists are a mortal enemy and threat to the United States.  They seek to be the global hegemonic power.  In many ways, they employed the same IRM strategy using our niceness, compassion, decency, goodness, desire for peace, and drive to be liked by everyone around the world to stab us in the back.  They stole our technology; undercut our industrial base, established elaborate means to surveil on America and Americans; attacked our cyber assets; stole all forms of intellectual property and information, transferred vast amounts of wealth from the US to China, and smiled patiently through it all.

Then Along Came Trump

But then along came Donald J. Trump openly campaigning against them and explaining to the American people how they [Chinese communists] had taken advantage of our “leaders” for years and how they had ripped off this nation under the regime of mercantile globalism. The Chinese became agitated and while they abominated DJT, they were forced to deal with someone who understood what they had been doing and getting away with it for far too long.

Soon after concluding a major trade agreement reversing this situation, the signing was in Washington D.C., the United States of America and the world came under attack from the Chinese in the form of a virus – the coronavirus COVID – 19.  Whether it was accidental, coincidental, or purposeful matters not; it created terror, fear, and panic worldwide.  It led to the shutdown of economies, the destruction of vast amounts of wealth, the misallocation of resources, the devastation of markets, the generational theft of labor and capital, the deaths of millions, and the creation of costs yet to be calculated.

We do not know how the communists dealt with the outbreak in that totalitarian police state, but then they are not given to worrying about people or mere sentimentalities, e.g., they have since crushed Hong Kong and are now threatening Taiwan.  In the United States, the attack, as I prefer to call it, has created political division and discord, demoralized and deflated many in our nation, and depleted and idled scarce resources.

Wake Up to the Enemy Within

Accidental, coincidental, or purposeful, it achieved several things concerning America.  Because we are nice, compassionate, decent, good, and caring people, we turned to help our fellow men and woman.  In so doing, we discovered another sinister threat, a faction within our own walls who hate this nation and care nothing about helping our fellow man or woman.  This faction has chosen political warfare to “…foment endless incidents of terrorism and theaters of seemingly inexhaustible savagery in many places…”  From the reactions of the American people, thus far, it appears we “… no longer have the political will to keep trying to defend Western Civilization…”[3]  I say that because monuments have fallen, Churches vandalized, statues defamed, documents destroyed, buildings burned, people killed, police maimed, property confiscated, and we sit, we watch, we do nothing?

This reactionary faction weaponized poor George Floyd’s death adding “racism,” police brutality, white supremacy, and Christianity to their rhetoric to enflame coordinated attacks – “endless incidents of terrorism” – across the nation – “theaters of seemingly inexhaustible savagery.”  These statist reactionaries learned from their totalitarian masters that Americans are nice, compassionate, decent, good, caring people, desiring peace, and to be liked by their fellow man and woman.  These thugs have taken full advantage of those good and wonderful traits by attacking, smearing, and trying to destroy all that we have built and stand for.

Radical Master Minds

As a result, this faction “…embraces and adopts savagery, “managed savagery,” as its primary militant tactic, calculating, correctly, so far, that America, which wants to be nice and doesn’t really want to hurt anybody, will never respond with equal or greater force, or savagery.”[4]  Antifa, BLM, RefuseFascism, New Black Panther Party, Communist Party USA, and other extremist groups are counting on you to sit, watch and do nothing.  They are banking on your civility and believe by sitting, watching, and doing nothing, i.e., continuing to be nice, compassionate, decent, good, and caring people; the nation will succumb to their militant savagery.  In the words of Raymond Kraft, America is “…blinded by the conceit of its own goodness to the ruthless malevolence of others…”  The masterminds behind this movement, e.g., China, Soros, Obama, Clinton, Ayers, the National Socialist “Democrat” Party, etc., know the American people do not understand the war we are in and lack the will, vision and decisiveness to fight it.  These people define politics as war by other means; most Americans do not hold such a view.

This reactionary faction includes more than the insurgents on the street.  It includes a sympathetic Reich Ministry of Propaganda (media) and local petite totalitarians sitting as elected officials and bureaucrats at all levels of government.  Citizens should remember, the Trump Administration has rightly allowed federalism to work during this pandemic, meaning decisions to address the different issues associated with the coronavirus have been pushed to the lowest levels of government.  As a result, there has been a dramatic politicization of the virus by petite totalitarians at the local level.

Police Forces Ordered Not to Protect Life, Liberty and Property

One of those issues most politicized has been the use of local police forces.  Instead of protecting their citizens, the first responsibility of any government, they have instructed their police forces to stand down, reasoning they might commit acts of police brutality as agents of the oppressors, i.e., the ruling class.  Readers will note the Marxist terminology and analysis used by many of the petite totalitarians when they speak of their police forces and whom they might be representing (oppressors), and how they might act (white supremacists). This one act has allowed chaos and mayhem to rule the streets while intimidating ordinary citizens who have no protection and are left to the whims of the insurgents or their own devices, e.g., reference the McCloskey’s in St. Louis, who defended their house against attack.

