Psychology of Radical Progressives and the Ascendancy of Socialism

Radical Progressives Attack Your Liberty and Freedom

Radical progressives have lost touch with reality, as witnessed by their disregard for anything that smacks of logic and reason. They’re completely motivated by unfocused thoughts and a neurosis that threatens everything a decent person finds beautiful and sublime. For these mentally unbalanced men and women, destruction is the name of the game, and as history proves, they will sacrifice millions of innocent men and women to accomplish their evil mission.

Just look at the following news story.   

Seattle City Councilwoman Threatens: “We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism.”

After passing the “Amazon Tax,” Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant went on this unhinged rant. She threatens to seize control of the Fortune 500 and overthrow the “racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism.” If you oppose her? “We are coming for you.”

Conservative Warrior: Talking about unhinged. She’s a perfect example of a demented radical progressive who wants to destroy personal liberty and economic freedom, transforming America into a Marxist-Leninist cesspool.

In the following news story Julian Castro, the former housing secretary from Texas resorts to Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ (which we will cover later in the article).

Goya Foods facing consumer boycotts after CEO praises Trump.

The liberal rag Yahoo News gleefully reports, “Julian Castro, the former housing secretary from Texas, tweeted on Thursday night that Goya “has been a staple of so many Latino households for generations. Now their CEO, Bob Unanue, is praising a president who villainizes and maliciously attacks Latinos for political gain. Americans should think twice before buying their products. #Goyaway.”

Conservative Warrior: Of course, Julian Castro will never back his egregious statement with facts.

The New “Systemic Racism” That Is Coming

Patrick J. Buchanan reports that “Before our Black Lives Matter moment, one had not thought of the NBC networks as shot through with “systemic racism.”

Yet, what other explanation is there for this week’s draconian personnel decision of NBCUniversal chairman Cesar Conde.

According to Conde, the white share of NBC’s workforce, now 74% and divided evenly between men and women, will be chopped to 50%.

Persons of color — Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and multiracial folks — are to rise from the present 26% of NBCUniversal’s workforce to 50%.”

Conservative Warrior: The average citizen probably wonders what the heck is going on…that is, if he hasn’t been completely captured by mindless activities and the lies and propaganda of the Mainstream Media.

You probably feel battered and bruised by the Coronavirus Pandemic that the Mainstream Media has used to raise the fear level to new heights. After all, fearful people are easily controlled, as witnessed by the compliance dictatorial politicians have enjoyed during the shutdown. Let’s move beyond that and get to the root of the matter by revealing the…

Psychology of Radical Progressives and the Ascendancy of Socialism

Radical Progressives began a concerted attack on your personal liberty and economic freedom by supporting the creation of the Federal Income Tax and the Federal Reserve System in 1913. Year after year, they have gradually accelerated their assault by demanding more and more of your money and life. Now they have expanded their tactics to confront you with a perilous threat, an enemy capable of destroying billions of lives, socialism.

We must face the fact that radical progressives continue to advocate government “solutions” to problems they helped create. As always, their faulty theories developed into media propaganda that convinced the masses that the government could cure their financial problems. People began to believe that the monetary schemes of the political and financial establishment could benefit them. In reality, the easy money scams transferred wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. Cronyism runs rampant.

*Now they’re advocating Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) that takes economic theory to a new level of craziness.

Radical Progressives' Monetary Policy

Quack Economic Theory

Socialism and MMT attract millennials just as a flame attracts a moth. You may wonder why political and social illusions are running riot. Well, let’s find out. It’s time to reveal the psychology behind the agenda of radical progressives and the ascendancy of socialism.

*This is a subject I will tackle in a future article.


The emotion of envy negatively affects a person’s peace of mind. Can you feel happy when you hopelessly covet what others possess? Radical progressives thrive on these feelings, claiming they will get you whatever you need. Who cares where it comes from.

Their massive government transfer programs will eventually bring down our economic system. How long does it take to destroy initiative and self-reliance? If we ever get “blessed” with socialism, we will find out pretty darn quick.

I certainly understand the negative emotion of envy. Individuals have the unfortunate habit of comparing themselves to others. Envious people run their lives with an external frame of reference instead of looking within for guidance.

The person polluted with envy handles life in a self-defeating way. He compares himself unfavorably to “the Jones.” It is painful to see others succeed while he (she) suffers through a life of struggle and want. Sadly, most cannot look within to discover the root cause of their lack of success and happiness. Instead, they search for answers on the outside, seeking scapegoats they can blame for their own deficiencies.

Progressive politicians “earn” their living by playing the dishonest game of “switcheroo.” In their favorite disguise, “altruist,” they institute their cannibalistic game of sacrifice, transforming victims into victimizers and visa versa, feeding the innocent to the guilty. In other words, they create scapegoats.

Eric Berne wrote the book Games People Play that explains the victim-victimizer scheme. Protecting your individual rights requires that you don’t become a victim of radical progressives’ sick transactions.


Backing up the negative emotion of envy sits entrenched feelings of hate. You often find this submerged somewhere below the surface of a person’s conscious mind. These days it rises up and reveals itself as a posting on social media. According to progressives, it must be politically correct. Otherwise, it should be censored as hate speech.

Politically Correct Radicals

That Sums up the Intolerance of Radical Progressives

For obvious reasons, many people attempt to conceal their hatred of the good, beautiful and sublime. In fact, I doubt if they are consciously aware of it. Let’s face it. Most of us aren’t introspective enough to come face to face with our inner demons. It’s a rare and dangerous bird who actively displays his hatred and wears it as a badge of honor.

Radical progressives use their hatred to create political correctness. Incredibly, this allows them to pretend they’re concerned, loving people who only want to help others. And believe me, there are plenty of neurotic, envious people waiting in line to be “helped.” Everyone refuses to admit that this will hasten the decline of Western Civilization and bring us full-scale socialism.

