Democrats Go Nuclear but GOP Gets Radiation Poison

“…America is now rendered handcuffed and defenseless against the looming onslaught of liberal diktats and court rulings.”

After years of threats and bluster, Senate Democrats finally invoked the “Nuclear Option”.  In essence, they broke the rules in order to break a rule that was in place since 1975: the requirement that 61votes are needed to invoke Cloture and confirm federal judges and certain Executive appointments.  Like brazen foxes let free in a pen of carrier pigeons, Democrats sliced and feathered docile Republicans.

Notwithstanding the cheek hypocrisy of that maneuver (they were against it before they were for it), this obvious ploy to pack the federal court system with left-wing activists will further poison the political atmosphere in D.C.  It’s also a transparent attempt by Obama and Democrats to change the subject from the abject failures of ObamaCare.

The consequence of such a naked power grab should have been thunderclaps of righteous indignation bouncing around the halls of Congress.  Except for SCOTUS, this rule change effectively nukes any role the 45 Senate Republicans have in deciding which judges sit on the federal bench.  Those duly elected Republicans are now just a miniature nursery of potted plants.  Democrats are using AK-47’s while Republicans are reduced to using dull butter knives.  America is now rendered handcuffed and defenseless against the looming onslaught of liberal diktats and court rulings.

But instead of raging against this horrible rule change, genteel Republicans just acted like they spilled Champagne on their ties; annoyed but not too upset.  As a matter of fact, Mitch McConnell actually said that if the GOP wins the Senate majority in 2014, they would revert to the original super majority rule.  REALLY?  Instead of playing by the same rules just imposed on them, Republicans will roll over and cede that legislative power right back to those same Democrats and Obama. How sweet!

It looks like the GOP is suffering from radiation induced Stockholm Syndrome.  Why even bother electing Republicans if they refuse to apply the levers of power that voters provide?  The GOP should be retired to the pasture if we conservatives want to help save America before it’s too late.  The Grand Old Party is now just an old party that used to be grand.

Instead of threatening to punch the Tea Party in the nose, perhaps Mitch should use some of his new-found machismo to punch a few Democrats in the Senate.  Harry Reid doesn’t look all that tough.  Rest assured that Senate Democrats will also use the same rule change to negate Republican votes for all standard legislation if left unchallenged.

Instead of falling in line, House Republicans must demonstrate some political valor and drop a Nuke Option of their own: Refuse to raise the Debt Ceiling until the Senate reinstates the super majority rule on Federal judges.

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H. Michael Hervey
Conservative Party USA
Twitter: @cpartyusa_01

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