Can Gold Protect Your Life, Liberty and Property?

Is Gold the Answer to Our Economic Woes?

The Fed has effectively nationalized the U.S. debt markets.

We dedicate this post to the precious metal gold. (Note: Nothing in the article should be taken as investment advice.) However, before we move on, we must cover some vital information that will help you understand what’s happening with the “new” Federal Reserve monetary policy. We will also cover the CARES act.

According to Graham Summers, “Last Thursday, the Fed announced a $2.3 trillion (with a “T”) monetary program. Note: The article also covers the “Meat Plant Shutdown.”

In its simplest rendering, the Fed announced it would expand its current quantitative easing (QE) programs for municipal bonds, asset–backed securities, and investment-grade corporate debt. The Fed also announced it would begin buying junk bonds — for the first time in history.

Thus, the Fed is now intervening directly in:

  1. The Treasury markets (U.S. sovereign debt).
  2. The municipal bond markets (debt issued by states and cities).
  3. The corporate bond markets (debt issued by corporations).
  4. The commercial paper markets (short–term corporate debt market).
  5. The asset–backed security market (everything from student loans to certificates of deposit and more).”

The Fed has effectively nationalized the U.S debt markets…and it probably won’t end well.

Our Incredible National Debt and the CARES Act

The Atlantis Report reveals that the National Debt now stands at an incredible $24 trillion and continues to accelerate to oblivion.

To make matters worse, President Trump signed into law the $2 trillion fiscal stimulus package known as the CARES act, which gives the Fed the ammunition to issue up to $4.5 trillion in additional debt.

Where do you think this $2 trillion goes? Well, American families receive 14.5%, which is “only” $290 billion. Who do you think gets the 85.5%? Do we have to answer that question?

As stock market swindles and dollar scams destroy Main Street, we need to find a way to protect our life, liberty and property. Let’s discover how gold fits in with our objective.

Note: We are not investment advisors, and we do not make investment recommendations. We are only interested in helping you protect your life, liberty and property.

Gold and Currency Debauchery

History demonstrates that governments consistently devalue the currency; that government spending speeds out of control. Eventually, it resorts to Quack Quantitative Easing (QQE) schemes to continue its gluttonous ways. What’s amazing is that typically most people live with the illusion that everything will turn out fine—or they escape into a haze of denial. The shutdown of our economy and the lockdown imprisonment could cause some people to abandon their dream world.

Now we must face the unpleasant fact that we’re witnessing a replay with some extra destructive features added.

Illusions die hard, but eventually, they expire—an unpleasant death indeed. Reality manifests in the difficult fact that the piper always demands payment. A fool’s paradise cannot defy Economic Law forever because that stern taskmaster we call Mr. Objectivity gains the upper hand. So, you can expect gold and silver to exert their supremacy, as a trip down the halls and corridors of history always demonstrates. Placing faith in long-term paper promises could leave you holding a bag of worthless confetti.

Gold as a Hedge

Gold Compared with Other Hedges During Market Selloffs. Visit:

Paper Gold Illusion

It might seem to you that the idea of paper gold smacks of the ridiculous. Unfortunately, during these times of the Elite and its treacherous economic policies, anything goes.

Ask your spouse or girlfriend to go immediately to her jewelry box and pull out her paper 14K gold-diamond ring…or her paper sterling silver bracelet. She will look at you as if you’ve lost your mind. We can guarantee that the paper gold market has completely lost its mind.

The official price of gold hasn’t soared because weak hands get smacked down in the paper gold markets. (Note: Physical gold and silver demand a high premium.) These phony markets consist of gold futures and ETFs.  Are you familiar with margin and derivatives, such as options?

How about leverage. Maybe you think it’s a good thing, especially if you’re attempting to lift a ton of real gold. However, in the paper gold markets, losses are magnified by the use of leverage. You put up fresh margin money or face liquidation.

If you’re holding a weak hand, you might be forced to dump your positions quickly. You know what happens once the selling begins. Down, down, down goes the price; selling leads to more selling.

That’s what you can call buying and selling illusions. Of course, some people profit from illusions. Members of the Elite feed on them…especially the ones their soldiers from the Mainstream Media shove down your throat.

