Totalitarian Shutdown – The Road to Nowhere

US Economy on the Road to Nowhere

We Wrecked Our Economy for Nothing

California’s Newsom: ‘We’re Not Going Back to Normal’

According to RedState, “There is little-to-no actual science behind this draconian decision. The experts told us that by sacrificing the jobs of 30 million people (and still counting), we would “flatten the curve” on new infections and thus keep our hospital system from being overwhelmed. The “experts” and their models have been proven wrong time and again throughout this debacle.” Totalitarian minds force us on the road to nowhere instead of the one that would nourish our spirit.

The mentality of California’s dictatorial governor Gavin Newsom is proved by the following as reported in the Daily Wire. “Though California Gov. Gavin Newsom is allowing retail stores to reopen for “curbside pickup” on Friday, he emphasized to residents of the state this week that they are “not going back to normal” anytime soon. Instead, Californians must embrace the “new normal,” marked by continued social distancing measures, “until we get to immunity and a vaccine,” said the Democratic governor.”

Somehow the voters infested the political establishment with communists, socialists and other would-be dictators. It is time people start looking within instead of supporting psychopaths who obliterate personal liberty and economic freedom.

Let’s get off the road to nowhere and find a more viable path to the pursuit of happiness. We can’t allow the totalitarian shutdown to destroy our lives.

Road to Nowhere – Failure and Frustration

Consider the numerous paths you can travel. The majority of them represent a road to nowhere, places of failure and frustration, or, at best, mediocrity. If you capture the right knowledge and strategies, you can travel the one that glitters with fulfillment and self-actualization.

In the song, “Pilgrim” Enya beautifully sings about a philosophy of being, a metaphysical way to live your life joyously. The following verse reveals timeless wisdom inspiring a man or woman who embraces beauty and wisdom.

“One way leads to diamonds, one way leads to gold, another leads you only to everything your told.

In your heart you wonder which of these is true;  the road that leads to nowhere, the road that leads to you.”

One Way Leads to Diamonds – One Way Leads to Gold

Roads that lead to diamonds or gold are no doubt fruitful paths to embark upon. Tragically, many people fail to discover the road of enlightenment that they represent. Instead, they stumble down avenues of pain and suffering, never learning from the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Others aimlessly drift down the worn pavement of a stale mediocrity, leading lives of quiet desperation.

Mediocrity is the Road to Nowhere

If You Fear Criticism You Will Never Succeed

Often these roads tempt people with immediate gratification, offering plenty of short-term “thrills” such as drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, gluttony, over-indulgence in television, etc. The hopelessness of the shutdown intensifies these desires, eventually dulling a person’s sense of life. The journey the lost man or woman so enthusiastically embraced becomes one of pain and suffering (it’s ‘funny” how these are the only feelings that are enhanced) or, at best, a road of boredom.

Fortunately, you can discover a road filled with diamonds and a path that actually leads you to that elusive pot-of-gold.

Another Leads You Only to Everything You’re Told

From the time we’re born to the day we enter eternity, outside influences attempt to mold us into “society boy or society girl.” Parents, friends, lovers, civic leaders, religious figures, the news media, etc., influence how we think and feel. Of course, some of the influences in our lives have good intentions, and others are helpful. However, many people attempt to brainwash us with propaganda so they can control our lives. Very few can escape the clutches of these predators resulting in the unwary man and woman living their lives on the “road of everything they’ve been told.”

The Coronavirus Pandemic allowed power-hungry politicians to tell us what we can do and what we cannot do.  Let’s reclaim our personal liberty and economic freedom because if we don’t, we might as well welcome fascism with open arms.

The beginning of personal enlightenment means that you discover you’re on a route you didn’t consciously choose. You become aware of your surroundings, realizing you unconsciously keep company with failure and frustration. What can you do? Decide to choose a new, exciting road for your journey.

Journey the Road of Your Life Purpose

Journey the Road of Your Life Purpose

In Your Heart You Wonder Which of These is True

An individual ready for an awakening, glances around at his surroundings. He wonders how it all came about. He thinks, “Why am I manifesting these things instead of my dreams, desires and fantasies? Is this the life I want to live, or is there a happier, more fulfilling way to spend my days?

Escaping the society trap means you begin seeing through illusion. You look within, discovering your heart’s desires. You realize that what others claim is moral or right doesn’t necessarily represent reality…especially your reality.

You can’t remember when you believed differently. After all, “others” claim that this is the “moral or right” way to live. You think, “I have never questioned whether this is true or not. I have fantasized about events and happenings I longed to experience in the deepest recesses of my conscious mind. What scared me was if I revealed these to others, they would accuse me of being selfish and self-centered. Is it possible that they are wrong and acting out of their own selfishness? Could I possibly live for my own sake and travel down a road I choose?”

Live for Your Own SakeToo Scared to Rock the Boat

Most people are too scared to “rock the boat” because of the threat of social embarrassment or, even worse, rejection. Fear and lack of self-confidence to handle the challenges of life cause men and women to dread change. It’s so easy to remain in your comfort zone. I admit relaxing in one is rather nice, that is until it becomes your prison. Once you feel comfortable in a prison of your own making, you fail to see that your life purpose escaped long ago. You keep performing the same mundane duties day in and day out. Your mindless “pleasures” barely give you satisfaction.

As the days whiz on by, you wonder where it all went. You’re oblivious to the fact that you possess the key to liberty and freedom. It’s possible that long ago, you found the courage to escape. You unlocked your cell door, walked out, looked around and became disoriented and confused. In your dazed condition, you turned around, walked back into your cell, re-locked the door and experienced a vague feeling of comfort knowing you were back home. Fortunately, you have company because your fellow inmates feel the same way.

You work and play together, “enjoying” mind-numbing, soul-shrinking activities. It’s quite a community, run by the “benevolence” of the Hive Mind. For your own good, they set down one iron law you must obey. The penalty for disobeying it is the death of conformity. Your masters carry it out by stripping you of your comfort zone. The iron law is “Don’t rock the boat.” Rumor has it that few people disobey it. They continue to “exist” on an endless road to nowhere.

Fear Keeps You on the Road to Nowhere

Let’s Rock the Boat

Isn’t it about time we rock the boat…or would you prefer to be at the mercy of the Elite’s Totalitarian (Technocracy) System? Another term for it is fascism, the combination of corporate and government power along with artificial intelligence (AI). I don’t know if you noticed that the Fed and Treasury Department joined together to become one humongous wealth destroying entity.

The Road that Leads to Nowhere – The Road that Leads to You

It’s your choice. You can stumble down the road that leads to nowhere, or you can joyfully glide down the road that leads to you.

You don’t have to exist as “society boy or society girl.” Instead rise up and reclaim the power that exists within your being.

Remember that you deserve personal liberty and economic freedom because these actually belong to you as God-given rights. Tell the political and financial establishment you’re no longer accepting violations of your individual rights. Abandon the road to nowhere by standing tall and proudly walking the path of your dreams and desires.


You can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism. The Warrior’s free no-obligation e-Book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

Also, it’s time to realize that Republicans will not save you and your loved ones. Its members sold out your individual rights for a pittance to retain their power. Recent events confirm that 100%. And of course, you know that the Democratic Party is too far gone for hope. The Two-Party Political System’s corruption will destroy everything we value and cherish unless we do something to stop it.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. In addition, you can access the Political Action Course.

P.P.S.  You can access the new FREE no-obligation e-book to help you survive the economic crisis “7 Economic Illusions Conquered.”

Please support our mission which is your mission, before it’s too late.

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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