The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights

Warning: Your Individual Rights Are Under Attack

Conservative Warrior: Joseph D. Leatherwood continues to fight for your personal liberty and economic freedom in the latest edition of “The War We Are In.” He sounds the alarm in the hard-hitting article “The Abrogation of Rights.”

The War We Are In – The Abrogation of Rights

“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” Thomas Sowell

The militant savagery we are witnessing is another of the unrelenting assaults on Western Civilization and American society in particular.[1]  America is the embodiment of Western Civilization and its traditions.  Society implies a structure. In the United States, society is built upon the concept of Liberty and on an order guarding those liberties, e.g., the blessings of providence, a constitution, an ordered liberty.[2]  American society consists of centers of authority, centers of influence and responsibility, a diffusion of power (federalism), separation of powers, the rule of law, representative government, a harmony of interests, and free markets.

What we are experiencing is an assault by anti-democratic, anti-Western, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-free market, anti-human, anti-Constitutional forces in the tradition of all man-centered ideologies, e.g., the Jacobins, Marxist Communists, Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, and the modern-day fusion of neo- Marxists/Fascists.

Reactionary Forces and the Abrogation of Rights

These reactionary forces are in the lineage of the Babylonians and the totalitarian systems emanating overtime from that tradition.  Their vision of order is built on totalism and control (enslavement) by the State to impose a revolution of moral nihilism on the extended order of human cooperation.  This ancient movement is dedicated to the destruction of liberty-based systems and any society built on that concept.  Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Alinsky, Soros, and other moral narcissists, in this tradition, are the representatives of these reactionary forces of destruction.  Their aim and their disciples aim to conduct a counter-revolution dedicated to the destruction of Western Civilization and its classical liberalism, e.g., not liberalism in the American sense.

If successful, these reprobates would substitute authoritarianism modeled on Machiavelli’s failed ideas, Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Alinsky, and others.  Consider the sentiments expressed by one of the leading lights of these counter-revolutionary forces.

“We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression, we are fighting to tear down systems of oppression in housing, in education, in healthcare, in employment, in the air we breathe.  As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality.  So we cannot stop at the criminal justice system, we must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”[3]

This statement encapsulates totalitarianism, no matter its variety, warring against a system of oppression (American society) based on profit (free markets) and inequality (societal distinctions).

Totalitarians, Dictatorship and the Abrogation of Rights

What these totalitarians want is a collective – a mass – to be ruled by a dictatorship.  They propagandize how they will destroy all societal distinctions by substituting some notion of regimented egalitarianism where ’The People’ will all be equal.  This collective will be established using the first rule of power – the first act of all tyrants – the centralization of power, which is their primary goal installing themselves as the ultimate authority(ies).

These totalitarians, promising to restore some long, lost virtues abandoned because of the capitalist system and its bourgeois order (Western Civilization), seek to install an unethical, arbitrary, and authoritarian order that will annihilate liberty and humanity.  It is the purpose of the totalitarians, being agnostic about its means, to destroy everyone and everything getting in the way of their desires.  Extremism, forces of reaction, brings inertia all its own, where it moves a society toward extinction arriving suddenly over the protestations of corporatists and politicians seeking to rationalize with it and debate it.  Such actions are often too late, misdirected, and society is lost when other actions should have been taken.  It is the age-old extortionist scheme of bleeding finances from the bourgeoisie (enemy) to stave off the threat of violence and outright theft.

Appeasing the Enemy

At present, elements of our ruling class are in the process of rationalizing with this evil force either as full-fledged supporters (members), trying to debate with it, or trying to appease it.  They do not realize that these people do not care about their rationalizations or debate or their appeasements; they seek to destroy our society and drive it to extinction.  They are saying and doing exactly what they intend to do; but we have the scoffers, appeasers, and the cowardly elements within our ruling class seeking to conciliate it by agreeing to (1) fund Marxist Leninist organizations, (2) promising to do more for this or that community as this evil force destroys those communities, and (3) agreeing to finance efforts to defund and abolish the police.  Really?

Lenin famously quipped that elements within bourgeois society would sell him the ropes to hang them.  It seems that is what we are witnessing from the mayors, county judges, governors and bureaucrats up and down the chain of command within the federal system along with corporatists allies.  This element is refusing to stand up at all, choosing to join in the fray on the side of the reactionaries.  They believe by joining in, they will be seen as ‘brothers in arm,’ i.e., allies, to buy off their revolutionary fervor, and all this will pass in time.

Political Establishment Encourages Abrogation of Rights

But all will not pass – because of their joining in with this evil force and failing to uphold and enforce the rule of law, there has already been a marked, blanketed abrogation of the liberties of every American citizen.  Because of their capitulation and appeasement of these thugs, things have only gotten worse for every citizen, and it will only get worse.  These appeasers, traitors, have not only betrayed their constitutional oaths in these islands of socialism.  Not only have these mayors, county judges, governors, and law enforcement bureaucrats betrayed their constitutional oaths of office, they have turned their backs on the people they are sworn to protect and defend.

