Mainstream Media Advocates Dismantling Sound Economics and the American Way of Life

Mainstream Media Attempts to Destroy Our Economic System

Liberal Journalists are Mouthpieces for the Elite

National Managing Editor: The Conservative Warrior is still missing in action, although I received a report that he’s hunting zombies. I wondered what the heck that is all about; however, after giving it more thought, I contacted the popular TV show “The Walking Dead.” I haven’t heard back from them, so I will present an article I wrote back on March 5, 2018. Since it’s about Mainstream Media, it’s still highly pertinent.

The Mainstream Media Dismantles Sound Economics

The political establishment bamboozles us with its policies of tax, spend, bailout and regulate. Much to our detriment, the Mainstream Media continues to support the progressives dismantling of the free enterprise system. Anti-capitalism runs rampant, even among those who claim to support the workings of the marketplace.

If you have watched shows such as “60 Minutes” and “20/20” or even read the National Enquirer, you would think the Mainstream Media is proficient at revealing corruption and wrongdoing.

Here’s a question you might ask. If they’re so proficient, why haven’t they got a whiff of the bad economics the political establishment imposes on its hapless constituents? Could it be most journalists are ignorant of the basic laws of economics and unwittingly pave the way for the collapse of our economic system? Another possibility has to do with their fervent desire to use political correctness to transform the USA into a socialist nation.

Sound Economic Theory

Here’s something the establishment hides from you. Economists who predicted the crash of 2008 are members of the Austrian School of Economics. As elaborated by Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, F.A. Hayek and Henry Hazlitt, its trade cycle theory thoroughly explains the disastrous monetary policies of the Federal Reserve System. The scams of Quantitative Easing (QE) and Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) caused an artificial boom that transferred wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. Illusions can last a long time; however, reality always prevails in the form of recessions or depressions.

Mainstream Media Ignores Reality

According to Bill Bonner, “Instead of supporting stocks and bonds with quantitative easing (injecting cash into the system) and ultra-low interest rates, the Fed has begun quantitative tightening (sucking cash out of the system) and raising rates.”

Note: That didn’t last long as the December 2018 stock market plunge caused the Fed to go back to easy money. The shutdown resulting from the Coronavirus Pandemic and political stupidity brought us humongous amounts of stimulus, resulting in disastrous consequences.

Members of the Fed suffer under the illusion that they can control economic growth with interest rate manipulation. And don’t expect the Mainstream Media to inform you about a bubble that could burst this week, next month, or next year. Nobody knows what “snowflake” could cause an economic avalanche.

The Real McCoy

Do you know economists of the Austrian School practice the Real McCoy of economic reasoning called Praxeology? Visit to discover this marvelous science of economics.

Praxeology is the science of human action and its better-known part, economics. It’s a deductive science that starts its reasoning from a general premise that is known to be true and reasons to a particular instance of that premise.

Now let me ask you. Have you heard of the Austrian School of Economics? Are you familiar with Praxeology? Maybe, maybe not. Why haven’t members of the Mainstream Media informed you about correct economic reasoning? Is it because of ignorance or their delight in seeing the marketplace meltdown into chaos? Remember, progressives rely on each crisis to march us down the path of socialism.

Real Economists

Great Economists of the Austrian School of Economics 

The Power of Ignoring

Here’s a psychological phenomenon that might interest you. All celebrities, except maybe politicians and religious leaders, prefer that reporters handle news stories concerning them in the following order.

First Choice: They present the celebrity in a favorable light. Most celebrities enjoy someone elevating their ego, as it’s human nature to prefer to be the recipient of adulation and positive statements. When you possess the overwhelming support of the Mainstream Media, life can seem quite blissful.

Second Choice: The press presents the celebrity in an unfavorable light by reporting scandalous stories concerning his behavior and actions. The stories may be true, they may be half-truths or downright lies, and his or her reputation is on the line. All of this negative attention probably dismays the celebrity, but it is far preferable to the third alternative’s death sentence unless, of course, it involves criminal behavior or possibly a sex scandal.

Please Not This Choice: The press ignores the celebrity, which is usually the worst thing that could happen to him. Once he’s banished to the graveyard of has-beens, his career is all but over.

The Mainstream Media Ignores the Opposition

The most effective way for the press to guarantee that nobody challenges the political establishment is to ignore all opposition…acting as if it doesn’t exist. You can see how this effectively restricts the political games to its “card-carrying” members.

Unfortunately, for progressives, someone like Donald Trump comes along who is impossible to ignore, so they’re forced to scandalize him. He doesn’t really help his position when he goes on a ‘tweet’ rampage as a self-defense measure. He only convinces those who already support him.

Note: Tragically, President Trump and his administration caved into the Elite and the Federal Reserve’s plan to turn America into a Fascist Totalitarian State. It’s gotten so bad that Trump actually advocates negative interest rates, which will completely rip-off middle-class Americans by transferring more wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. Also, he completely failed in his promise to drain the swamp.

A perfect example of ignoring the opposition is Presidential elections. Unless you are a member of the Democratic or Republican Party, your chances of election are next to nothing. The establishment makes sure the Mainstream Media keeps the masses in a state of ignorance. Here’s a challenge for you. Try to get a job as a journalist with Yahoo by promoting conservative or libertarian views. They would rather hire a hack who supports the progressive movement than an authentic journalist who writes with dignity.

Mainstream Propaganda

Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda

The Return to Liberty, Freedom and Prosperity

Here’s what must happen for our country and economy to return to the path of liberty, freedom and prosperity. It’s required that enough people understand sound economic reasoning, which would allow them to demand an end to all government intervention in the marketplace.

It’s probably occurred to you this doesn’t bode well for progressives, do-gooders, world-improvers and politicians. Certainly, the public would no longer depend on these groups of people to “solve” all their problems. They would happily become self-reliant individualists and wouldn’t need politicians “helping” them by extracting their money through taxes and inflation.

Many members of the Mainstream Media are ‘intellectuals’ who love molding public opinion. If enough people become independent thinkers who molded their own lives, we would no longer desire these propagandists’ services. Is it any wonder that the political establishment and many members of the press are bedfellows? They depend on each other.

This might not amuse you, but the political establishment needs the Mainstream Media to continually brainwash the masses into accepting the liberty violating system of government interventionism. Of course, these progressive journalists need the political establishment to retain their position as resident intellectuals.

Mainstream Media and Political Correctness

I used to believe that most Mainstream Media weren’t purposely seeking the destruction of the American Way of Life. Unfortunately, political correctness and their vicious attacks on anyone who doesn’t see it their way resulted in a change of mind. Now I understand their agenda to institute a totalitarian government, spurred on by their hatred of the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Their main weakness remains their ignorance of basic sound economics as handed down by the Classical School, The Chicago School, and especially the Austrian School of Economics. Jim Rickards’ complexity theory also supplies valuable insights into the field of economics.

The institution of worldwide socialism would probably wipe out at least 90% of the human population or condemn people to inhuman poverty. I might be going *out on a limb by stating this, but some hard-core progressive environmentalists might ignorantly believe this is a viable outcome to save Mother Earth, not realizing socialism could destroy the environment.

When you understand basic economics, you know socialism is a system doomed to dismal failure. It sinks into an abyss of anti-life.

*No, I didn’t run into Shirley McClain while I was “Out on a Limb.”


The Mainstream Media viciously attacks your individual rights. Also, you must realize that the political establishment will use social unrest to enhance its power.  It’s time to fight back and demand your personal liberty and economic freedom. This is one war we cannot lose.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. You can help the Conservative Warrior fight for the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. Help us win the war against the enemies of the American Way of Life.


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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