The War We Are In – Quid Dicitis (What Say You) America?

Editor: What happened to the America we loved and cherished? Can we possibly save it from the evil forces of a totalitarian regime that believes if you are a conservative, a liberty-loving individual who believes in the Republic, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, liberty-base systems (free markets, religious freedom), and the consent of the governed, you are an enemy of the State?

Joseph D. Leatherwood exposes the evil forces we’re up against. Let’s listen to his wisdom and fight for our personal liberty and economic freedom before it’s too late.

Quid Dicitis (What Say You) America?

There is a battle raging. The battle is over which vision of order will define this nation and how ‘We the People’ will be governed. The Reich Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda [RM], what most of you call the Mainstream media and its adjunct – social media, are busy ignoring, muzzling, discrediting, stifling, and suppressing the First Amendment rights of all Americans.[1]

They do not want you to know there is a war raging for this nation; if you do discern this reality, they do not want you to understand the parameters and the nature of that war. If you voice such a sentiment, ‘we are in a war for this nation,’ they will immediately attack, condemning you as an extremist and conspiracy theorist. Through these various mechanisms, [RM] seeks to control the narrative and thereby the language, definitions, assumptions, and attitudes underlying contemporary discourse.[2] Count me as a conspiracy theorist – a patriot – it is a fact a gigantic informational warfare campaign has and continues to be carried out against ‘We the People’ to install a one-party, totalitarian State.

In collusion, the [RM], elements of federal, state, county, and municipal governments [FSCMG], the National Socialist Party (aka Democrat Party) [NSP-USA], various billionaire financiers, Corporatists, the militia units of revolutionary socialism, and those willing dupes support this installation of a one-party, totalitarian State. They have installed a socialist dictator, a puppet of the Obama – Soros shadow government.  This coalition also includes foreign governments and elements like the CCP that finance and support their efforts logistically. The underlying philosophy of this coalition? Politics is war by other means.

Assessing the Coalition Against America

In assessing this coalition, one is left to conclude their extremism; they are not a force for good, despite the rhetoric, but a force seeking to impose their will, their vision of order on this nation no matter the consequences. Their singular objective is the acquisition, maintenance, consolidation, and extension of their political power.

Like all moral narcissists, they believe, as their extremist ancestors and theoreticians, it is only they who know and understand how to constructively affect political power for the greater good. Within this vision of order, they believe “they” are the ones, the chosen few, the world has been waiting on to bring perfection to society and the people.

These moral nihilists believe it is only State-based solutions (totalitarian control) that can fundamentally transform the USA into Ameritopia.[3] As a neo-Hegelian Marxist, if something exists that is in its way, it deserves to be destroyed and replaced. This is the vision of the anointed, a catastrophic vision of order that rejects The Republic’s ideals, The Constitution, liberty-based systems, and the consent of the governed.  It seeks to bring about utopianism.

The anointed make up the extremist coalition cited above. Consider their power; they have already overthrown a President and the Republic through a systematic and institutional attack, an act of war, upon the most sacred of institutions, the VOTE. But if you believe the anointed’s revolution is through, think again. Now they are turning their eyes toward Patriots, their families, communities, and culture, seeking to transform your actions and thoughts. They are now seeking your conformity and your compliance. They are coming for you.

The Deadly Dogmatism of America and Western Civilization

America and all of Western Civilization are locked into a dogmatism so reactionary and dangerous it threatens the very foundations of what defines the extended order of human cooperation and the lives of millions worldwide.  We are locked into a nightmare, reminiscent of the ruinous dreams brought to us by the socialist utopians – Hitler or Marx.

The very ideas, assumptions, definitions, and attitudes undergirding our existing order are on the verge of being annihilated, swept aside without so much as a sigh, in some zealous nihilistic revolution based not on the free exchange of ideas, open competitive dialogue, and empirical testing of evidence; but on forbidding any such exchange, dialogue or tests opposing its own self-declared righteousness. The anointed will not tolerate or allow a challenge from the benighted to their ideas, assumptions, definitions, and attitudes as they seek to impose their counter-revolution to remake the world order.