All these actions, this militant savagery, support the politicization of everything in society from George Floyd to COVID-19.  Petite totalitarians are dutifully doing the bidding of their puppet masters.  They have shut down the economy; placed the law-abiding under house arrest, but with no protection; mandated all kinds of impositions related to masks, distancing, etc.; instructed the police to enforce their “rules” but not the rule of law; shut down churches; declared one class of citizens to be essential but declared another non-essential; allowed militant savagery to take over the streets; while castigating any law-abiding citizen who dares to stand up to their authority, shaming them as mass murderers or non-conformists or white supremacists.

Saul Alinsky’s Radicals

In the words of Saul Alinsky, “Radicals precipitate the crisis by action, radical’s rebel.  The real arena is corrupt and bloody.”[5] 

His disciples have joined forces and created the corrupt mechanisms for carrying out coordinated “endless incidents of terrorism” against the citizens of communities across this nation (“theaters of seemingly inexhaustible savagery”).  They seek to bring blood to the streets of America because they reason they know we are simply too nice.

Militant Savagery and the Evil Agenda

These actions aim to polarize, divide, confuse, demoralize, intimidate and takeover.  The militant savagery at the street level is organized through local extremist groups like Antifa/BLM using Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms.  It is financed through the National Socialist “Democrat” Party, Open Societies (Soros), Onward Together (Clintons), Organizing for America (Obama), RefuseFascism, Inc., and others.  They have picked the target at the local level – the Police – and they seek to freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.  They aim to tie the police force to President Trump.

The riotous behavior continues because the police have been emasculated by petite totalitarians, which allows the police to be the target.  Local totalitarians are working on cutting off the support network (money) for the police. They are working on cutting any sympathy for the police in the community through their defunding movement and allowing them to be attacked, demonized and villainized.  This action hurts the people, and if they can hurt the people, they can get quicker actions to set up their radical concept of “community policing,” i.e., local militia (Antifa) units patrolling the streets.  Petite totalitarians justify this militant savagery in one of two ways.  First, they are part of the movement and fully support it, cheering it on, or secondly, they are terrified to speak for fear of reprisals by the militants or their voters who keep them in power. [6]    Perhaps the voters should consider recalling them, impeaching them, or voting them out of office!

Our Feckless, Meek “Leaders”

Across the nation, we have feckless, meek “leaders” who haven’t a clue except they think they are appeasing the militant savages, keeping them at bay while blaming their’ incompetence and the violence in the streets on President Trump and the introduction of federal agents to protect federal property.  These so-called leaders stand with a faction of know-nothing, self-proclaimed Marxist revolutionaries propagandizing and pretending the police are the problem.  These malcontents have bullied communities and this nation into a conversation about defunding the police when we should be defending and funding the police.  These petite totalitarians and Alinskyite street militias create the very unrest and disparities they claim to be fighting against.

Mr. Kraft was afraid that America would not wake up in time to defeat Islamic fascism, and the jury is still out on that threat.  Today we face an internal enemy who is employing the same strategy, hates this nation, and seeks to rule it by fear and intimidation.  This anti-American movement is supported by money from China, Soros, the Clintons, Obama, Ayers, and other socialist billionaires.  Everything that is happening has to do with the socialist ideology and its dupes.

Wake Up America

The reality is Americans must wake up from dreamland.   If we do not wake up and get politically involved, we might well wake up one morning, and the America we grew up in, with its freedoms and rights, will be no more.  In the name of civility, are we willing to watch our nation expire to a deadly, malevolent totalitarian force that will enslave us, our children, and their children?  We are watching our civility turned against us.[7]

It is time we gave these revolutionaries a revolution and these socialists some socialism (prison).  It is time we turned the rules against the radicals!

Joseph D. Leatherwood

[1]               Raymond Kraft, “Weaponizing Civilization: The New Way of War,”, Saturday, 12 August 2006.

[2]               Ibidem, Kraft, “Weaponizing Civilization”

[3]               Ibidem, Kraft, “Weaponizing Civilization”

[4]               Ibidem, Kraft, “Weaponizing Civilization”


[6]               Jason Rantz, Interview conducted by Brian Kilmeade, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Channel 210, Fox News Channel, Tuesday, 14 July 2020, 11:00 PM, 1 hour 3 minutes, location 2326 – 2624.

[7]               Opere Citato, Kraft, “Weaponizing Civilization”

You can access his other five articles in this series.

  1. The War We Are In: Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  4. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  5. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To

The Conservative Warrior's HandbookYou have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery run by liars and psychopaths. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism…the individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.


7 Destructive Economic Illusions ConqueredAlso, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.


Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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