“And Justice For All…NOT”

Part I in a three part series penned by a 29-year executive level veteran of the USDA that exposes the flawed underbelly of an Agency that is corrupted to the core by reverse racism and political correctness of the worst kind.

I grew up in a small sugar cane town on the Island of Puerto Rico, a Commonwealth Territory of the United States.  Proudly, I was born a U.S. Citizen as are all Puerto Ricans since the beginning of the 20th century.  I grew up among a population of whites, blacks, browns and other people from the United States who came to the Island to work.  I was called a “negrito” by my mom, which is translated as “little black one”.

Yes, my skin is very dark and there were folks darker and lighter than me in my town.  The point is that no one was offended by being called black (Negro), white (Jincho) or brown (Trigeno).  Jobs were … Read More

The Federal Government Runs Amok…Again.

The recent standoff between a Nevada cattle rancher and Obama’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) clearly illustrates why our Founders wrote the Bill of Rights.  Specifically, this event points to why America dearly needs the Second, Fourth and Tenth Amendments.

Were it not for those Amendments Mr. Bundy would be homeless, his private property confiscated by Jack-booted Feds and all the American citizens who rallied to his support would just be standing in the Nevada desert unarmed and helpless.

Since it’s equally clear the Obama Administration has total disregard for the Fourth and Tenth Amendments (among others), the only thing that saved the day against the BLM was the fact that many American citizens had guns as provided by the Second.  As our Founders understood, all of the Amendments would have little meaning (or staying power) were it not for Americans having the right to bear arms to help preserve … Read More

First Things First

Much press has been given to radio host Mark Levin over his favorable position for an Amendment Convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution.

We have one criticism of the approach that you should think about.  It has to do with an elected official’s Oath of Office.  I start with an important side note.  A mainline conservative essayist recently lambasted the House of Representatives for not bringing Articles of Impeachment against the President regarding his ObamaCare lies.  There have been many acts Obama has taken which are considered unconstitutional but the most grievous and very clear ones have been his “moving” of target dates required by the ACA.  These target dates, as written in the law, require that only Congress can modify them, not the President.

That essayist wrote the reason Impeachment has not been entertained by the House is that it … Read More

Democrats Go Nuclear but GOP Gets Radiation Poison

“…America is now rendered handcuffed and defenseless against the looming onslaught of liberal diktats and court rulings.”

After years of threats and bluster, Senate Democrats finally invoked the “Nuclear Option”.  In essence, they broke the rules in order to break a rule that was in place since 1975: the requirement that 61votes are needed to invoke Cloture and confirm federal judges and certain Executive appointments.  Like brazen foxes let free in a pen of carrier pigeons, Democrats sliced and feathered docile Republicans.

Notwithstanding the cheek hypocrisy of that maneuver (they were against it before they were for it), this obvious ploy to pack the federal court system with left-wing activists will further poison the political atmosphere in D.C.  It’s also a transparent attempt by Obama and Democrats to change the subject from the abject failures of ObamaCare.

The consequence of such a naked power grab should have been thunderclaps … Read More

Project Mayberry

The time has come for all true Conservatives, like-minded Independents and Tea Party activists to join the Conservative Party (CP-USA). We are emerging as America’s real “Second Party” because the two major parties are duplicitous in their ongoing failure to properly govern America. Their main objective is to get re-elected, not govern.

CP-USA is the next evolution for those in the Tea Party movement who share traditional conservative family values. They will soon understand the Republican Party – and its leadership – does not share those traditional fiscal and social values. Both are critical.

Project Mayberry® was inspired by the erstwhile “Andy Griffith Show” about the sheriff of a small town called Mayberry. Don Knotts portrayed the bumbling deputy (Barney Fife) while Ron Howard (Opie) grew up to become a very successful Hollywood director. Of course it was all held together by the Helen Crump, Opie’s school teacher who also … Read More

Obama Lies & Incompetence Give Conservatives New Opportunities

President Obama has finally been caught in such a blatant, obvious lie about keeping your health plan that even his Kool Aid drinking media acolytes are starting to question his leadership and integrity.  But the ObamaCare website meltdown demonstrated such profound and bottomless incompetence that one can only wonder if it was all done on purpose.

When you consider a litany of failures like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Syria, NSA and ObamaCare, those questions now have a clear answer:  The Obama Administration is the most incompetent and dishonest in the modern history of America.  (The IRS scandal doesn’t fall into this category because it obstructed and intimidated conservative groups as he intended.)

That’s what happens when you have an Affirmative Action President who tries to hide his true agenda.  This isn’t the gang that can’t shoot straight. This is the gang that can’t shoot. Period!

The abject failure of ObamaCare … Read More

Conservative Party to GOP: Hold The Line – For Once

Conservative Party to GOP: Hold The Line – For Once

As is their recent history, the GOP always talks a good game but seems to go wobbly when the chips are down and polls go sideways.

Hey Republicans: ObamaCare must be defunded NOW or it will metastasize into a deadly national cancer that will cavitate America. House Republicans must use the Power of the Purse as provided in the Constitution to defund ObamaCare. Hold the line until the individual mandate is delayed for a year – at the very least. This absurd “law of the Land” doesn’t even require income verification to enroll for Heaven’s sake.

ObamaCare must not be allowed to go forward and just “fail under its own weight”. That is total nonsense. Nobody with any sense of history (or common sense) could possibly think that ObamaCare could operate for a year, enroll thousands, fail in all … Read More

Open Letter to Senator Ted Cruz

Open Letter to Senator Ted Cruz

Dear Senator Cruz:

The Conservative Party would like to thank you for leading the charge to defund and/or repeal ObamaCare. You are the type of courageous and principled conservative the GOP used to respect and admire in the days of yore. Your brand of true conservatism in today’s GOP, however, is treated like a ragweed instead of the rose you actually represent. Sadly, you are that rose among the thorns.

While the standard-issue Republicans are reduced to attacking you with anonymous ad hominem back stabbing, please rest assured the Conservative Party understands and respects what you and Senator Mike Lee are attempting. ObamaCare is hanging on America’s social and economic neck like a bloated albatross. It must be cleaved at all costs and by any legislative means at your command.

House Republicans conducted the charade of repealing ObamaCare 40 times during the past … Read More