Choose Your Social System – Do We Embrace or Destroy Personal Liberty and Economic Freedom?

A Social System Can Defend or Destroy Your Liberty and Freedom

Conservative Warrior: Before we look at each social system, let’s see how a faulty one negatively affects our well-being.

​Real GDP drops in colossal second-quarter plunge due to pandemic shutdowns.

According to the Blaze, “The U.S. economy recorded its largest ever plunge in activity during this year’s second quarter, according to data released Thursday by the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis.”

Unemployment claims rise for the second straight week as coronavirus spike curbs recovery.

Fox News informs us that “The latest jobless claims figures from the Labor Department, which cover the week ended July 25, show that more than 1.43 million workers sought aid last week, pushing the total number since the shutdown began to more than 54 million.”

Almost 30 Million in the U.S. Didn’t Have Enough to Eat Last Week.

Bloomberg reports that “In the bureau’s weekly Household Pulse Survey, roughly 23.9 million of 249 million respondents indicated they had “sometimes not enough to eat” for the week ended July 21, while about 5.42 million indicated they had “often not enough to eat.” The survey, which began with the week ended May 5, was published Wednesday.”

Conservative Warrior: The Mainstream Media blames the Coronavirus Pandemic for our economic woes when in fact, it’s the government’s response that demolished an already weak economy. The psychopaths who run Federal, State and Local government used the virus as an excuse to resort to draconian measures to increase their power. Apparently, they don’t care how many lives they destroy as the virus will seem like a minor league event once we witness the death toll from poverty, despair, suicide, violence and a declining standard of living.

We can make a case that the political and economic establishment, which elitists control, purposely destroyed the free enterprise system. Do you wonder what social system the power-mongers have in store for us? Will our personal liberty and economic freedom vanish as quickly as a smoke ring dissolves?

If you want to experience happiness and success honestly, you must know which social system will help you achieve your dreams and desires. We either support something that embraces personal liberty and economic freedom or destroys it.

It’s time to reveal hidden facts the Mainstream Media and political/financial establishment suppress and deny.

Social System 1, 2 or 3

Although there have many “isms” to designate the various social systems that have existed throughout history, there are basically only three. They are Capitalism, Socialism and Interventionism. All the “isms” can be placed in one of these three categories.

  1. Capitalism is private ownership and control of the means of production.
  2. Socialism is public (state) ownership of the means of production. The totalitarian state owns everything and everyone’s life.
  3. Interventionism is the practice of government interference in the marketplace. The government legally hampers it.

Mises Made EasierI owe the above definitions to Percy L. Greaves’ book “Mises Made Easier.”

It’s the perfect companion to Human Action – Ludwig von Mises.

I still use my worn-out copy as a research tool when unsure how to use a word or phrase.

We must determine which social system is open and the most effective for individuals to achieve their dreams and desires.

The Law of Entropy

You may wonder what this has to do with social systems. Let’s find out.

Since I am not a physicist, I am keeping this simple with a short explanation of how the law of entropy works.

Let’s say we’re converting coal into energy to power a steam-driven piston. Most, but not all of it, is turned into motion. Some of the energy is lost.

Also, another effect is that eventually, the machine wears out from the movement of the piston. So, you have the effect of lost energy and the machine eventually breaking down.

The law of entropy also tells us that the universe is expanding into a state of increasing disorder or increasing entropy.

The question is: Why does it seem that some things in the universe tend towards increased order? Doesn’t this violate the laws of entropy (second law of thermodynamics)?

What is an Open System?

Ilya Prigogine solved the above questions. He discovered order emerges because of the disorder (chaos). Evolution and growth are the inevitable consequences of open systems falling into temporary chaos and then reorganizing at higher levels of functioning.

  1. Open systems take in energy and matter from their environment.
  2. They dissipate the resulting entropy into the system and the environment.
  3. The system handles both growth and adversity to reorganize at a higher level.
  4. The system reaches its limits (threshold).
  5. It either becomes chaotic and breaks down–or reorganizes at a higher level.
  6. The route it takes is determined by how efficient and adaptable the system is.
  7. An inefficient system collapses in chaos.
  8. An efficient system reorganizes at a higher level.

I want to thank Bill Harris and Centerpointe Research Institute for the above information I adapted from his book “Thresholds of The Mind.”

Before we proceed, I would like to remind you that physics is an inductive system—Human Action (economics) is a deductive system. You can’t apply mechanical laws to economics–although many establishment “economists” has tried. Fortunately, we can apply the concept of an open system to deductive and inductive reasoning.

Now let’s discover which social system is an open system that best meets the needs of its men and women.

Socialism – A Workable Social System?

As stated, socialism is a system where the state owns the means of production. Individuals can only follow the orders of those in charge.

The State restricts the actions men and women can take to improve their well-being. Instead of the decisions of millions determining the organization of society, only a few make the decisions.

Can you imagine how stifled a system is when only a few people have access to the necessary information for successful action?

Socialism is inefficient because it is a closed system.

  1. It tends toward chaos and disintegration.
  2. A few benefit at the expense of the many.
  3. Individual initiative quickly vanishes.
  4. It prevents the free flow of information, which dooms it to chaos and eventual collapse.
  5. It deprives and impoverishes its citizens.
  6. When you eliminate free markets, you eliminate the benefit of economic calculation.
  7. It collapsed because of its inability to adapt to change. Remember, socialism and communism are the same animal.

I could supply you with thousands of pages of economic theory explaining why socialism is doomed to failure. However, I think the facts speak for themselves.

