Big Government – Enemy of the American Dream

Is Big Government More Dangerous than the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Unemployment Statistics “The Big Lie”

Conservative Warrior: The enemies of personal liberty and economic freedom viciously attack the American Dream. Black Lives Matter (BLM) thrives because of the backing of Marxist-Leninist groups such as Antifa…and organizations backed by George Soros. However, the most dangerous threats come from the acceleration of big government on federal, local and state levels. The pandemic allowed its representatives to display their psychopathic and dictatorial tendencies as seen in the various shutdown measures.

It’s obvious government blatantly violates Natural and Economic Law. Tragically, the vast majority of the people support these violations. Uninformed men and women unwittingly help the government lead us down the road of ruin.

Sadly, unemployment has soared to new heights. Incredibly, our “Maestros” of economic thought claim we will experience a V-shaped recovery, although this line of “thought” becomes more difficult to defend.  A few bailed-out institutions soar on the stock exchange, and we’re supposed to believe there’s an economic recovery in the making.

Unemployment Lies

Did you know the unofficial unemployment rate is actually 31.2%? Of course, the establishment attempts to trick you into believing that it’s only 11.1% which means they not only “fudge” the number but fail to count the unfortunate people who ran out of unemployment benefits and gave up hope of finding a job.

Let me ask you these questions. Do you trust government statistics? Do you believe anything that comes out of the mouth of the political and financial establishment? I certainly hope not because if you do, then you’ve allowed establishment propagandists to hopelessly brainwash you.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel loving and kind towards all fellow human beings? Well, these perpetrators of “quack” economics test us daily. Forgiving them would mean we have reached the enlightened state of a Christ or a Buddha.

Let’s get down to the truth of the matter and discover what must happen to save our economy and restore the American Dream before we reach the stage of the following quote.

“The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it.” George Carlin

Government Destroys Life, Liberty and Property

Plain Fact! Government reigns as the most malicious violator of an individual’s life, liberty and property on earth. Common criminals look like boy scouts or altar boys compared to the predatory practices of this “entity” of violent compulsion and coercion. Fortunately, as you read on, you will discover some solutions to prevent and stop these attacks on our God-given rights.

Some libertarians advocate eliminating the institution of government. Murray Rothbard’s book “For a New Liberty – The Libertarian Manifesto” and Morris and Linda Tannehill’s book “The Market for Liberty” present some cogent and interesting arguments in favor of this. For our purposes, we are assuming a strictly limited government, though I doubt that any government is fit to operate the dog-catching service.

Objective laws must explicitly forbid federal, state and local governments from prohibiting or interfering with any voluntary exchanges of its citizens and any consumption of goods or services that result from these exchanges. Unhampered capitalism is the only social system in harmony with this measure.

We must prevent the government from violating Natural and Economic Laws. The fact of the matter is it should only protect an individual’s life, liberty and property. By the way, this was the intent of the framers of The Declaration of Independence. The sorry state of affairs the government has created would no doubt send them into debilitating shock.

Eliminating Government Agencies

The correct thing to do is abolish most government agencies. Their existence violates Natural and Economic Law. Eliminating the FCC, FAA, OSHA, FDA, EPA, SEC and all the other agencies too numerous to mention is the logical course of action. These agencies commit gross violations of individual rights.

Some conservatives might disagree with the following statement but it must be stated. The DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and its supporters disregard Economic Law. Just as alcohol prohibition was doomed to failure…so is the war on drugs.

Here’s something that might surprise you. All laws prohibiting drug exchanges and (or) drug use are contrary to the laws of economics. Also, they definitely violate Natural Law. I advise looking at circumstances logically instead of emotionally to arrive at a correct solution.

Government and Self-Defeating Drug Laws

Note: I oppose polluting your body, mind and spirit with foreign substances.

The Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve System prevails as an engine of money creation that we can happily abolish. Its inflationary policies trigger most of our economic catastrophes. Inflation causes economic distortions and eventually, monetary collapse. It benefits the favored few at the expense of the rest of us, as witnessed by the transfer of wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. Also, it destroys the savings of the hard-working individual and producer.

