Fascism Here It Comes – Unless We Can Stop It

Under Fascism, Big Brother Will Be Watching You

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Americans could eventually carry certificates of immunity to coronavirus

Dr. Anthony Fauci, on Friday, said, “it’s possible that Americans could eventually carry around certificates of immunity to the coronavirus once proper testing is widespread enough.” Fascism here it comes.

Question: Is it possible that the establishment might inject you with vaccines containing Nano-Chips allowing the Elite to control your money and life? It’s up to each individual to determine if that’s a conspiracy theory or fact.

You might as well forget the idea that Republicans will protect your rights. Sen. Bill Cassidy, Louisiana Republican, has pitched the idea of an immunity registry to document people no longer believed to be at risk of infection. Democrats and Republicans expand their power as one big party…Demopublicans. George Carlin stated, “It’s a Big Club, and You Ain’t in It.”

Socialism – Diversion Tactic of the Elite

You must face the fact; the Elite has something more sinister to impose on you than pure socialism.

By the time you read this, you will understand that full-blown socialism makes the Elite members’ agenda impossible to achieve. So, these parasites plan a bastardized version of it.

You may wonder why ivory tower academics sing the praises of a social system that evades reality. For one…they’re Soldiers of the Elite…serving their purpose of confusing members of the Hive Mind Mentality.

The threat of pure socialism amounts to a diversion tactic of the Elite.

The Illusion of Pure Socialism

People unfamiliar with Economic Law sing the praises of socialism. Numskulls and brainwashed people fall for the nonsense government control can miraculously transform economies and alter human nature. Of course, we know that rewarding unequal work with equal benefits destroys labor productivity by encouraging laziness. After all, why work intelligently and hard when others undeservedly receive the fruits of your labor. The idea of living at the expense of others reeks of highly immoral and unethical behavior. The Conservative Warrior lives by his own initiative.

The great economist Ludwig von Mises lucidly explains the impossibility of economic calculation under socialism in his masterpiece “Human Action.” “The paradox of “planning” is that it cannot plan, because of the absence of economic calculation. What we call a planned economy is no economy at all. It is just a system of groping about in the dark. There is no question of a rational choice of means for the best possible attainment of the ultimate ends sought. What is called conscious planning is precisely the elimination of conscious purposive action.”

Just as devastating are F. A. Hayek’s and Thomas Sowell’s insights on the flow of information (knowledge). Hayek states the free market is a discovery process. Sowell shows how the production of a specific form of knowledge helps guide people’s decisions.

Wisdom About Fascist Control

Connecting the Dots

Can you see the connection between anti-capitalistic propaganda and the desires of members of the Elite? An unhampered free market guarantees you become more knowledgeable…which allows you to control your life. Nobody can’t control an independent thinker because he or she permanently leaves the Hive Mind Mentality.

Do you now understand the implications Hayek and Sowell set forth about the flow of knowledge? We must enjoy the existence of a free market (unhampered capitalism) to gain full benefits of the valuable knowledge…individuals use to apply to the billions of problems we face each day. Socialism substitutes the decisions of the few (party leaders) for millions’ decisions, making it a closed system. On the other hand, capitalism relies on all its citizens’ decisions, making it an open system.

The Conservative Warrior understands socialism sinks as a closed system that stifles individual initiative. He desires an open system of personal liberty and economic freedom where people can soar to their highest aspirations.

Pure socialism abolishes markets. Members of the Elite want to keep markets somewhat intact so that they can prosper from their manipulations. That’s why they plan something sinister…that involves a totalitarian One-World Government we know as fascism. Also, you get ripped off by the tyranny of their New Money, the SDR (Special Drawing Rights.)

From Pure Socialism to Fascism

Here’s a syllogism about socialism attributed to Milton Friedman.

“Socialism has been a failure everywhere it has been tried;

Everyone knows this; and

Therefore, we need more socialism.”

Honestly, even members of the Elite realize pure socialism is the last thing we need. It doesn’t fit in with their monetary greed.

Although the Elite’s economic and monetary policies are doomed to failure (at least from our point of view), these parasites believe their fascist social system can produce controlled chaos. Yes, they benefit…the rest of us suffer.

Do you get it? Members of the Elite desire One World Fascism, which is a bastardized version of pure socialism. The threat of full-blown socialism is a diversionary tactic.

