Censorship: Deep State’s Agenda to Ban Free Speech

Censorship Threatens to Destroy Individual Rights

Deep State Shuts Down Respected London Real Over David Icke Interview

Political Correctness Destroys Personal Liberty and Freedom

30 years ago, they laughed at David Icke; now people listen to him. He’s gone from a Conspiracy Theory Nut to a popular authority on the activities of the Elite. So far, Elite members haven’t de-platformed him because they believe most people will think he’s deranged. However, when Brian Rose interviewed him on London Real, the podcast became one of the most popular shows of all-time. Suddenly, the Deep State decided it was time to get rid of the respected London Real. Why would it suddenly resort to censorship?

*The video THIS IS WHY THEY BANNED US explains what happened. You will notice that Brian Rose is respectable and credible.

Here’s the answer. A respected platform gave David Icke credibility…and that is not acceptable. Obviously, censorship runs amok, threatening to destroy individual rights. It makes you wonder who’s next.

Note: 5G, along with vaccines, is becoming one of the most contentious subjects in the infosphere, causing Youtube to ban videos linking 5G to COVID-19.  Now that makes us suspicious.

Click here to access the interview that frightened members of the Deep State.

David Icke claims Covid-19 is a fraud and that 5G will endanger our health…and be used to create a Totalitarian (Technocracy) State. It doesn’t matter whether you believe him or not; the main issue deals with censorship and the politically correct movement behind it.

Political Correctness and Censorship Go Hand and Hand

Progressives, Censorship and the Politically Correct Movement

Make no mistake about it; progressives use political correctness as an intimation tactic to force you to abandon your personal liberty and economic freedom. Censorship is the name of the game.

George Orwell imagined a future world where the totalitarian state greatly restricts speech. In his novel 1984, the State created a language called “Newspeak,” which we also refer to as doublespeak. Here are some examples.

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”

The one phrase that reveals why progressives attempt to abolish our heritage, as demonstrated in their hatred for Confederate monuments and paraphernalia is “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

That bears a striking resemblance to the political correctness we see in America today. Progressives intentionally destroy what America once stood for to institute a totalitarian government that eliminates your individual rights.

Political correctness is meant to blind people to reality. If you hear the lies of doublespeak enough, you start believing them. Reality becomes illusion and illusion becomes a reality. And, of course, censorship hides the truth from the masses, who decide thinking isn’t worth the trouble. Also, revealing the truth could cost a reasoning person his or her life.

World Government Agenda

Here’s a perfect example of doublespeak from the World Government Summit of 2018.  “This year, in its second session, the Global Dialogue for Happiness will convene a select group of experts, international officials and government representatives from around the world to discuss the most relevant themes to people’s happiness and wellbeing. It will host the brightest minds in an open dialogue about the importance of happiness and wellbeing in the present and the future to shed light on the active role of governments in enhancing levels of happiness and wellbeing for their people.”

Here’s the real agenda of One World Government advocates “World government or global government is the notion of a common political authority for all of humanity, yielding a global government and a single state that exercises authority over the entire Earth. Such a government could come into existence either through violent and compulsory world domination or through peaceful and voluntary supranational union.” Hello, totalitarian government, bye, bye, Miss American Pie.

Radicals and Free Speech

Saul D. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

Here’s a favorite book of modern progressives who are radicals for socialism…especially of the One World variety. They’re especially adept at resorting to censorship tactics.

Rule Number 5 is: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

I’m sure you’ve noticed political correctness ridicules any beliefs that are outside the scope of their socialist agenda. When you speak the truth, these would-be dictators act as if you hurt their feelings or offended them.

Rule Number 1 states: “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.” You’re supposed to feel that progressives wield so much power it’s futile to resist. It reminds you of the Borg in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Rule Number 13 kicks your individual rights to the curb: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Progressives freely use terms such as racist, right-wing nut, misogynist, nut job, obstructionists, deplorables, sexist, homophobic, etc. These terms are supposed to embarrass you and make you hide your head in shame. The idea is to convince you to indulge in self-censorship.

When progressives intimidate you with their presumed power, they expect you to cave in to their demands.

I want to point out it’s a huge mistake to call progressives and liberals “snowflakes” because I guarantee their dangerous ideas won’t just melt away.

Rule Number 8 is “Keep the pressure on,” and I guarantee progressives will do just that…especially anytime they can create a crisis to further their evil agenda.

Exposing the Illogic of Gender-Neutral Subjects and Pronouns

This unhappy trend denies reality and has been assaulting our intelligence for several years. Since it’s a political correctness crime to offend transgender students by referring to them as he/him/his or she/her/hers, students and teachers at some schools are expected to use gender-neutral terms. Progressives seem unconcerned they offend people who believe in free speech. When you wield a weapon that attempts to force innocent people to accept your agenda, you don’t care who you hurt or kill.

Censorship definitely runs amok, intending to destroy free speech.

The situation is even getting worse than shoving gender-neutral terms down our throats. Radical progressives want to eliminate the distinction between the sexes, which by the way, is pure Marxist theory.

Gender Confusion and Censorship

Close-up of sign for the all-gender restroom in Dublin, California, with male, female and gender-inclusive stick figure illustrations, March 13, 2019. (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)  Does this mean there are now 3 sexes?

The Dialectic of Sex 

Here are two paragraphs I retrieved from the Horse’s Mouth “The Dialectic of Sex” on the subject of Women and Marxism. I cleaned it up some to make it comprehensible but did not change the meaning.

“And just as the end goal of socialist revolution was not only the elimination of the economic class privilege but of the economic class distinction itself, so the end goal of feminist revolution must be not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally.

The reproduction of the species by one sex for the benefit of both would be replaced by (at least the option of) artificial reproduction: children would be born to both sexes equally, or independently of either. The dependence of the child on the mother (and vice versa) would give way to a greatly shortened dependence on a small group of others in general, and any remaining inferiority to adults in physical strength would be compensated for culturally. The division of labour would be ended by the elimination of labour altogether (through cybernetics). The tyranny of the biological family would be broken.”

Now you know what Radical Feminism is all about. Eventually, there would be no distinction between men and women. Of course, Radical Feminism exists as an important branch of the modern progressive movement.

It makes you wonder if progressives are aliens from another planet or galaxy. These would be dictators show absolutely no understanding of human beings or human action. Their social and economic policies would turn life on earth into a hellhole. The devil’s place of residency would seem like a paradise compared to the “utopia” these reality evaders have in store for us.


Ayn Rand logically states, “Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.”

Ludwig von Mises wisely informs, “Since nobody is in a position to substitute his own value judgments for those of the acting individual, it is vain to pass judgment on other people’s aims and volitions. No man is qualified to declare what would make another man happier or less discontented.”

Progressives care only about their power plays and the subjugation of your personal liberty and freedom because your dreams and desires are irrelevant… and definitely not important to the collective.

Political correctness aims to enslave you in a totalitarian system of misery and despair where censorship will become the rule by law. The Coronavirus Pandemic and the economic shutdown are meant to do just that.

We need supporters who stay strong and will stand up to a Totalitarian (Technocracy) State. For your benefit, we offer you the free no-obligation eBook The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook. You will find plenty of intellectual and emotional “ammo” to help you during these difficult times.

Also, you can access the Political Action Course.

For important information visit our website.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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