Let’s toss this idea around. I believe the 100% Gold Standard is the only solution. Gold is impervious to the political mechanisms of politicians. It is scarce…only productive effort in the form of mining produces it. You probably know our current paper money system is a disaster. Incredibly, it allows the government to increase the quantity of money until it is practically worthless. The Gold Standard guarantees that wealth goes to honest, hardworking individuals, not to the parasites (financial establishment) that live at the expense of others through inflation.

Big Government and Discriminatory Taxes

You no doubt feel the pain of discriminatory taxation. All taxes are an outright theft of your life and productive effort. No amount of caviling from altruists, do-gooders and other assorted world-improvers can refute this basic fact. Taking from one person to give to another is dishonest. Platitudes such as “the good of society” are illogical and irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what euphemism a person uses to justify confiscatory taxation. Theft is theft. Dishonesty is dishonesty. Of course, if you believe in the doublespeak of George Orwell’s book “1984” then you might think that “Theft is voluntary giving” and “Dishonesty is truth-telling.”

The only legitimate function of government is the protection of an individual’s life, liberty and property.

Should the citizens pay a minimum tax to provide for these functions? Although it’s possible this is the only solution, I’m not so sure it is feasible. Honestly, is there any case of a government maintaining only a minimum tax and not abusing their power of taxation? I’m sure you’re intelligent to answer that question correctly.

The power to tax and inflate is the power to destroy. I don’t believe we can allow governments to possess these massive weapons of destruction.

Government Illusions

The Night Watchman

Government should serve the same function as the night watchman at a factory. Imagine reducing it to that status. Allow yourself to travel to that glorious day when everyone’s life, liberty and property are safe from the predatory practices of altruists, politicians and bureaucrats.

Now you know how to get government out of our pocketbooks and out of our lives.

Insight: The government exists for only one purpose…to expand until its citizen’s individual rights vanish. It grows bigger and bigger until it explodes from its gluttony. Unfortunately, its demise destroys the lives of innocent people. However, the ones who survive have a chance to build a civilization based on reason, individualism and laissez-faire capitalism. Of course, you can sit back and allow a Fascist Totalitarian Government to control your life.

How to Profit from the Pandemic Chaos

You can overcome hopelessness and despair through financial education. You do not have to be at the mercy of the psychopaths and parasites who seem to control world affairs. Take action now and reclaim your life, liberty and property. You deserve to experience joy and happiness…and you can do that by becoming a Conservative Warrior.

Robert Kiyosaki of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” fame presents what he calls the four quadrants.

Here’s what each one represents.

On the left side:

E – Employee

S – Self-Employed

On the right side:

B – Business

I – Investor

Which side do you think pays the most taxes?

The left side. It might not seem fair but employees and the self-employed pay the highest tax rates. You work your butt off; then Uncle Sam pilfers your wealth.

In his marvelous book “To Be or Not to Be Intimated,” Robert Ringer presents the “Uncle George Theory.”

“If your main focus is keeping your nose to the grindstone and working long, hard hours, you’re guaranteed to get only one thing in return: Old!

The right side of the quadrant is where you receive generous tax breaks. For example, Corporations pay fewer taxes than anybody. It doesn’t matter if it’s fair or not. It’s reality.

Investors who plow money into rental property receive generous tax breaks. If you invest in stocks, capital gain taxes are often friendlier than personal taxes. Plus, if you know what you’re doing, you earn excellent profits.

Below is a photo of the Cashflow Quadrants.

Cashflow Quadrant

Move to the Right Side

Conservative Warrior Suggestion

I am not an investment advisor; however, you might want to consider accumulating gold, silver, maybe bitcoin, food, water, self-defense, and other necessities of life during these difficult times.


Government tyranny/threat of socialism viciously attacks your individual rights. Also, you must realize that the political establishment will use social unrest to enhance its power. It’s time to fight back and demand your personal liberty and economic freedom.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

You have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, it’s time to realize that Republicans will not save you and your loved ones. Most of its members sold out your individual rights for a pittance, just to retain their power. Recent events confirm that 100%. And, of course, you know that the Democratic Party is too far gone for hope. The corruption of the Two-Party Political System will destroy everything we value and cherish unless we do something to stop it.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. You can help the Conservative Warrior fight for the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. We recommend that you access the Political Action Course.

P.P.S. Please share this article so we can successfully fight for your inalienable rights.

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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