We understand your desire to rise above social systems that denigrate the importance of the lone individual. Paul Rosenberg says, “You are better than the world around you. Perhaps not better than every individual you know, but better that the enforced mentality of this world; better than its rulers; better than its great men. BETTER.”

Unfortunately, during this massive transfer of wealth from the Main Street to Wall Street, it’s easy to feel permanently stuck in a web of hopelessness. Is it any wonder people fall for the illusion of socialism?

Warning: Strategies Radical Progressives Use for Instituting Socialism

Make no mistake about it; radical progressives want socialism for all of us. Of course, when all is said and done, they will become the privileged few.

Radical Progressives Advocate Socialism

Socialism Requires Dictators. And Don’t You Forget It!

Let’s define socialism.

Socialism is a system of social organization that calls for public (state) ownership of the means of production. The totalitarian state owns everything and everyone’s life.

I’m sure that’s the last thing you want. You would have to give up almost every value that makes life worthwhile.

Realize, they accomplish their goal by eating away our Constitutional rights. The following reveals the methods they use to strip you of your individual rights.

Let’s cover two amendments of the first 10 to the Constitution (The Bill of Rights) that progressives ferociously attack.

Rules for Radicals

Saul Alinsky set the strategies for radical progressives in his book “Rules for Radicals.” By listing them, we can gain a better understanding of progressive tactics.

The Rules

  1. “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
  2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
  3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
  4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
  5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
  6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
  7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
  8. “Keep the pressure on.”
  9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
  10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
  11. “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.”
  12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
  13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
Rules for Radicals = Controlling the People

Here’s an Extra for You. Straight from the Mouth of a Radical Progressive

Opportunities such as horrible mass shootings supply progressives with the necessary “arsenal” to attack your right to keep and bear arms. That’s why they never let a “good” crisis pass them by. In fact, look how they’re using the George Floyd incident to further their agenda.

Look at the above rules. Progressives deftly resort to Rule Number 5, 6, 8, 9,10,11, 12 and 13 in their efforts to disarm you.

That’s an impressive arsenal of weapons that influence some people to throw away their constitutional rights.

Since gun control takes a comprehensive analysis, I will save it for a future article.

However, I can definitely make the following statement. Gun control has absolutely nothing to do with protecting innocent people. It’s about transferring power to the almighty state…a progressive’s dream come true.

Radical Progressives Subvert the 1st Amendment with Political Correctness and War on Hate Speech.

It’s no coincidence progressives concentrate their vicious attacks on the first two Amendments of the Constitution. Their goal is to dismantle one Amendment after the other, rendering the Constitution irrelevant. Finally, the day will arrive when even an innocent statement becomes a crime against humanity. These enemies of individual rights plan to enslave us with their politically correct beliefs. And it will be woe to all dissenters.

Radical progressives love to play the race or gender card in order to invoke guilt. This way, they can stifle free speech by claiming words harm helpless people, especially minorities. Do you remember hearing this nursery rhyme?

“Sticks and stones may break my bones

But names will never harm me.”

With radical progressives, that’s no longer true. They claim your defense of individual rights hurts certain segments of the population, while at the same time they practice Rules for Radicals #5 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” That’s how they shamelessly dismiss anything you have to say…no matter how logical it is.

Apparently, it’s perfectly acceptable to attack a person by calling him a racist or gun nut. In fact, any nasty term will do. Unfortunately, you, as a lover of liberty and freedom, must either be politically correct or keep your mouth shut.

If you look at the rest of the Rules for Radicals, you will notice how progressives continually use all of them to attack your individual rights. And they have the full support of the Mainstream Media. Progressive journalists can display their horrendous writing skills for everyone to see, but their continued employment remains assured if they speak the “right” language.

Jeff Carlson of “themarketswork” states, “Political Correctness has everything to do with stymieing freedom of speech – and ultimately freedom of thought. Political Correctness is about political goals.”

Hurt Feelings

Can you imagine living in a society where feelings take precedent over logic and reason? Well, that’s where we’re heading; however, that’s only an intermediate step to full-scale socialism…probably the Nazi or fascist version.

Progressives play up the hurt feelings of minorities, oppressed women, transgenders, gays, lesbians, etc., but that’s just a ruse to drive us closer to whatever brand of socialism they have in store for us. Once these would-be dictators take over, they will care nothing for anyone’s feelings because power over others will be the name of the game. Everyone will be a pawn in their evil mission of dominating the minds, bodies and souls of innocent men and women.

Radical Progressives and the Good of Society Myth

Radical Progressives also appeal to the “good of society” myth.

What do radical progressives mean by the “good of society”? Obviously, they can’t be referring to all individuals because they advocate measures that keep some from enjoying freedom of choice. What they really crusade against is some of their fellow citizen’s choices. We can assume that if you don’t go along with their politically correct nonsense, you deserve an abrupt expulsion from “society.” Under their totalitarian government, that would mean a permanent vacation in one of his labor camps. If you offer too much opposition, you can say goodbye to life.


Your personal liberty, economic freedom and Constitutional rights stand in the way of progressives who desire to force a socialist system down your throat. That’s why they efficiently practice Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” Right now, their attack on the first two Amendments of the Constitution, Freedom of Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is gaining momentum. They will use every crisis possible to further their evil agenda, hoping to eventually topple the “Bill of Rights,” as demonstrated by the Black Lives Matter protests and riots.

Do we sit back and allow them to destroy everything our once great nation stood for…or do we do reclaim our power and permanently stop them?

The Conservative Warrior

You have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery run by liars and psychopaths. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism…the individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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