I think you would agree that we live in turbulent times. You only have to watch 15 minutes of any news program to know just how tumultuous times have become. This is a predictable result of the obvious lack of virtue and knowledge in our society and culture, and a direct result of the obviously diminished stature given to natural law and nature’s God. The federal government is pursuing nonsensical policies and practices, and has been for some time. State and local level politicians echo the same bullet-point talk tracks as our National “leaders” as though somehow there is no difference in their interests or in their constituents concerns. This is most interesting, don’t you think?
You may know that the Conservative Party USA argues for the restoration of the limits and boundaries of government as defined in our founding documents. We believe that such a restoration is the only way to save our States, and the Nation from falling into obscurity. Most of the people I have exchanged views with, misunderstand what the ramifications of such a restoration would be. This misunderstanding is highlighted by recent poling data that suggests our citizens want State and Federal budgets addressed, but not by addressing the “entitlement” spending that directly impacts them in some way or another. These programs are the root of our problems, but have come to be seen as a right of citizenship. I doubt that there are any who are genuinely frightened of having to take responsibility for themselves, but the minute you start talking about reducing State and Federal spending, the “turbulence” begins. The outcry comes from those groups or individuals who have a vested interest in maintaining the unsustainable, and whose very livelihoods are dependent on seeing it continue, even to the detriment and downfall of our people as a Nation.
I suppose it is natural to want to protect what you see as your slice of the pie, even though you had no real or significant part in any of the processes that created the pie in the first place. Our “entitlement” programs and other State or Federal government agencies and programs enacted without Constitutional authority over the past ninety years or so, are the Achilles heel of modern political reality. Our Senate Majority leader said recently that the House’s proposed spending cuts were “draconian”. Rather than address real and significant problems, in real and significant ways our political “leaders” insult us by suggesting that allowing us to keep the money we have earned for the benefit of our own lives and families is somehow “draconian”…These questionable programs and agencies will be the downfall of this Nation if not addressed. Any citizen willing to go to your neighbor’s house and slice off a chunk of what that neighbor has worked to create without helping in those efforts in any way, is a thief…Pure and simple…And the same can be said of a citizen who is willing to take money from that same neighbor’s wallet by way of redistributive taxation. A neighbor with a good heart would offer a slice of pie, but to think you are entitled to take any of their pie is so fundamentally wrong it is laughable.
David Schott
Charlotte, NC