We all know that one of the key reasons all those dedicated Trumpsters
worship the Donald is that he’s self-funding his Primary campaign. They are
willing to ignore all his faults, shifts in positions, inability to string
two coherent sentences together and having liberal “New York Values”
because Trump is not beholden to any special interest groups or back-door
donors. That makes him the “outsider” some Republicans have been craving as
a way to trash the current GOP Establishment.
But these Trump zombies have a reckoning coming. While Trump has enough
personal wealth to fund a Primary campaign built on getting tons of free
media, he will not spend a billion dollars of his won money needed for the
general election. That’s right, $1 Billion. This amount will be the minimum
needed to overcome all the negative attacks from Billary Clinton and
Democrats. Trump will also have to endure a complete reversal of the media
treatment he’s getting now; there will be no free rides or hours of free
media once a Democrat is picked. The media will pull that off switch for
Trump didn’t become a Billionaire by being stupid and it certainly would be
stupid to risk a large chunk of his net worth running for President.
Besides suffering a big pay cut, Trump will have to deal with a bunch of
crooked politicians full time. Bottom line: Trump will accept outside
donations to help fund his general election campaign if he wins the
That means all those bleary-eyed, adoring Trumpsters will have to just grin
and swallow another dead goldfish contradiction in their support for Trump.
They will have to pull another rationalization out of thin air to support
him. They must ignore the fact that a major plank of their basic support
for him has been yanked away.
But rest assured, it wont matter. They’ll just blame it on the media and
*H. Michael Hervey*
Chief Political Officer
Conservative Party USA
Twitter: @cpartyusa_01