Obama Gang Nothing Like The Nixon Team

As the three major scandals engulf Washington many people are comparing Obama to Nixon.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  There is no comparison.  We need to get our feet back on the ground and start thinking clearly.  Obama’s Benghazi and IRS problems ain’t Nixon’s Watergate by a long-shot.  There are two key differences: Media and Remorse.


Watergate gave the media the perfect opportunity to tear into Nixon with gusto.  They were laying in ambush for years and Nixon gave them a huge weapons cache to fire.  The media gleefully piled on, assigned teams of reporters to dig deep and find whatever negative items they could on Nixon and his staff.  The Washington Post supported and encouraged Woodward & Bernstein to take it to the limit and made them left-wing heroes and media darlings.  In short, that media frenzy was driven by the … Read More

In Defense of Traditional Marriage

The Conservative Party is constitutionally, fiscally and socially conservative.  That means we hold dear the traditional Judeo-Christian family values that our Founders embraced.  Those values made America the greatest nation on earth.  Unlike the Republican Party, however, CP-USA actually remains steadfast in our support of those founding principles and beliefs.

The concept of traditional marriage is being assaulted on many fronts in America today.  Liberals, Democrats, the media and a growing number of Republicans now want to redefine marriage to include people of the same sex.  That is morally, socially and historically wrong.  And that is why CP-USA is now forced to publically defend traditional marriage.

The concepts outlined below do not mean that Conservatives “hate” gays/lesbians or that we want to discriminate against them in civilian life.  It just means we do not approve of that lifestyle and don’t want to give gay/lesbian unions parity with normal, traditional marriage.  … Read More

The Conservative Party Scores Paul Ryan’s Budget as “Weak Tea”.

Most Conservatives appreciate Paul Ryan’s deep knowledge of budget matters.  He has been a stalwart budget hawk for most of his tenure in the House and added a solid fiscal tint to the Romney ticket.  Ryan would have been a stellar Veep.  That’s why it pains CP-USA to give Mr. Ryan a D-minus for his latest budget proposal.

Ryan’s budget requires a full repeal of ObamaCare.  While that is certainly a step in the right direction philosophically, the current political reality renders his entire Bill DOA in the Senate because of that keystone requirement.  Full repeal is the right thing to do but this Budget needs more workable tools to get the job done.  Republicans must continue working on repeal but these budget talks will get bogged down on that issue alone.

The Ryan Budget closes some tax loopholes but keeps most tax rates at current levels.  That’s important because … Read More

The REAL Work Conservatives Must Do – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a three part series that defines the problems facing Conservatives and outlines some ideas to solve them. We must Re-Take (See Part 1), Re-Seed and Re-Shape.

Part 2. Re-Seed the Ground Game (Education)

Not only do liberals dominate the media, they also dominate the entire education spectrum. Totally!

They have all the cards in schools from K-12 and colleges. They control the entire agenda and curriculum by way of teachers unions, janitor unions, bus driver unions and security guard (unarmed of course) unions.  Needed reforms on teacher pay, benefits, retirement, student testing, teacher proficiency or promotions are impossible because unions only care about protecting teachers’ jobs while paying but scant lip service to actual student education.

Unions, media and Democrats (The Unholy Triangle of Education) spend whatever is needed to defeat any school voucher program at any cost and at all levels. Teacher unions refuse … Read More

The REAL Work Conservatives Must Do – Part 1

This is Part 1 of a three part series that defines the problems facing Conservatives and outlines some ideas to solve them. We must Re-Take, Re-Seed and Re-Shape.

The November election debacle has Republicans doing pratfalls and forming circular firing squads. They have no idea, no leadership and no core values. And they have no hope of fixing their election problems because they have no clue.

The GOP still refuses to acknowledge what most Conservatives already know:  You can’t bring a knife to a gun fight and expect to win. Republicans are also playing Checkers while the Liberals are playing Chess.

There are three basic strategies that Conservatives must employ if we harbor any plans for saving America.  Republicans are incapable of mounting a credible defense of their values (caving on the debt ceiling, “evolving” on illegal immigration, etc.) and are afraid to play offense for fear of being attacked … Read More

CP-USA Immigration Sense of the Party (SOP)

The Conservative Party supports comprehensive immigration policies that are enforceable, pass Constitutional muster and do not reward or encourage lawlessness.

CP-USA recognizes that America’s current illegal immigration problems stem from years of inconsistent enforcement by the Federal government.  The Immigration & Reform Act of 1986 (Simpson-Mazzoli) was also neglected by both major parties in Congress and met open hostility from the media due to political correctness and by sanctuary states/cities that actively undermined it.

CP-USA’s Immigration Policy makes a clear distinction between people who legally immigrate to the United States by following all State and Federal immigration laws and regulations (Immigrants) and those who cross our borders without regard for those requirements (Illegal Immigrants).

No moral or ethical immigration policy or law panders to any specific race, religion or ethnic group to gain political advantage. The United States is a nation of laws and must remain so. It would be … Read More

The 2nd Amendment: Upon This Rock I Will Build A Republic

The Second Amendment is the cornerstone upon which all of our other freedoms and liberties are protected and reinforced. Without it the rest are just hollow words with no way of enforcing them except trough legal action which is, and will always be, violated by those that do not prescribe to the law.

There are only two methods to get anyone to take action: reason and force. If you cannot force me to act then you must persuade me with your arguments. The progressive socialists have been manipulating a segment of the population in this Nation for well over 100 years through their arguments that create an emotional response that forces a controlled reaction that obscures intellectual action. They use the heated moment of emotional response to get their myopic misanthropes to jump and then propagate the discord with a continual barrage of Pavlovian response words that they have ingrained … Read More

Chapter 2: “The Very Bumpy Road to Energy Independence”

Re-Fueling America’s Economy for Unprecedented Growth

Chapter 2: “The Very Bumpy Road to Energy Independence”

By Marc J. Rauch, Exec. VP/Co-Founder, THE AUTO CHANNEL marcrauch@earthlink.net

Most people believe that gasoline is our primary engine fuel because it’s the best fuel for the job. In truth, gasoline’s rise to a dominant market position had nothing to do with its quality as a fuel. Gasoline achieved dominance in spite of its inferior performance characteristics.

Background – The need for speed and power

In the early years of the automobile industry there was uncertainty on which fuel and what type of engine would power the new vehicles. There was steam, electric and internal combustion. Although steam power had proven its viability in the first stationary engines and in the first round of land and sea vehicles or vessels, by the late 1800’s diesel was already replacing steam because of its ability to produce … Read More

Higher Taxes Do Not Reduce Debt or Deficits

The Conservative Party understands that America is facing long-term and crippling debt problems that need common sense solutions based on sound economic/budgetary principles. Policies based on emotional political rhetoric and a failed leftist ideology, however, will only add to our growing $16 Trillion national debt, continue running annual deficits and hamper economic recovery.

Raising taxes on the productive elements of American society is counter-productive. That policy actually decreases tax revenues, stifles innovation and increases unemployment. That’s because most people earning $250K/year (or more) are small business owners who are the key economic drivers. Even if we doubled income tax rates on those productive people, it would only generate enough revenue to run the government for 90 days.

Enacting meaningful and sustained spending cuts across the board is the ONLY way to reduce debt and deficits. Base-Line Budgeting and Earmarks must be eliminated. All government programs must be reviewed and … Read More