Conservative Party will NOT Play “Race Card” on Cain

“If Conservatives rightly criticize liberals for always playing the “Race Card”, then we must not use it either.  It’s a weak, vapid and totally ineffective contrivance anyway.  People who play it are just admitting they’ve lost the debate.” 

                                                                                                                                                               – H. Michael Hervey

The recent dust-up involving the alleged sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain provided a golden opportunity for Conservatives to show Americans why our message and temperament are superior to … Read More

“Occupy Wall Street” Nothing like the Tea Party or Conservative Party

“Even a clock that’s stopped is exactly right twice a day.”  The Flea Party is exactly right when they properly blame certain rogue elements of Wall Street for the collapse of the Housing market.  The residual effects of those irresponsible actions are the root cause of our economic troubles today. 

                                                                                                   – H. M. Hervey, Chairman, CP-USA

The Conservative Party totally rejects the notion that the band of rabble rousers occupying Wall Street represents anything but a loose conglomeration of anti- Capitalist and anti-American trouble makers. They have no coherent message and want nothing better than to provoke police.

No one in the Tea … Read More

The Conservative Party USA initiates “Made in America” Campaign

The Conservative Party USA urges all Americans to help revive and sustain the America economy by purchasing products made in the United States whenever possible.

No other political party has officially adopted a common sense policy that encourages Americans to understand the high cost of cheap imports and the long-term value of buying American.  No single shift in economic behavior will have a greater, faster and positive impact on the U.S. economy than buying products made in America.

Buying American products doesn’t require an Act of Congress.  It needs no special tax legislation or international trade pacts.  It has no downside.  But it will help slash  It will also increase revenues, reduce annual budget deficits and help melt our growing national debt glacier without government intervention or tax increases.

CP-USA firmly believes that legitimate profit motive is compatible with Economic Patriotism which:  Reduces regulatory and tax burdens on small business; Provides tax incentives … Read More

Conservative Party names Andrew Grant White as Vice President

Conservative Party USA is pleased to announce it has hired Andrew Grant White as Vice President of Business Development.  “I welcome Andrew to his new leadership role.” commented H. Michael Hervey, CP-USA’s Chairman.  “Andrew’s extensive political experience and financial background will be invaluable in our Party’s fund raising efforts and membership outreach.”

Now living back in his home town of Huntsville, AL (NASA’s home), Andrew says “I was a classical liberal in the South and a conservative in California. Difference was 5 days in a truck.” That was merely the beginning.  Andrew’s financial/networking ability rapidly expanded from San Francisco to London, England.  Rising through Citigroup to UBS amid asset turn-around, he also served as Vice Chairman of Republicans Abroad (UK).

Andrew returned in 2002 via a 30,000-mile trip to rediscover America. He settled in Connecticut and his family expanded: Olivia Rose and Sophie Grace. He became an entrepreneur, was named … Read More

Conservative Party Endorses Ryan’s Budget & Medicare Reform

The Conservative Party officially endorses Representative Paul Ryan’s budget and voucher proposal since it’s the only thoughtful Plan we’ve seen that saves Medicare.  In reality, Ryan’s Plan should be implemented in two years if America wants to demonstrate it is serious about curbing our crippling National Debt.  Waiting 10 years just kicks the can down the road…again.

Despite all the calculated media disinformation, obvious Democrat demagoguery and typical Republican penchant for avoiding difficult decisions, it’s clear that Paul Ryan’s budget is the only game in town when it comes to saving Medicare.  Neither of the two major parties and none of America’s political “leaders” has exhibited the political courage to submit alternative plans.  President Obama is AWOL and focused on getting re-elected while Democrats are using “Mediscare” to regain Congressional control; they propose nothing yet attack everything.  GOP hopefuls, on the other hand, are hopeless in the face of early polls suggesting … Read More

The U.S. Must Exit Libyan Civil War

The Conservative Party officially condemns U.S. involvement in Libya and calls on the Congress to immediately stop funding the Obama Administration’s military involvement in that civil war.  NATO and U.S. actions have far exceeded the U.N. mandate to establish a “No Fly Zone” and protect civilians.

While Moammar Gadhafi is certainly a cruel and corrupt tyrant, the U.S. has been supportive of Libya during the past 10 years.  The Congressional Research Service reported the United States has: lifted its economic embargo against Libya in 2004; restored full diplomatic relations in 2006 after Gadhafi agreed to dismantle his nuclear program; removed Libya from the list of State Sponsored Terrorist Countries in 2006; and agreed to a financial settlement in 2008 with Gadhafi for the airplane bombing in Lockerbie, Scotland.  Without U.S. objection, Libya became a member of the U.N. Human Rights Council and president Obama actually toasted Gadhafi at the G-8 … Read More

The Conservative Party Nominates Obama for Second Nobel Peace Prize

Based on the impulsive way the Nobel Committee awarded Barack Obama a Nobel Peace Prize after he served just two months in office, perhaps America’s direct involvement in yet another war will spur the Nobel Committee to grant him a second Peace Prize.   Seems only fair.

Despite having a crushing $14 Trillion national debt, a $1.5 Trillion annual budget deficit, a dire 9% unemployment rate and a looming financial drain to help Japan, Obama has committed America to yet another war in the Muslim world when our military and national budget are already stretched to the limit in every sense.  Perhaps the Committee should also consider giving Obama a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences since he’s driving the U.S. into insolvency.

While railing against all things military during his 2008 campaign, Obama just asked the dealer for an extra card when he should have stood pat on 20.  Instead, he … Read More

Conservative Party (CP-USA) supports Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s budget balancing initiatives.

The Wisconsin budget battle is but the latest example of a state struggling to balance its budget in a weak economy and faced with escalating state government worker salaries, benefits and bloated retirement plans.  CP-USA applauds Gov. Walker’s attempt to staunch Wisconsin’s red ink and confront union intimidation.

“Governor Walker’s approach to facing out-of-control state union compensation plans is long overdue.  CP-USA applauds his courageous stand as compared to the irresponsible actions of 14 state Democrats who refuse to execute the constitutional duties for which they’re being paid.” said H. Michael Hervey, CP-USA Chairman.  “Having Democrats run away like a herd of sheep does little to fix the state’s budget problems and allowing teachers to fraudulently call in sick – abetted by reckless doctors dispensing phony sick notes – sets a very poor example for America’s children and costs millions since lawmakers get paid during their absence.”

Teachers and Democrats … Read More