Break Free from the Hive-Mind Mentality

Slavelandia Welcomes You to the Hive-Mind Mentality

Elite Cult Uses Pandemic to Transform America and Other Free Nations into Slavelandia

People claim they want to experience happiness and success, yet accept what everyone else believes? They’re often swayed by what the Mainstream Media and the political/financial establishment tell them, especially during these times of pandemic fear and hysteria. Deluded men and women seldom consider the possibility that the purveyors of lies and half-truths plan on permanently controlling their body, mind and spirit. Your life doesn’t belong to you when you’re a slave of the hive-mind mentality and its debilitating conformity.

Before we move on, let’s define hive-mind.

the property of apparent sentience in a colony of social insects acting as a single organism, each insect performing a specific role for the good of the group.

Psychology, Sociology.

a collective consciousness, analogous to the behavior of social insects, in which a group of people become aware of their commonality and think and act as a community, sharing their knowledge, thoughts, and resources: the global hive-mind that has emerged with sites like Twitter and Facebook.

such a group mentality characterized by uncritical conformity and loss of a sense of individuality and personal accountability.

The New Woke Movement, Political Correctness and Black Lives Matter are all about indoctrination into the hive-mind mentality.

Do we want to think and act like social insects?

Masks and Smartphones: An Introduction to the Hive-Mind Mentality

By the way, the demand that we wear masks in public (not proven to protect you from coronavirus))and even in private is an attempt to destroy your individuality. Can you imagine what this is doing to the development of our children? The Cult plans on stunting them for life, so they’re easily assembled into the technocratic hive-mind mentality.

Also, masks and social distancing make it almost impossible to read people’s emotions and develop relationships. Of course, dehumanizing and turning us into technocratic half-humans is part of the Cult’s agenda.

Have you noticed how addictive smartphones are? They practically eliminate the need for intelligent conversations. People sit at the dinner table with them and walk down the street staring at an enslaving device, oblivious to their surroundings. Is it possible they’re meant to eliminate intimate relationships? I went out to dinner with a relative. It was impossible to have a discussion with her. When dinner arrived, she still couldn’t relinquish her smartphone. Finally, I said, “Could you please put that damn thing down and eat dinner.”

Conformity and the Hive-Mind Mentality

Live with Courage, Not Conformity

2020 Tragically Marches On

The New Year promised us a new beginning. Unfortunately, the pandemic hysteria caused governments to shut down the economy and imprison us in our homes. Every day I see further evidence that shows that the Elite Cult is using current circumstances to institute a technological fascist society. The more people allow their minds to be locked down in the hive-mind mentality; the more likely the Cult will enslave us in a soul-shrinking technocracy. Unless we free our minds, the birth of a one-world technological religion awaits our devoured souls.

The totalitarian lockdown prevented indoctrinated citizens from experiencing the rebirth of spring. Sadly, it appears that seasons will come and go stealing the hope for better times. Suppose the Cult (the elite and entrenched members of the political and economic establishment) has its way. In that case, the hapless person will stroll aimlessly around the four seasons’ continuous circle, suffering a nightmare of frustration and despair. Unless he raises his awareness to see through the Cult’s illusions, he will remain firmly entrenched in the thoughts and beliefs of the hive-mind. And that’s what you call slavery.

Who Controls Who?

Are you beginning to see how mass thinking allows the political and financial establishment to saddle us with one unsolvable problem after another? What’s incredible is that its members act as if they’re helping us. The Mainstream Media gleefully (although they try to hide it) reports the lies and propaganda, hoping people captured by the hive-mind absorb the “B.S.” like sponges.

Day by day, we begin to notice that none of the political or economic solutions seem to help us unless, of course, we’re members of the establishment. *Some of the news hits home, adversely affecting our personal and financial well-being. We feel that forces beyond our control continually chip away at our individual liberty and economic freedom. Is it any wonder that despair no longer creeps in but blindsides us? What are we to do? Living in frustration doesn’t seem particularly rewarding.

*Note: That’s an understatement. The response to the pandemic has destroyed the economy and ruined millions upon millions of lives. People captured by the hive-mind mentality allow psychopaths to suck the joy, beauty and freedom out of life.

As a result of what I’m telling you…you begin to realize that you must break free from the hive-mind mentality by becoming an independent thinker. How else will you master your life.? You decide that you will no longer accept or believe what Democrats, Republicans, Wall Street, or other establishment institutions claim to be true. You see through their illusions.

Dependency and Hopelessness of the Hive-Mind Mentality

Unfortunately, many people depend on others to take care of them. In their despair, the battered and bruised man or woman abandons self-responsibility and self-initiative by surrendering their life to a government run by psychopaths.

Once you escape from the hive-mind mentality, you realize that Uncle Sam sold out to the establishment long ago. In fact, since they work for the Cult, members of the political and financial establishment want you to depend on the government for your very existence. Of course, they fail to mention that you sell out your liberty and freedom for the illusion of security.

I think we can call the plight of most men and women desperation and despair.

Eliminate Quiet Desperation

Why Lead a Life of Quiet Desperation?

Our great country, a country founded and populated by hearty, freedom-loving individualists, has been reduced to depending on the political and financial establishment’s crumbs.

Since all governments eventually collapse under their own weight, what happens to people who abandoned self-reliance? Do they buzz around, demonstrating a chaotic emotional collapse? I don’t think you’ll want to be around these people when that happens because out of control men and women will fatally sting anything in sight.

