Fear – The Government’s Most Potent Weapon

Governments Use Fear to Control Its Citizens

Men and Women at the Mercy of the Elite and Its Soldiers

Pandemic Supplies Government the Opportunity to Institute Totalitarian Policies

There He Goes Again; Dr. Fauci Promotes Fear, Doom And Death For Christmas

Dr. Fauci is at it again, attempting to make sure fear dominates the Christmas season. TrendingPolics reports, “According to Fauci, things MAY be back to normal by next Christmas, but this is the same guy who hornswoggled an unsuspecting nation into the “15 days to flatten the curve” lockdowns that in some states, are about to hit nine months.

Dr. Fauci first floated the idea of canceling Christmas two weeks ago during his regular Sunday interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.”

Conservative Warrior: Dr. Anthony Fauci is an American physician and immunologist who has served as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director since 1984. That means he’s a career bureaucrat who’s utterly unaware of everyday citizens’ trials and tribulations. He doesn’t care how many lives he ruins with his shutdown proclamations. He continually displays ignorance of how men and women exchange personal and economic values in the marketplace. Also, he shows a complete lack of concern for their mental, emotional, spiritual and financial well-being.

Since Fauci represents the typical government bureaucrat, it’s essential to reveal how the government spreads fear to control its citizens.

Fear: A Potent Weapon

What generates more fear than an oppressive, abusive government? Not much except maybe death through the violent acts of man or nature. Of course, governments create instant death or a painful, prolonged death through one of their favorite activities we call war. You can master your life by discovering methods to diminish the effects of fear.

A monstrous problem facing most men and women is the unhappy fact the Elite and its Soldiers use fear as a way to keep them forever stuck in the Hive Mind Mentality. A person paralyzed with fear finds it challenging to deal with the challenges of life. To make sure you’re productive enough to keep the Elite’s evil agenda going, its members feed you plenty of diversions such as Reality TV, sports extravaganzas, and a wide range of other short-term pleasures.

Whether it’s on a conscious or unconscious level, Americans live in a constant state of fear every day; the Pandemic (Plandemic) is propelling it into the stratosphere. Relationship problems, money problems, unemployment, violence and accidents repeatedly slam men and women.  However, an individual’s state of mind determines much of what happens. That’s why the Conservative Warrior takes charge of his thoughts, feelings and actions.

Unfortunately, one gigantic fear stands above all others, fear of the government. What makes this fear so sinister is it’s induced by the members of Elite and their Soldiers.

Are you beginning to see why this is true? Well, the plain fact is the Elite and its Soldiers control the government.

Don't allow the government to dominate you with fear.

Government Uses Fear to Keep You Imprisoned

The Nature of Government

Ask this question. What is the nature of government? Whether you want to accept it or deny it, government is the apparatus of violent compulsion and coercion. If you don’t believe me, challenge the above statement by refusing to pay taxes. Let me ask you this question. How do you feel when you notice a cop car behind you when you’re driving down the road? What about victimless crimes. You can serve time in prison for consuming your favorite recreational drug. The victim in this government set-up is the person arrested and convicted.

Do you realize that every instance of government interventionism in the marketplace restricts your life, liberty and property rights? Since government exists as the apparatus of violent compulsion and coercion, it yanks up the level of fear with each intervention it imposes on its citizens.

Consummate power-mongers find ways to profit from government-created fear. These people never let a good crisis go to waste because they excel at creating events that raise the terror level. Of course, men and women trapped in the Hive Mind Mentality demand that somebody do something. The course of action always involves more restrictions on the individual’s life, liberty and property. Members of the Elite increase their power while your personal liberty and economic freedom vanish. You’ve been victimized by the Problem, Reaction, Solution method.

Consider this. When someone says the government ought to do something, they advocate increasing the amount of fear the lone individual experiences.

Fear, False Morals and the Politically Correct

Even as you continue to read this article, I wonder if you realize the government possesses only one legitimate function: protecting the individual’s life, liberty, and property. It’s apparent to anyone with a functioning mind that it sucks at this. In fact, it spends much of its time violating the sanctity of individual rights. That’s exactly how the Elite wants it. The plan. Create as much fear as possible. Use the fear to build a strong power base.

Do you know that around 80% of all arrests are for victimless crimes? Apparently, governments thrive on controlling your personal, private behavior. Now keep in mind…the politically correct definition of moral shifts with the political winds. Indeed, the PC crowd is full of well-known BS.

Fear of Telling the Truth

Now let’s reveal what the Elite and its Soldiers currently consider moral.

