War on Cash Threatens Your Individual Rights

War on Cash Kicking Into Overdrive

Elimination of cash would allow elites to impose negative interest rates, account freezes and confiscation.

The war on cash will zap control of your finances to the Deep State and Central Banks. Jim Rickards states, “The global elites and deep state actors always have a laundry list of programs and regulations they can’t wait to put into practice. They know that most of these are deeply unpopular and they could never get away with putting them into practice during ordinary times.

Yet when a crisis hits, citizens are desperate for fast action and quick solutions. The elites bring forward their rescue packages but then use these as Trojan horses to sneak their wish list inside.”

Dangers of the Cashless Society

The cashless society gives the State the ability to create a totalitarian system in which it possesses the power to seize and freeze wealth. Your life will be subject to constant surveillance, taxation, and other forms of digital confiscation. Do you see how this will directly affect your money and freedom? You mustn’t allow the greedy hands of progressives to find ways to empty your pockets. We must defend our personal liberty and economic freedom.

Here’s what violators of your individual rights have in store for you. All financial wealth will be electronic, represented digitally in the records of a small number of privileged megabanks. The cashless society guarantees that firmly entrenched institutions take custody of your money. Can you see how this puts you at the mercy of the establishment?

 Control - The War on Cash

Governments have One Purpose – Control of its Citizens.

Apathy Towards the War on Cash 

When you walk around with cash in your wallet, you gain a sense of power and security because you have physical custody of it.

Can you believe some Americans support the elimination of cash? According to a recent survey, more than a third of Americans are willing to go completely digital.

This tells you that people have become apathetic towards the threats to their personal liberty and economic freedom. Also, many of us are used to pulling out credit and debit cards for purchases. Since it seems so simple, we forget about how easy it is for governments to abuse our individual rights.

Notably, Germans are the most resistant to going cashless. More than 50% of transactions in Germany are done in cash, and many Germans never use credit cards.

Do you think the German government will continue to accept that? It has started a war on gold which will evolve into a war on cash.

The Establishment Accelerate the War on Cash

When you hold possession of cash, who controls it…you or Central Bankers? Well, the “Banksters” would much prefer to wrestle control of all money away from you. That’s why they support the cashless society. Would-be totalitarians feel the same way.

Tyranny Controls the Nations Money

A Famous Banker Tells the Truth

Now you can see why the establishment dedicates its efforts to force a cashless society on hapless citizens. Your world will become completely plastic, placing you at the mercy of all types of liberty violators.

In the nanny state, where you’re at the mercy of Big Brother, its soldiers watch how you conduct your daily life. Social planners steal your privacy by placing your activities under a microscope.  The cashless society allows the totalitarian government to “observe” how you spend your money. It’s scary to think its members will know exactly how you conduct your life.

Here’s something that should concern you because it could happen here…in the land of the free.

“The Chinese state is setting up a vast ranking system that will monitor the behavior of its enormous population and rank them all based on their “social credit.”

The program is due to be fully operational nationwide by 2020, but is being piloted for millions of people across the country already. The scheme will be mandatory.”

Well, it’s 2020, and you can imagine how hard it is to be part of China’s hive mind existence.

The March Towards a Cashless Society

Here’s how it works to your disadvantage. Instead of you possessing the advantage of cash in a certain transaction, your purchase becomes part of a data stream that continues to draw a detailed picture of who you are.

That means the how, when and where of every purchase builds a profile of your habits, needs and desires, which makes you nothing but a number.

The cashless society transfers your money to financial and governmental institutions placing it in their custody. Resistance to the banksters vanishes because they can steal your money without due process.

Dangerous Banking Establishments Attempt to Eliminate Cash

Thomas Jefferson Set Us Straight More Than 200 Years Ago

Let’s list the necessary steps the establishment will use to discourage cash.

