The War We Are In – National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

National Socialists at War Against Liberty-Based Social Systems 

Conservative Warrior: Make no mistake about it; national socialists threaten your personal liberty and economic freedom. They plan on stripping you of your individual rights, enslaving you in a totalitarian dictatorship. If these perpetrators of unrestricted violence and oppression accomplish their evil agenda, the United States of America (USA) will become the United Socialist States of America (USSA).

In another hard-hitting edition of “The War We Are In,” Joseph D. Leatherwood deals a devastating blow to Marxism and other socialistic-based social systems in the article “National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing.”

National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

National socialists, the current insurrectionists, reject America’s liberty-based system and the rule of law because (1) liberty-based systems represent the existing order as defined in the United States and (2) the rule of law serves as an obstacle to their reactionary agenda.[1]  The import of Jacobinism, Marxist-Leninism, Hitlerism, and Maoism, upon which the current insurrection more or less models itself, is revolutionary, political nihilism embodied in unrestricted violence and oppression.[2]

No matter his or her predilection, the socialist has been at war – in a constant state of counter-revolution – against liberty-based systems since the dawn of history.  Their systemic means of attacking and overthrowing a liberty-based system is always rooted in a constant state of war (criminality) against the rule of law.  The primary objective of their attacks (direct actions) is the acquisition, maintenance, consolidation, accumulation, and extension of their political power.

The current insurrection is no different.  The age-old conflict between totalitarianism and Liberty is always between two concepts of the law.

Reactionary Statists and the Rule of Law

The first and most dominant concept is that held by reactionary statists.  This concept of the law seeks to impose a “rule of law,” giving the authoritarian ruler or rulers power to do whatever they wish.  This form of law is generally tied up in some moral narcissist’s vision of order, e.g., dictatorship or monarchism, rooted in some form of man-centered arbitrariness.  This type of law destroys liberty – democracy and republicanism.[3]  This concept of the law defines the actions of government – the State – in terms of what is called “positive rights,” empowering the State to do as its administrators wish.  Under this concept, individuals are the collective slaves in a highly centralized state (society) and have no powers (rights).  This concept of the law cuts humankind off from their heritage of unalienable rights. It is rooted in man-centeredness and selfishness to appease the feelings and thoughts of the moral narcissists making up the ruling politburo.  Disciples of this concept of the law would be the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China, North Korea, etc.

Personal Liberty and Economic Freedom

The second concept of law is that which operates within a liberty-based system.  This concept of the law allows for free-exchange, free markets, individual freedom, religious freedom, due process, freedom of conscience, etc.  The rule of law is rooted not in the arbitrary vision of some moral narcissist’s order but the unalienable rights gifted to mankind by God.  The law-abiding are afforded the right to pursue life, liberty, and their own self-interest (the pursuit of happiness).  The rule of law undergirding our liberty-based system provides objective rules of the road around which society can organize.  It allows a society to attain a reasonable consensus about organizing an orderly democratic government.[4]  More importantly, the rule of law impedes the arbitrariness of police powers.  This concept of the law defines the actions of government in terms of what is called “negative rights,” limiting State power through a constitution. Under this concept of the law, individuals are sovereign in a decentralized State (society) possessing inalienable rights and govern by consent.  This concept of the law is rooted in the sacrificial, building a society and culture so future generations might learn from this example, preserve it, and pass it on to their progeny. The most visible example of this concept of the law is the United States.

Admittedly, there are hybrids occupying gradients between these two concepts of the law defining the elasticity of liberty, e.g., the change in liberty in response to a change in government power.

National Socialists and the Ku Klux Klan

In the United States, we operate within the context of a liberty-based system and the accompanying concept of law.  However, over time, the system has been severely compromised, moving ever and ever closer in the direction of Statism (socialism), that is, greater centralization of political power unto the State and its administrators, and with each incremental step in that direction, granting them the means to control the behavior of individuals and markets.[5] The liberty-based system in the United States has been under constant attack by Statist politicians (socialists) since at least the end of the 19th century, beginning with the Ku Klux Klan’s militant savagery following the Civil War leading to the incrementalism championed by the Fabians (so-called progressives).

Both movements sought the same strategic goal, greater centralization of political power, the only real difference being tactics.  The Klan sought to impose its will through violent intimidation of the population, communities, and institutions (including government), and like today, many Klan members (as participants and supporters) were government officials, viz., the bottom-up, top-down strategy.  It is this age-old strategy underlying the current insurrection where we find mayors, city council members, county judges, county commissioners, governors, and legislators joining in with the modern-day, black-clad Klansmen and women attacking our liberty-based system.

