White People to Blame for America’s Decline

“…White liberals are totally oblivious to the fact they’re committing cultural and socio-economic suicide.”  

The media, Democrats and GOP establishment are telling us that Romney lost the election because America’s basic demographics are changing.  While true to a certain extent, that line of thinking does not fully explain the serious long-term crisis facing this once great nation.

The central problem: the Democrat Party and the liberal media have Balkanized America with the premeditated and malevolent intent of destroying this nation from within. This unholy alliance promotes an unsustainable entitlement culture that is draining America and encourages all ethnic groups to vote according to their race. All ethnic groups, that is, except the White race.

White people in America are now using dull pen knives in a socio-political machine gun fight. They are down-trodden and exhausted at constantly being called racists by minorities, liberals in the media and Democrats. Moderate … Read More

Re-Fueling America’s Economy for Unprecedented Growth

“The Economy Can’t Improve Unless There’s a Reason to Improve it”

By: Marc J. Rauch, Executive VP, THE AUTO CHANNEL

The United States needs a new industry that necessitates a vertical range of jobs and which spawn additional supportive industries with an even greater vertical range of jobs. This industry must produce products and services that: benefit all Americans; save money; are healthy (or at least healthier than the products being replaced); and that improve our overall standard of living. In other words, products consumers actually need and want to buy.

The solution is alternative energy and fuels. But, most importantly, the alternative energy and fuels must be produced domestically and controlled by American entrepreneurs.  The raw materials used to generate the energy and produce the fuels must come from our own domestic resources that generate domestic jobs reserved for our citizens (the operative words being “our citizens”).

Lately … Read More

America Has Spoken; Let the GOP Recriminations Begin

The most momentous and contentious presidential election in modern American history is over and the people have their revenge. The United States lost and the GOP got shellacked.

The Conservative Party grudgingly congratulates President Obama and his mainstream media allies like CBS for their deft political legerdemain: convincing 51% of swing state voters that he should be allowed to mismanage this country for another term.

The four Americans left to die – alone – in Libya must be grave spinning.

We have met the enemy and the enemy is us. Sadly, that old adage about the American people being wise is now in serious doubt. Obama’s state-ist ideology carried the day and now the rest of us who voted against him must hold our collective breaths to see how America will survive under an über liberal Obama Administration unshackled from any re-election constraints.

Katie, bar the door….and hide your wallet! … Read More

Obama’s Fiat on Illegal Immigration is Shameful

The Conservative Party USA firmly rejects President Obama’s recent Order allowing the children of illegal aliens to stay in the U.S. and get work permits.  It’s an outrage for a number of reasons.  While it may be unconstitutional at a basic level (which is bad enough), it’s also a political, social and economic time bomb that threatens the very fabric of American society.

Here’s the REAL problem: That’s exactly what Obama and his liberal minions want to accomplish. He wants to fundamentally change America at its core and often said as much during the 2008 campaign.  John McCain ran for president because he loves America; Obama ran because he doesn’t.  Obama studied Constitutional Law at Harvard for the expressed purpose of trying to understand ways to undermine it. There should be no doubt about that.

Obama often publically expressed the proper notion that he (the President) didn’t have the constitutional … Read More

Fixing what’s broke in our government!

What no Democrat or Republican will admit needs to be done or how to do it!

In listening to the latest back and forth from both sides with the Democrats lying and the GOP responding, it is obvious that neither side of this equation is willing or equipped to put forth the plan that we need to stop the progressive socialist utopian destruction of America. I have shown that since the “Great Society” legislation of 1965 the government has grown 464.4% from 411 federal agencies and offices to 1909 federal agencies and offices while the population from the 1960 census to 2010 census shows a population growth from 179,323,175 to 308,745,538. or 45.36%.

That is a growth differential of 409% yes our government has grown more than 4 1/2 times larger than it was in 1965 to perform the new duties it took away from the … Read More

Legal Fraud. Not an Oxymoron.

The common acceptance of the meaning of fraud is something for which someone goes to jail. Yet, it also can mean “tricky” stuff, or deception. If the result of the deception is just to make a person pay more for something than is necessary well, that’s “legal” fraud.

We are told that Medicare fraud is well documented and repeated daily around the country.  This government run health care program has a current rate of fraud of thirty-four percent (34%). That percentage just covers the “Illegal” fraud. How about the “legal” fraud? How does it fit in?

The Obama healthcare law is some 2,700 pages long. Buried in those pages are words and phrases that are vague enough to support financial perks of unspecific dollar amounts to special interest groups who know how to manipulate them. The best way to illustrate that statement is to detail a simple event, and that … Read More

About The Conservative Party USA

The Conservative Party USA will rectify the consistent failures and corruption of the current two-party system.  CP-USA will impose fiscal discipline, restrain the reach of the federal government as outlined in the Constitution and defend America’s traditional family values.