  1. Eliminating denominations of currency, such as $100, $50, and even $20 bills.
  2. Negative interest rates on cash deposits.
  3. Assigning fees to cash payments.
  4. Using their propaganda machine, the Mainstream Media will spread stories about how unhealthy it is to handle cash. Paper money carries a lot of germs, which could make you sick, especially since we’re suffering from a Coronavirus Pandemic.  Sycophants for the establishment will also attempt to convince you of the “benefits” of a cashless society.

Here are the sorry consequences you’re facing when stripped of hard cash.

  1. The Political Establishment will attempt to subject every digital purchase you make to taxes, fees and penalties.
  2. If you owe back taxes, your “account” will be at the mercy of confiscation.
  3. Can you imagine what the overdrawn fees will amount to?
  4. What do you think will happen if there’s a lien against you?
  5. To discourage you from saving money, negative interest rates will become a Bankster favorite. After all, it’s “necessary” to stimulate the economy. Instead, by earning interest on your money, you pay interest. Also, inflation destroys your purchasing power. We could be witnessing the scam of the 21st Century or any century.

The Conspiracy Against Cash

It probably occurred to you that credit card companies firmly support the cashless society.

Visa recently unleashed its own offensive in the war on cash by offering certain merchants a $10,000 reward if they refuse to accept cash in the future.

Mastercard is also part of the war on cash and is increasing its efforts to encourage merchants to refuse cash. Here’s Jim Rickards of the Daily Reckoning on the CEO of Mastercard:

Mastercard Chief Executive Officer Ajay Banga has been one of the most ardent supporters of ditching paper currency in the U.S. The 57-year-old first declared his war on cash in 2010.”

You get to witness the spectacle of Visa, Mastercard and governments declaring war on cash. Government entities such as the United States, India, Australia and Sweden want to eliminate or at least discourage the use of cash.

Those with totalitarian aspirations have to create scapegoats to convince the public to support their efforts. These liberty-violators claim they will put pressure on terrorists, criminals and tax cheats. You and I know the criminal element will always find a way to conduct business by using gold, silver, cryptocurrencies, or some other form of wealth. It’s your money the advocates of a cashless society are after.

Governments use certain criminal activities as an excuse to control the lives of honest citizens. If they could get by with it, they would attempt to make the possession of gold and silver illegal.

Does Cash Makes Gold a Relic?

He Called Gold and the Gold Standard a Barbarous Relic in 1924. That and His Quote – 100% Wrong.

Convenience of a Cashless Society or a Monetary Trap

I admit that using credit and debit cards, automatic payments and deposits are quite convenient. Unfortunately, what’s easy can become a monetary trap…a habit hard to break. Just like other consumers, I resort to digital payments on many occasions. What I’m concerned about is we will no longer have the choice of using cash…or we will suffer heavy financial penalties when using it.

Federal Reserve monetary policies and out-of-control government spending guarantee we will suffer one financial panic after another. Those without alternative forms of wealth will be at the mercy of banks and governments.

How about the sorry prospect of these institutions deciding how much money you’re allowed to access each day? Now that’s scary…and definitely a possibility. If you don’t believe me, ask the unfortunate citizens of Cyprus, Greece and India who experienced governmental monetary abuse.

Maybe you trust the political and financial establishment not to resort to such severe measures. Just go back to the crash of 2008 and the subsequent Fed schemes of Quantitative Easing (QE) and Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP). Those scams transferred enormous wealth from Main Street to Wall Street.

Now we’re witnessing stimulus programs that make that look minor league.


The victims of the war on cash are honest citizens who will suffer wealth confiscation through such monetary “devices” as negative interest rates, account freezes, and limits on cash withdrawals or transfers. Even worse is the loss of privacy…the ability of a totalitarian government to begin controlling all aspects of your life.

Of course, if you feel that governments are benevolent entities that look out for your best interest, you have my sympathy.

You have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism. The free no-obligation e-Book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, it’s time to realize that Republicans will not save you and your loved ones. Its members have sold out your individual rights for a pittance to retain their power. Recent events confirm that 100%. And, of course, you know that the Democratic Party is too far gone for hope. The Two-Party Political System’s corruption will destroy everything we value and cherish unless we do something to stop it.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

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About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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