These totalitarians can no longer be legitimately divided between “peaceful protesters” and rioters; they are the same.  In almost every instance of this insurrection, where violence is carried out against society, we witness protesters back-packing lethal supplies into the attack zone; standing and cheering on the attacks against property and people; and handing the shock-troops and black shirts the bricks, frozen water bottles and other weapons from their back-packs to be used against innocents and property.  Both elements are organized, bought, and paid for by the financiers of this counter-revolution.  These people are not peaceful protesters or rioters; they are insurrectionists.

The Insurrectionists

This insurrection is leading to a de facto abrogation of the rights of American citizens through the creation of panic, chaos, fear and intimidation.  Through direct action, insurrectionists have descended on peaceful protests and rallies by the law-abiding with violence…beating people, destroying property, yelling people down, and driving them from their assembled areas (field of battle).  Where peaceable protesters gather to support the police, churches, Israel, petition their government, and challenge the unconstitutional mandates of local petite totalitarians, these thugs target them.  In many ways, they have become the enforcement, paramilitary mechanism for local petite totalitarians and the National Socialist “Democrat” Party.  They are playing the same role as the KKK did for the same party historically.

Such actions signal a complete nullification of the constitutional rights of the law-abiding, e.g., those gathered peaceably to voice their concerns and/or support.  We are witnessing and experiencing a systemic, dare I say it – an institutionalized denial of our first amendment rights to speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition our government.  Consider a case in Portland where a man went to the Hatfield Federal Courthouse with a placard to counter demonstrate, begging the insurrectionists to stop their attacks. He was summarily beaten and his bloody body left on the streets.

Antifa/BLM Affiliates Attack “Back the Blue” Supporters

On 19 July 2020, the most publicized of these direct actions took place in Denver, Colorado.  A group assembled at the Civic Center for the Sixth Annual Law Enforcement (Back the Blue) Day to support the police.[4]   Right after they kneeled to pray, they were viciously attacked and beaten by the militant savages.  What had always been a family-friendly event quickly descended into violent chaos as black-clad (Klansmen look a like) swarmed in on women with children beating the women with collapsible batons creating fear and panic immediately disbursing the group.  In this coordinated attack, the audience was quickly dispatched as other elements attacked those on the stage.  Among those were the noted writer, commentator and activist Michelle Malkin.

Organized and led by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, i.e., another of the Antifa/BLM affiliates, these insurrectionists surrounded the assembled group using bull horns to denounce them.  Occupying the high ground, the high steps around the area, the reactionaries deemed any support or celebration of the police was unacceptable.  In their anti-constitutional action, they accused every police officer present of being a terrorist.

Law Enforcement Backs Down

You ask, ‘Where were the police, and what did they do?’  They were present but ordered to stand down by Denver Chief of the Police Bureaucracy Paul Pazen.  That is, thugs were given license to attack the crowd knowing there would be no consequences for their attack.  While the Back the Blue Rally had a constitutional right to assemble, support, and celebrate, the very police, for whom the crowd was there to honor, was ordered not to intervene.  They attempted to form a wall (line) between the two groups, but it was to no avail.

Malkin expressed her disgust writing:

“How do we stand up when police obey BLM demands to stand down?  How do we back the blue when the blue won’t back us?  How do we fight back … when [they] … cancel people like me who defended them?”

While the Reich Ministry of propaganda reported on the event, they were silent on, i.e., concealed, the violence carried out by the militant savages.

We must take their word on what they seek to achieve, and the abrogation of individual and civil liberties is only the first step.  They are saying it every day all over the internet and on thousands of sites.  They are spray painting their intentions on every surface, turning downtown American cities into a caricature of Sandinista Managua, Nicaraguan.  Everywhere we witness this chaos, it is in one of these islands of socialism, these cities under the control of self-styled Marxists, e.g., Tom Wheeler, Bill de Blasio, Lori Lightfoot, Gavin Newsom, Phil Murphy, etc.  They have sanctioned direct action against the law-abiding with their full complicity.

Petite Totalitarians and Propagandists Abrogate Individual Rights

It is no accident these direct actions are in these cities, counties and states where they are under the control of petite totalitarians; for under their control, they also try to control the messaging.  By ordering their own police forces to stand down, they seek to draw in federal agents to protect federal property.  By employing this tactic, they seek to portray the President of the United States as a dictator and his deployment of federal agents to protect taxpayer property in the most nefarious ways.  Consider the comments of the Marxist Mayor and Police Commissioner of Portland, “Their presence here is actually leading to more violence, more vandalism, … they’re not wanted here …”

Propagandist Joy Reid of MSNBC hit all the milestones of the reactionary narrative, “… using that trumped-up charge to justify, in any other country as being, particularly in authoritarian ones, what would be called a secret-police…” [Of course, in any society, Joy Reid and MSNBC would be rightly classified as propagandists.]

