Economic Apocalypse – The Destruction of Small Business

The Economic Apocalypse Moves Too Close For Comfort

Small business suffers untold losses.

Unemployment soars to the stratosphere with no relief in sight.

Fox News Sunday. Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, stated, “I think it’ll be too soon to open the country on May 1, although he said there may be parts of the U.S. that are “ready for some limited reopenings at that point.” Doesn’t he realize a continued shutdown will cause an economic apocalypse that will kill far more people than Covid-19 ever will?

Note: It’s rumored that the Elite controls John Hopkins Center for Health Security. Of course, that’s all it could be, just a rumor.

How do you destroy a great and mighty nation? By the destruction of its backbone, small business. Tragically, the free enterprise system lies on its deathbed in a deep coma. We can only hope it’s not brain dead. Because if it is, we’re in for an economic apocalypse.

Maybe the Coronavirus Pandemic is real, or perhaps it isn’t. These days it’s challenging to recognize fact when illusion runs rampant. Fortunately, we’re committed to discovering the truth and making sure we reveal it for your benefit because you must prepare for whatever happens.

Free Enterprise Shutdown

Usually, we’re not into conspiracy theories, but here’s what we suspect. (We pray we’re wrong.)

The shutdown of the free enterprise system guarantees its demise. Who do you think will show up to pick the leftover meat off its bones? The Deep State and its vultures. And when they’re finished with their gluttony, there will be nothing left for the rest of us.

Wealth has been transferred from Main Street to Wall Street at a rapid pace; unfortunately, it wasn’t fast enough for the liking of the Elite and its minions. Soldiers of the Elite can take over the bankrupt and abandoned businesses and “comfort” the hapless citizens by making them dependent on government handouts. Tragically, most of us will end up so destitute that we have no choice but to accept their terms. We’ll eagerly await the funds.

Unhampered Capitalism Prevents an Economic Apocalypse

Capitalism – Free Enterprise

Capitalism (free enterprise) is an economic concept of civilization based on private ownership and control of the means of production.

Your mind perceives the system of unhampered capitalism gives you the ability to control your destiny. You are free to make your own decisions and decide which path you want to take. That allows you the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

The system of unhampered capitalism supplies every one the ability to choose. Happily, all voluntary exchanges are legal, which makes it a completely open system. The government’s only function is to protect the individual’s life, liberty and property. Involuntary exchanges are illegal because these types of anti-social activities interfere with a person’s freedom of choice.

The shutdown and your recent imprisonment deny you the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Note: Of course, we recommend you do everything in your power to protect your health. However, your financial destruction from the economic apocalypse won’t benefit your health and well-being.

Republican Party Futility

If the Republican Party were really on the side of small businesses and the average citizen, it would immediately end the shutdown. You know, there are other options besides destroying the economy, which will kill many more men and women than Covid-19 ever will. Panic and destructive economic measures never get the job done…unless, of course, that’s the result you’re hoping for. Members of the establishment will do absolutely nothing to prevent an economic apocalypse.

Let’s face it. The Republican Party languishes in futility, rendered impotent by its many compromises with the enemies of your rights.

Threat to Your Personal Liberty and Economic Freedom


What Can We Do?

You might wonder what we can do. Well, knowledge is power, and when placed into action, it can become unstoppable. That means we can overcome an economic apocalypse personally. Also, think about the obstacles our Founding Fathers conquered to create our great nation. Do we possess the courage they had?

The situation isn’t hopeless. Proverbs 23:18 states,Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.”

Our blog, which is your blog, will keep you informed with daily articles Monday thru Friday if something happens on the weekend that warrants your immediate attention. We will keep you informed.

In addition, we created a FREE 37-page book titled “The Conservative Warrior’s Handbook.” It provides you power-packed information to get you through the crisis. If we are to overcome what’s happening, we need to remain strong and determined.

We can save the America we love and cherish by re-igniting the values that made it the greatest country on earth.

For more critical information, please visit our website.

Also, visit the Political Action Course. You’ll find it an invaluable resource.

Recommendation: Jeremiah Babe’s video Economic Apocalypse – US Business Suffers – Homelessness Soars – Cities Frozen supplied me the inspiration for today’s blog post. We highly recommend you take advantage of his daily postings.

Robert Meyer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             National Managing Editor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Conservative Party USA

About Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is dedicated to helping you live as a Conservative Warrior. He possesses an extensive background in many areas. For years, he studied economics, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and timeless self-development principles, integrating these disciplines into an exciting philosophy of life. In addition, his career in customer service and sales supplied him a deeper understanding of human nature. He realizes there are Natural and Economic Laws that will help people become successful at achieving their goals. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover how to live as a Conservative Warrior.
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