The anointed are reactionary, backward thinkers rooted in dogma rather than rational thought based on best evidence.  For example, they do not believe in science, O they say they believe in science; what the anointed believe in is ideologically based science that fits into their assumptions and attitudes, a kind of anecdotal based science, that is, I say it is true and because I say it is truth, it is therefore true.  Anthony Fauci, Deborah Brix, Susan Rice, B.H. Obama exists as prime examples of this kind of thinking.  The great problem today is the anointed apply this “logic” across all disciplines.

The Demise of the Pursuit of Truth

We are no longer a people dedicated to the pursuit of truth, O certainly there are a great many among us who still seek to test and investigate and arrive at scientific conclusions, thank God; but the reality is, we are engaged in a great struggle against a vision of order claiming to be truth-tellers, but who are deceitful rhetoricians bent on imposing their vision of order no matter its consequences. It is in this sense we are at war.  We are a world at war with our selves not because you and I picked a fight with the anointed; but because they have picked a fight seeking to impose their will and vision of order on ‘We the People’ and intervene in our lives in ways no one asked them to.

The World-Wide Civil War

We are in a world-wide civil war – a world locked in a great conflict of visions.  The anointed, reactionary, cultural Marxists have made all things ideological, be it science, law, education, military strategy, business, religion, or life itself. With the anointed’s invasion and takeover of our institutions, they have managed to make politics the dominant force on earth. To the anointed politics is war by other means, but it is far more; it is their religion.  It dominates their lives; therefore, it is what they seek to do to every discipline and every aspect of life.

The casualties of this war are not being killed and maimed through conventional warfare, great armies facing off against each other; rather, we are in a more sinister war where “…the traditional beliefs of the many …” are under systematic attack by the few.  The intent of the attackers, the anointed, is to replace those traditional beliefs, values, assumptions, definitions, and attitudes fundamentally transforming the culture and society with a revolution of moral nihilism.  This revolution is being conducted “intellectually” interrupted momentarily to confuse, create chaos, and intimidate the compliant and the law-abiding with forms of militant savagery (burn down the system).

They seek this type of color revolutionary operation because the last thing the anointed want is a violent confrontation, a violent uprising of the benighted, that would be you and I; they are too few, and their militia units – despite the savagery – are at best rent-a-mobs and thugs who would be shredded in any real combat operation.  That is why today, Susan Rice and the Obama shadow government running this dictatorship are trying their best to declare any actions by the benighted, e.g., forming militia units or protesting the installation of a socialist dictator, as domestic terrorism so they can mobilize the coercive and compulsory forces of the State against us.  They seek to use the imprimatur of the “law” to justify their direct actions against ‘We the People,’ the benighted.

The Silencing of the Patriots of America

Instead, these forces of the anointed seek to silence, to subjugate our liberties through a vast propaganda campaign (informational warfare) conducted against ‘We the People.’ They seek to use “experts,” “thinking people,” “bureaucrats,” and “teachers” to substantiate their actions and claims so they can impose their views without any real challenges. Consider just a few of the policies now being imposed not by legislative actions but by executive decrees, in the same manner as the nation-wide pacification program instituted by state, county, and municipal governments under the guise of slowing the spread of the CCP virus.

By the stroke of a pen, this dictatorship reinstituted the sanctioned, wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb across the globe.

No one in the ruling or political class is allowed to mention that the pandemic unleashed upon the world was loosed by a despotic, totalitarian dictatorship and that that pandemic has scared the world population into near submission and been used by governments around the world to shutter the world economy.  Instead, we are instructed to blame President Trump for not acting sooner and his supporters? Not one of these despots is willing to stand up and call out the CCP for its role or demand it pay the price for its attack upon the world.

The State is now preparing to expand on the pandemic-inspired pacification program that has systematically denied health care to millions creating a far greater crisis on the horizon.

