Will Trump Self-Fund His General Campaign?

We all know that one of the key reasons all those dedicated Trumpsters
worship the Donald is that he’s self-funding his Primary campaign. They are
willing to ignore all his faults, shifts in positions, inability to string
two coherent sentences together and having liberal “New York Values”
because Trump is not beholden to any special interest groups or back-door
donors. That makes him the “outsider” some Republicans have been craving as
a way to trash the current GOP Establishment.

But these Trump zombies have a reckoning coming. While Trump has enough
personal wealth to fund a Primary campaign built on getting tons of free
media, he will not spend a billion dollars of his won money needed for the
general election. That’s right, $1 Billion. This amount will be the minimum
needed to overcome all the negative attacks from Billary … Read More

Conservatives Better Wake up TODAY

It was amazing to see Chris Christie endorse Trump this weekend. After
telling everyone for months before the New Hampshire primary that he’s
known Trump for many years and that Trump doesn’t have the right
temperament to be President, Christie then turns around and endorses Trump.
How strange! How weird! What does that say about Christie and his political

It really says that we can’t trust anything Christie says. Period.

Conservatives, Evangelicals and Tea Party members need to wake up TODAY.
Don’t be fooled by Trump’s over-sized personality (or Christie’s over-sized
appetite). One loud-mouthed Northeast RINO governor embracing another
Northeast false prophet should not sway your vote on Super Tuesday.

WAKE UP…Ted Cruz is the only real conservative who actually says what he
means and means what he says. Ted Cruz is the ONLY Republican running that
has actually … Read More