Stuff, Nonsense and Government Tyranny

Government Tyranny dumps stuff and nonsense on its citizens with regularity.

Conservative Warrior: Here’s are some headlines that show us that we not only suffer from government tyranny, but we’re also witnessing a freak show.

Tucker Carlson: ‘We Were All Played’ — ‘Corrupt Politicians’ Used a Public Health Emergency to Subvert Democracy

Joe Biden says the military would intervene if Trump refused to leave the White House.

UCLA Professor Suspended and Is Under Police Protection After Not Canceling Finals for Black Students

De Blasio says Brooklyn’s General Lee Ave must be renamed ‘immediately.’

Ohio Sen. Stephen Huffman asks if ‘colored’ people get coronavirus due to poor hand washing.

Country band Lady Antebellum changes name to Lady A because of slavery reference.

Baltimore Mayoral Race: Ex-Mayor Convicted of Embezzlement Could Replace Former Mayor Booted for Fraud

Conservative Warrior: What a freak show! The above stories should give you your daily dose of stuff, nonsense and government tyranny. Instead of covering each news story, I present you with a comprehensive analysis of stuff, nonsense and government tyranny.

The Dumping Ground for Government Tyranny

Do you ever feel like a dumping ground for all the stuff and nonsense the government dumps on you? By now, I’m sure you’re up to your neck in excessive taxation, quantitative easing (QE) scams, oppressive government regulations, lockdowns and various liberty violations. The stink of it all probably chokes off your breath, threatening your health and well-being. Government tyranny threatens to overwhelm your life, liberty and property completely.

Wouldn’t it feel great to experience optimism about our social system? Unfortunately, when it comes to government tyranny, positive thinking takes a permanent vacation. Let’s listen to the wisdom of Doug Casey on government bureaucracies. “They serve themselves first. Their prime impulse is to grow and increase their budgets. They tend to attract the wrong kind of person and drive out people of goodwill. And it’s reached a stage where even if John Galt were elected president, he’d find them not just impossible to uproot but dangerous to confront.”

Conservative Warriors and other individualists fight a fierce battle against altruists, irrational people and members of the Elite. Our dedication to reason and laissez-faire capitalism fuels our desires to eradicate government tyranny permanently.

Capitalism or Government Tyranny

Socialism+ Government Tyranny leads to Disintegration of Society

Radicals and Social Misfits

Progressive Radicals, social altruists and other political misfits love to push us around with their malicious bureaucratic stuff and nonsense. Here’s what Lord Acton said about bureaucracies. “Bureaucracy is undoubtedly the weapon and sign of a despotic government, inasmuch as it gives whatever government it serves, despotic power.” You have to believe that bit of wisdom sums it up.

Joel Bowman stated some years back, “No doubt you are well aware of the budget and jobs crisis circus in Connecticut. Any intelligent person would think it should be right at the top of the priority list for our Senators and Representatives to act on. Not so!

Recently, the two clowns representing my district have introduced legislation to have the Tibetan Language put on our licenses, in addition to English. Although hard to believe, this is the type of legislation our Legislators consistently deem to be important and appropriate.” That’s almost unbelievable.

H.L. Mencken explained, “The average American legislator is not only an ass but also an oblique, sinister, depraved and knavish fellow.” I’m not sure if he’s being easy or giving the average legislator the benefit of the doubt.

Does the power that government “service” offers appeal to the depraved, or does it cause the depravity most politicians display in their legislative actions? You know you hear about politicians caught red-handed in sex scandals; however, do you believe their sex antics cause as much damage to the good citizens of our country as their voracious spending habits. When you possess the ability to hold the government tyranny gun against the head of innocent men and women…you have the power to destroy lives.

Progressive “History” Lessons

Here’s another example of stuff and nonsense. Do you remember the history lessons the progressive establishment forced you to take during your imprisonment in the public-school system? Its members could turn fascinating events into boring BS… completely failing to understand cause and effect relationships. Let’s allow Thomas DiLorenzo, an economics professor at Loyola College in Maryland, to explain why.

“Most historians are not educated in the field of economics, and political biographers, in particular, tend to interpret a politician’s actions in terms of his stated motives.”