Let’s face the harsh reality that governments do not create wealth. If you actually believe our government can save you…then you obviously think you can have your cake and eat it too. Where do you think our “beloved” establishment finds the lifeboats to save its citizens? It steals them from the very citizens it’s claiming to help. Now that’s what we can call a cruel, sadistic joke!

To master success and happiness, you must see through the illusion of government solutions. People stunted by the hive-mind mentality tenaciously hold on to their illusions. That’s exactly what the Cult wants them to do.

Are We All ‘Freakin’ Doomed?

You might be thinking that we are all ‘freakin’ doomed.” It certainly appears that way. And if you believe that the disastrous course our government has embarked on is unstoppable, you could be right. History proves that governments never voluntarily halt their liberty violating, economy destroying ways.

Government should fear the people

The Bigger Government is, the More Ferocious it Becomes

Members of the political and economic establishment will do everything in their power to hold on to their lofty positions. Sure, economies are destroyed and empires collapse, but it always happens sometime in the future. Why allow the future of our children or our children’s children to get in the way of present-day need and greed?

The fact of the matter is it’s an illusion to believe that members of the political and financial establishment can forever “kick the can” down the road. With control of the printing presses and the legislature, these makers of despair believe they can postpone the inevitable indefinitely. Well, I have news for them. Indefinitely accelerates towards us—ready to flatten all in its path. That’s reality. Our goal is to recognize reality for what it is.

The Living Dead of the Hive-Mind

If you depend on others or, even worse, the government to take care of your needs and desires…then you have given hope for the future. Your existence is the living dead of the hive-mind.

If you have made up your mind to become self-reliant and practice enlightened self-interest…you are in the process of transforming your dreams and desires into reality.

A person without dreams and desires slides down into a social abyss populated by the living dead. He or she appears to be alive but meekly awaits the day of departure from this planet.

A person who has dreams and desires but with little hope of accomplishing them often rubs elbows and knees with the living dead. Eventually, any hope they once possessed vanishes, like smoke from a “coffin nail” dissolves into nothingness.

Abandon the Hive-Mind Mentality

Take Charge of Your Life

It’s Time to Take Charge of Your Life

Really, there is no reason to give up in a fit of despair. Heck, you might as well be dead if you don’t possess and use the life-giving force known as positive action. Here is an affirmation you can repeat whenever the urge to give up seems to overwhelm you.

I take charge of my thoughts, feelings and actions. I accomplish my goals and desires.

Maybe it has crossed your mind that you can eliminate despair by indulging in certain activities such as drug use, excessive drinking, dangerous behavior, brainless television viewing, etc. You rationalize that you might as well “party” your way through life since it is all falling apart anyway. That’s what the irrationally selfish person does. Eventually, the hive-mind completely consumes him or her.

I certainly understand the appeal of this method of handling life’s miseries. You cover up your pain and misery, having some “fun” along the way.

You think that maybe your despair will retreat to the background. Well, here’s some news for you…anything repressed always arises and rears its ugly head, causing you more despair and frustration. I can confirm that from my own experiences.

Just face the truth that irrational selfishness never obtains the desired results. It’s much more rewarding to practice enlightened self-interest. When you do that, you increase your chances of mastering success and happiness.

Enlightened self-interest means you weigh the short-term, intermediate and long-term consequences of your actions. And guess what? You enjoy many of the pleasures that life offers because you are healthy in body, mind and spirit. Your existence soars as your highest value. You possess wonderful values to offer others.

Escape the Hive-Mind Mentality, Capture the Joy of Your Existence

Experience the Joy of Your Existence

Note: You have to resist the agenda of the Cult and its soldiers if you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom.

Experience the Joy of Your Existence

Are you going to allow psychopaths and power-mongers to suck the joy and beauty out of your life? It’s time to stand up to these evil liberty-violators and tell them where to go…a hot place where they deserve to reside.

Why not celebrate the joy of your existence daily? What’s the point of living in the hive-mind mentality and polluting your existence with irrationally selfish behavior?

Let’s feed our mind and spirit with positive thoughts and positive actions. We exist as independent thinkers who free our lives from the hive-mind mentality. That allows us to achieve our goals and desires…and even live our life purpose.

The Conservative Warrior

Become a Conservative Warrior and Escape the Hive-Mind Mentality

The Conservative Warrior's Handbook

Successfully Resist the Hive-Mind Mentality

You have a choice. You can accelerate your power by existing as an individualist…or you can suffer as a slave in the hive-mind mentality run by liars and psychopaths. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism…the individualism that allows you to overcome the enemies of your individual rights. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

The Conservative Party USA

Stand by me and…

Fight for our personal liberty and economic freedom. These virtues that stem from our inalienable rights are much too precious to lose.

You’re probably asking…

What else can the Conservative Party USA do for me?

  • We will find and support Authentic Conservatives who will be warriors for your individual rights.
  • We will fight against legislation that negatively affects your personal liberty and economic freedom…especially at a local and state level.
  • Also, we will market “our brand” for local, state and national exposure.
  • We will do everything possible to protect you from the avaricious and criminal desires of the political establishment.
  • And much, much more.

The Conservative Warrior of the Conservative Party USA… Aggressively fights for your personal liberty and economic freedom…and the American Way of Life.

 YES! With your help, we can restore your individual rights.

All we ask is that…

You donate $20 for 2020…that’s all. Please join us in our fight for your inalienable rights.

P.S. Please help us spread Authentic Conservative values by sharing this article.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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