National Socialists Attempt to Defund Police and Disarm Citizens

As a nation, we are witnessing modern-day politicians (socialists) marching in lockstep and locked arms alongside their political ancestors, Klansmen, trying to execute the same policies of defunding the police and gun control.  Such policies are rooted in the racist Black Codes following the Civil War.  Such Codes allowed the Klan to “police” large areas of their communities with the blessing of local politicians.  This policy allowed for summary judgments from lynchings to beatings to imprisonments to burning down property to the confiscation of firearms.  These are the same policies unfolding in the cities and counties of the United States today where we see the emergence of “Antifa/BLM Zones.”  Such zones are commonplace in Germany today and becoming more so in the United States.

Divide and Destroy

Just like the militant Klansmen who supported and served the purposes of the national socialist party for well over 100 years, we are again witnessing their political progeny resort to ethno-racism (identity politics) to gain, consolidate or extend their political power, many calling for the repeal of anti-discrimination laws so they can punish whites.  That is, they wish to bring back segregation as a policy, so “minorities” can openly discriminate against whites?  These modern-day Klansmen and women believe there is no problem with disadvantaging white people as a group so other groups can succeed.[6]  These modern-day Klansmen and women (so-called anti-racists) reject equal protection under the law and dismiss equal opportunity under the law as a capitalist, systemic myth.  Just like the Klan of old, the modern-day racists (anti-racists) believe that the effect of any policy that is disproportionate in its impact on groups is racist.  This is innumerate non-sense.  Based on population alone, there will always be disproportionate impacts on different groups, e.g., collective slavery will benefit the dictator and his junta, disadvantaging the “people,” whom they claim to be helping.  The modern-day racists, i.e., the national socialist party, its benefactors (Soros, Steyers, Bezos, Gates, Clintons, Obamas, etc.) and its Antifa/BLM affiliates continue to hold the same segregationist views as any white supremacist group.  Indeed, when you examine those making up these affiliates, we discover many, if not a majority of these Antifa/BLM types are self-loathing white people.  Calls for such policies point to the national socialist “democrat” party’s continued embrace of racism – identity politics – as a means to divide and destroy the nation.

National Socialists Accelerate the Fabian Movement

The Fabian movement sought to impose its will by marching through the institutions of the United States.  Both the Fabian movement (Cultural Marxism) and Klan movement (Fascist Socialism) share more than their desire to impose greater Statism on America; they both used race as a lynchpin for recruitment and action.  While Fabians paid lip service to Marxist class warfare, both they and the Klan movement used race as the central way to divide the nation.  For so-called progressives to say otherwise is to ignore their history and their (a) enthusiastic advocacy of eugenics through Margaret Sanger and (b) embrace of racist politics under the “progressive” Woodrow Wilson.  It should be noted the eugenics of Margaret Sanger was seen as a means for exterminating the black population.  Both movements found a home in the National Socialist “Democrat” Party, where they have flourished.  Just consider the two major, most sacrosanct policy planks that dominate the National Socialists Party’s platform come straight from the Fabians (eugenics – abortion) and the Klan (racist identity politics).

The American socialist strategy has remained constant over time, namely, to undermine, corrupt, degrade, diminish, weaken, destroy (overthrow), and take over the system.  They have refined their tactics by using (1) the law against the system (war by other means); (2) use the instrumentalities of the State to impose their socialist agenda under the guise of legislation; and (3) taking over the nation’s major institutions converting them into supporters of the socialist agenda.  This has been accomplished through their systemic infiltration and penetration of America’s political and cultural institutions taking them over (control).[7]  Their use of the law, the electoral process, and their march through the institutions have been extraordinarily successful.

Moral Nihilism Damages Our Cultural Institutions

The cultural institutions which provided the moral foundation for this nation and Western civilization: faith (the Judeo-Christian ethic), marriage, family, individualism, and social distinctions (division of labor) have been severely damaged by a continuing revolution of moral nihilism.  Cultural Marxists openly mock God seeking to destroy any belief in Him.  They seek war against God’s existence, i.e., people’s belief in God, seeking to deny the reality of supernatural life.  The goal is to change the existing Judeo – Christian mindset into an anti-Christian mind.  They seek to replace Christian humanism with Marxist humanism establishing man-centeredness as the source of all truth, knowledge, and achievement.  They seek to do this through infiltration of the faithful so they can incrementally and gradually transform America’s Judeo-Christian vision of order “… overthrowing its [ethical,] moral and spiritual values from within.”[8]

Cultural Marxism has infected faith through the world (the flesh),[9] seminaries, and denominations with its false equivalencies, pernicious secularism (separation of church and state), perverse pluralism (many gods, many ways to heaven), privatization of worship (all worship must be private), and political correctness.  Under totalitarian Marxism, with the elimination of the Church, charity will become the monopoly of the State.

National Socialists, Moral Nihilism and the Use of “Critical Theory”

This revolution of moral nihilism has redefined marriage without the consent of the people.   Using “Critical Theory,” they pitted men against women through a contrived war of the sexes, sexual revolution, and Freud’s pan-sexualism.  Identifying commonalities between the sexes, they exploited the differences to incite gender conflict while exploiting commonalities to create gender confusion.  The reader should note: This same “Critical Theory” is at the heart of all efforts of applying identity politics, e.g., critical race theory, critical political theory, etc.