The American two-party system is broken. It has become a system of elite political insiders who only serve the special interest groups that help keep them in control.  Some elites call themselves “Democrats” while others call themselves “Republicans”.

The elite of the two major parties continue to fail America based on our spiraling national debt, trillion-dollar annual budget deficits, off-budget Earmarks, escalating illegal immigration, weakening Dollar and loss of traditional American values.  They are stealing America’s future because they are only dedicated to getting re-elected.

The Conservative Party USA is emerging as America’s real “Second Party” because true conservatives, Independents and Tea Party activists will soon relegate the GOP into political irrelevance.  Republi-Dems are two sides of the same losing coin.

The Tea Party is mainly united by fiscal conservatism; the desire to get Congress to follow the Constitution and spend the people’s money wisely.  However, the Tea Party is not united by a socially conservative agenda because its membership consists of a broad spectrum of political views.

Who will address important social issues consistent with traditional American values beyond the fiscal and monetary problems facing America today?

Critical moral, social and Constitutional issues must also be considered.  These include: Illegal Immigration; Welfare; Gay Marriage; Gays serving openly in the Military; Abortion; Religious Freedom; Saving American Jobs; The War on Drugs; Maintaining a strong Military; Affirming States’ Rights; Clarifying the 14thAmendment on “Anchor Babies”; Stopping the Discrimination of Affirmative Action, to name a few.

America will not survive if it abandons its traditional values for the sake of solving only fiscal problems… we assert that both traditional values and fiscal solutions are equally important.

What happens to the Tea Party and like-minded groups beyond budget and fiscal issues?

The Conservative Party USA is the next evolutionary step of the Tea Party because it combines fiscal restraint with traditional American values that are outlined in a clear Platform and is managed by a strong leadership team that has a unified, long-term vision for America.

Conservative Party USA is the answer to those critical questions and Project Mayberry® is the key!

Our Mission Defined

The mission statement of the Conservative Party (CP-USA) is as follows:

Our mission is to re-establish the limits and boundaries of Government as framed by the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

A question may arise, and it has, over the fact that the CP-USA mission statement makes no direct reference to the Constitution. This point of fact is intentional, and lays the groundwork for the preferred presentation by CP-USA of its mission statement.

Scholars of the Humanities make the argument that political thought throughout history can be demonstrated to be a “bundle of twigs” representing the current arts of the times such as, letter writing, pamphleting, painting, cartooning, sculpture, along with music and oratory, to name some. The same can be said for the early period of America.

In order to understand the government designed by our Founding Fathers, one must look within the “bundle of twigs” for the answer.

By limiting CP-USA’s mission defined only to the Constitution, it has not advanced an accurate understanding of our government. Under the banner of the Constitution, irrefutable harm to our country has been done in the minds of many Conservatives by a run-away judiciary finding within the same Constitution we honor, ways to erase the Founding Father’s design. Our citizens cannot understand and appreciate the Constitution without gaining an understanding of how it came into being. The Declaration of Independence is not constitutional law, but was a condition precedent. The Federalist Papers are not law, but reflect the intellect of the times. “Faith of our Fathers” is not law but must be “Living still.”

The mission of the Conservative Party is to restore into practice the “entire” design of our nation’s founding.

Santorum Exit Confirms Republican Party is not Conservative

The Conservative Party USA extends its heartfelt thanks to Senator Rick Santorum for giving true conservatives some hope during the GOP primaries. Despite a shoe-string budget, media coverage that either ignored him or attacked him (in that order) and the complete lack of GOP establishment support, Santorum punched far above his weight class during the past six months.  He won 10 contests and inspired the conservative base more than anyone since Ronald Reagan.

But this clear, unambiguous fact remains: The majority of Republicans voted for Mitt Romney during the Primaries.  Romney won 57% of all the delegates awarded so far and there was real concern that Santorum could have actually lost his home state of Pennsylvania.

Don’t be fooled by the vacuous argument that Gingrich split the conservative vote because he was effectively out of the picture since the Georgia primary in March. It was a basically a two-man contest … Read More

The Trayvon Martin Tragedy

The Conservative Party USA extends our heartfelt and sincere condolences to the parents and family of Trayvon Martin. Based on what is currently known, Trayvon appears to have been an average teen with only minor brushes with authorities. None of those instances, however, should be used to explain away the questionable circumstances under which he died.

Having said that, we must also caution everyone to cease and desist from making hasty, emotional and uninformed judgments about this shooting.  We urge everyone to remain calm and allow the wheels of justice to roll down the investigative road. Let all the salient and relevant facts be determined by local, state and federal agencies FIRST.  Let’s all refrain from making premature legal pronouncements or demands for arrest or conviction before all the facts are established.

Of course the liberal media is stoking this irrational rush to judgment before all the facts are known. … Read More