Discover the Social System of Rational Self-Interest

Pandemics, Plandemics and Scamdemics Defy Rational Self-Interest

Irrational Selfishness Taking Over America

Conservative Warrior: When it comes to the news, it appears members of the Mainstream Media continue to assault us with the same old song and dance, which include pandemics, plandemics and scamdemics.  Here’s an important question. What will make us sicker, the threat of Covid 19 or pseudo-journalists using fear tactics to subjugate the American people? How about the Democratic Convention? Listening to Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Andrew Cuomo and Kamala Harris (psychopaths and liars?) was enough to turn the stomach of anyone who acts from rational self-interest. I wonder how much editing they had to do on Biden’s acceptance speech.

Robert Ringer exposes the farce by stating, “Having spent the past several years praising China, Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, and “peaceful protesters” looting and burning down cities, while at the same time calling for defunding the police, open borders, packing the Supreme Court, weakening the Second Amendment, destroying the “white supremacy” bogeyman, healthcare for illegal aliens, and race reparations — all while raising taxes — Democrats thought they could hoodwink the public into believing they are patriots at heart.” Yes, Democrats are frauds.

Republicans Abandon Reason and Rationality

Republicans aren’t exactly innocent bystanders, as it is evident most of them have abandoned reason and rationality.

The disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street should be evident to anyone with a functioning brain. However, Trump advisor Larry Kudlow and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin continue to taut a V-Shaped recovery even though Main Street is dying on the vine. You have to wonder if Kudlow and Mnuchin are just plain stupid or accomplished liars.

Record-setting stock indexes have nothing to do with an economic recovery. If Donald Trump wants to be re-elected, he needs to hold a fireside chat and tell the American people the truth instead of acting like gains on Wall Street benefit the middle class. Also, he needs to present a solid plan for an economic recovery.

Capitalism – Social System of Rational Self-Interest

Do you realize certain conditions must exist for the majority of people to embrace the sanctity of individual rights? Men and women have to adopt the virtue of rational self-interest and support the social system of laissez-faire capitalism. Unfortunately, we’re saddled with the anti-life philosophy of social altruism (taking from Peter to give to Paul) layered with politically correct BS. What do we end up with; a mixed economy spiraling towards fascism.

A Mixed Economy is Incompatible with Rational Self-Interest

Rational Self-Interest and the Sanctity of an Individual’s Life, Liberty and Property

Consider this. If people no longer respect the sanctity of an individual’s life, liberty and property, how is it possible the positive emotions of love, happiness and joy can thrive? Tragically, there are too many shortsighted individuals seeking benefits without giving much in return. Our current social and economic situation confirms this fact.

Fortunately, rational individuals believe in trading value for value, possessing the integrity to practice this in their everyday activities. That’s the way of the Conservative Warrior. He consistently displays rational self-interest in his thoughts, feelings and actions.

Here’s what Ayn Rand says about rational selfishness (rational self-interest).

“The Objectivist ethics proudly advocates and upholds rational selfishness—which means: the values required for man’s survival qua man—which means: the values required for human survival—not the values produced by the desires, the emotions, the “aspirations,” the feelings, the whims or the needs of irrational brutes, who have never outgrown the primordial practice of human sacrifices, have never discovered an industrial society and can conceive of no self-interest but that of grabbing the loot of the moment.

The Objectivist ethics holds that human good does not require human sacrifices and cannot be achieved by the sacrifice of anyone to anyone. It holds that the rational interests of men do not clash—that there is no conflict of interests among men who do not desire the unearned, who do not make sacrifices nor accept them, who deal with one another as traders, giving value for value.”

She says it so beautifully so we could stop right here. However, let’s move on.

Rational Self-Interest and Capitalism

Unhampered (laissez-faire) capitalism guarantees that markets work according to consumer desires. That’s right, your desires and ambitions matter. Government interventionism sabotages your ability to satisfy your most urgent needs. For instance, bailouts and other monetary schemes such as QE and ZIRP prevent us from learning lessons that could change the face of the modern economy. Instead, Fed policy drives us to follow their Keynesian quackery. We speed after illusory bubbles in the hope of improving our financial well-being. However, the day arrives when the bubbles burst, leaving us holding a bag of nothing but heartaches and empty promises.

If you are painfully aware that all government intervention in the marketplace is counter-productive and downright destructive—if you have decided that social altruism and irrational selfishness is not in your best interest—if you realize the rational self-interest is for you, then you have no choice but to support the only system that is rational and logical—unhampered capitalism.

Thinking and acting from rational self-interest means you endorse laissez-faire capitalism.

Be Rational - End the Fed

And it goes on and on

Federal Reserve System – Enemy of Rational Self-Interest

Regardless of what establishment mouthpieces claim…the Federal Reserve System is not a pro-capitalistic organization. Its monetary policies reek of anti-capitalism. Here’s why.

