Have We Witnessed the Death of Real Capitalism?

Bonner: COVID-19 Shows Us Capitalism Is Broken 

Crony Capitalism Runs Amok 

Is It Possible to Restore Real Capitalism? 

Bill Bonner, founder of Agora Financial states, “Capitalism built the U.S. People worked hard. Took risks. Made money. Lost money. Investors… managers… day laborers… all got richer, together. And now that the wealthy have their piles, they count on their friends, the feds, to protect them.

The middle classes, for their part, are happy with that, too… as long as the checks keep coming.

They don’t know it — and probably never will — but in the new crony economy, the rich can still make profits… but now the middle classes will take the losses!”

Have we witnessed the death of real capitalism?

The Fed accelerated the destruction of real capitalism during the 2008 – 2009 economic crisis. Instead of allowing bad investments to evaporate, it propped up the zombies guaranteeing the economic system would experience a weak recovery that would eventually reach the day of reckoning.

The monetary illusion resulted in Wall Street thriving at the expense of Main Street. However, reality always prevails, and the piper demands payment in full plus usury interest. A Black Swan event, the Coronavirus Pandemic pricked the bubble causing an unprecedented economic collapse.

Black Swan Event Disrupts Social System

The Swamp to the Rescue

It’s amazing how we expect the same institutions that created the mess to clean it up. Have we all gone crazy?

Let’s look at the $3.6 trillion stimulus package, which consists of fake money. Where do you think most of the largess will end up? Obviously, with those who have political pull, the ones with expensive lawyers and lobbyists.

The Federal Reserve and the Treasury will continue to throw money at the continuing crisis until we arrive at a dark place called “Oblivion.”

The swamp Trump promised to drain rises more every day, threatening to drown us. He didn’t realize that a mere President lacks the firepower to thwart the Deep State.

Currently, the U.S debt has soared to $24 trillion, on its way to skyrocketing to $30 trillion. How high can it go before the whole rotten mess collapses? I guess we’ll find out.

Well, we need to possess some hope for today and tomorrow. One social system can supply us with that.

Although capitalism reigns as the harmonious social system of voluntary exchanges…the enemies of personal liberty and economic freedom ferociously attack it. These violators of individual rights attempt to force their brand of socialism on defenseless men and women. The politically correct BS remains one of their favorite missiles of destruction. Fortunately, we still possess something of immense value, our intellectual weapons.

What is Capitalism?

Capitalism (free enterprise) is an economic concept of civilization based on private ownership and control of the means of production.

Your mind perceives the system of unhampered capitalism gives you the ability to control your destiny. You are free to make your own decisions and decide which path you want to embark on. That allows you the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

The system of unhampered capitalism supplies everyone the ability to choose. Happily, all voluntary exchanges are legal, which makes it a completely open system. The government’s only function is to protect the individual’s life, liberty and property. Involuntary exchanges are illegal because these types of anti-social activities interfere with a person’s freedom of choice.

Thomas Jefferson Predicting the Death of Capitalism

The Harmony of Capitalism

Do you realize how harmonious unhampered capitalism is? Everyone acts in their own best interest; however, to satisfy their needs and desires, they must satisfy others’ needs and desires.

Here’s something we need to realize. The marvelous market economy encourages individuals to trade value for value. Living at the expense of others, which is tragically encouraged and subsidized by big government, won’t cut the mustard. You satisfy people’s most urgent desires if you want to succeed and prosper.

Are you aware of the marvelous results interrelated market processes accomplish? Well, here’s something that might surprise you. It’s all about cooperation. According to the great economist Ludwig von Mises, the market process is the adjustment of the individual actions of the various members of the market society to the requirements of mutual cooperation. You may wonder why the Mainstream Press hasn’t notified you of this basic fact of reality.

Think about how truly wonderful voluntary exchanges that guide market phenomena are. All the interconnected actions in the marketplace direct the individual’s activities into those areas in which he best serves his fellow man’s needs and desires. Incredibly, people achieve the desired results without any outside compulsion and coercion.

Rothbard on Capitalism

Rock ‘n’ Roll and Unhampered Capitalism

One of the legendary pioneers of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Chuck Berry, wrote and sang the song “School Day.” In a famous, exciting verse, he sings, “Hail, Hail rock and roll. Deliver me from days of old. Long live rock and roll.”

I say, “Hail! Hail! unhampered capitalism.” You know, it was capitalism that delivered the masses from the days of old, from poverty and destitution…filling their horn of plenty with goods and services previously unheard of. Unfortunately, we have never experienced the marvels of unhampered capitalism. Governments and special interests have sabotaged it from the start with destructive schemes of government interventionism and anti-life systems of socialism.


The marvelous market economy (unhampered capitalism) is a magnificent combination of cooperation and competition that fully harmonizes with human nature. We remain in awe at the simplicity and harmony of universal and, yes, economic laws.

Do you want the freedom to accomplish your dreams and desires, to live by your highest values? Then you must support unhampered capitalism.

It’s time we stand up and defend our personal liberty and economic freedom. That’s what the Conservative Party USA dedicates its efforts to. We can only hope our supporters feel the same way.

We need supporters who stay strong, determined not to succumb to a Totalitarian (Technocracy) State. For your benefit, we offer you the free no-obligation eBook The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook. You will find plenty of intellectual and emotional “ammo” to help you during these difficult times.

In addition, you can access the Political Action Course.

For important information visit our website.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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