What most infuriates these totalitarians and their plans is the President’s stand to restore the rule of law in these areas of direct action and the deployment of federal agents to enforce that goal.  This action not only brings in federal agents but also federal prosecutors who can prosecute those committing crimes.  The insurgents now face the prospect of being charged with federal crimes, which means potentially heavier charges and longer sentences.  This action also demonstrates how local and federal law enforcement can work together.  The President’s action takes control from the petite totalitarians.

How About the Civil Liberties of American Citizens?

We must ask, ‘do the citizens of Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Baltimore, New York and other locations support their elected official’s abdicating their constitutional oath, ordering their police forces not to enforce the rule of law, turning their backs on the first responsibility of government (security and safety), and contributing to the abrogation of the individual and civil liberties of every American citizen?’

The answer is no.  The citizens of these locations and across this nation do not support these actions. They are tired of being ignored. They are growing weary of the takeover of local government by totalitarians dedicated to bringing ‘revolution’ rather than enforcing the rule of law.  Outside of the fake narrative peddled by these petite totalitarians and their Reich Ministry allies, it is clear they do not represent the views of every citizen in these communities. But through their actions, they have purposely stifled the constitutional rights of every citizen in their community to speak out, petition their government – because they fear retaliation by their black-clad Gestapo (Antifa/BLM).

Media Works to Encourage Revolution

The media are ignoring the people, the citizens across this nation and the impact this “revolution” is having on their lives and psychic.  We are experiencing a purposeful act of disinformation and deception by these extremists, which includes six basic elements: the Reich Ministry, their black-clad Gestapo, the dupes joining in to serve as supply mules, the corporatist appeasers, the financiers, and those elected officials who have joined in this assault on America.  They want you (the enemy) to believe their power is far greater than it really is, i.e., the Alinskyite rule stating, “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”[5] Each of these elements of this mob is force multipliers used to make citizens believe they represent the entire community, even the entirety of the nation.  And through their attacks on the law-abiding, they can succeed.

They are employing the same tactics as any para-military organization to deceive the enemy, the American people.  Americans must understand we are in an information war and disinformation is a powerful tactic, creating confusion.

Stand Up to the Enemies of Individual Rights

Our enemy, the totalitarians, reactionaries, and propagandists, are doing their best to create and bolster a false narrative describing the President as an authoritarian dictator and his actions as a misuse of federal agents against the citizens of this nation.  They want the American people to believe these reactionaries are freedom fighters while demonizing and villainizing the police and any law-enforcement, especially federal law enforcement.  That is their strategic message; however, they conveniently omit the reality:

Those carrying out systematic attacks and assaults against citizens (law-abiding), property, markets, our government, our institutions, our rights, and the system are not the President, federal troops or those of use standing up; it is these black clad thugs who are attacking everything we believe in.

There is a special place for those politicians, corporatists and capitulators appeasing this mob; they are enablers and should be treated as such.  These totalitarians and their allies don’t want the President to act, to succeed, because it is effective against them.  The President’s actions will help diminish their impact in these cities under totalitarian rule and reverse their intentional desire to abrogate the liberties the rights of American citizens.

Americans must band together.  We can expect more violent attacks because of the incompetence and willful actions of the petite totalitarians in control of their communities, for their goal is straightforward – the complete abrogation of our rights.

Joseph D. Leatherwood

[1]               Richard M. Weaver, The Southern Essays of Richard M. Weaver, (Indianapolis, Indiana: Liberty Fund, 1987), page 186-187.

[2]               Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, (New York, New York: Threshold Editions, 2009), passim.

[3]               “House GOP Condemn ‘Anti-American’ remarks by Rep. Ilhan Omar,” Wall to Wall with Greta, OANN, Channel 208, Friday, 17 July 2020, location 1735 (9:28 am).  The author: Omar is an out and out Marxist totalitarian.

[4]               “Pro-Police Rally in Denver Shut Down by BLM, Antifa Thugs, Peaceful Activists Assault and Beaten,” OAN News, OANN, Channel 208, Tuesday, 21 July 2020, 10:40 pm.

[5]               Terry Turchie and Donagh Bracken, In Their Own Words, (Palisade, New York: History Publishing company, LLC, 2020), location 1783. Kindle Edition.

Assess the previous 6 articles of ‘The War We Are In.

  1. The War We Are In: Bottom Up-Top Down
  2. The War We Are In – Destroying Civil Society
  3. The War We Are In – The Inconceivables
  4. The War We Are In – So, You Say You Want a Revolution? 
  5. The War We Are In – The Virus: You’re Being Lied To 
  6. The War We Are In – Wake Up America


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About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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