Critical Theory is the strategy designed to criticize everything about America, leading to a blanket condemnation of all it stands for, from its beginnings to the present.  Everything about America has been analyzed through the looking glass of Marxist Critical Theory to destroy her through revolutionary change.  That typically means violent oppression.

These moral nihilists have branded the family as a patriarchal, Christian construct, a white supremacist institution for the oppression of women and children. The cultural Marxists seek to eliminate the family as we know it and transform it and its relationships.  For example, they intend to use State-sanctioned institutions – schools – to inculcate socialist revolutionary politics to the masses.  To understand the consequences of this “action,” we need only look to the streets and witness those willfully stealing property and life are children inculcated in our universities with this ideology of hate. State-based education will teach conformity, submission, and worship of the State.  The bourgeoise family will be condemned and outlawed as anti-social, thrown upon the ash heap of history.  The State will define the family and parentage.

Cultural Marxists Condemn Individualism – Destroy Cultural Institutions

Individualism has been condemned as selfishness and nothing more than a vestige of European racism and colonialism.  Social distinctions (the division of labor) have been demonized as capitalist oppression.

Karl Marx believed everything that exists deserves to be destroyed.  That is the dictum of all his disciples.  They have undertaken the long view, a long march through America and its institutions. They have either taken over or have substantively disrupted their traditional function in society, e.g., the family.  By attacking cultural institutions, they have slowly, surely, and purposely dumbed down the population, thus, undermining the moral foundation of this nation.  Their attacks have been pointed toward a complete reorganization of society.  In their vision of order, land, capital, and labor will be “emancipated” from private ownership and placed in the hands of the State.  Individuals will become collective slaves of the State.  Employing stealth and deception, cultural Marxists and the militant savages have achieved their predatory purpose – they have brought revolutionary socialism to America.

National Socialists: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing has arrived outside our door, confronting us with a visceral choice.  The evildoers seek to take away our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by force.  These evil-doers mean to harm us, our families, our communities, and our nation.  Through their deceit, we have allowed them to live among us, celebrated them, even elected them to office; but they are now demanding we accept and participate in the destruction and reorganization of society and destruction of human nature itself.  The evil doers’ motivations involve their acquisition of political power and to obtain it; they are revolting against God, His moral law, and our liberty-based system.  There is nothing new or progressive about such a movement or its organizers’ desires; in fact, the movement and its participants are racist, reactionary, and totalitarian.  These wolves (evil-doers) have embraced the prime weapon of Satan himself, deception, covering themselves in sheep’s clothing (rhetoric and false virtue) to purposely deceive us.

The cultural Marxist views us as an enemy, and, as I have written in these pages more than once, they view politics as war by other means – meaning they intend to continue their assault on you and this nation.  It is now abundantly clear; they seek to overthrow your nation, destroy your way of life, take over the government, transform the culture, and bring about a revolutionary change, something you will be woefully unprepared to deal with if they are successful.

Stand Tall Against Tyranny – Support Liberty and Godliness

We have failed to be vigilant, and too many among us have been fooled for too long.  When the shepherd finally discovered the wolf among his sheep, he cunningly roped the wolf and hung him.  He was applauded for his efforts by the other shepherds.  We face the visceral choice between confronting and defeating the evildoers or succumbing to the militant savagery rooted in racism, death, and totalitarianism.  Will our ancestors cheer our decision, or will they be unable to learn of our efforts because we failed them on this day of the wolves – the evildoers?

As for me and my house, we will stand against tyranny and with Liberty and Godliness!

Joseph D. Leatherwood


[1]               David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party, (Nashville, Tennessee: Nelson Current, 2006), Kindle Edition, location 3350.

[2]               Ludwig von Mises, Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1962), Kindle Version, location

[3]               F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism, edited by W. W. Bartley, III, (Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 1988), page 6.

[4]               Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students, (New York, New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 1987), Kindle Edition, location 2659.

[5]               Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, (New York, New York: Threshold Editions, 2009), page 11.

[6]               Interview with Pedro Gonzalez conducted by Tucker Carlson, from “Biden Could pick Leftists Radical as Running Mate, Tucker Carlson tonight, Channel 210, Fox News Channel, Wednesday, 29 July 2020, 1100pm, 1 hours and 3 minutes, locations 0758.  Pedro Gonzales is the assistant staff editor for American Greatness.

[7]               Opere citato, Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party: Kindle Edition, location 0051

[8]               A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, An EWTN Documentary, TV-14, 1 hours and 25 minutes, 21 September 2016.  Director Stephen Payne, Writer, Richard Payne.

[9]               The Apostle Paul, Romans 8: 1-13.

Assess the previous 8 articles of ‘The War We Are In.

  1. The War We Are In: Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  4. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  5. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  6. The War We Are In – Wake Up America
  7. The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights
  8. The War We Are In – Criminally Corrupt Government

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Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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