There you have it. The establishment fed you history lessons without the necessary wisdom of sound economic theory. No wonder they seem useless. Certainly, without cause-and-effect relationships clearly understood, the lessons of history remain misunderstood. Obviously, the illusions of history won’t prepare the student for successful action. However, they set you up to fall into government tyranny.

Also, you can never believe the average legislator’s stated motives. In the realm of politics…stuff + nonsense = government tyranny.

Government Tyranny - Government Lies


Progressives interpret the lessons of history from the collectivist viewpoint. Whether they admit it or not…their goal is to strip you of self-control and self-sufficiency. These power-hungry morons create a nanny state to “take care” of hapless men and women. Imagine selling out your personal liberty and economic freedom for an illusion. You become completely defenseless when you give those up. Believing the government can supply your security rates as a first-class illusion.

Fortunately, a Conservative Warrior possesses the power of reason and rationality…seeing through political and economic illusions. How can you possess self-esteem if you accept the illusion that someone else must always be liable and nobody should be responsible for their actions?

Sadly, many so-called capitalists and businessmen unwittingly support these destroyers of individualism. Can you imagine the power the parasite gains when he receives the sanction of the victim? Ayn Rand states, “The “sanction of the victim” is the willingness of the good to suffer at the hands of the evil, to accept the role of sacrificial victim for the “sin” of creating values.”

You’ve probably noticed that social altruists, politicians, and government bureaucrats have designed poorly laid plans over the years, doomed to failure because they pollute them with fatal flaws. The reason we can call them fatal flaws stems from the fact that the so-called do-gooders root them in deeply held economic illusions. People who live in a world of illusion often confuse their unsubstantiated personal beliefs with reality. Of course, that fatal illusion deals death blows to your personal liberty and economic freedom. You cannot allow someone’s illusions to disarm you.

Governments Hate Independent Thinkers

Conquer Your Illusions and Fight Government Tyranny

We are here to conquer personal illusions. Beliefs that fail to ground themselves in reality cannot succeed. In fact, the unhappy results manifest in abject failure.

Let’s present you some information you might find difficult to swallow. Some social altruists (mostly liberals) purposely attack your individual rights. They foster failure to accumulate power at your expense. These creators of human misery toss you bait in the form of social schemes, claiming they’re for the “good of society.” Once hapless citizens take the bait, they become hopelessly aligned with economic situations that include inflation, crippling government regulations, debilitating wars, confiscation of savings, violations of personal liberty and freedom, etc. When you’re hooked, you suffer through a vicious cycle of seeing your values vanish into nothingness. Actually, many of your dreams and desires end up in possession of members of the political and financial establishment. Now you can see the importance of reason, rationality, a strong spiritual foundation and laissez-faire capitalism.

Let’s face it. No self-respecting individualist accepts government tyranny. 

Rational Self-Interest

An individual who practices rational self-interest realizes he possesses power. He (she) is an individualist, an impeccable warrior. He takes complete responsibility for his thoughts, feelings and actions, and confidently accomplishes his goals and desires. His actions harmonize with his values…and he definitely wouldn’t consider accepting the second-hand values of others. He has complete confidence in the efficacy of his mind, and he takes purposive action. Can you imagine an individual of this caliber lamenting the sad fact he doesn’t know where his thoughts and feelings come from or why he acts on them in self-destructive ways?

Here’s what’s nice. Once you adopt the role of a Conservative Warrior, you control your mind. You excel at reconciling your life to your surroundings. Plain and simple, your effectiveness in dealing with life’s challenges and obstacles increases. It becomes virtually impossible for you to stumble towards mental instability or act out of line with your ethical beliefs.

See how easy it is to fight stuff, nonsense and government tyranny.

Rational Self-Interest

You Don’t Have to Sacrifice Your Life for the Collective


Government tyranny threatens your individual rights. Also, you must realize that the political establishment will use social unrest to enhance its power.  It’s time to fight back and demand your personal liberty and economic freedom.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of a fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

You have a choice. You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, it’s time to realize that Republicans will not save you and your loved ones. Most of its members sold out your individual rights for a pittance to retain their power. Recent events confirm that 100%. And, of course, you know that the Democratic Party is too far gone for hope. The Two-Party Political System’s corruption will destroy everything we value and cherish unless we do something to stop it.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. You can help the Conservative Warrior fight for the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. We recommend that you access the Political Action Course.

P.P.S. Please share this article so we can successfully fight for your inalienable rights.

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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