Joe Biden – Tool of the Deep State

President-Elect Joe Biden Plans to Appoint Former Fed Chief Janet Yellen Secretary of the Treasury

Federal Reserve Monetary Policies Destroy the Middle Class

News Blitz:  The New York Sun reports, “News that Vice President Biden intends to nominate the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, to be treasury secretary certainly has its ironies.”

Conservative Warrior: Yeah, it has its ironies…that’s for sure. The fact that Biden plans to appoint as Treasury Secretary someone who headed an organization that is intent on destroying the dollar, the monetary system, and the middle class demonstrates that he’s definitely a tool of the elite.

When it comes to supporting monetary strategies that help the middle class obtain a higher standard of living, Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen came across as the “3 Stooges.” It appears that Jerome Powell makes a 4th stooge.

Wall Street Supports Joe Biden

The securities and investment industry plowed $75 million into Biden’s campaign compared to only $18 million for Trump’s re-election. Deep state entities that supported Biden with heavy donations include JP Morgan Chase, Blackstone and the Carlyle Group. Under Biden, Wall Street expects their punch bowl to be filled with the intoxicating liquid of unlimited stimulus funds. The screwing of the middle class moves full speed ahead. 

Biden Supports Artificially Low Interest Rates – The 0% Solution

Conservative Warrior: Apparently, Biden completely supports ripping off the middle class with 0% interest rates. Sadly, the voters seem oblivious to the Fed’s monetary schemes.

Marketplace states that “Low interest rates have helped prop up the stock market. They make mortgages and credit cards cheaper. But the Federal Reserve’s renewed commitment as of last week to lower interest rates for longer has a flip side.

People living off their savings, including many older people, suffer when savings and bond rates stay low. Some analysts have likened low interest rates to a huge tax — you could have earned 4%, how do you feel about less than 1%?”

Conservative Warrior: I’m sure you get the point. The Fed purposely transfers wealth from Main Street to Wall Street. We can call this one of the biggest scams in the history of mankind.

As you can see, Janet Yellen’s appointment as Treasury Secretary will cement its association with the Federal Reserve System. They will act as one gigantic rip-off machine. By the time they’re done with their evil agenda, we will suffer under a 2-tier economic system as displayed in the movie series “The Hunger Games.”

Socialism that Corresponds to the Deep State Longings of Joe Biden

The Deep State Agenda

Biden and the Lockdown Game

Here’s what Jim Rickards has to say about the lockdown. “The results are striking. There was no material difference in caseloads or fatality rates regardless of what kind of lockdown was used. In some cases, an extreme lockdown reduced the spread for a short period of time. But, sooner than later, the virus returned. Lockdowns may briefly shift the caseload from one time period to another, but they do not change the total caseload over time.

Meanwhile, lockdowns kill. The lack of socialization during a lockdown leads to drastically increased rates of suicide, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and other deadly behaviors. Families are being separated (at best) or torn apart (at worst) due to the separation and stress of lockdowns.”

Conservative Warrior: Since Democrats seem to lack the ability to see past the immediate moment, they support lockdowns to protect the citizens. Intermediate and long-term consequences remain beyond their limited vision. When it comes to economic and social policies, Biden will order a shutdown without a second thought.

I’m sure members of the middle class will appreciate the continued destruction of small businesses and employment opportunities, along with a diminished standard of living. And Democrats pretend that they’re the voice of the people. Either they’re sociopathic liars, or they believe their own BS. Are American citizens so dumbed down that they easily fall into the political and financial establishment’s destructive schemes? It can’t be very rewarding to become victims of suicide, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and other deadly behaviors.

Politically Correct Claptrap

Bill Bonner seems to recognize politically correct claptrap when he sees it. “What was refreshing about Donald Trump was that he was willing to say what others only thought, and resist popular fads. (He had his own crackpot ideas.)

Biden, on the other hand, will get behind every politically correct, claptrap idea that comes down the pike.

A Green New Deal? Sounds good!

A universal basic income? Check.

Higher taxes on the rich? Sure…

Free college? Yep, it’s on the list.

Reparations? Maybe.

These things tend to have open-ended price tags. But the most recent estimate for the package Biden is campaigning on is about $6 trillion, guaranteeing deficits of trillions of dollars per year…”

Conservative Warrior: Along with the pilfering of their wealth, Biden intends on placing trillions of dollars of spending on the shoulders of the American people. Since the middle class exists as the backbone of any prosperous country, you can bet your bottom dollar that Atlas will shrug. We’ll be singing “Bye, Bye Miss American Pie.”

Biden Supports Quack Modern Monetary Theory (QMMT)

Jim Rickards points out that “Biden’s economic policies will be heavily influenced by the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party. The main economist for Bernie Sanders and his ilk is Stephanie Kelton, a Professor at the State University of New York and the leading theorist of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).”

Socialism and Inflation - The Joe Biden Way

Socialism and Inflation Go Together

Conservative Warrior: Just what we need…quack economic solutions. Supporters call MMT something new and exciting; however, its economic foundation crumbled a long time ago when economists such as Ludwig von Mises, FA Hayek, Murray Rothbard and many others shattered its basic theories. To call it Modern Monetary Theory would only be correct if we went back to the Dark Ages…and even then, it would prove dangerous to wealth and well-being.

Supporters of MMT claim:

  1. The U.S. can spend as much as it wants.
  2. It can borrow to cover the deficits and monetize the debt with Fed money printing.

Now we can see why Biden wants Yellen as Treasury Secretary. Combining the Fed and Treasury as a single unit will accelerate currency creation on an epic scale. When inflation rears its ugly head, the middle class will play the part of the victim once again as its members see their wealth completely vanish.

Have you got gold? How about silver? Will bitcoin outlive the dollar?


If Republicans regain control of the Senate, it’s possible that the fantasies of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party could suffer a delay. Unfortunately, Republicans haven’t shown the backbone to prevent the radical left’s socialistic schemes from becoming our tragic reality. Isn’t it about time for an effective Conservative Party?

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Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

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Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA



About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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