New World Money – One World Government: Fact or Fiction

News Blitz: Collapse of Economy Could Lead to New World Money

News Blitz: Fauci warns ‘little spikes’ of coronavirus could turn into dangerous outbreaks if states reopen and fail to follow federal guidelines

If the following statement from Dr. Anthony Fauci doesn’t portent a New World Money and a Fascist One-World Government, I don’t know what does.

Fauci said, “That if states aren’t able to effectively mitigate new outbreaks, the reopening process will be dangerously uncontrolled.

“There is no doubt — when you pull back on mitigation, you will see some cases appear,” he said via video conference from his home office. “It’s the ability and the capability of responding to those cases with good identification, isolation, and contact tracing.”

The totalitarian mindset pretends that controlling the lives of men and women will lead to better mental, emotional and physical health. Yeah sure. These psychopaths are concerned about gaining absolute power, and they don’t care how many lives they destroy.

Let’s investigate the facts and cover some controversial subjects.

Jim Rickards Report on the IMF (International Monetary Fund)

Although the statement is from a while back, it’s more pertinent than ever.

“The IMF acts like the “central bank of the world. It will have to issue massive amounts of SDRs to hold the international monetary system together. The result will be the end of the dollar as the leading global reserve currency. That’s why today’s developments represents such a dramatic change from the past.

SDRs are inflationary. If you flood the market in dollars of SDRs, gold will spike dramatically, probably taking it to $10,000. Will that happen tomorrow? Again, probably not. But the trend is in place. What are you waiting for? You can expect that the dollar will be devalued by 50–80% in the coming years.”

We don’t claim to endorse conspiracy theories; however, it’s important to present the facts, allowing the reader to come to his own conclusion.

The economy was already in serious trouble before the Coronavirus Pandemic arrived. Even though other health issues and viruses kill far more people, the government shutdown the economy on the advice of the questionable Dr. Anthony Fauci; he based his recommendation on the highly inflated figures of the World Health Organization (WHO).

IMF - New World Money

IMF – New World Money

New World Money

Here’s the real kicker…or maybe I should say “kick in the rear.” You and I cannot officially buy the SDR. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is the only institution that can print and distribute the New World Money.

Do you want to guess what that means? It has what is called an Elite “basket.” Only member states that are within the privileged few can freely exchange SDR as currency. SDR’s are used to take loans or make repayments made by the IMF.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you and I could get our hands on some of those to pay our debts? Of course, we’re excluded as hapless prisoners of the Hive Mind Mentality…even though some of us escaped.

Also, member banks can sell them during times of economic crisis. What does this accomplish? It props up their currency reserves. The Conservative Warrior realizes that SDRs – the New World Money amounts to paper illusions on top of paper illusions.

By the way, the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) has been around since 1969. Members of the Elite plan well ahead of time.

New World Money

Destruction of the Dollar

You do know…the Fed dedicates its efforts to destroy the dollar as recent events prove beyond a reasonable doubt. You must realize the XDR (SDR) comes to prominence when the U.S. dollar is weak or otherwise unsuitable to be a foreign exchange reserve asset. By the time the Fed is done, it might have some value as “wallpaper.”

The One World manipulators created the SDR to make it easier for Central Banks to inflate the quantity of money (money supply). These economic debaucherers do their dirty work without having to operate under the Gold Standard.

Note: It’s incorrect to call anything but gold and silver money. The correct term is fiat currency.

Federal Reserve Scams

Do you understand…the beauty of the Gold Standard? It makes the value of money/gold independent of direct manipulation by the Elite and their Soldiers. It ties the hands of governments, political parties, Central Banks and other economic quacks…quite nicely.

Without the Gold Standard, you’ve seen what the Federal Reserve has done to our money with its Quantitative Easing (QE) and Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) scams. Do you enjoy the rate of interest you receive on your savings? You can expect to see negative interest rates in the not too distant future.

To make matters worse…the monetary BS causes boom and bust cycles. That’s the reason we experience heart-breaking recessions and depressions…and with the Deep State’s shutdown of the economy, the Deepest Depression becomes inevitable. It makes you wonder why anyone would trust the political and financial establishment.

Fed's Money Scams

S&P and the P/E Ratio

For instance: You hear reports of how stock markets reached record levels before they crashed then partially rebounded. On the surface, this sounds encouraging. However, if you dig deeper, you find out the current P/E price/earnings ratio on the S&P major index at the time of this writing is 20.85. The traditional ratio is about 15. With earnings plunging, you can expect the ratio to increase unless the market once again crashes.

As always, the masses and unwary investors are lucky to end up still wearing their underwear. Members of the Elite clean-up…because they know when to get out. If you don’t believe these “special” people rely on inside information…then you live in a world of illusion.

Pattern of a Fed Created Bubble

Each Fed-created bubble displays similar patterns. By the way, here’s where the screwing of the average man (woman) begins. The “In Crowd” receives the newly created money first, investing it in an entire asset & market class. You must understand that these investors gain the support of the Mainstream Media and other sources of manipulation. Eventually, media shills convince Main Street USA to invest in a hot market after it is seriously overbought. Guess who pulls out in a classic pump and dump fashion. Members of the Elite get rich, and you feel like a first-class sucker. It’s important to realize that the pattern couldn’t take place without the Federal Reserve System’s help.