Lenin and Socialism

Socialism- A Disastrous Social System

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth

It is time people face the facts about socialism instead of living in a world of illusion. Let’s read what Lenin advocated.

Lenin repeatedly emphasized the need for terror and violence in overthrowing the old order and ensuring the success of the revolution. Speaking to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets in November 1917, he declared that “the state is an institution built up for the sake of exercising violence.

Is that what the supporters of socialism desire for themselves and others? Anyway, socialism will never work because it is a closed system that doesn’t allow for change.

Note: Communism and socialism are the same whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

Interventionism – A Social System that Leads to Socialism? 

In a system of interventionism, the government interferes with the marketplace to benefit some at the expense of others. Government officials and do-gooders tell you that they are only trying to improve the marketplace by eliminating injustice. However, I think the negative results of their interference show this is absurd.

Sound economics demonstrates that all government intervention in the economy violates the laws of human action. Of course, this leads to undesirable consequences. It worsens the situation, even from the point of view of those who naively advocate it.

As will be demonstrated, capitalism (free enterprise) is an open system. All interference with it cuts off its “vital force” and moves it closer to the closed system of socialism.

The Problem with Government Interventionism

  1. Interventionism is futile and self-defeating because it gradually sabotages the smooth functioning of the system.
  2. All government intervention delays progress, limits the system’s adaptability and lowers its threshold.
  3. It results in a violation of individual rights, limiting individual choice, destruction of currency, corruption, wars, etc.
  4. As the system’s adaptability is hampered, so is the individual’s ability to adapt. As the system threshold is lowered, so is the threshold of its individuals.
  5. It doesn’t reorganize at a higher level.
  6. Once a system of extreme government intervention breaks down, which it must inevitably do, something worse usually replaces it. This doesn’t bode well for the Western World. The only reason the fall of communism led to a semi-free market renaissance was because of the existence of semi-free markets in the Western World. Otherwise, it would have crumbled into hopelessness and despair.
  7. And it destroys people’s hopes, dreams and ambitions by squeezing the middle class and widening the gap between the rich and poor.
  8. What replaces it is a totalitarian system. Therefore, countries end up being run by the Lenins, Stalins, Hitlers, Mussolinis, etc.
 Socialism, Interventionism - Dangerous Social Systems

Government Interventionism is the Sneaky Way to Socialism

Of course, it is always possible in a democracy that the citizens will rebel against government intervention and demand that their liberty and freedom be restored. The ensuing chaos could then lead to a system that encourages personal liberty and economic freedom.

Capitalism – An Open Social System

Before we go any further, there exists a big difference between unhampered capitalism and crony capitalism (cronyism). When young people rebel against capitalism (free enterprise) and start advocating socialism, they don’t realize they are fighting the wrong social system.

Cronyism results from extreme government interventionism and Federal Reserve monetary policies that transfer wealth from Main Street to the Elite and their cronies.

It is time people stop blaming real capitalism for the national and international problems that seem to increase day by day.

Now let’s move on.

  1. The system of unhampered capitalism (laissez-faire) offers its citizens many benefits.
  2. In a system of unhampered capitalism (free enterprise), everyone is free to choose.
  3. All voluntary exchanges are legal, which makes it a completely open system.
  4. It allows its citizens to grow and thrive.
  5. Entrepreneurial activity raises the standard of living by supplying more goods and services.
  6. It eliminates cronyism which means citizens are no longer at the mercy of the political and financial establishment.
  7. The government’s only function is to protect life, liberty and property.
  8. Only involuntary exchanges are illegal because these types of anti-social activities interfere with an individual’s freedom of choice.

Sound economic theory conclusively proves that unhampered capitalism is the only system that can result in the happiness and prosperity that individuals desire.

We can conclude that the social system of unhampered capitalism is the only arrangement of society’s activities that constitute an open system.

All other “social” systems will result in the misery, poverty and degradation of the masses.

Social System - Capitalism and the Market Economy

In Support of Capitalism

Only unhampered capitalism is an open system that can grow and thrive. If it ever does reach a breaking point, it will evolve to a much higher state of organization.

The Future of Capitalism?

Although Karl Marx is considered capitalism’s greatest enemy, he was correct on one point. A system of pure unhampered capitalism will lead to a new “utopia.” We must understand that the new system would also have to be unhampered to evolve into another higher state of organization.

When an open system such as capitalism finally reaches its threshold, what replaces it is vastly superior. Basically, it is still unhampered capitalism but at a much higher state of existence. The productivity of labor and the standard of living is so high that what follows is a society based on the spiritual. Production is mental and spiritual.

Imagine this: Instead of working 40 to 60 hours a week, you only work one hour to accomplish the same standard of living. It is almost hard to envision what would follow. What does an incredibly advanced society produce? For certain, superior spiritual and mental powers are unleashed, which results in a standard of living unheard of in our present state of development.


Unhampered capitalism is an open system that corresponds to the needs of individuals. It allows them to expand their powers and one day reach a state of higher awareness that will propel them into a glorious future.

If you value your personal liberty and economic freedom, you will reject socialism and government interventionism.

The Conservative Warrior

The Conservative Warrior's HandbookYou have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery run by liars and psychopaths. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism…the individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

The Conservative Party USA

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  • We will find and support Authentic Conservatives who will be warriors for your individual rights.
  • We will fight against legislation that negatively affects your personal liberty and economic freedom…especially at a local and state level.
  • Also, we will market “our brand” for local, state and national exposure.
  • We will do everything possible to protect you from the avaricious and criminal desires of the political establishment.
  • And much, much more.

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About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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