The REAL Work Conservatives Must Do – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a three part series that defines the problems facing Conservatives and outlines some ideas to solve them. We must Re-Take (See Part 1), Re-Seed and Re-Shape.

Part 2. Re-Seed the Ground Game (Education)

Not only do liberals dominate the media, they also dominate the entire education spectrum. Totally!

They have all the cards in schools from K-12 and colleges. They control the entire agenda and curriculum by way of teachers unions, janitor unions, bus driver unions and security guard (unarmed of course) unions.  Needed reforms on teacher pay, benefits, retirement, student testing, teacher proficiency or promotions are impossible because unions only care about protecting teachers’ jobs while paying but scant lip service to actual student education.

Unions, media and Democrats (The Unholy Triangle of Education) spend whatever is needed to defeat any school voucher program at any cost and at all levels. Teacher unions refuse to allow poor children any attempts to improve their education prospects with voucher programs or higher academic standards.  Of course 65% of public school teachers send their own children to private schools. That alone speaks volumes about public schools…and those teachers.

College teachers and tenured professors are overwhelmingly liberal, left-of-center or outright socialists who vote 90%+ for Democrats.  Most Ivy League universities seldom grant (or even consider) qualified conservative or right-leaning professors for tenured positions.  Most colleges have strict speech codes that ensure only politically correct language is tolerated. Gay/Lesbian “Studies” and African-American Basket Weaving are now assigned the same value as English Literature and Physics.  Affirmative Action is supported without question while American History and the Constitution are shunned.

Liberals have socially and intellectually homogenized education to such an extent that public schools are nothing but barren deserts of dumbed-down curriculums.  All text books now get processed through liberal-dominated school boards.

Liberal teachers and professors attended the same schools, frequent the same restaurants, belong to the same social clubs, shop at the same stores and sip white wine at the same cocktail parties.  Those teachers reinforce the liberal ideology and punish students who don’t toe the line by threatening them with poor grades.  That means liberalism is rewarded and encouraged while any form of conservatism is discouraged and penalized.

This closed-loop system reinforces liberal beliefs because they inhale their own exhaust fumes.

That also means liberals cannot cope with or debate dissenting opinions without high stress or anger. There is no one more intolerant of divergent ideas than a tenured liberal professor or teacher.  They believe in freedom of speech and the press as long as people say or write what liberals want to hear.  If someone challenges their orthodoxy, liberals will attack with claws bared and fangs dripping.

Liberals infect and influence young minds because most students don’t have alternative credible reference points.  Younger students have no way to counteract the constant liberal ideological assault they endure in class.  Students always hear that: global warming is certain; America is evil; gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry; smoking pot is “cool”; sex before marriage is OK and Affirmative Action is needed to reverse racism.  Of course students will believe all those things…eventually…because there are few teachers/professors to challenge such dribble.

So what must be done?

Conservative must Re-seed the ground game by electing conservatives to School and Education Boards to help shape the direction of local school systems. There must be a coordinated effort to identify committed conservative parents and professionals to run for and occupy such boards.

Conservatives must establish and fund the “Conservative Education Project”. The mission of CEP would be to find, train and support educators/administrators to be unafraid to stress traditional family values and teach American History despite encountering liberal resistance in the school systems. It is also paramount that we place conservative teachers in K-12 classes since these formative years help shape young minds.

In addition, CEP must openly and publically support qualified conservative professors and demand that universities allow them to teach and grant tenure. We must make an issue of this by doing interviews, writing editorials, holding press conferences and doing targeted (peaceful) marches to call attention to this problem. We must not allow the current political and social landscape at colleges/universities to remain unchallenged if this nation is to survive.

Parents must demand more accountability from teachers regardless of union pressure or school administration inertia. Conservative parents and community leaders must work over-time to press for school vouchers and expose public school hypocrisy by publishing the names of all teachers and union members who oppose vouchers while sending their children to private schools.

Of course parents must hold their children to higher academic standards, teach them respect for traditional family values and the long-term value of education. That includes serious consideration of the home schooling option. Parents must be parents and not worry about being friends with their children.

A proper education starts in the home. Parents must not cede the serious job of parenting to the liberal media or leftist educators.

Next….Part 3 – Re-shape the political battlefield (Candidates & Party)

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