GOP Has Lost The Right to Control Congress

The latest Obama-Boehner-Ryan Budget travesty properly reflects just how far – as in low – the Republicans have fallen.

This craven Budget is full of tricks and gimmicks, adds $900 Billion to the National Debt, scraps hard-won spending caps, restores the EX-IM Bank, funds Planned Parenthood and raises the Debt Ceiling for the next two years. This Bill is so embarrassing that Republican “leadership” lowered their heads and slid it under the Senate door in the dead of night to avoid having to face Ted Cruz and other conservatives before the sun came up. Just like vampires.

How bad is this Budget? Well, this Budget is so bad that Marco Rubio actually returned to the Senate to vote against it. You know it’s bad if Rubio skipped a campaign event to vote. He probably thought the Bill increased H-1B Visas for cheap foreign tech workers. Ooops.

And make no mistake; … Read More

Civil Disobedience and Article V are Pathways to…Revolution

“….Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,…”

Those words were written by the Founders in the Declaration of Independence and have inspired many Americans over the years. Based on the recent failures of our Federal government regarding illegal immigration and the Supreme Court forcing gay marriage, the Conservative National Coalition (CNC) is forming to challenge government with the concepts of Nullification and Interposition.

CNC will have a webinar for those interested in advancing these concepts on Saturday, 11/21/15 at 12 noon EST. Please visit for more information.

Is the GOP “Leadership” Being Blackmailed Into Submission?

Last week Americans learned that Obama’s disgraceful and dangerous
Iran Nuke Deal “passed” the Senate. Of course Tea Party members and
Conservatives started asking a number of legitimate questions. But
the most important question is: Since a majority of 58 Senators (54
Republicans & 4 Democrats) voted NO, how did it “pass” considering
the GOP controls the Senate?

The straightforward answer is the GOP collapsed and refused to force
the Democrats to actually filibuster. The mere threat by Democrats
to filibuster was enough to scuttle the vote. The limp-wristed
Republicans did not have the political courage to make Democrats
stand on the Senate floor and conduct a real filibuster.

Why do Senate Republicans refuse to exercise the power of the
majority to stop Executive Amnesty, illegal immigration and the Iran
Nuke Deal? Since it only requires a simple majority … Read More

Civil Disobedience and Nullification are Pathways to…REVOLUTION

The Conservative Party’s SCOTUS Trilogy

This is the third essay of a three (3) part series that outlines CP-USA’s response to the recent SCOTUS rulings and what Americans should do to help save America.

Part 1 explained how SCOTUS gave the gay mafia ammunition to kill American values.

Part 2 highlighted how the cowardly GOP failed to repeal ACA when they had chance.

Part 3 – Civil Disobedience and Nullification are Pathways to…REVOLUTION

“…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,…”

Those powerful and historic words are carved into consciousness of the American people when the Founding Fathers penned the Declaration of Independence. The Founders understood that governments can sometimes become tyrannical and forget … Read More

Cowardly GOP Let The Refs (SCOTUS) Decide The Game

We’ve all heard the old sports adage that you should never let the refs make the deciding call in the final seconds of a game. The player must stop the basketball from rolling off the court and not assume the ref agrees about who last touched it. The batter must swing at a close 3-2 pitch with two out in the bottom of 9th inning with the bases loaded in the World Series. He must not just stand frozen at the plate waiting for the ump to make the call.

Why? Because the official can blow the call. Simple.

But that’s exactly what Republicans did. They allowed SCOTUS to blow the call on ObamaCare. The cowardly GOP refused to act on their repeated promises to repeal ObamaCare during the past five years and gave the courts to chance to reaffirm ACA. Pusillanimous House Republi-Dems just stood around making feeble … Read More

SCOTUS Gave Gay Mafia Ammo to Kill American Values

Few can reasonably dispute that Justice Roberts and Justice Kennedy have been totally intimidated by Obama and the liberal media for the past six years. They’re more interested in securing a “proper” legacy in the eyes of the liberal commentariat than being judges who properly interpret the law and Constitution. The liberal media and gay mafia have posted numerous editorials during the past three years that essentially threatened to discredit SCOTUS if it failed to rule according to their wishes. It worked.

Roberts should have pressed Kagan and Ginsburg to recuse themselves from the gay marriage case because they actually participated in gay marriages. That is bias personified. Republicans should have also demanded those two ultra-libs recuse themselves but that would have taken a little political courage so there was no chance of that happening. Instead of expressing full-throated outrage at the ruling that made gay marriage legal in 50 … Read More

Conservative Party Says HELL NO to Obama Trade

The Conservative Party rejects both the process and certain key provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, aka ObamaTrade. The secrecy and heavy-handed manner in which this monstrosity is being pushed by Obama and the GOP leadership should give all Americans pause.

We also wonder what in God’s name has happened to the Republican Party. They repeatedly promised to repeal ObamaCare but funded it once they got re-elected. They swore to the heavens to stop Executive Amnesty but also funded that at their first budget opportunity. Now Republicans support a trade pact that 99% of them have not read and that, among other things, gives Obama the ability to manipulate immigration (legal & illegal) and the flow of cheap foreign labor without Congressional review.

While CP-USA obviously supports free trade, we reject TPP because the United States should not enter into any Treaty or enact any law the American people have not … Read More

Ted Cruz Is Right – GOP & DNC Are The Same.

Despite their repeated and over-heated claims they would move heaven and earth to stop Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Amnesty for illegal aliens, 10 Republicans ….lead by Senate Majority Leader McConnell…. actually voted to confirm a new Attorney General who said she supported and endorsed that policy.

Not only did the newly-minted Senate Republican majority approve a budget that funded Obama’s Executive Amnesty, they just voted to confirm Loretta Lynch.  She will now use the full force of the entire Department of Justice to help Obama skirt the Constitution for the next two years.

The growing list of discarded GOP pledges looks like of pile of bones, bleached and rotting in the sun.  That mountain of Republican broken promises is so high and wide today that conservatives need wings to rise above it.  Voting to confirm Lynch is but the latest example of GOP treachery, tyranny and cowardice.  They also voted to … Read More

Obama’s Iran Nuke Deal is GREAT…for Iran

CP-USA rejects the nuclear Framework Agreement the Obama Administration is negotiating with Iran.

Notwithstanding having a bunch of IEAE inspectors crawling around Iran, the problem with the Framework is not that Obama hopes and prays Iran will not cheat. The REAL problem with the Deal is that Iran might actually abide and comply with its terms.

Obama has been telling us for the past six years that under no circumstances will the United States allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. This Deal, however, creates a “legal” pathway for Iran to get the bomb.

There is no good reason for Iran to cheat since the current Framework gives them almost everything they want in 15 years. Why cheat when Obama just gave away the store. They merely have to wait and outlast American and European resolve. The current Deal allows Iran to: continue operating 6,000 centrifuges while keeping the other 12, … Read More

Impeach Obama

Conservative Party USA
Resolution for Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama,
President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Conservative Party, on behalf of the people of the United States, hereby promulgates several Articles of Impeachment for examination by the House of Representatives and that all such Articles passed by the House be exhibited to the Senate of these United States for trial and conviction, permitting his removal from Office and other punishments as determined by the Senate.

Article I
The President purposely, and with malice of forethought, repeatedly mislead the American public about the true nature and provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare/ACA) by saying that people could keep their healthcare plans, doctors and get treatment at hospitals of their choice. This was factually and legally false at the time of his declarations.

Article II
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