Lynch Vote Will Be Strike Two for New GOP

Lame Duck House Republicans swung and whiffed when they passed the CRomnibus Bill in December 2014. That Continuing Resolution on the Omnibus Spending Bill (CRomnibus) actually funded many of Obama’s pet projects that Republicans swore to the heavens they would oppose during their mid-term election campaigns. However, Republicans reverted to their standard practice of running as Conservatives but voting like Liberals once re-elected. The GOP led House actually funded ObamaCare and many programs that process illegal immigrants in accordance with Obama’s disgraceful amnesty order.

Strike one.

The Senate is now conducting hearings on the nominee for Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. During a recent line of questioning Lynch clearly stated that she felt Obama’s Amnesty Order was legal and Constitutional. She also said illegal aliens had the legal right to work in the United States. Those two positions are in stark contradiction to the positions established by every single Republican in … Read More

Posted by Sherry, Yahoo News!

Posted by Sherry, Yahoo News!

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc.

And then there are just Americans.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you.. so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day.

You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day.

You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma’uled Al-Nabi. You have the NAACP. You have BET.

But if we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we’d be racists. If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists. If we had White History Month, we’d be racists.

If we had any organization for only whites to ‘advance’ OUR lives, we’d be racists.

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of … Read More

If Obama Wants a Political War, So Be It!

”…Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war..” William Shakespeare

King Obama has purposely and with malice of forethought precipitated a political and constitutional crisis. He has declared war on the American people and enlisted millions of illegal immigrants into his army. American citizens must respond by unleashing all of our legal and political dogs of war to defeat Obama’s wanton act of Constitutional sabotage.

Despite his repeated claims that he could not legally act without Congress on such a critical issue, Emperor Obama did just that on November 20. Despite the fact that he swore to uphold the Constitution and faithfully enforce the duly enacted laws of the United States, he did just the opposite by granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants on November 20. Despite the fact that he often promised to unite America, on November 20 Obama created a yawning chasm between its citizens who … Read More

How Come Nobody Noticed Border Security Movement’s Huge Victory?

There has been a lot of talk recently about the President considering the use of executive action to further weaken the U.S.’s immigration policies. Whether by issuing a blanket amnesty or offering other incentives for illegal aliens to cross our borders, the President continues to make a bad problem worse.

If we want to know how the American people truly feel about illegal immigration, let’s take a look at something that recently happened in Oregon. During the November elections, with a majority of 66%, the good people of Oregon voted down a referendum that would have allowed illegal aliens to receive a driver license.

This happened in a state that leaned heavily toward President Obama in the 2012 election. This is a state which, by most definitions is one of the most liberal states in the nation. Yet, even they don’t want illegal aliens in their state. Or, at … Read More

Obama STOP and America GO

By any definition or failed attempt at spin, the 2014 mid-term elections were a resounding victory for the Republicans. The Conservative Party offers whole-hearted and unreserved congratulations to the GOP. They wanted to drape the Obama Administration’s failed policies around every Democrat’s neck and it worked like a charm.

The 2014 election was not a “shellacking” like the 2010 mid-terms. This was an old fashioned, All American butt whuppin’. Take heed Democrats, Hollywood and media; this whuppin’ was righteous.

But Republicans must also take heed. They must not get confused about what the American people said in such resounding fashion. Every Republican Senatorial candidate made repealing ObamaCare the cornerstone of their campaigns. Every one of them! Republican House candidates also pledged to reduce the national debt, curb wasteful government spending, limit excessive regulations and oppose Obama’s planned executive overreach on illegal immigration. Every single one of them!

And that’s exactly … Read More

The United States Must Ban West African Travelers

No matter what the media and Obama Administration keep telling us, good old American common sense dictates that Ebola will spread around the United States unless people coming from Ebola-ridden West Africa are banned from entering this country without first being properly quarantined.

There, we said it. The Conservative Party’s official stand matches what most clear-thinking Americans know in their bones is the correct policy. Simple.

Taking cursory temperature readings and asking people silly questions at airports are flimsy defenses against a serial killer like Ebola. It’s akin to using a pen knife at a machine gun fight. Thomas Edward Duncan penetrated those “defenses” with little trouble and so will hundreds of other Ebola carriers looking to escape the scourge. The new case of a Dallas hospital worker getting infected by Duncan adds urgency to such a ban. The CDC better start worrying about protecting Americans rather than being concerned … Read More

ISIS Not Sophisticated But They Are Islamic

It’s refreshing to see Obama finally walking around with his hair on fire about the barbaric and medieval terrorist tribe, aka ISIS. After Obama’s numerous verbal gaffs and ungainly foreign policy pratfalls, the Conservative Party was relieved to see the President of the United States actually speaking in clear declarative sentences about an obvious threat to the civilized world. We support his change of heart by saying he wants to kill terrorists rather than just degrading them into a “manageable problem”. Strike up the band. Finally!

We are equally pleased to hear POTUS, Democrats and their liberal media acolytes actually use the word “terrorists” when describing ISIS. This is a term they usually reserve for the Tea Party. It’s sad that it took the brutal beheadings of two journalists for liberals to understand what true evil is when they see it. They get confused so easily.

Of course libs still … Read More

GOP Must Reject Obama’s Blank Check Scam

The recent surge of illegal immigrants from Central America demolishes the notion that America’s borders are secure.  Not by a long shot.  Border security doesn’t look anything like watching overwhelmed ICE agents changing diapers, treating skin diseases and pulling lice from their own scalps.  Screen doors in submarines are more effective than Obama’s version of border security.

Obama is handling this new crisis just like he’s handled other major crises: badly.  The IRS, VA, Syria, ISIS in Iraq, Benghazi, Sgt. Bergdahl  and ObamaCare debacles point to level of incompetence not seen since Jimma Carter.  Now Obama wants $3.7 Billion to process this new wave of illegals.  Well, it doesn’t take $3.7B to deport these people.  Conservatives will not just say “No”, we’ll say “HELL NO”.

Of course there’s no telling what those frightened little Republicans will do.  Maybe they’ll file a new lawsuit or have another Hearing.  Another press conference … Read More

The People’s Department…NOT

The People’s Department…NOT

Part III in a series penned by a 29-year executive level veteran of the USDA that exposes the flawed underbelly of an Agency that is corrupted to the core by reverse racism and political correctness of the worst kind.

The first two articles exposed the racism, environmental excesses and unfairness to the farmers within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that is purported to serve under Obama (see the responsibility avoidance exposed below). Those essays also exposed the cronyism within the management ranks, the racial quotas disguised as affirmative action and the self-serving liberal leadership at the “People’s Department”, as USDA calls itself.

Now let’s discuss “Double the Pleasure”, aka “redundancy”. Only three percent of Americans receive most of their income from farming. So WHY does the government have a monstrous USDA with 105,000 employees? When you figure there are 1.2 million farmers and farm workers … Read More

“PART II: Bombshell Charges of Liberal Racism at USDA”

Part II in a three-part series penned by a 29-year executive level veteran of the USDA that exposes the flawed underbelly of an Agency that is corrupted to the core by reverse racism and political correctness of the worst kind. ..

The USDA often conducts mock training skits that require white male employees to mistreat minority women in order to create guilt, fear and division….

My first article described the injustice, reverse racism, political persecution and unfairness existing in the USDA under the Obama Administration.  I now find myself in the “People’s Department” surrounded by liberals in leadership positions they acquired by the unfair advantage of being in the liberal mafia.  While it has always been accepted in the USDA to have any Administration represented in leadership ranks, what makes this Administration different is that for six years we have been under a system that promotes and grooms mostly … Read More