The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society

Political Establishment Continues to Destroy Civil Society

Once again, we’re privileged to present another article by Joseph D. Leatherwood, “The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society.” This is a follow-up to his article “The War We Are In – Bottom Up – Top Down.”

The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society

‘We the People’ never thought law-abiding citizens would have to take to the streets and countryside to restore order in the United States.  But that moment is upon us.

Based on our laws and traditions, it has always been assumed that the law-abiding could depend on those we elected, our system of government, and our police force to protect the civil order, private property, life, our rights, and the American way of life.  Increasingly, that is not the case.

Over the past few months, a stark reality has set in.

Stark Reality of Civil Society

First, at all levels of government, we have elected a political class that is perhaps the least educated in this nation’s history.

They might be heavily credentialed, but that does not equate to being educated.  Almost universally, they lack understanding of our constitution, how our government works, economics, or history.  As sad as it sounds, they lack a basic understanding of high school civics.

Second, beyond their intellectual incapacities, their level of managerial expertise is even more atrocious.

Their actions demonstrate their inability to conceptualize, analyze, discern, weigh alternatives, and act in their respective communities or the nation’s best interest.  Their experience amounts to little more than being a professional politician or bureaucrat, possessing some degree in “public administration.”  Few have ever held a job in the marketplace, fewer still have ever signed the front of a paycheck, and practically none of them have created a single job.  The overwhelming numbers composing this political class have no understanding of the free enterprise system, yet they believe they have a right to regulate it as experts?  Most people would not qualify to work in a mailroom, let alone command vast budgets and workforces.  But we have bestowed upon these incompetents the privilege to command the levers and instrumentalities of governments across this nation and at all levels.  This should give all of us great pause; indeed, this reality should frighten all citizens, given this ruling class’s track record.

Third, this political class lacks any leadership ability.

And let me be clear on this point, this political class is composed of ideological totalitarians.  In those cities, counties, and states where we see the greatest destruction and atrocities, this political class has implicitly endorsed such actions.  They have served as cheerleaders for this disorder and instructed their police forces to stand down and allow these attacks against our society, i.e., the American way of life, to be carried out without policing.  Among the members of this ruling class who serve at the federal level (congressional members and judges), their silence is a tacit endorsement of this mayhem.

Understanding the Political Class

This political class is the establishment ruling class.  Readers should understand these ideologues, socialists, populate and control our government.  We witness their handy work daily, from their spying on private citizens to trying to overthrow a duly elected president, indicting and prosecuting innocent citizens, trying to impeach the president, storming our southern border with caravans, shutting down the economy, and shaming us about our privilege.  There is no difference between a Jim Comey or a John Brennan or a John Mattis or a Stacy Abrams or a Colin Powell or a Kamala Harris; all are driven by a singular political imperative to impose their will and vision of order on the rest of us through governmental imposition, i.e., socialist control.

Consider for a moment; these moral narcissists lack the ability to work with the business community and the law-abiding; indeed, we are basically ignored, except when they need our funding for their pet projects or our votes.  When it comes to our requests for lower taxes, reduced regulations, lower spending, greater law and order, fixing our streets, we are ignored because they have learned in their indoctrination camps (colleges or community organizing institutes) and political careers the Leninist – Alinsky axiom, namely, the capitalists and the law-abiding are easy markers, to be intimidated and fleeced for their ”guilt” or “privilege.”  They know we do not want to be destroyed, so that is why they are busily exploiting our decency as a people so they can humiliate and shame us into capitulating to their political power.  That is the depth to which the American political system has descended.  It is why there is now an established caste system: one for the powerful and one for the rest of us.

Election of Donald Trump

In large measure, it is why Donald J. Trump was elected president. The American people grew tired of an establishment that refused to acknowledge their concerns and wishes, but contrast that with the groveling to immediately meet the compra pequeños mobs’ demands roaming our streets? The law-abiding were tired of the swamp that exists at all levels of government and elected DJT to stand up to these criminally corrupt socialists.  The Trump political movement shattered the establishment’s cozy arrangement of systemic corruption and exploitation.

Totalitarianism and Socialism – The Destruction of Civil Society

The socialists have ascended to power by convincing enough people to support (vote for) them and their corrupt schemes.  And we, the law-abiding and the capitalists, are at fault as much as those who vote for them because we have excused their behavior, coddled them, and even funded their lunacy over our best judgment.  We have accepted the Leninist-Alinskyite Axiom, without question, as a survival mechanism, and that needs to stop.

These petite totalitarians are card-carrying members of the ideological movement (socialist) determined the burn down the system and replace it with a socialist, nihilist vision of order.  Do readers understand this?

It is these socialists who are supporting and enabling these protests and riots to continue and flourish.  Ask yourself – are ignorant socialist dregs (monsters) roaming our streets now deemed to be high-minded arbiters of what can be eradicated from our history and culture?  Most of those making up this march of the morons cannot discern between U. S. Grant and R. E. Lee.  Who voted to empower these totalitarians to do what they are doing?  Are edifice vigilantes now appendages of local governments empowered to destroy monuments at taxpayer expense?  Are reactionary vandals now allowed to verbally attack, degrade, and invade police officers’ space without any consequences?  More than likely, your mayor, city council, county judge, county court, or governor are standing around doing exactly nothing to stop this violence against your community.

You – the law-abiding – own these monuments, these parks, these streets, and pay for the police force in your community, you paid for all of them; not BLM or Antifa or Organizing for America (Obama) or Open Societies (Soros) or Refusefascism (Ayers) or even the petite totalitarians parading around as mayors, county judges, governors, congressional members or federal judges.

Destruction of Civil Society

Highly Organized Political Operation

We are witnessing a highly organized political operation and the ruling class, as enunciated in this essay, have rallied to the cause of extremism and serve the movement as the top-down (mayors, county judges, governors, etc.) part of the strategy to overthrow our government and way of life.  It is their job to provide “legislative mechanisms” to address and meet the compra pequeños mob’s demands, e.g., defunding police departments.  This movement’s objectives are insidious and ambitious, and it is being aided and abetted by corrupt, criminal socialists governing our cities, counties, and states.

The socialist movement we are facing off against is anti-American and anti-social.  In every city across the fruited plain, they are little more than adjuncts to the Biden Presidential campaign.

So long as no one in our political class, other than President Trump or Senator Tom Cotton or Senator Tim Scott or Senator Josh Hawley, is willing to speak up against this lunacy, this organized campaign of destruction will continue.

Will the most creative and greatest nation in the history of the world succumb to the reactionary behavior of an extremist minority seeking to destroy all that our ancestors and we have built?

As for me, I will not be ruled by those in power today; I will oppose them with my every breath, nor will I ever vote for anyone associated with this movement, including Republicans (Romney).  I share nothing in common with these people; the very idea of socialism, totalitarianism is an anathema to my very being. It is a direct assault on this nation’s legacy of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!

By Joseph D. Leatherwood


Enemies of individual rights seem determined to accomplish their evil agenda by destroying civil society. It’s time to fight back and demand your personal liberty and economic freedom. This is one war we cannot lose.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. You can help the Conservative Warrior fight for the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Also, you can become a Conservative Warrior by downloading the Free No-Obligation ebook  “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook.”

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. Help us win the war against the enemies of the American Way of Life.

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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