Zombies Taking Over America

Fed Turning Corporations into Zombies

March of the Zombies

Conservative Warrior: I’m back. You may be thinking, “So what.” Well, I just spent the last 9 days observing the march of the zombies…and I must tell you it’s more frightening than anything you will see on the long-running TV show “The Walking Dead.” I guarantee that those zombies are much easier to kill than those created by the Federal Reserve System, Mainstream Media and our voracious government.

Lessons of History Ignored

On pages 512-513 of Ludwig von Mises’s marvelous biography, “Mises the Last Knight of Liberalism” (Classic Liberalism, not the socialism of modern liberalism), we hear about an incident that took place almost 100 years ago. “He (Mises) recollected the story of how; on an evening three years earlier, he walked with a German visitor through the streets of Vienna. While most factories stood silent or had significantly reduced their operations, only the printing presses of the Austro-Hungarian Bank were busy.

It’s amazing we never learn, or maybe Central Banks like it that way. While we witness the mass destruction of small and medium-sized businesses, the Fed creates trillions of dollars pumping up Wall Street and Zombie Corporations. The zombies are definitely taking over America.

Report from the Trends Journal

In this week’s Trends Journal, Gregory Mannarino states, “It is a crime because the Federal Reserve is being allowed to hyper-pump the entire system with monetary methadone, and, in my opinion, it is just the beginning. This crime in progress is extending deep into the political arena, with White House Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin not allowing “We the People” to know which corporations received public bailouts to the tune of half a trillion dollars.

I will give you a hint as to why you are not allowed to know which companies received bailouts: year-end bonuses. If the public were made aware of which companies got public bailout funds, they would be furious to hear the CEOs of these companies were getting millions, perhaps even tens of millions, in year-end bonuses.”

Note: I heard a report that the government will eventually reveal the names of the recipients. If it happens, it will occur at the same time the masses are distracted by a more severe news story.

Conservative Warrior: The zombies build their fortunes from the blood and bones of men and women who aren’t members of the political and financial establishment. George Carlin spoke the truth when he said, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.”

As of May 21, 2020, the net worth of 600-plus billionaires has increased by more than $400 billion during the Pandemic. How many of the following zombie industries do you think they and their cronies own?

We can conclude that today’s markets are the political and corporate crime of the century.

My only question is: How long will the American people tolerate this rampant corruption…or have most of them been zombified?

Zombies Employing Zombies?

How Long Will These Jobs Last? Courtesy of Harry Dent.

Shocking Revelation

Bill Bonner provides this shocking information. “Today, no one knows how many laws and regulations are on the books. When federal laws were compiled in the 1980s, they already filled 50 volumes and more than 23,000 pages.

Recently, we’ve seen the number of federal offenses estimated at 300,000 – that’s just the laws that carry criminal penalties. And the average American commits eight felonies (unwittingly) every day – before lunch.”

Conservative Warrior: It’s time for Americans to wake up and realize that if you support Democrats or Republicans, you’re on the side of the zombies. In fact, we’re on the verge of Zombie Fascism, which will annihilate our standard of living. They will feast on us as if it were part of a smorgasbord.

Zombies on the March

From George Washington to Ulysses S. Grant: Statues, monuments vandalized extend beyond Confederates amid Black Lives Matter protests

Fox News reports: The initial statues under fire were Confederate soldiers and generals largely in the South due to the treatment of African-Americans, but the anger has spread to monuments of all backgrounds — including former U.S. presidents — many of which have been torn down, and some have been officially removed.

Zombie instigator (my words) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the prominent statue of Theodore Roosevelt in front of the American Museum of Natural History will be removed after years of objections that it symbolizes colonial expansion and racial discrimination.

Conservative Warrior: When groups of mindless protestors run around vandalizing a statue that happens to appear in their sight, you know you are dealing with zombies. Civilized men and women don’t indulge in lawless, destructive behavior. To make matters worse, you have moronic mayors like Bill de Blasio encouraging them.

Conservative Warrior Suggestion: Before the “shit” hits the fan, you should consider sharpening your sword, loading up on ammo, food and water…and making sure you possess hard assets such as gold and silver. It’s possible government zombies and brain-dead members of society will come after your wealth and life.

Breaking News Story

Our “favorite” left-wing propaganda rag Yahoo News reports, “A mock lynching of a mannequin wearing a police officer’s uniform and a pig mask has been found hanging over a highway.

The scene was discovered early on the morning of June 20 when emergency responders were dispatched at approximately 6 a.m. to investigate a possible suicide on an overpass of I-95 in Jacksonville, Florida.”

Conservative Warrior: I’m sure you can see the trend towards more violence and lawlessness. I strongly urge you to follow the above suggestions.


The Mainstream Media not only viciously attacks your individual rights but actually supports turning our country into a Zombie Nation. Also, you must realize that the political establishment will use social unrest to enhance its power.  It’s time to fight back and demand your personal liberty and economic freedom. This is one war we cannot lose.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. You can help the Conservative Warrior fight for the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. Help us win the war against the enemies of the American Way of Life.



About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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