New Payroll Tax Deal is another GOP Betrayal

Republicans “acted” like they really wanted to demonstrate fiscal responsibility last year when they rightfully wanted the Payroll tax cut to expire.  At least they faked a half-hearted, limp-wristed fight before disintegrating.

This time, however, they just rolled-over like a bunch of fat, lazy “Best In Show” Westminster contestants. They just threw in the towel to get votes.

Think about this: The Republican House and their Senate collaborators stole more than $100B from the Social Security Trust Fund last year by keeping the Payroll tax cut.  That Payroll tax funds Social Security and Medicare. SS will be flashing RED in less than 10 years as currently configured and Medicare is already hemorrhaging more than $400M annually.  And yet Congress continues to mismanage these important programs with total disregard for America’s future.

The spineless Committees in the Republi-Dem Congress  doubled down this week and took another $110B from the Trust Fund … Read More

The GOP is the Party of “family values” NO MORE!

The Newt Gingrich primary victory is proof positive the GOP in general and South Carolina Republicans in specific have lost their souls.  Christian Conservatives have now lost the moral high ground for criticizing any politician for any moral or ethical failing. Forever.

Too many Republicans are confusing Newt’s grandiose debate oratory with strong leadership and ethical behavior. Just because he can bludgeon a hapless CNN host does not make Gingrich a worthy nominee. Thrashing the media with red meat does not a president make nor does it absolve him of committing serial adultery. Even if his ex-wife’s “open marriage” charge is 100% false, the fact that Newt committed multiple adulteries is 100% true.

Giving Gingrich standing ovations and voting for him in the Primary firmly places the cloak of massive hypocrisy on Republican shoulders. Remember when Republicans railed against Bill Clinton for similar transgressions? They properly made the solid case … Read More

Conservative Party USA Endorses Rick Santorum

Based on extensive review and comprehensive examination of the issues and candidates, the Conservative Party USA endorses Rick Santorum to be the GOP nominee for President.

“While many of the current GOP candidates are solid contenders and worthy of consideration, CP-USA recognizes that Mr. Santorum best articulates the constitutional, economic and fiscal policies that America needs today.” explained H. M. Hervey, Chairman.  “Like CP-USA, Senator Santorum proudly affirms the concept of American Exceptionalism, supports traditional family values and understands that “Buy American” is the key to reviving the U.S. economy.” continued Mr. Hervey.

CP-USA understands that Mr. Santorum has an uphill struggle to cross the finish line ahead of Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney. “Ms. Bachmann is a solid, proven conservative who is running a stalwart campaign.  She performed well in the debates and stood toe-to-toe with the big boys.  No fear, no excuses.” said Lisa Michaels, Chairman, CP-Oregon. “Bachmann … Read More

Conservative Party USA Opposes SB 1867 (The Defense Authorization Bill)

The Conservative Party USA vigorously opposes the enactment of Senate Bill 1867.  It’s an egregious and obvious violation of the civil rights and protections afforded American citizens in the Bill of Rights.

Sections 1031 and 1032 of the Defense Authorization Bill create a state of martial law, give the government the right to conduct unlimited searches and violate the principle of Habeas Corpus. They also give the U.S. Military the right to indefinitely detain any American worldwide without access to legal counsel if they are simply “deemed” to be potential threats by the President.

Those are clear and unambiguous violations of the Fourth, Sixth and Seventh Amendments of the Constitution.  The general purpose of the Constitution is to LIMIT the power of government. The trajectory of SB 1867, however, points to a grand power grab by the Federal government and the abject loss of civil liberties for American citizens.

The U.S. Military does not … Read More

Conservative Party will NOT Play “Race Card” on Cain

“If Conservatives rightly criticize liberals for always playing the “Race Card”, then we must not use it either.  It’s a weak, vapid and totally ineffective contrivance anyway.  People who play it are just admitting they’ve lost the debate.” 

