Obama’s Fiat on Illegal Immigration is Shameful

The Conservative Party USA firmly rejects President Obama’s recent Order allowing the children of illegal aliens to stay in the U.S. and get work permits.  It’s an outrage for a number of reasons.  While it may be unconstitutional at a basic level (which is bad enough), it’s also a political, social and economic time bomb that threatens the very fabric of American society.

Here’s the REAL problem: That’s exactly what Obama and his liberal minions want to accomplish. He wants to fundamentally change America at its core and often said as much during the 2008 campaign.  John McCain ran for president because he loves America; Obama ran because he doesn’t.  Obama studied Constitutional Law at Harvard for the expressed purpose of trying to understand ways to undermine it. There should be no doubt about that.

Obama often publically expressed the proper notion that he (the President) didn’t have the constitutional authority to issue Orders that circumvent Congress on immigration issues.  But his Order directing DHS to ignore parts of the Immigration Law does exactly that…bypasses Congress.

This is the same man who was against gay marriage until he was for it. That was then, this is now.  And “now” means the election is this year.

If you really listen to liberals and Democrats explain this overt power grab you’ll better understand their twisted logic.  They believe Obama was justified in running roughshod over the Constitution because….Congress failed to pass the Dream Act. That’s right folks, Liberals believe Obama can override Congress because Congress didn’t pass a Bill they wanted.

Liberals and Democrats hate democracy if that democracy doesn’t bend to their wishes.  They are perfectly happy to be ruled by a king if that king enacts policies they support.  They see no reason to be restricted by annoying little things like the Constitution, Rule of Law or Congressional authorization if they can just have their king do his thing.

As has always been the case, Liberals covet political power and they don’t give a damn how they get it or keep it.  Amnesty by any other name is still Amnesty.

The United States is a nation of Laws.  America is not a Banana Republic led by messianic presidents (or kings or dictators) who can pick and chose which laws they decide to enforce.  Those Latino’s who are now rejoicing and dancing in the streets should pause to remember that many of them actually escaped from countries where such fiats by dictators are standard.  They came to America precisely because we have a Constitution that was honored.  At least until now.

Obama took an oath to “preserve and protect” the laws and Constitution of the United States.  That means ALL the laws, not just some laws he likes.  But Obama decided he didn’t like the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) so he refused to enforce it to appease his Gay and Lesbian base.  Now he’s refusing to enforce parts of the current Immigration Law to help energize his Hispanic base.

The Conservative Party USA will scrutinize what Republicans and Mitt Romney actually do about this major breach of trust.  They should be racing around DC with their collective hair on fire.   But so far we are seriously underwhelmed and unimpressed.

Allowing illegal aliens – or 800,000 of their children – to remain in the country is wrong.  Giving them work permits in this feeble economy is wrong and contemptible.  The real unemployment rate in the U.S. is north of 15% and higher than 20% in the Black community; 35% for Black teens.  Giving work permits to illegals will directly impact the prospects of millions of Americans who rely on those types of jobs to feed their families and ascend from poverty.  That includes jobs for Latinos and other ethnic minorities who are legal residents.

The notion that Obama would be so heavily Latino-centric during this election cycle confirms what has been known for years; Democrats believe they can take the Black vote for granted.  What say you Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson?

Obama and Democrats are practicing the worst kind of naked racial politics that further split America along ethnic fault lines.  Democrats do so at their peril, however, because they forget one important thing: Asians and Caucasians vote, too.


The Conservative Party (www.conservativepartyusa.com) will rectify the consistent failures of the current two-party system. CP-USA is America’s True “Second Party” and represents the next step in the evolution of the Tea Party.

Contact: H. Michael Hervey, Chairman, hmherevey@cp-usa.org  408.394.7184

Twitter: @cpartyusa_01

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