America: Land of Political Correctness

Political Correctness Threatens to Overthrow Land of the Free

Conservative Warrior: As usual, I sit at my desk looking for relevant news stories to write about. As I read several demoralizing stories, I realize that political correctness has taken over our once-great nation. Although I possess the fighting spirit, a sense of sadness overwhelms me, temporarily depleting my mental and emotional strength. After contemplating, I know that I have to toughen up and move forward with courage and determination. And that’s exactly what I’m doing.

Don’t allow the following stories to demoralize you; instead, become pissed off, which allows the fighting spirit to come to the surface.

Drew Brees — who donated $5 million to Louisiana for Covid-19 relief — apologizes for saying he supports the American flag.

Drew Brees came under fire on Wednesday for daring to say, “He supports the American flag and will “never agree” with players who knelt during the national anthem.”

Pressure from the world’s political correctness forced him to tweet, “I would like to apologize to my friends, teammates, the City of New Orleans, the black community, NFL community and anyone I hurt with my comments yesterday.”

Conservative Warrior: Can you imagine apologizing for supporting the American Flag and the National Anthem? The whole incident exposes a sickness that has invaded America, one worse than the Coronavirus Pandemic. We know it as political correctness.

It would have been nice if he possessed the courage to put his reputation and career on the line by telling enemies of the American Way of Life to “go to hell.” It makes you wonder how many people have the fortitude of our Founding Fathers.

I am here to tell you that standing up for your individual rights is scary…and liberating. You have a choice. You can suffer the security of a slave or the freedom of the individualist.

Political Correctness Requires Sanction of the Victim

Also, Political Correctness Requires Sanction of the Victim

Virginia governor announces removal of Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced Thursday the removal of one of the country’s most iconic monuments to the Confederacy — a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee along Richmond’s bucolic tree-lined Monument Avenue.

“We are here to chart a new course in Virginia’s history,” Northam said. “We are here to be honest about our past and talk about our future.”

Conservative Warrior: I have one thing to say to Democratic Governor Northam. You are full of the well-known bull, and you’re a bald-faced liar.

You’re not honest; you’re attempting to rewrite history, which is what all “good” socialists of the political correctness movement do.

Gov. Northam, you’re too disgusting to waste more time on.

Political Correctness Rewrites History

Honestly Folks, the Statue is Part of American History

Texas Ranger statue at Love Field removed over concerns about the depicted lawman’s racist history

The iconic statue of a Texas Ranger, a fixture at Dallas Love Field since 1963, was removed from the airport Thursday morning by a crew from the city of Dallas. The decision was prompted by an excerpt from a soon-to-be-published book about the law enforcement agency’s nearly 200-year history, which includes episodes of police brutality and racism.”

Conservative Warrior: Political correctness means we glorify anti-American activity but denigrate a 200-year law enforcement agency, Texas Rangers.

This is enough to leave a defender of personal liberty speechless; that is until he comes to his senses and makes plans for fighting back. It’s like we’re expected to shut up and allow radical progressives to impose on us whatever brand of socialism they decide will create a totalitarian state.

I’m proud to admit that I live in a state where most people believe in the “Right to Keep and Bear Arms.” It appears we might need them.

Let’s move on to the light side of the news before anger causes us to lose control of our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Note: We not support police brutality or what happened to George Floyd.

Objective Law

Once Again, Ayn Rand Sets Us Straight

Totally Scientific Experiments Show Virus Won’t Spread Among Crowds If Democrats Approve of Their Cause [Satire]

In an amazing health breakthrough, scientists have discovered that the Chinese flu will not spread if people are gathered in a cause that Democrats think is just.

Conservative Warrior: If Democrats could find someway to doctor the facts to make it look true, they would. After all, liberals seldom recognize or tell the truth, even if it’s obvious to a person who believes in reason and rationality.

Unfortunately, the Mainstream Media continues to brainwash the masses with its agenda of political correctness. If only men and women would discover independent thinking.


You do not have to put up with the tyranny of political correctness as you obviously possess the right to self-defense. It’s time to fight back and demand your personal liberty and economic freedom.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

Also, you can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, it’s time to realize that Republicans will not save you and your loved ones. Most of its members sold out your individual rights for a pittance, just to retain their power. Recent events confirm that 100%. And, of course, you know that the Democratic Party is too far gone for hope. The Two-Party Political System’s corruption will destroy everything we value and cherish unless we do something to stop it.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. You can help the Conservative Warrior fight for the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. We recommend that you access the Political Action Course.

P.P.S. Please share this article so we can successfully fight for your inalienable rights.


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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