                                                                                                                                                               – H. Michael Hervey

The recent dust-up involving the alleged sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain provided a golden opportunity for Conservatives to show Americans why our message and temperament are superior to … Read More

“Occupy Wall Street” Nothing like the Tea Party or Conservative Party

“Even a clock that’s stopped is exactly right twice a day.”  The Flea Party is exactly right when they properly blame certain rogue elements of Wall Street for the collapse of the Housing market.  The residual effects of those irresponsible actions are the root cause of our economic troubles today. 

                                                                                                   – H. M. Hervey, Chairman, CP-USA

The Conservative Party totally rejects the notion that the band of rabble rousers occupying Wall Street represents anything but a loose conglomeration of anti- Capitalist and anti-American trouble makers. They have no coherent message and want nothing better than to provoke police.

No one in the Tea … Read More

The Conservative Party USA initiates “Made in America” Campaign

The Conservative Party USA urges all Americans to help revive and sustain the America economy by purchasing products made in the United States whenever possible.

No other political party has officially adopted a common sense policy that encourages Americans to understand the high cost of cheap imports and the long-term value of buying American.  No single shift in economic behavior will have a greater, faster and positive impact on the U.S. economy than buying products made in America.

Buying American products doesn’t require an Act of Congress.  It needs no special tax legislation or international trade pacts.  It has no downside.  But it will help slash  It will also increase revenues, reduce annual budget deficits and help melt our growing national debt glacier without government intervention or tax increases.

CP-USA firmly believes that legitimate profit motive is compatible with Economic Patriotism which:  Reduces regulatory and tax burdens on small business; Provides tax incentives … Read More


Anyone reading the mission statement of the Conservative Party USA will understand that our primary purpose is to restore the limits and boundaries of government as defined by our founding documents.  You may hear comments like our being willing to return to the days of slavery and other such nonsense.  Conservatives need to be clear that the desire to be as close as possible to the ideals of self-government and Federalism as expressed in our founding documents, no way suggests that we would be willing tolerate the horrendous abuses of our shared history.  It is the size and scope of the modern Federal government that I question and believe that a restoration of the founding first principles of Federalism would be beneficial to our whole society.

Our founding documents established for the first time in history, a form of government where individuals had control of their own efforts and property.  … Read More

Big Corporate America

If power corrupts through bigness, why cannot I pose the point that power corrupts Corporate America because of its size? And, I pose the additional point that Corporate America is as incestuous in its conduct as we blame Big Government. Big Government is bad; Big Corporate America is bad.

Wow, you may say. Sam, I thought you where for free enterprise. Sir/Madam, You would have difficulty finding another as strong as I am for free enterprise. My beef about Corporate America falls along the theoretical lines of enumerated powers discussed in government. It goes like this.

Microsoft was started in a garage, so the story goes, and look at its size. I have no problem there. Hewlett Packard, somewhat the same story. Now, these are broad-brush illustration, so let’s not counter with any small deviations within these two companies. My “stretch” here is that these two companies, although huge, operate … Read More

Conservative Party names Andrew Grant White as Vice President

Conservative Party USA is pleased to announce it has hired Andrew Grant White as Vice President of Business Development.  “I welcome Andrew to his new leadership role.” commented H. Michael Hervey, CP-USA’s Chairman.  “Andrew’s extensive political experience and financial background will be invaluable in our Party’s fund raising efforts and membership outreach.”

Now living back in his home town of Huntsville, AL (NASA’s home), Andrew says “I was a classical liberal in the South and a conservative in California. Difference was 5 days in a truck.” That was merely the beginning.  Andrew’s financial/networking ability rapidly expanded from San Francisco to London, England.  Rising through Citigroup to UBS amid asset turn-around, he also served as Vice Chairman of Republicans Abroad (UK).

Andrew returned in 2002 via a 30,000-mile trip to rediscover America. He settled in Connecticut and his family expanded: Olivia Rose and Sophie Grace. He became an entrepreneur, was named … Read More