Moral Narcissists Destroy Personal Liberty and Economic Freedom

The actions of these moral narcissists have led to the destruction of incomes, wealth, jobs, opportunities, capital, and markets through a systematic shuttering of small, medium-sized businesses.  Their policy impositions have forced the greatest redistribution of incomes, wealth, jobs, capital, and markets in world history.  We have witnessed a radical redistribution from the small and medium to the large, from a decentralized market to a more centralized market, from the many to the few, from the dispersed to the concentrated, from a move to decentralize government to greater centralization.  All of this is a forced reallocation of scarce resources, not necessarily caused by the pandemic, but by the actions of governments, mostly state, county, and municipal governments that have and will continue to cost lives for many months, if not years, into the future.

Arguably, the policies implemented over the past year have been the single greatest policy failure in world history.  There is nothing comparable outside of the Great Flood.  What is not said, all of these outcomes are the direct result of decisions based upon the prevailing vision of the anointed.  The dictatorship refuses to allow its potentates to acknowledge or blame the source of the pandemic because they know this entire nightmare was orchestrated and allowed to spread throughout the world by despotic government and the anointed class administering government.  The world is in this current state of affairs, not because of liberty-based systems, but because of State-based systems seeking to bring about a totalitarian imposition.

Compliance and Conformity Taking Over America

As an example of this vision of order and its zeal for compliance and conformity, its leading lights have called for the jailing of Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin.  This is the totalitarian mindset we are warring against.  The anointed do not tolerate challenges to their orthodoxy, their dogmatism; so much so, they are willing to treat citizens who voice a contrary view as domestic terrorists.  Ponder that for a moment; if you are a conservative, a liberty-loving individual who believes in the Republic, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, liberty-base systems (free markets, religious freedom), and the consent of the governed, you are now considered an enemy of the State?

Quid Dicitis (What say you) America?

Joseph D. Leatherwood

The War We Are In Series

When you access the previous 21 hard-hitting articles of “The War We Are In,” you capture the facts behind the radical takeover of America.

  1. The War We Are In – The Totalitarians
  2. The War We Are In – Bottom Up-Top Down
  3. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  4. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  5. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  6. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  7. The War We Are In – Wake Up America
  8. The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights
  9. The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government
  10. The War We Are In – National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
  11. The War We Are In – Failure of Our Institutions
  12. The War We Are In – Propaganda – False Teachings: The Collapse of Disinformation
  13. The War We Are In – Informational Warfare – The Myth Makers
  14. The War We Are In – America’s Reich Ministry – Extremism in the Defense of Tyranny
  15. The War We Are In – Purposeful Actions Destroying Our Republic
  16. The War We Are In – Equal Protection Under Election Law
  17. The War We Are In – America’s Unfolding Color Revolution – Part 1
  18. The War We Are In – America’s Unfolding Color Revolution – Part 2
  19. The War We Are In – The Sunshine Patriots of the Swamp
  20. The War We Are In – The Continuing Crisis
  21. The War We Are In – The End of the Republic

[1]               Understand, this suppression is taking two forms.  The first is through the Reich Ministry, but the second is through state, county, and municipal governments shuttering business, activities, assemblies, and even the use of medical facilities now.  This pacification program, which many people pooh pooh, is real…and now the dictatorship through executive decree is limiting access to medical facilities and the CCP-V vaccine based on age and other arbitrary factors.

[2]               Dr. Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy, (New York, New York: Basic Books, 1995), passim.

[3]               Mark Levin, Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America, (New York, New York: Threshold Editions, 2012), passim.

The Conservative Party USA

It’s time for an Authentic Conservative Party to take decisive actions to save our Republic by restoring our Constitutional Rights. Fortunately, one does exist, the Conservative Party USA. Our mission is to protect your individual rights, which means we fervently defend your personal liberty and economic freedom. The day is arriving when Conservatives realize that the Republican Party has been taken over by the Deep State, as witnessed by some of their establishment politicians supporting President Trump’s impeachment. Also, many of them secretly want to abandon Trump and America.

To preserve their God-given rights, enlightened men and women will join the Conservative Party USA in droves.

The time to join us is now…because your mission is our mission. Please donate whatever you can to help us restore the America we love and cherish.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. The Conservative Warrior soars as a man or woman who fights for and defends our Constitutional Rights, which means Supporting the Conservative Party USA is a good start. Let’s restore the America we love and cherish!

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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