  1. Swindles such as QE – Quantitative Easing and ZIRP – Zero Interest Rate Policy.
  2. Abusive laws telling you what you can and can’t consume. The disastrous Drug War stands out as a horrible example.
  3. Progressive Tax System – Here’s a method to ensure productive people never accumulate enough capital to challenge the Elite.
  4. Property Taxes – We can call this theft and nothing but theft.
  5. Government Interventionism – Here’s a scam members of the Hive Mind Mentality fall for. Interference with market forces and voluntary exchanges benefit only the privileged. And you know who they are.
  6. Propaganda, Lies and Half-Truths – Up is down, in is out, and government theft is justice.
  7. Imprisoning You in Your Home – Have you wondered what crime you committed that caused the government to lock you up.
  8. Destroying Your Business – Politicians and bureaucrat have cushy jobs with high pay and incredible benefits. They could care less about your financial situation.
  9. Eliminating Employment Opportunities – What jobs!

Six Solutions for Smacking Down Fear

Here are 6 solutions for permanently smacking down the misery petite totalitarians create with their massive violations of personal liberty and economic freedom.

  1. We eliminate all government interventionism in the marketplace.
  2. We eliminate all government agencies that do not protect life, liberty and property.
  3. We pass a constitutional amendment forbidding the government from interfering with any voluntary exchange.
  4. We abolish the Federal Reserve System, which would prevent the government from plundering your hard-earned wealth through its inflationary policies.
  5. We drastically reduce taxes, making our goal a 0% tax rate.
  6. We relegate the government to the role of the “Maytag Man” or “the Night Watchman in a Factory.”

By the way, in part 2 of the free eBook “7 Economic Illusions Conquered,” I supplied detailed solutions for restoring the American Dream. Also, I recommend you read Robert Ringer’sRestoring the American Dream.”

Personal Solution for Eliminating Fear

My “crystal ball” predicts that long-term economic difficulties clutter the road of economic progress. Actually, you don’t need a crystal ball, only sound economic reasoning to see what’s going on, something I supply you in my book. I believe you can take definite measures to make sure the Elite’s evil, block-headed political and economic “remedies” do not victimize you.

Second, by second you find it easier to live for your own sake—giving pleasure and receiving pleasure from like-minded individuals. You also have every right to eliminate the word self-sacrifice from your vocabulary and your life. Social altruists (devious Soldiers of the Elite) hope and pray you’re gullible enough to sacrifice your interests for their social schemes of domination…the complete control of your life, liberty and property. The Conservative Warrior embraces personal liberty and economic freedom.

You don’t owe anybody anything, except the opportunity to trade value for value…should you decide to deal with him or her. Voluntary exchanges stand on solid moral ground. Involuntary exchanges reek with the stink of vicious, liberty-violating actions…committed by common criminals…and interventionist and socialist governments.


In the classic book by Carlos Castaneda, “Journey to Ixtlan,” don Juan says, “A warrior calculates everything. That’s control. But once his calculations are over he acts. A warrior is not a leaf at the mercy of the wind. No one can push him; no one can make him do things against himself or against his better judgment. A warrior is tuned to survive, and he survives in the best of all possible fashions.”

Not only does the Conservative Warrior tune himself to survive, but he (she) also thrives. He understands reality and uses his knowledge to succeed in his endeavors. The warrior obtains peace of mind because he is confident in his ability to overcome challenges and obstacles. He believes that he will achieve his goals and desires. And he completely opposes government bureaucrats like Fauci stomping on his personal liberty and economic freedom.

The Conservative Warrior

Become a Conservative Warrior

The Conservative Warrior's Handbook

Why Live in Fear?

  Become a Conservative Warrior


You have a choice. You can accelerate your power by existing as an individualist…or you can suffer as a slave in the State machinery run by liars and psychopaths. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism…the individualism that allows you to overcome the enemies of your individual rights. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

The Conservative Party USA

Stand by me and…

Fight for our personal liberty and economic freedom. These virtues that stem from our inalienable rights are much too precious to lose.

You’re probably asking…

What else can the Conservative Party USA do for me?

  • We will find and support Authentic Conservatives who will be warriors for your individual rights.
  • We will fight against legislation that negatively affects your personal liberty and economic freedom…especially at a local and state level.
  • Also, we will market “our brand” for local, state and national exposure.
  • We will do everything possible to protect you from the avaricious and criminal desires of the political establishment.
  • We will completely oppose any lockdowns and shutdowns.
  • And much, much more.

The Conservative Warrior of the Conservative Party USA… Aggressively fights for your personal liberty and economic freedom…and the American Way of Life.

 YES! With your help, we can restore your individual rights.

All we ask is that…

You donate $20 for 2020…that’s all…or any other amount. Please join us in our fight for your inalienable rights.

P.S. Please help us spread Authentic Conservative values by sharing this article.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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