Fascism from Mussolini

I’m not sure if the following is tragic or hilarious. Baby Boomer hippies used to call members of the establishment fascist pigs. Now, these deluded men and women support social and economic policies…we can call fascism. What a sell-out. Should we laugh, cry or guzzle down another shot of booze? As Conservative Warriors, we take charge of our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Pounding Pure Socialism into Bits and Pieces

I think you’ll agree that the following correct definition of socialism explains why it fails miserably to provide people with equality, dignity, prosperity, and all that’s beautiful and sublime.

Let’s make sure we understand; socialism is a system of social organization that calls for public (state) ownership of the means of production. The totalitarian state owns everything and everyone’s life.

This may sound a bit redundant because we’ll go over a few points already mentioned but let’s enjoy pounding pure socialism into bits and pieces.

Now you begin to realize that under socialism, the state owns your life by controlling the means of production. You possess no rights and must follow the orders of those in charge. The totalitarian government interferes with your ability to improve your well-being. Instead of the decisions of millions determining the organization of society, only a few make the decisions.

As mentioned, we can imagine how stifled the system becomes when a socialist dictatorship restricts information necessary for successful action. Also, when governments eliminate economic calculation, a vital source of information for a society’s growth vanishes. The compass of successful action disappears forever—taking with it the gauge of success and failure.

Elite’s Diversion Tactic

Sentence by sentence…you begin to see why Elite members use socialism as a diversion tactic. One World Money couldn’t survive without economic calculation. That’s why these purveyors of misery prefer government interventionism and central banking schemes…which gradually transform into One World Fascism.

Members of the Elite understand…how crippled a pure socialistic system becomes? It closes down—permanently. Contrary to what Karl Marx claimed, it never reorganizes at a higher level.

By now, it should be obvious to you…socialism tends toward chaos and disintegration, reducing innocent people to poverty and deprivation.

Ayn Rand on Fascism and Other Forms of Socialism

Here’s the bottom line.

A few greedy, evil people receive some benefits at the expense of everyone else. However, the benefits of One World Fascism line the pockets of 0.1% with incredible wealth…at least that’s what they expect.

You’re intelligent enough to know…ivory tower intellectuals and people stuck in the Hive Mind Mentality live in a world of illusion. That’s why these confused men and women endorse or accept socialistic BS. Members of the Elite use deluded people to implement their diversion techniques.

One World Fascism

According to the American Thinker, “Progressivism is a harbinger of fascist collectivism. Omnipotent central government, economic regulation — sometimes known as “crony capitalism” — redistribution of wealth; all these are consistent with fascism.

Fascism is a totalitarian political system in which an all-powerful central government directs a nation’s economy. Virtually no aspect of society is independent of the state, which is a one-party regime dominated by an omniscient leader. Although heavily influenced by populistic themes, fascist ideology is at once anti-democratic and collectivist.”

Are you beginning to see the picture? Vanishing right before our weary eyes are the virtues of:

  • Personal Liberty
  • Economic Freedom
  • Limited Government
  • Freedom of Speech – Political correctness sums this up.
  • Personal Responsibility and Initiative

Members of the Elite make up a minuscule part of the population. However, these power-mongers control more than 99% of the wealth. To make matters worse…members of the Hive Mind Mentality have become dependent on the government for their very existence.

What do you think the stimulus checks are all about? To make you dependent on the government. Who’s going to turn down the money when they’re in survival mode.

The Elite prepares us for the totalitarian society it desires with TV shows like “The Walking Dead” and the movie series “The Hunger Games.”

The Elite and its Soldiers have almost accumulated enough power and wealth to make the same statement the Borg conveyed to the Enterprise’s crew. “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.”

Murray Rothbard on Human Freedom


We must remain optimistic by fighting fascism with every mental and emotional tool we possess.

Have you ever wondered why members of the Elite are so doggedly persistent in their agenda? Why is it, if they hold all the power, do they constantly need to hammer down dissension?

It’s simple… because you, the individual, are far more powerful than most think. They know it… do you?

It’s time we stand up and defend our personal liberty and economic freedom. That’s what the Conservative Party USA dedicates its efforts to. We can only hope our supporters feel the same way.

We need supporters who stay strong, determined not to succumb to a Totalitarian (Technocracy) State. For your benefit, we offer you the free no-obligation eBook The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook. You will find plenty of intellectual and emotional “ammo” to help you during these difficult times.

Also, you can access the Political Action Course.

For important information visit our website.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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