Comparison with the Precious Metal

Here’s a Revealing Comparison  Visit:

The Reality of Gold

Let’s keep it short and sweet. And gold certainly is sweet in its beauty and durability. Don’t allow members of the political and financial establishment to tell you otherwise. These crooks would love to render you defenseless against their predatory monetary policies.

Silver also possesses desirable qualities.

Do you realize gold not only personally makes sense, but it’s also the bedrock of sound money? Pure and simple, the gold standard puts the brakes on government spending. It keeps politicians somewhat honest, if that’s possible, protecting the value of your money. It’s an ethical system that hampers the political and financial establishment’s ability to “tinker” with the monetary system. Is it any wonder members of the Elite hate the gold standard?

The Classical Gold Standard

Too many dollars in circulation cause people to wise up to the fact their paper money is now overvalued to gold. Eventually, they begin converting dollars, francs, marks, yen, or whatever into gold. Soon gold begins rapidly flowing out of the treasury.

Do you get the idea? The government (Central Bank) must immediately quit inflating the currency or risk suffering the probability of holders of the overvalued paper money demanding redemption in gold, eventually depleting the treasury of its gold. That’s why President Nixon slammed shut the gold window on August 15, 1971. Since then, the dollar exists as pure fiat currency.

The prospect of losing your gold to foreigners or other interests is anathema to the political establishment, which informs you that when its members call gold a barbaric relic, they tell “The Big Lie.” Why do we keep electing these sociopaths…dedicated Soldiers of the Elite? Anyway, the only real and honest alternative is not to resort to inflation in the first place, which is an idea that causes dishonest politicians endless nightmares. Can you imagine the horror of not possessing the power to steal from Peter to give to Paul? Plain and simple, inflation is theft.

The above makes a reasoning person realize that currency wars would become history. As long as we accept the paper money standard, vicious wars between nations will be fought in the financial markets. The race to see who can devalue their currency at the fastest pace is a sprint to the bottom of an international monetary collapse.

What the Gold Standard Represents

Here’s a fact for you to digest. The gold standard represents liberty, freedom, prosperity and a sound currency. According to the brilliant free-market economist Ludwig von Mises, “It was the medium of exchange by means of which Western industrialism and Western capital had borne Western civilization into the remotest parts of the earth’s surface, everywhere destroying the fetters of age-old prejudices and superstitions, sowing the seeds of new life and new well-being, freeing minds and souls and creating riches unheard of before.”

Free minds and souls? Now that’s a happy thought. Let’s face it. The Elite and its Soldiers prefer mindless nitwits…members of the Hive Mind Mentality who unwittingly follow them down that hellish path to a dismal place called oblivion.

You’ve probably heard paper money enthusiasts call gold “a barbarous relic” If you believe that nonsense, I’ll be more than happy to take the useless stuff off your hands. Elite members think we’ve devolved into ignorant savages who believe paper promises represent more value than gold. Tragically these liberty violators may have hit the nail on the head.

How many Americans do you think will protect themselves from the voracious appetite of the financial establishment? Members of the Elite have a message for the hapless citizen. “You must be kept dumb.” Talk about insult on top of injury. How in the heck did we allow evil people to take over our once great nation?

The Gold Standard

Your Personal Liberty and Economic Freedom

If you value your personal liberty and economic freedom, you will support a 100% gold standard. In fact, you may want to expand your consciousness and consider the concept of “Free Enterprise Banking.” Also, don’t believe the myth the government protects you from predatory, greedy banksters. Honestly, do you see any indication of their benevolent protection? Yes, the gold standard makes sense, much more sense than fiat money promises.

Let’s get to the bottom line. Members of the Elite fight gold standard because they desire to substitute government omnipotence for personal liberty and economic freedom.


The economic shutdown and lockdown supply the Elite and its minions the opportunity to erase your life, liberty and property permanently. We can’t allow that to happen. The Conservative Party USA hopes you learned valuable lessons from the above information.

We need supporters who stay strong and remain determined not to succumb to a Totalitarian (Technocracy) State. For you benefit, we offer you the free no-obligation eBook The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook. You will find plenty of intellectual and emotional “ammo” to help you during these difficult times.

In addition, you can access the Political Action Course.

For important information visit our website.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. Yes! Gold can help you protect your life, liberty and property.

P.P.S. Nothing mentioned in the article should be taken as investment advice.

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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