You probably wonder what all of this means?

  1. You can expect to see gold soar to at least $10,000 per OZ…and silver to shoot up to $435 per OZ. There’s no telling when this will happen.” All I can advise is to prepare yourself for the inevitable.
  2. Members of the Elite crave a One World Government. Do I have to tell you about our place in their fascist hell-hole?
Real Money

Real Money

One World Government

According to The Economic Collapse Blog…We are Moving Toward A One World Government, A One World Economy And A One World Religion.

Here’s something interesting and frightening about “Agenda 21” on steroids.

“The UN is not asking permission, but issuing a command that the entire planet will commit to 17 sustainable development goals and 169 sustainable development targets designed to radically transform our world by 2030. Through a controlled media fake journalists will tell the mass populations that this is all about saving the environment and “ending poverty.” But that is not the true agenda of Agenda 21. The true agenda of Agenda 21 is to establish a global government, global economic system, and global religion. When UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke of “a dream of a world of peace and dignity for all” this is no different than when the Communists promised the people a “workers’ paradise.” The Economic Collapse Blog.

List of So-Called Conspiracy Groups

Following is a list of groups…that some say hope and pray for a One World Government.

  • United Nations
  • Lucis Trust
  • Illuminist Freemasonry
  • Fabian Socialism,
  • Theosophy
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Trilateral Commission
  • Bilderbergers
  • Club of Rome
  • World Health Organization
  • World Bank,
  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),
  • World Trade Organization
  • World Council of Churches

You might have noticed that the World Health Organization resides on the list…which should make you wonder.

Trilateral Commission

As mentioned earlier, we endorse facts, not unproven conspiracy theories. Let’s look into the Trilateral Commission.

The Trilateral Commission held its first executive committee meeting in Tokyo in October 1973. Its members included a potpourri of Elitists and their soldiers. Among those seen were establishment politicians, corporate CEOs, distinguished academics (if that’s what you can call them), university presidents, labor union leaders and philanthropists (social altruists). If you happened to wander into that meeting…you would suddenly discover you were shark bait.

Many studies prove David Rockefeller funded and set-up the New York-based Trilateral Commission to shove his collectivist agenda down our throats. He and his intellectual mentor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, seem to have a love affair with the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) …another One World group.

Fact: The Trilateral Commission’s goal is to organize the world into a fascist totalitarian state. Anyone who isn’t prepared for the “monumental” event will permanently get stuck in the Hive Mind Mentality. We can only hope there are enough Conservative Warriors to prevent the slavery of helpless men and women.


Straight from the Horse’s Mouth

Members of the Trilateral Commission

Let’s list some people who are or have been members of the infamous Trilateral Commission. You can see how everything ties together.

  • David Rockefeller: Founder of the Commission; Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank board from 1969 to 1981; Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1970 to 1985, now honorary Chairman; a life member of the Bilderberg Group.
  • Dick Cheney, William Cohen, Dianne Feinstein, David Gergen, Henry Kissinger
  • Presidents George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton
  • Federal Reserve Chairmen Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker
  • Caspar Weinberger: Secretary of Defense under Reagan
  • Yotaro Kobayashi (chairman of the Fuji Xerox company),
  • John H. Bryan (former CEO of Sara Lee bakeries, affiliated with the World Economic Forum and part of the Board for Sara Lee, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, British Petroleum and Bank One).
  • James E. Burke (CEA of Johnson & Johnson from 1976 to 1989).
  • Hank Greenberg (former chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), the world’s largest insurance and financial services corporation). It should come as no surprise that when AIG faced huge investment losses that threatened its solvency in 2008, the American government stepped in with billions of dollars of taxpayer money to keep the company afloat.
  • Lee Raymond (ExxonMobil (Former CEO and Chairman, vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Enterprise Institute, director of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., director and member of the Executive Committee and Policy Committee of the American Petroleum Institute), and others.

Source: Jeremiah Project

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

And now you begin to notice the connection between the IMF and the quest for a One World Government. Once Elite members achieve their dream of a New World Money, they can accelerate their stampede to a One World Government. A worldwide economic collapse guarantees these parasites capture the minds and wealth of all of us…at least those who are unprepared

Blacklisted News says, The one world order banksters would love nothing more than to have a one-world order currency that they would be able to control and manipulate. The IMF study that will result from the Chengdu G-20 meeting is a sign that the one-world crowd is ready and anxious to take the next step on the way to a one-world currency, controlled by them.” As you can see, the Coronavirus Pandemic provided them with a perfect opportunity.  A New World Money becomes a distinct possibility.

Just as we suspected…members of the Elite want it all. Fortunately, as a Conservative Warrior, you will face reality and take the necessary steps to protect your life, liberty and property. And we’re here to help you do exactly that.


You must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of a New World Money and a One World Government. For your benefit, we offer the revealing FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

Also, you can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism. The FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, it’s time to realize that Republicans will not save you and your loved ones. Most of its members sold out your individual rights for a pittance to retain their power. Recent events confirm that 100%. And, of course, you know that the Democratic Party is too far gone for hope. The Two-Party Political System’s corruption will destroy everything we value and cherish unless we do something to stop it.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. With your help, we can restore the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. We recommend that you access the Political Action Course.


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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