FW: Happy New Year: Limbaugh & Graham Slash GOP – FINALLY

The rough and tumble year in politics ended 2015 on a high note for true Conservatism.  Rush Limbaugh and Franklin Graham finally came to their senses by publically smashing and crashing the very outdated notion that America needs the Republican Party anymore.  Welcome to the party, gentlemen.  It’s about time.

Taliban-bearded Paul Ryan, Snitch McConnell and the usual suspects in the hidebound GOP establishment passed a $1.2 Trillion Budget that betrayed most of the campaign promises Republicans made to America during the past four years.  Sneaker Boehner passed the “Torch of Betrayal” to Ryan and sang “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” while doing so.  This Budget calamity funded EVERYTHING Obama and the Democrats wanted.  Planned Parenthood was funded in toto.  So was Obama’s plan to settle 10,000 Syrian refugees in America against the will of the people.

In addition to raising the national debt yet again, this Budget fiasco also gave ObamaCare more operating … Read More