Gun Control Insanity Runs Riot

Gun Control Disarms Elmer Fudd

Abolish Police Movement Gains Momentum

‘We’re not doing guns’: Elmer Fudd loses his rifle in HBO’s ‘Looney Tunes’ cartoon reboot.

We’re not doing guns,” Peter Browngardt, the series executive producer and showrunner, told the New York Times. “But we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in.” This is another instance of gun control insanity

Conservative Warrior: Liberals are truly disgusting. If these liberty-violating psychopaths have their way, they would disarm us and at the same time encourage rioters and looters to dynamite our property.

If we can continue to allow it, these politically correct socialists will ruin everything that makes life worthwhile. It’s up to us to take the necessary action because you can’t expect any help from members of the Republican Party. After all, they belong to the Elite’s political establishment.

Maybe you don’t believe me. Well, the shutdown and destruction of our economy came under the watchful eyes of President Trump and the Republican-controlled Senate. Now we could expect that from liberal Democrats; however…

Let’s face reality. Democrats are dangerous, and most Republicans are useless.

The only gun control you need is to make sure your means of self-defense is ready for action; you know how to use your weapons, and you possess an abundance of ammo.

George Washington on Self-Defense

Minneapolis “Abolish Police” Movement Gains Veto-proof Majority

According to NewAmerican “The push to abolish the law-enforcement system in Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd’s death has cleared a new hurdle, with nine of the city council’s 13 members giving a public pledge to “begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department.”

Conservative Warrior: All you have to do is read the article, and you will realize that the “Abolish Police Movement” is part of the agenda of socialist and globalist movements backed by left-wing organizations such as the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

I guarantee radical members of these groups also support stringent gun control laws while guaranteeing radical organizations control the streets. That will lead to a Fascist Totalitarian State.

18 murders in 24 hours: Inside the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago

We’ve never seen anything like it, at all,” said Max Kapustin, the senior research director at the crime lab. “ … I don’t even know how to put it into context. It’s beyond anything that we’ve ever seen before.”

The Rev. Michael Pfleger said, “On Saturday and particularly Sunday, I heard people saying all over, ‘Hey, there’s no police anywhere, police ain’t doing nothing,.’”

Conservative Warrior: Maybe the solution is abolishing the police department. Without the threat of police brutality, the city will become a bastion of peace and tranquility.  Of course, no one will need weapons, so gun control measures will ensure everyone lives in harmony.

My god, we live in an insane world, heavily influenced by crazy radical liberals. The only gun control you need is expertise in using your weapon of choice.

Gun Control Eliminates the Right to Self-Defense

And Don’t You Forget It

Protesters Tear Down Confederate Statue in Virginia Capital

Protesters tore down a statue of a Confederate general in Richmond, Virginia, just days after Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) announced he would remove a different Confederate statue in the state capital.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported that most protesters had left the area by the time the statue was toppled, but a few “using ropes pulled down a statue honoring Confederate Gen. Williams Carter Wickham, which has stood in the park since 1891.” After the statue was brought down, one protester reportedly urinated on it before running away.

Conservative Warrior: Yes, those are definitely some peaceful demonstrators. Of course, there’s no need to arrest anyone since they were doing their politically correct duty.

I wonder if any of the above news stories piss off the average citizen, or maybe they’re completely pacified with Netflix, booze, drugs, and their stimulus check. In fact, it possible these men and women are so brainwashed, they actually believe the lies and propaganda of the Mainstream Media. If they do wake up, they won’t probably recognize the real enemy of their inalienable rights.

The Crazy Mind of a Gun Control Advocate

Let’s enter the mind of a crazy gun control advocate…and find out his take on how a criminal thinks and acts.

I need to buy a gun to get the money I desire. Sometimes, my intended victim fights back with a knife or baseball bat…and I have to be able to defend myself. Unfortunately, there are strict Gun Control laws, so I guess I need to forget about robbing anybody. Maybe, I’ll look in the want ads tomorrow and see if I can find a job.

You can see how ridiculous this is.

Let’s find out how a criminal really thinks and acts.

Crime definitely pays off…especially since regular citizens are denied guns…and all I have to do is visit my old friend “Snub-Nose Sammy.” He’s always well supplied with Smith and Wesson.38 Specials. When my defenseless victim sees that stuck in his or her ugly puss—-he better not try to disarm me…or he’ll be another wasted human lying around drawing flies. With crime this easy, I may never have to work for another greedy asshole again.

Conservative Warrior: Hey Mr. Mrs. and Ms. Modern Progressive, you just discovered how criminals think and act. If you look in the mirror, you might get to look into the eyes of a criminal mentality. Enlightenment means giving up your nasty illusions…instead of believing gun control will reduce violent crime.

Of course, if your main agenda is to disarm innocent citizens so they can’t oppose your socialist schemes, we completely understand your evil intentions.

Hitler on Gun Control


You do not have to put up with the tyranny of gun control fanatics since you obviously possess the right to self-defense. It’s time to fight back and demand your personal liberty and economic freedom.

Also, you must survive the global economic collapse and the threat of fascism taking over our once-great nation. For your benefit, we offer the Conservative Warrior’s FREE no-obligation e-book 7 Destructive Economic Illusions Conquered that will help you survive the destruction of our economic system. Knowledge is power when put into action.

Also, you can exist as an individualist or a cog in the State machinery. The Conservative Warrior proudly embraces individualism that allows you to overcome liberal lies. His FREE no-obligation e-book “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook” helps you do exactly that.

In addition, it’s time to realize that Republicans will not save you and your loved ones. Most of its members sold out your individual rights for a pittance to retain their power. Recent events confirm that 100%. And, of course, you know that the Democratic Party is too far gone for hope. The Two-Party Political System’s corruption will destroy everything we value and cherish unless we do something to stop it.

If you want to enjoy personal liberty and economic freedom…and reclaim your individual rights, you should consider supporting the Conservative Party USA. You can help the Conservative Warrior fight for the values that made America the greatest country on earth.

Robert Meyer

National Managing Editor

Conservative Party USA

P.S. We recommend that you access the Political Action Course.

P.P.S. Please share this article so we can successfully fight for your inalienable rights.


About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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