Time, Money, Politics and The Acceleration Principle

Are We Running Out of Time to Protect Our Personal Liberty and Economic Freedom?

Federal Reserve Policies Violate the Reality of Time

Conservative Warrior: Are you in control of time, or does it control you? How about this question. Is your time filled with freedom, or are you a slave to unreasonable demands outside of your control?

You’ve heard the saying that “Time is Money”; however, it is also your precious life. How you control it determines whether you experience happiness and success…or unhappiness and failure.

We will discuss time and the fascinating acceleration principle, then how it relates to money, but first I present you with an important video that Joseph D. Leatherwood sent me that shows you how critical it is to take charge of the political, economic and social scene before radical progressives attempt to completely control your time (life).

Note: YouTube censored the above video.

You can see the importance of preventing the Deep State from accomplishing its agenda. Now let’s move on to a new understanding of time.

Relentlessness of Time 

If time is exact, why does it sometimes quickly fly away and at other times painfully slow down to a crawl? The answer is obvious, or maybe it isn’t. I’m sure you probably realize that pleasurable activities whiz on by while the mundane drags its weary feet.

Try to remember when you were a child, lost in the moment. The pace of life waltzed on slow and mellow. The endless summer days offered you baseball, outdoor dollhouses, kick the can and the Popsicle man. Summer evenings meant campouts, roasting marshmallows, sitting lazily on the front porch, or maybe catching a firefly in a jar. Nowadays, you might have memories of your first smartphone and the hours of pleasure it gave you.

The Time of Your Life

Having Fun

Where Has all the Fun Gone?

One day your 40th birthday appeared…or it will appear sooner than you expect. You knew it was coming, but you still wonder where it all went. Oh, time, where have you gone? Why do my days and nights so quickly recede into the past or maybe vanish into nothingness? In each advancing year, time appears to accelerate. It’s a startling realization to discover that before long, you will be in the twilight of your years.

We can assume that time relentlessly hits us objectively but teases us subjectively. You measure the passing of time with a watch, clock or a calendar. Still, in your mind, you feel time. Your experience of it varies with each moment.

The Acceleration Principle

When a child of five years old experiences a day, it’s only one day out of the 1825 days he has lived. When a man or woman of fifty experiences a day, it’s one day out of over 18,000 days he or she has joyfully, mundanely or painfully indulged in.

As you can see, the child’s day amounts to a much larger part of his life. The adult’s day captures a much smaller percentage of his time on earth. The child experiences the day as lasting a lot longer than the adult does. It is obvious why you experience a day in your life at 50 years old as being much shorter than when you were 5 years old. You experience time subjectively. You go around and round in the circle game at an accelerating speed. That can be quite frightening if you think about it. Oh, time, where have you gone?

Time exists as one of the categories of human action. You make your decisions in time. Since you measure it in hours, days, weeks, months and years—you look at time objectively. However, how you subjectively feel time greatly influences your choices and decisions.

Another aspect of time is metaphysical. The “enlightened” claim that since all is eternal, time is an illusion of limited consciousness. In certain states of consciousness, time is temporarily suspended. The warrior has experienced this blissful state during his meditations. However, I think we know that we will be aware of time as long as we’re human. There is no such thing as non-time.

Capturing Those Magic Moments

How do we slow time down? Is it possible to freeze those magic moments so you can channel them through eternity? What can we do to capture the times we love and cherish, savoring them forevermore?

A Time of Love and Marriage

A Special Moment to Cherish Forever

A child’s world slowly passes by as in a dream.  We can attempt to see the world through the eyes of a child by stepping back and letting go of our worries and concerns. We temporarily become childlike, living in the present moment. Instead of regretting the past and worrying about the future, we live in the only moment that counts—now.

Now some might believe that seeing through the eyes of a child borders on the absurd. After all, you are an adult or at least on the verge of adulthood. Some people will call you simpleminded or immature.

I’m not saying that you abandon reason, responsibility or give up ambition. Achieving your goals and desires is important. What I am suggesting is that you attempt to live each moment as if you are joyfully inhaling the aftermath of spring rain. You experience life with special awareness. Making love, listening to your favorite music, bathing in the sunlight on a lazy spring afternoon, feeling the alternating sighs and roars of a windy autumn day, catching the fleeting smile of a child, the euphoria from meditation—all these moments can be sublime.

Slowing Down Time

You slow time down by freezing it, allowing each precious moment to reside in the recesses of your mind forever. Now you possess a treasure chest of glorious memories. Why wallow in the guilt of the past or the worry of the future when you can easily allow an exciting journey to unfold before your searching eyes. All you have to do is take the first step and begin strolling happily down the path to an abundance of cherished moments. The warrior knows where to find the “hidden” jewels.

Note: A warrior is someone who is on the path of his or her life purpose.

Time and Money

These days the connection between time and money has been waylaid. As you will see, that’s the way the Elite wants it. Still, reality is reality.

 Albert Einstein famously said that compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.   “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.  He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.”

Make Time Your Friend

Wisdom of Warren Buffett

Unfortunately, the Federal Reserve’s systematic suppression of natural interest rates has made it impossible to earn money on your savings account. Instead, their dishonest monetary policies transfer wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. Fortunately, you can overcome the Fed’s attack on your wealth and time by learning how to master money.

Interest Rates

I will try not to bore you, but the following information is important.

Here are the 3 components of interest rates.

  1. Time Component
  2. Risk Component
  3. Inflation Premium

In this article, we will cover the time component.

First of all, the time component gives information on how people weigh the future against the present. If they prefer to delay consumption and save for the future, the interest rate tends to fall. If they prefer immediate consumption at the expense of future savings, the rate tends to rise.

The Money and Time Illusion: An artificial interest rate of 0% falsely indicates people no longer wish to consume anything. They delay all consumption until sometime in the future. Fact of Reality: This is ridiculous. If people actually acted in this manner, the human race would perish.

Negative Interest Rates?

Now there’s talk about negative interest rates. Can you see the absurdity and the consequences of this economic insanity? All I can say is that Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) implies that time runs backward. This evening is this morning, tomorrow was yesterday, next week was last week, and next year was last year. This will not end well, as we will eventually reach a state of non-existence or never existing. Just imagine your first spark of life as your mother and father make love, although I’m not sure how making love is done in reverse.

Can you really expect anything that comes from the ivory tower intellectuals of the Fed to correspond to reality? That’s why the Elite depends on them to brainwash us with money fallacies.


Are you going to allow radical progressives to take control of your time (life)? I hope you realize that government tyranny/threat of socialism viciously attacks your individual rights. Also, you must realize that the political establishment will use social unrest to enhance its power. It’s time to fight back and demand your personal liberty and economic freedom.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

You have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, it’s time to realize that Republicans will not save you and your loved ones. Most of its members sold out your individual rights for a pittance, just to retain their power. Recent events confirm that 100%. And, of course, you know that the Democratic Party is too far gone for hope. The corruption of the Two-Party Political System will destroy everything we value and cherish unless we do something to stop it.

Conservative Party USA

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. You can help the Conservative Warrior fight for the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. We recommend that you access the Political Action Course.

P.P.S. Please share this article so we can successfully fight for your inalienable rights.

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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