The Conservative Theatre Festival celebrates diversity in the arts by bringing the conservative point of view front and center.  The six short plays presented represent the often unheard voice of millions of Americans who are frustrated at the direction our country has taken over the past many years.  What better place to express those frustrations than on the stage, a forum for discontent for centuries?  And remember: disagreement does NOT equal hate! The link to this event is:

Everyone Should Love Trump Now

The *Conservative Party* is puzzled by all the faux outrage expressed by
Democrats, the media and certain Republicans about the intemperate comments
Trump made 11 years ago about a woman. Granted, those boastful locker room
comments/actions (if true) are inexcusable for anyone, let alone a man
running for President.

However, we Conservatives must catch our collective breaths and apply some
basic logic to this situation. Of course standard-issue French Republicans
will cower in fear in this crisis like they always do when the chips are
down. Nothing new there. But *CP-USA* can lead the way by explaining how
Trump’s comments are diminutive when compared to the monumental and
numerous indiscretions of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Lending some historic
and moral perspective into the body politic is rather important at this

Donald Trump should simply say that, … Read More

CP-USA Urges McDonald’s Boycott

The disgraceful trend of American companies replacing their American-born
employees with low paid foreign workers continues unabated. Last week
McDonald’s announced it was firing 70 American accountants in our heartland
(Ohio) and switching to cheap H-1B bean counters from East Asia.

It’s tragic to see an iconic American company like McDonald’s purposely
eviscerate the American middle class for the sake of short-term profits.

McDonald’s is just the latest (and not the last) example of an American
corporation demonstrating their total lack of Economic Patriotism
. The United States
needs to retain its position as “that shining City on the Hill” Ronald
Reagan described by keeping its people gainly employed. Caterpillar in
Illinois continues to hire foreign workers while it fires hundreds of
American engineers and other white-collar workers. Numerous American
colleges want more H-1B visas to replace … Read More

Next Step for Tea Party; The Conservative Party

*“The Tea Party is dead. Long live the Tea Party, aka The Conservative

Like a Blue Nile four carat diamond, that bold statement has many facets.
It’s true, sad, tragic and grand ….simultaneously. What you discern
depends on how you hold it to the light.

TRUE: In 2014 the various Tea Parties and their PAC’s raised more than
$14M but only spent 10% of it on conservatives and TP candidates. The rest
of that cash was squandered on consultants and “overhead”. Jenny Beth
Martin, for example, makes $15K/month. Imagine what the total expenses are
for the Tea Party Patriots if their boss absorbs that much by herself.
That’s why Tea Party members have been overwhelmed with continuous donation
requests during the past four years but got little political ROI. That’s
also why TP members have lost interest … Read More

YES, Conservatives Will Vote Our Conscience

The *Conservative Party* and all righteous Conservatives congratulate
Donald Trump for officially securing the GOP nomination for President. It
was a hard-fought primary; he totally whipped, bludgeoned and hammered 16
other candidates into submission with fearless pronouncements and tons of
free media.

Now the real work of doing the exact same thing to Billary Clinton starts.

Let’s hope Trump is up to the task. The political and media landscape is
stacked against him and other Republicans. Wikileaks released emails that
exposed the *Washington Post* for actually colluding with the DNC to raise
campaign cash for Clinton while *CBS* altered poll data to skew against
Sanders. Competing against such media treachery is a very tough row to hoe.

Conservatives also have to master the art of ice skating uphill since we
have to deal with manifold problems: Democrats; a corrupt and biased … Read More

Our Sympathies For Baton Rouge Police

The *Conservative Party* extends its sincere sympathies to the Baton Rouge
Police Department and the families of the slain and wounded officers. Blue
Lives Matter…too.

Obama and the media have blood on their hands for stoking anti-cop hatred
and violence. The media saturated the news with over-wrought coverage of
the two cop-related killings yet they totally ignore the hundreds of Black
people killed each year by other Blacks.

Obama allowed the racist “Black Lives Matter” gang into the White House,
the American people’s House. That’s outrageous because it gave BLM the
false notion of legitimacy which they surely don’t deserve.

There is a common thread between and among the Baton Rouge, Orlando, San
Bernadino and Dallas killers: They all followed and were associated with
Islam. The same goes for the Boston Marathon killers. So were the two DC
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