Since its creation, members of our economic system have depended on the easy money created by the Fed’s misguided policy of artificially low interest rates. Borrowers came to realize they no longer needed to work hard and save for the future. They were supplied the means to live high off the hog…without the nuisance of worrying about obligations coming due. Of course, believing you can receive value without giving any in return is an illusion. We know the payments will soon come due. The piper always demands payment.

Members of the Elite refuse to admit the Fed’s monetary policies are destructive to long-term prosperity and abundance. Their soldiers, our financial and political leaders, advocated massive financial bailouts, forcing taxpayers to pick up the tab. These parasites maliciously sell out the individual’s life, liberty and property wholesale. Plus, they encourage the entitlement mentality of something for nothing. For now, most people seem content to shift the burden to others. Isn’t this a renunciation of self-responsibility? That’s not rational self-interest.

The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality

Do you realize the Elite and its soldiers’ anti-capitalistic mentality destroys the values productive individuals used to build our great nation? Our two-party system has deteriorated into gang warfare. Every group attempts to live at the expense of other groups. The result of this plunder is the smallest minority of all, the lone individual is sacrificed on a cross of social altruism.

A politician, who would stand up and demand an end to the group warfare and massive government handouts, would soon be an ex-politician. You can see why a politician of honesty and integrity is a rarity. The voters seldom tolerate a politician (statesman) who hits them squarely with the facts of reality and demands support for yanking out the rotten economic teeth.

With the right philosophy of life, most people would realize the benefits of rational self-interest and happily trade value for value. Unfortunately, the establishment brainwashed them into believing and accepting anti-capitalistic nonsense…force-feeding them philosophic half-truths and economic lies.

Rational Self-Interest and Sound Economics

Destruction of the American Way of Life

I believe it would be difficult to find an American citizen who consciously supports the destruction of the American Way of Life. Of course, altruists, do-gooders, world-improvers, and socialists do everything possible to destroy our founding fathers’ values so logically used to build America. After all, they can’t tolerate ethical values getting in the way of satisfying their greedy, immoral desires. They bamboozle the masses into accepting their preposterous visions of utopia…removing opposition to their thieving, plundering ways. And you wonder where reason and rationality went.

The Keynesian and socialist economic theories of the establishment are pure humbug. I think our continuing economic woes reveal this is true. Of course, the establishment attempts to shift the blame to laissez-faire capitalism when their anti-capitalistic policies push us closer to the brink of a severe social and monetary catastrophe.

The Philosophy of Rational Self-Interest

Objectivism, praxeology (economics) and timeless spiritual principles prove beyond any reasonable doubt that laissez-faire capitalism is the only social system that can supply men and women the material and spiritual values that make life worthwhile. All other social systems thwart the individual’s efforts to achieve his goals and desires.

If you would like to understand the mess our government and Federal Reserve System created, read the great Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises’ trade cycle theory. He irrefutably proves that unhampered capitalism is the only social system in harmony with economic law. Also, Ron Paul’s eye-opening book End the Fed exposes the Fed’s fraud.

Do you desire that peace and harmony reign supreme on earth? If you do, you must realize that laissez-faire capitalism is precisely what the world yearns for now. We need an abundance of rational individuals who trade value for value; who would never purposely live at the expense of another. Actually, the world needed these yesterday, but alas, yesterday is gone.

Laissez-Faire Capitalism or a Socialist “Utopia”

The Conservative Warrior desires a world populated by rational individuals who uncompromisingly respect a person’s life, liberty and property. Mindless mobs acting from irrational selfishness threaten to destroy your personal liberty and economic freedom. And how do they do that? By resorting to violence and destruction to institute a socialist “utopia,” which in reality amounts to a “hell on earth.”

You must understand that only the social system of laissez-faire capitalism offers men and women the chance to experience the peace, harmony, wealth and prosperity they desire. And that is what an individual who acts from rational self-interest supports with every fiber of his being.

Conservative Warrior

Become a Conservative Warrior

The Conservative Warrior's Handbook


You have a choice. You can accelerate your power by existing as an individualist or suffer as a slave in the State machinery run by liars and psychopaths. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism…the individualism that allows you to overcome the enemies of your individual rights. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do precisely that.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

The Conservative Party USA

Stand by me and…

Fight for our personal liberty and economic freedom. These virtues that stem from our inalienable rights are much too precious to lose.

You’re probably asking…

What else can the Conservative Party USA do for me?

  • We will find and support Authentic Conservatives who will be warriors for your individual rights.
  • We will fight against legislation that negatively affects your personal liberty and economic freedom…especially at a local and state level.
  • Also, we will market “our brand” for local, state and national exposure.
  • We will do everything possible to protect you from the greedy and criminal desires of the political establishment.
  • And much, much more.

The Conservative Warrior of the Conservative Party USA… Aggressively fights for your personal liberty and economic freedom…and the American Way of Life.

 YES! With your help, we can restore your individual rights.

All we ask is that…

You donate $20 for 2020…that’s all. Please join us in our fight for your inalienable rights.

P.S. Please help us spread Authentic Conservative values by sharing this article.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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